Why was Hitler's Workers' Party called Right?

Wrong! The reactionary regressives are the political Left in the USA, especially the AntiFa and BLM, etc.
Horse crap and I will shovel your nonsense every time. I described it perfectly. BLM and antifa are social reform movements, not political thug movements like the J6 crowd.
The Swastika is much, much older than the 1920s.
And can mean different things depending on which direction it "turns".
I don't really care for, or about Wiki - there isn't a single primary source that would indicate - not even to mention proof, that Hitler was ever a member or in alliance with a socialist party.

Many parties at the time incorporated the term worker or social into their party name - in order to recruit nationalists or national motivated people away from socialist and communist parties.
Hitler was know for hating and detesting the aristocracy - it was the Weimar government (social democrats) that had taken away aristocratic privileges - and Hitler also wanted to take credit for that, hence branding them as the true capitalists - (being against the workers) - and the workers were his foremost prey - before the NSDAP became attractive to the bourgeoisie.
The key with Wiki is to scroll to the bottom of an article and see the sources cited. Also consider going to those sources for more detail, accuracy, etc.
Horse crap and I will shovel your nonsense every time. I described it perfectly. BLM and antifa are social reform movements, not political thug movements like the J6 crowd.
You're the male bovine dung!
AntiFa and BLM and company were the street thugs of the Summer of 2020 whom gave the USA about 120 days in several cities of insurrection, looting, arson, vandalism, attacks upon local-state federal office building, illegal occupation of private and public property, assaults and murders, and other forms of sedition.

Their "social reform" is anarchy, destruction, sedition, and insurrection. They are destroyers of society, not builders. They are Sith, to use a Star Wars term.
It was just a ploy to replace Christianity in German society and culture with something more bloody and amoral. Christian theology is a threat to all kinds of sociopathic agendas. The Soviets just substituted The Party. Hitler and Himmler tried both paganism and The Party.
Both the Soviets and the Nazis supplanted religious faith with The State in the role of God....Not at all unlike what today's Democrat Party has been doing for nigh a century.
You're the male bovine dung!
AntiFa and BLM and company were the street thugs of the Summer of 2020 whom gave the USA about 120 days in several cities of insurrection, looting, arson, vandalism, attacks upon local-state federal office building, illegal occupation of private and public property, assaults and murders, and other forms of sedition.

Their "social reform" is anarchy, destruction, sedition, and insurrection. They are destroyers of society, not builders. They are Sith, to use a Star Wars term.
More than 15,000 were arrested, thousands went to jail, millions of dollars in fines.

The rioters (some of them rightwing black ops characters) were a small portion of the protesters.

J6 were thugs, and 400 plus are in jail and prison, some for almost 20 years.
Extreme left means tyranny. Extreme right means anarchy.
NAZIs were tyrannical. You tell me if it was left or right.
More than 15,000 were arrested, thousands went to jail, millions of dollars in fines.

The rioters (some of them rightwing black ops characters) were a small portion of the protesters.

J6 were thugs, and 400 plus are in jail and prison, some for almost 20 years.
1) IIRC, was more like hundreds not thousands arrested and 90+% had charges dropped. Then the remaining also saw little if any consequence. If you can document the accuracy of your defending and enabling claim of that first sentence, please do so.

2) Please document~prove this claim that "rightwing black ops characters" were involved in the insurrections and chaos of the Summer 2020 violence of AntiFa and BLM, etc.

3) J6 for the most part were hardly thugs by their actions, but jail and prison sentences were far out of proportion compared to the real insurrectionists, seditionists, and rebels of AntiFa and BLM during the Summer of 2020. None of the J6 looted, burned, occupied private businesses and they only operated for a few hours on ONE DAY, in one locale. Your friends and allies of AntiFa and BLM sustained their insurrections for months and in several cities across this nation. They were closer to the real sort of threat to government and peace shown historically than a few hundred clowns let into an office building for a few hours on one day ~ none of whom claimed to be replacing the lawful occupants of those offices nor that they were "autonomous" to laws of the land and should be the new rulers.

Your AntiFa and BLM goons and traitors were the real seditionists and insurrectioniusts whom threatened the sovereignty and security of our Nation.
The right can be tyrannical, and I tell you that I think you have predisposed definitions that don't meet reality.
Past century has shown the Left to be far more tyrannical than the right.
Also, you left wingnuts have you own definitions that don't match reality.
Such as claiming to be "progressive" when in reality you are "regressive" seeking to return to where the State has infinite rights and citizens none.
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It was just a ploy to replace Christianity in German society and culture with something more bloody and amoral. Christian theology is a threat to all kinds of sociopathic agendas. The Soviets just substituted The Party. Hitler and Himmler tried both paganism and The Party.
Ever hear of the Spanish Inquisition, or the witch hunts/burnings of a couple centuries ago?
Both done in the name of Christianity!
Not a ploy, but a manipulation of where German society and culture was focused and involved in at the time. Seen as a purging of the evil influences of other ideologies and beliefs. Common device throughout history.
I will document Stryder's request once he documents "IIRC, was more like hundreds not thousands arrested and 90+% had charges dropped. Then the remaining also saw little if any consequence. If you can document the accuracy of your defending and enabling claim of that first sentence, please do so."
Yeah, and...?
Yeah well... the CPC does not behold a racist policy, nor is a racist dogma included in the constitution, therefore the CPC isn't RIGHT WING - fool

Junkers was privately owned and due to missing capital liquidity - the RLM took it's chance to acquire 51% of Junkers forming the shareholder company, Junkers AG
That Junkers widow, decided in 1936 to sell her remaining 49% share is her private issue and not that of the State. Junkers was also known to be openly anti-Nazi - ignoramus

So due to the RLM controlling 100% of Junkers AG from 1936 onward, is proof to you that the Nazi's owned and controlled the entire German economy? - laughable

Nazi Germany from 1939 in case you haven't noticed was in a major war - and the Nazi's had been preparing for war since 1934, so where do you think the major orders for arms-manufactures came from 1934 onward?
All other non military related companies and manufacturers produced civil goods till 1943 - Goebbels total war speech - enabled Speer's ministry to divert civil goods manufacturers to produce military related goods - the Nazi-State never owned or controlled these companies. But had a decisive impact onto their revenue.

But do feel free to show me any other e.g. aircraft manufacturers - that were owned by the State. And to have a decisive impact onto the revenue of a military manufacturer due to a war, doesn't imply controlling the company nor owning it.

Your company produces e.g. 10,000 bump stocks a year - then your MAGA party orders 100,000 bump stocks from your company per year - so according to you, MAGA then controls and owns your company?
Your State enforces a speed limit - so according to you, the State controls and owns you and your car? - you simpleton.
Yeah well... the CPC does not behold a racist policy, nor is a racist dogma included in the constitution, therefore the CPC isn't RIGHT WING - fool

Junkers was privately owned and due to missing capital liquidity - the RLM took it's chance to acquire 51% of Junkers forming the shareholder company, Junkers AG
That Junkers widow, decided in 1936 to sell her remaining 49% share is her private issue and not that of the State. Junkers was also known to be openly anti-Nazi - ignoramus

So due to the RLM controlling 100% of Junkers AG from 1936 onward, is proof to you that the Nazi's owned and controlled the entire German economy? - laughable

Nazi Germany from 1939 in case you haven't noticed was in a major war - and the Nazi's had been preparing for war since 1934, so where do you think the major orders for arms-manufactures came from 1934 onward?
All other non military related companies and manufacturers produced civil goods till 1943 - Goebbels total war speech - enabled Speer's ministry to divert civil goods manufacturers to produce military related goods - the Nazi-State never owned or controlled these companies. But had a decisive impact onto their revenue.

But do feel free to show me any other e.g. aircraft manufacturers - that were owned by the State. And to have a decisive impact onto the revenue of a military manufacturer due to a war, doesn't imply controlling the company nor owning it.

Your company produces e.g. 10,000 bump stocks a year - then your MAGA party orders 100,000 bump stocks from your company per year - so according to you, MAGA then controls and owns your company?
Your State enforces a speed limit - so according to you, the State controls and owns you and your car? - you simpleton.
Junkers was an example, sub-imbecile.....The family also had political differences with the Nazis, which made their quasi-nationalization all but inevitable.

Where was Willy Messerschmitt going to sell his aircraft?...Who paid him to build fighters instead of airliners?

How about Maybach and BMW?...You think Hilter would have been just fine with them making race car engines instead of tank engines?

You think Krupp could just freelance and sell their guns to the highest bidder?

This has nothing to do with Trump or MAGA, pinhead....That you would invoke them just goes to show how tragically thin your asinine argument is.
Peter Frizsche's book "Germans into Nazis" refers to them as being on the right in several places. Its from 1998.

Also "Fascism a history" from Roger Eatwell published in 1997 says the same.

which books say Hitler is on the left?
IIRC the terms Left wing, Center and Right wing - actually originate in the seating order of the Imperial German Parliament from 1871 onward.

The Center (conservatives and aristocracy) were seated in the Center - socialists and communists for some reason on the Left - and nationalists and ultra conservatives on the Right.
Since then this simplified designation Left and Right became a standard definition towards a parties orientation or it's program.

If one checks onto parliament seating distribution graphics during the 20'ies, 30'ies one can also clearly notice this.
Junkers was an example, sub-imbecile.....The family also had political differences with the Nazis, which made their quasi-nationalization all but inevitable.

Where was Willy Messerschmitt going to sell his aircraft?...Who paid him to build fighters instead of airliners?

How about Maybach and BMW?...You think Hilter would have been just fine with them making race car engines instead of tank engines?

You think Krupp could just freelance and sell their guns to the highest bidder?

This has nothing to do with Trump or MAGA, pinhead....That you would invoke them just goes to show how tragically thin your asinine argument is.
No need for your " asinine assumptions" answer the question:

Your company produces e.g. 10,000 bump stocks a year - then your MAGA party orders 100,000 bump stocks from your company per year - so according to you, MAGA then controls and owns your company?
Your State enforces a speed limit - so according to you, the State controls and owns you and your car? - you simpleton.
Far, far left (Stalin, Mao, Castro): Centrally planned economies, one-party military dictatorship, propaganda press, brutal police state, social stratification via political affiliation, deification of The State, concentration/slave labor camps for dissenters and other "undesirables".

Far, far right (Hitler, Mussolini): Centrally planned economies, one-party military dictatorship, propaganda press, brutal police state, social stratification via political affiliation, deification of The State, concentration/slave labor camps for dissenters and other "undesirables".

DUUUUUDE, they're totally on the opposite side of the spectrum!!!
No need for your " asinine assumptions" answer the question:

Your company produces e.g. 10,000 bump stocks a year - then your MAGA party orders 100,000 bump stocks from your company per year - so according to you, MAGA then controls and owns your company?
If your company can't get by on sales of 10,000 per year, and The State steps in to become your primary "customer", who really controls the company?....You going to tell your "best customer" no?
Your State enforces a speed limit - so according to you, the State controls and owns you and your car? - you simpleton.
The car is operated on a public "right of way" ....It's not your road it's their road, shitfebrains.

You're way out of your league here, Chumlee.
If your company can't get by on sales of 10,000 per year, and The State steps in to become your primary "customer", who really controls the company?....You going to tell your "best customer" no?

The car is operated on a public "right of way" ....It's not your road it's their road, shitfebrains.

You're way out of your league here, Chumlee.
You are circumventing the answer - the question was clearly:
Your company produces e.g. 10,000 bump stocks a year - then your MAGA party orders 100,000 bump stocks from your company per year - so according to you, MAGA then controls and owns your company? Yes or no
Your State enforces a speed limit - so according to you, the State controls and owns you and your car? Yes or no

Mussolini actually did try to control the economy - but failed miserably
Franco did control the Spanish economy - and Spain's economy failed miserably

Hitler and the Nazis NEVER planed or controlled the economy - they simply send out their purchase orders -
unlike Stalin the Nazi's could even set/dictate the prices and production rate - unlike Stalin - no German company owner was ever imprisoned, shot or send to a Gulag/KZ for not fulfilling an order or a quota.

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