Why Trump is becoming a VERY VERY Effective CEO for the United States!

Job numbers are just a continuation of Obamas economy
You mean of the Republican economy. The American people turned House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states over to Republicans once Barack Insane Obama collapsed the world economy.

People like Scott Walker implemented the conservative policies that created jobs and turned around Wisconsin. Same with John Kasich in Ohio, Rick Snyder in Michigan, etc.
Then explain why Obama's 2016 jobs numbers are ahead of Trumps, who because of big June numbers, just caught up to Obama
That is not true so why would I try and explain it. You need to turn off the fake news it is scrambling your brain.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth
Over two million jobs were created in 2016,

The final chapter of the Obama economy drew that much closer to its end on Friday, with the final jobs report of the 44th president's time in office. That report showed the 75th straight month of job growth, with employers adding 156,000 jobs.

Solid, but nothing flashy

I like better than that, why don't you? Trump is making Obama look as if he was purposely trying to hold our nation back economically.
A 2% gain in 8 feckless years makes your point nonsensical. Keep the blinders on.
deanrd recently started a thread where he talks about being retired, but uses taxpayers $ for his medical needs. He's been bashing Trump because he thinks he'll lose his Obamacare coverage.
The dumbass thinks taxpayers should be responsible for his piss poor decisions.

People need to start making smarter decisions for themselves. We shouldn't be catering to the rderps in our society.
I wonder when the deplorable conservative side of America is gonna realise just how out of step they are with the rest of the world...and not in a good way....
I wonder when inbred, outback Aussies are going to realize that they are illiterate. But...to answer your question...when you lead the rest of the world - you're "out of step". The rest of the world follows in our steps. Your extreme nation envy just proves it.
I wonder when inbred, outback Aussies are going to realize that they are illiterate. But...to answer your question...when you lead the rest of the world - you're "out of step". The rest of the world follows in our steps. Your extreme nation envy just proves it.

How am I illiterate? Fool.

Yeah, everybody is following in your steps....:cuckoo:
How am I illiterate? Fool.
You mean other than the fact that you spelled realize as "realise"? :lmao:

Jesus dude...you're so fuck'n stupid I highlighted your mistake and then mocked it in my post and you still need someone to explain it to you.
I'm hoping that maybe you're too young or old to remember when having little political experience was a bad thing...when it was Obama.

DumBama was a US Senator and served in his state government. Like I said, Trump was never even on a school board in his life.

Exactly and either you're too young or old to remember that little to no experience was a bad thing...now it's a good thing.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's an experiment that needs to be monitored.

Obviously our founders didn't think it was such a bad thing. Trump fits all of their qualifications to be President of the United States. If he does a good or even great job, it may become a trend. Who knows? Maybe the problem we've all been making is hiring professional politicians for the job.

Way to sit the fence. Is it a good thing or bad thing? Who knows! If he does good then it's good..of he does great then that's great.

Let's ignore the current record and look into the future with only two possibilities. Good or great!

But Obama having a little experience is all bad. No experience is...well, maybe good or bad. Also some mention of the founders and what they believed because hey, theyreally dead so we can say they believed whatever we want!

Or maybe they were brilliant enough to understand the limitations professional politicians would give us.

A political career is just like a business career. Usually you start small, work your way up the ladder, and along the way, rub elbows with powerful people who see you going somewhere and lend a helping hand for future favors. Once at the top of the ladder, you remember all the people that helped you get there.

Trump came to the white house clean. His involvement with politicians was giving them a hand up for business favors in return. Political favors? He owed nobody when he became President. Taking the job of President was not a step up for him or the apex of a fine career. It seems to me he only wanted the job to correct a lot of things he seen wrong with the country. When he's done either this term or next, I don't expect him to be writing books or making speeches for money.
President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!

How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)


I work in healthcare. I saw how Obamacare devastated a hospitals ability to provide proper care. I also saw many good people lose their jobs because of it.

I can only guess I was given an increase because they know I deserve it, and can now afford to give me one.

How can ACA devastate a hospitals ability to provide proper care when ACA provides more people with insurance to pay for care?

Who lost their job because of ACA?

Let me guess. You received a raise for no reason and you're afraid to ask why because you think they made a mistake.
Wrong. CEO's provide direction. Subordinates eliminate waste and dead-weight.
Snowflake...you're a typical left-wing welfare queen. You have no idea what goes on in corporate America. CEO's eliminate waste and dead-weight by providing that as their "direction". They will decide product lines to completely eliminate, departments to cut, etc.

No go cash your welfare check and let the adults talk - ok?

Eliminating waste is day to day operations. CEO's aren't involved.
Or maybe they were brilliant enough to understand the limitations professional politicians would give us.

Maybe? Did they say it or not? Is experience good and bad? Some is bad but none is good? Which is it? Pick a side already.

Maybes isn't a position. You wouldn't say "maybe I'm smart".
President Trump is doing an awesome job. I'm actually amazed at how well he's doing.
We couldn't have voted for a better person to fix the BS democrats created over the past several years.

It's great knowing I can start having pride in our country again. :)

I don't ever want to see another democrat elected!

How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)


I work in healthcare. I saw how Obamacare devastated a hospitals ability to provide proper care. I also saw many good people lose their jobs because of it.

I can only guess I was given an increase because they know I deserve it, and can now afford to give me one.

How can ACA devastate a hospitals ability to provide proper care when ACA provides more people with insurance to pay for care?

Who lost their job because of ACA?

Let me guess. You received a raise for no reason and you're afraid to ask why because you think they made a mistake.
There was a lot going on behind closed doors I wasn't privy to. It all started within a few months of obamas BS healthcare plan.

It was a scene I hope I'll never see again.
It's also why I never want to see another democrat making decisions for this country.
Job numbers are just a continuation of Obamas economy
You mean of the Republican economy. The American people turned House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states over to Republicans once Barack Insane Obama collapsed the world economy.

People like Scott Walker implemented the conservative policies that created jobs and turned around Wisconsin. Same with John Kasich in Ohio, Rick Snyder in Michigan, etc.

How exactly is Wisconsin doing today?
Jeeze woodhead is ignoring me lol

Wonder why, As I see it every other word in Trumps speech is not DUHH, DUUHHH, DUHHHH the teleprompter is where I cant see it DUHHHH what does that say,, DUUUUHHHHH. The speeches he makes are so far over your liberal kindergarten threshold that you can't fill in the blanks and connect the dots. That is why we ignore those of you who are liberals your learning curve stopped about the time you learned to utter DUUUHHHH!!. As for job numbers, we are getting REAL NEW non service related jobs , not just projected lies of how many new after school jobs were created.
Job numbers are just a continuation of Obamas economy

The government nor politicians create jobs--private industry creates jobs. All politicians can do is make it more or less inviting for private industry to so so.

DumBama was the most anti-business President in my lifetime. If not for the Republicans in Congress, he would have devastated this county. He attacked big oil, he attacked the coal industry, he attacked the tobacco industry, he attacked the bank and credit card industries, he attacked car dealerships, he attacked Gibson Guitar for crying out loud.

When businesses see we have a President with his gun sights on them, they are reluctant to make real investments that create real jobs. Even if Trump does nothing to help create jobs, he at least gives businesses a sigh of relief and they can work on expanding their industries instead of worrying about what attacks will come next from the government.
How are them jobs for the working class and livable wages doin'?

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)


I work in healthcare. I saw how Obamacare devastated a hospitals ability to provide proper care. I also saw many good people lose their jobs because of it.

I can only guess I was given an increase because they know I deserve it, and can now afford to give me one.

How can ACA devastate a hospitals ability to provide proper care when ACA provides more people with insurance to pay for care?

Who lost their job because of ACA?

Let me guess. You received a raise for no reason and you're afraid to ask why because you think they made a mistake.
There was a lot going on behind closed doors I wasn't privy to. It all started within a few months of obamas BS healthcare plan.

It was a scene I hope I'll never see again.
It's also why I never want to see another democrat making decisions for this country.

Again, how can more paying customers devastate a business?
Maybe? Did they say it or not? Is experience good and bad? Some is bad but none is good? Which is it? Pick a side already.

Maybes isn't a position. You wouldn't say "maybe I'm smart".

The US Constitution makes it quite clear what the presidential requirements are, and a professional politician isn't one of them.

I'm sure the founders expected professional politicians to take the job, but they didn't restrict farmers or laborers from becoming President either in the event pro politicians didn't make the grade, and that's what we are seeing with this presidency today.

I got an unexpected pay increase shortly after Trump was elected. :)


I work in healthcare. I saw how Obamacare devastated a hospitals ability to provide proper care. I also saw many good people lose their jobs because of it.

I can only guess I was given an increase because they know I deserve it, and can now afford to give me one.

How can ACA devastate a hospitals ability to provide proper care when ACA provides more people with insurance to pay for care?

Who lost their job because of ACA?

Let me guess. You received a raise for no reason and you're afraid to ask why because you think they made a mistake.
There was a lot going on behind closed doors I wasn't privy to. It all started within a few months of obamas BS healthcare plan.

It was a scene I hope I'll never see again.
It's also why I never want to see another democrat making decisions for this country.

Again, how can more paying customers devastate a business?
Read the 10,000+ pages of BS that was Obamacare.

I can't believe people are still scratching their heads wondering how Trump managed to kick Hillarys worthless ass out of the political arena. lol
Wrong. CEO's provide direction. Subordinates eliminate waste and dead-weight.
Snowflake...you're a typical left-wing welfare queen. You have no idea what goes on in corporate America. CEO's eliminate waste and dead-weight by providing that as their "direction". They will decide product lines to completely eliminate, departments to cut, etc.

No go cash your welfare check and let the adults talk - ok?

Eliminating waste is day to day operations. CEO's aren't involved.

The CEO's rely on management and supervisors to do those jobs for them. Those people get paid by how well they do their jobs. If there is too much waste or the workers are underperforming, managers and supervisors are the first to get the boot.

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