Why was Jesus born?

And I will ask the Father, and he
will give you another Counselor
to be with you forever the
Spirit of truth.
John 14:16-17
But when he, the Spirit of truth,
comes, he will guide you into
all truth.
John 16:13
But when he, the Spirit of truth,
comes, he will guide you into
all truth.

you are really dense ...
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.

that's why your 4th century christianity has a history of oppression and murder from that time to the present ... obviously the truth is not in your book, you do not understand it and it has not motivated you to conquer evil. as it is your agenda over history that proves to be evil.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth

your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
But when he, the Spirit of truth,
comes, he will guide you into
all truth.
John 16:13
But when he, the Spirit of truth,
comes, he will guide you into
all truth.

you are really dense ...
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.

that's why your 4th century christianity has a history of oppression and murder from that time to the present ... obviously the truth is not in your book, you do not understand it and it has not motivated you to conquer evil. as it is your agenda over history that proves to be evil.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth

your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Jesus was born to be pierced...
Using the standard to place him everwhere it says pierced in scripture Jesus=the dragon.
-Isaiah 51:9
...the time will come when
men will not put up with sound
doctrine. Instead, to suit their own
desires, they will gather around
them a great number of teachers to
say what their itching ears want to
hear. They will turn their ears away
from the truth and turn aside
to myths.
2 Timothy 4:3-4

YEAH but the problem is you disagree with what even your own texts say not just the Tanakh, cause when I post both OT and your NT and even your claimed idols words you use the generic cuss words and ad hominems and post stuff like this about truth. You inadvertantly are admitting you think even your own faith's texts and arguments are lies. Thatcs why you should stick to refuting whatcs said not the personal attacks. You seem to not know the difference between refutation and truth compated to your lacking refutation and personal attacking nature to avoid said truth. This is why you are going bollistic while the rest of us chew popcorn in amazement how low someone can sink protecting a massive lie.

That being said stop using selective verses
1 Timothy 2:11-15 shows they hated woman and we know Satan hates woman.
Why skip 1 Timothy
when reading 2 Timothy, are you embarassed by it?
One of Christianity's claimed verses fulfilled was
"being born out of a woman".
However this verse that all 6 billion of us fulfill is one Jesus born out of a pen did not fill and makes the OP a giant lie.
You have to prove he existed before you can dare ask that question and Christians have never ben able to prove it without self testimony, which ironically the penned character says is therefore false.
Jesus wasn't born at all, as he never existed to ask the OP question. He was created as an image of a man through what Christians call is the sinful nature of man and the power of Rome to create an image of a false prophet that Rome will use to draw a one world religion and deceive the world.
This is what Christianity teaches themselves using scripture like Ezekiel 28 snd John of Patmos warnings of Rev.
Since Ding and others can't bring Jesus here to defend himself nor prove he existed they need to use smokescreen ad hominems instead of historical sources and evidence. Truth needs no ranting cussing breakdown, truth can defend itself without excuses or smokescreens or tactics in avoidance.
Jesus was born because his mom got pregnant and gave birth to him. What problem are you having with this?
you are really dense ...
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.

that's why your 4th century christianity has a history of oppression and murder from that time to the present ... obviously the truth is not in your book, you do not understand it and it has not motivated you to conquer evil. as it is your agenda over history that proves to be evil.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth

your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth

4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is good, and pleases God our
Savior, who wants all men to be
saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.

that's why your 4th century christianity has a history of oppression and murder from that time to the present ... obviously the truth is not in your book, you do not understand it and it has not motivated you to conquer evil. as it is your agenda over history that proves to be evil.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth

your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth

4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
For a criminal who was put to death by the superpower of His day, He sure has a lot of haters 2000 years later.
Because God raped his mother.
Or she had premarital sex.
One of the two.
It's worse, they are saying he's also the father that impregnated his mother=incest.
But not one of them know the father's name or even his name.-Yikes!

But yeah the NT admits the premarital affair in Matthew 1:19
For a criminal who was put to death by the superpower of His day, He sure has a lot of haters 2000 years later.

So you admit Jesus causes hate in the world not love. :)
You guys are so sure of your theology and mythology that you have a lot of hate in you for those who use scripture to prove you wrong.
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that's why your 4th century christianity has a history of oppression and murder from that time to the present ... obviously the truth is not in your book, you do not understand it and it has not motivated you to conquer evil. as it is your agenda over history that proves to be evil.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth

your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth

4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?

that's your problem, we know the book that made you and its history, maybe begin with a comic book and work from there. true believers have the truthful spoken religion from antiquity you do not understand all of a few sentences - good luck.
For a criminal who was put to death by the superpower of His day, He sure has a lot of haters 2000 years later.

So you admit Jesus causes hate in the world not love. :)
You guys are so sure of your theology and mythology that you have a lot of hate in you for those who use scripture to prove you wrong.
View attachment 106947
No. I don't admit that, but thanks for putting those words in my mouth so that you could then go on a strawman ride.
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being
revealed...of men who suppress the truth

your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth

4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?

that's your problem, we know the book that made you and its history, maybe begin with a comic book and work from there. true believers have the truthful spoken religion from antiquity you do not understand all of a few sentences - good luck.
Do you not have a book?
your 4th century makebelieve religion is being exposed for its fallacy ... against the Almighty
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth

4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?

that's your problem, we know the book that made you and its history, maybe begin with a comic book and work from there. true believers have the truthful spoken religion from antiquity you do not understand all of a few sentences - good luck.
Do you not have a book?
Do you not have a book?

the Garden Earth is the Almighty's "book" and the collective behavior of all its beings are their lessons. and the spoken religion

what are your books physical verification's for your religion at the time in antiquity you write about for what was said.
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth
Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men
will arise and distort the truth

4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?

that's your problem, we know the book that made you and its history, maybe begin with a comic book and work from there. true believers have the truthful spoken religion from antiquity you do not understand all of a few sentences - good luck.
Do you not have a book?
Do you not have a book?

the Garden Earth is the Almighty's "book" and the collective behavior of all its beings are their lessons. and the spoken religion

what are your books physical verification's for your religion at the time in antiquity you write about for what was said.
Hold on... not so fast. Ok, how do you access the information? What have you learned from it.
4th century chritianity, those same that abandoned Jesus during the crucifixion and used his death for their own shellfish purpose.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?

that's your problem, we know the book that made you and its history, maybe begin with a comic book and work from there. true believers have the truthful spoken religion from antiquity you do not understand all of a few sentences - good luck.
Do you not have a book?
Do you not have a book?

the Garden Earth is the Almighty's "book" and the collective behavior of all its beings are their lessons. and the spoken religion

what are your books physical verification's for your religion at the time in antiquity you write about for what was said.
Hold on... not so fast. Ok, how do you access the information? What have you learned from it.
Hold on... not so fast. Ok, how do you access the information? What have you learned from it.

what poet have you never met ... let me guess, the Empire State Building was forged by God.
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?
Can you tell me which book I should follow to be like you?

that's your problem, we know the book that made you and its history, maybe begin with a comic book and work from there. true believers have the truthful spoken religion from antiquity you do not understand all of a few sentences - good luck.
Do you not have a book?
Do you not have a book?

the Garden Earth is the Almighty's "book" and the collective behavior of all its beings are their lessons. and the spoken religion

what are your books physical verification's for your religion at the time in antiquity you write about for what was said.
Hold on... not so fast. Ok, how do you access the information? What have you learned from it.
Hold on... not so fast. Ok, how do you access the information? What have you learned from it.

what poet have you never met ... let me guess, the Empire State Building was forged by God.
How do you know if Christianity is false if you have nothing else to compare it to? What is the basis for your beliefs? Where did they come from?
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How do you know if Christianity is false if nothing to compare it to? What is the basis for your beliefs? Where did they come from?

For the same reason I don't believe in Scientology. Islam. Taoism. Mormonism. Buddhism. Just made up mumbo jumbo. Humans love making shit up.

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