Why un-informed people say Obama is likeable...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A thread on this forum is titles:"Americans say Our President IS VERY Likeable "

Well of course he is likable! (correct spelling by the way because spell checker has "likeable" underlined red dotted line)..

Most of those that like him like his style. They also like him because he is 1/2 black. They like him because it shows that people that like him are not racists!
Some of those that "like" him like him because he doesn't appear as an angry black man.

It also does show though how these people that like him are grossly uninformed!

They obviously NEVER read this as I did from Obama's book:"Dreams from My Father"
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Once again.. "tricks", "tactics", everything to keep the truth from coming out!!!

And these same un-informed NEVER heard Obama say:
1) "I'd like higher gas prices.." ..........THANKS to the EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
Really you think MOST people want to have higher gas prices????

2) “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
Really you think MOST people want to have higher utility rates??????

3)" So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can. it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Really you think MOST people want to have companies go bankrupt???

4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
Really you think MOST people want to have our BEST OIL supplier be from a foreign supplier????

5) "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop:
-- paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
-- 400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
Really you think MOST people want to have their neighbors out of work, or have to make up the $100 billion in taxes... REALLY????

6) Since Obama NEVER was in the military he had NO problem saying our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians".

7) Obama still thinks there 46 million uninsured because HE doesn't evidently know that:
a) 10 million are not citizens but he counts them as Uninsured!
b) 14 million all they have to do is enroll but OBAMA counts them as uninsured.. why doesn't he just enroll them??? instead of counting them?
c) 18 million Obama WANTS to force buying health insurance THAT don't want it, can afford it (make over $50k!) and pay their own expenses out of pocket.

That means there are less the 4 million that if Obama/Congress hadn't taken $300 million in lawyers'donations the 4 million could be covered from a 10% tax on the $200 billion lawyers!

8) And for those of you that are in this category..i.e. WHITE Americans...
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters"

An analysis by Gallup earlier this year revealed that Mr. Obama has been the most polarizing occupant of the Oval Office in the past 60 years.
Obama's Fourth Year in Office Ties as Most Polarized Ever

EDITORIAL: Obama's gaffes not for laughs - Washington Times

Most polarizing president....
I use that trick quite often...ppl are generally scared or cautious around black males so you have to poor on extra charm just to overcome that
Well of course he's "likeable", how else do you expect the Bankers to implement their system if their President is an asshole?
I use that trick quite often...ppl are generally scared or cautious around black males so you have to poor on extra charm just to overcome that

So he couldn't have become president based on his experiences, his competence?

Sad the Democrats have to depend on tricks by black people to be elected.
Seems a shame that they rejected Harold ford as National Democrat party chairman... he's black while the conservatives have no problem with people like the below:

Allen Bernard West (born February 7, 1961) is a former United States politician. He joined the United States Army in 1982, a year before receiving a B.A. in political science. In 1986, West earned an M.A. in political science at Kansas State University.

Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr. (born September 18, 1951) is an African American neurosurgeon and the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, by President George W. Bush in 2008.

Timothy Eugene "Tim" Scott (born September 19, 1965) is an American politician, a member of the Republican Party and the junior United States Senator for South Carolina, in office since 2013.

Artur Genestre Davis (born October 9, 1967) is an American attorney and former politician. Davis served in the United States House of Representatives representing Alabama's 7th congressional district from 2003 to 2011. He was also a candidate for governor of Alabama in the 2010 Democratic Gubernatorial Primary. He changed his party affiliation from the Democratic to the Republican Party in 2012.

These are just four of the growing number of "black" conservatives that many of us "angry white Men" would vote for, donate to and work for as each had more experiences then Obama had when he was elected as President!

And these aren't smiling, jiving, "hey whasup" stereotypical good boy blacks!
I use that trick quite often...ppl are generally scared or cautious around black males so you have to poor on extra charm just to overcome that

So he couldn't have become president based on his experiences, his competence?

He did and what he said was the truth. Blacks have to always be aware at how ppl perceive them. Get mad, have a bad day etc and you become the "angry black man". Walk around a store you become the potential shop lifter.

So, Professional blacks will often "watch themselves" to not stir up those stereotypes. I don't ask the Cashier "whats up" and smile because I like him its because ppl get nervous and if you kill them with kindness they wont be on the defensive.

It's not some weird voodoo like you are pretending...it's human nature
I use that trick quite often...ppl are generally scared or cautious around black males so you have to poor on extra charm just to overcome that

So he couldn't have become president based on his experiences, his competence?

He did and what he said was the truth. Blacks have to always be aware at how ppl perceive them. Get mad, have a bad day etc and you become the "angry black man". Walk around a store you become the potential shop lifter.

So, Professional blacks will often "watch themselves" to not stir up those stereotypes. I don't ask the Cashier "whats up" and smile because I like him its because ppl get nervous and if you kill them with kindness they wont be on the defensive.

It's not some weird voodoo like you are pretending...it's human nature

So I as a white man, storming through a store grabbing my crotch, calling people mo.fo's i.e. typical behavior of ANY idiot even a "black" man..wouldn't cause people to look suspiciously?
I had a black 2nd cousin.. in the 50s in Iowa. I had a black partner in Tx in the 70s. I had a black boss in the 90s in Fl and not one of them acted like a "black angry" man! That is a myth that blacks evidently like YOU really believe!

So you too are a phony black man? You think you have to "fool" people?

What a sad state of an environment you must have grown up in when you were taught as a kid to act angry? To shout "whasup"???

That was how you were raised? Thank goodness you overcame that background and act civilized!
But you missed the point that Obama was perpetuating when he said that!
YOU don't have to be a phony and use tricks with the cashier! Geez don't grab your crouch snarl and be you white or black the rest of society won't be afraid!
I don't know what you are trying to do. Maybe you want to get my dander up or something but the actions I explained are typical of anyone of any race attempting to fit in or not raise any eyebrows.

You'd like to make fitting in socially (which Obama describes) as some sort of nefarious witchcraft. It's normal. Calm down...don't jump
I despise both Obama and Bush's politics for the most part, but I found both of them likeable. Every President I can think of in recent history (short of maybe Nixon) came across as likeable. Presidential races are more a game of image than substance nowadays. Even if a majority of Americans agreed with Newt Gingrich's ideas, he never stood a chance due to his "likeability". Welcome to the age of shallow politics.
So he couldn't have become president based on his experiences, his competence?

He did and what he said was the truth. Blacks have to always be aware at how ppl perceive them. Get mad, have a bad day etc and you become the "angry black man". Walk around a store you become the potential shop lifter.

So, Professional blacks will often "watch themselves" to not stir up those stereotypes. I don't ask the Cashier "whats up" and smile because I like him its because ppl get nervous and if you kill them with kindness they wont be on the defensive.

It's not some weird voodoo like you are pretending...it's human nature

So I as a white man, storming through a store grabbing my crotch, calling people mo.fo's i.e. typical behavior of ANY idiot even a "black" man..wouldn't cause people to look suspiciously?
I had a black 2nd cousin.. in the 50s in Iowa. I had a black partner in Tx in the 70s. I had a black boss in the 90s in Fl and not one of them acted like a "black angry" man! That is a myth that blacks evidently like YOU really believe!

So you too are a phony black man? You think you have to "fool" people?

What a sad state of an environment you must have grown up in when you were taught as a kid to act angry? To shout "whasup"???

That was how you were raised? Thank goodness you overcame that background and act civilized!
But you missed the point that Obama was perpetuating when he said that!
YOU don't have to be a phony and use tricks with the cashier! Geez don't grab your crouch snarl and be you white or black the rest of society won't be afraid!

Holy fuck, you're old...Now I see why you focus so much on race and have all these outdated ideas about Blacks and pretty much every minority.

Explains a lot
I don't like to call them "uninformed".

Many of them have been informed, they choose to ignore it or even outright reject the facts that slap them in the face. Calling them "uninformed" gives them plausible deniability and takes away from their own responsibility to seek out the truth and analyze the facts in order to draw an accurate conclusion and make informed choices.

They're not even just willfully ignorant in some cases. Most of the bed wetters on this forum resist critical thinking, and seek to shut down the disemination of facts that expose just how insane their world view is.
Don't you love how the rabid right always take a few word out of context. I think most Americans understand their tactic. At least in 2012 they did.

"We've got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there,"

The above quote gets turned into "he (Obama) had NO problem saying our military methodically planned and executed 'air raids on villages killing civilians'. "

Speaking of un-informed. Well maybe not un-informed, just deceitful.
Health throws about as many "get off my lawn-isms" as he can to try to make a point. He's just a shit kicker
Usually when I'm around African American males, I become afraid and my trigger finger starts itching. (-: But I find the Obama family to be actually non-offensive. The girls are cute. Michelle is as much a class act as Laura. Not that I'd want to live next door to an egotistical Hah-vahd law professor, or have beers with him. And I certainly wouldn't vote for him.

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