Why was Mark Esper fired so abruptly?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Here's Espy's interview.

He thought he was going to get fired in June, but it didn't happen because Trump didn't want the political mess.

Now that Trump has lost, he's firing him in a pique.

As for thinking Trump has won

You guys have gone nuts.
He probably wanted an inept, unqualified stooge in that position so he could use the military to retain power by coup.
Either that, or he's planning an invasion of Iran as a wag the dog maneuver to change public sentiment about the election.
Think I'm kidding? - Hide-n-Watch
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Q. Why was Mark Esper fired so abruptly?

A. Putin ordered Trump to fire him.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

Or that Trump is a narcissistic petty man who fires people who don't agree with him.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

He foresaw Biden beating him a year-and-a-half ago. "Everyone was in the loop."
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

Or that Trump is a narcissistic petty man who fires people who don't agree with him.
But there was no need to do it, especially now, and in this manner. This was a chess move.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

He foresaw Biden beating him a year-and-a-half ago. "Everyone was in the loop."
The question is did Biden really beat Trump. The jury is still out. Stay tuned.
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.
Or that Trump is a narcissistic petty man who fires people who don't agree with him.
How does that theory work that you are referring to? I have encountered it several times from brilliant liberals. How do you work constructively with a person who maintains disagreement with the leader of the organization?
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

He foresaw Biden beating him a year-and-a-half ago. "Everyone was in the loop."
The question is did Biden really beat Trump. The jury is still out. Stay tuned.

Yes, and it's not even very close. The only reason the election isn't over is the loser hasn't conceded.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

That's the conclusion I thought of as well.

Trump may be moving pieces into place to declare Martial Law after the media gets overruled by the courts and the bed wetters fraud ballots are thrown out.

I personally do not care if police mow down Queen Antifa's minions and other parasites that crawl out from their hovels and start rioting. There will be no need to use restraint at that point and once several hundred are dropped by riot police and snipers they will scurry off. Hopefully the people who have been organizing and funding the months of chaos in our cities are dragged out of their condos and mansions and thrown into GITMO. It's time the government stopped fucking around with our domestic enemies and did their job.

Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

That's the conclusion I thought of as well.

Trump may be moving pieces into place to declare Martial Law after the media gets overruled by the courts and the bed wetters fraud ballots are thrown out.

I personally do not care if police mow down Queen Antifa's minions and other parasites that crawl out from their hovels and start rioting. There will be no need to use restraint at that point and once several hundred are dropped by riot police and snipers they will scurry off. Hopefully the people who have been organizing and funding the months of chaos in our cities are dragged out of their condos and mansions and thrown into GITMO. It's time the government stopped fucking around with our domestic enemies and did their job.


It's not unexpected that cultists would preserve their leader at the expense of all else.
Like a child with a new toy

That's a perfect way of describing Orange Jesus.

Except that the toy has been thrown out of the pram because he's not getting his way.

And you guys are the indulgent parents.

Esper was an insubordinate dickhead who should have been fired long ago.

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