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Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

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We can do that.....but for them to get the money to pay us for reparations, they will have to seek reparations from white colonizers who took much of the mineral wealth, and profits from it. The thing is that many of the tribes that raided and captured other tribes to sell.....where eventually captured and sold as slaves......or colonized by Europeans.
How much reparations would you consider adequate? Like, per person.
Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule...
Ill take 5 acres and a Dodge Ram 3500.
Somehow I don't think that they'll be satisfied with 40 acres and an animal smarter than they are.
Oh really?

African immigrants now West's new “model minority”?

Obviously, you don't get out much.
What do Africans immigrants have to do with reparations?
I was addressing your racist inference that mules are smarter than blacks. I was in a hurry at the time and just threw that link out there to counter your insinuation. BTW., what did your smart assed quip have to do with reparations?
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Nope. You do understand hat slaves worked for no pay don't you? When you consider we are talking about 245 years at current dollars that might even be a little light. I'm not taking anything to the DNC when the American government made slavery legal. But I see I'm talking to a fool.
YOU haven’t been enslaved or forced to work without pay.
YOU are simply attempting to dine out ad infinitum on the tragedy of long dead people. People your black ancestors enslaved in order to sell them on. It is disgraceful that you try to profit financially from this.
Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘collectively culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
Awww HELLLL NAWW! Only a few white souls were. responsible for that. You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white. A black history detective must scrutinize your background thoroughly before you can take any credit.
Since I was not alive to either enslave anyone or free anyone, you don’t get to pick which I might have done either, then.
You are owed nothing, and I owe you - precisely - nothing.
AGREED! Just tell your hateful brethren get the hell out of my way and stop blocking my progress.
When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
Every day since before I was even born?

Where do you think this irrational and racist fear of the alt-right comes from? Why do you think Democrats accuse Republicans of playing white identity politics like it is some terrible thing and Republicans have to literally deny it to save their jobs? Why do you think white nationalists get fired despite having done absolutely no harm to anyone?

Your massive ignorance about long established events is not becoming for someone who considers themselves intelligent.

.Drop all your bullshit and answer the fucking question:

When have whites not ever been able to assert their identity or protect their heritage?
I already have.

Drop your ignorance and fucking read what I am typing.

If your answer was every day since before you were born, then you are a brain dead idiot junior.
"White pride" has been a taboo concept for the public since way before 89'.
You mean "poor white pride." Rich whites already have pride.
Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.
LOST EARNINGS to WHOM? $10TRILLION? Did you grab that out of the air or your dumb ass? YOU sound like a total assclown that wants *REPARATIONS*. You want reparations? Then take them from the DNC that has been fomenting this shit before and AFTER the Civil WAR. THEY were the ones keeping cblacks down for their control...but then BLACKS have been abandoned by Democrats for the NEW CLASS of slave and vote getters...Illegal Immigrants. Sorry. Jim Crow, and ALL the rest of this bullsqueeze is the craft of LEFTISTS, Democrats. Divide, and cvonquer, right> Get out of MY SIGHT.

Nope. You do understand hat slaves worked for no pay don't you? When you consider we are talking about 245 years at current dollars that might even be a little light. I'm not taking anything to the DNC when the American government made slavery legal. But I see I'm talking to a fool.
YOU haven’t been enslaved or forced to work without pay.
YOU are simply attempting to dine out ad infinitum on the tragedy of long dead people. People your black ancestors enslaved in order to sell them on. It is disgraceful that you try to profit financially from this.
Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘ culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
White devils are not in the same group as White abolitionists.
Nope. You do understand hat slaves worked for no pay don't you? When you consider we are talking about 245 years at current dollars that might even be a little light. I'm not taking anything to the DNC when the American government made slavery legal. But I see I'm talking to a fool.
YOU haven’t been enslaved or forced to work without pay.
YOU are simply attempting to dine out ad infinitum on the tragedy of long dead people. People your black ancestors enslaved in order to sell them on. It is disgraceful that you try to profit financially from this.
Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘collectively culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
Awww HELLLL NAWW! Only a few white souls were. responsible for that. You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white. A black history detective must scrutinize your background thoroughly before you can take any credit.
You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white
And you don’t get to take white peoples money just cos you is black :113:
I never claimed to take white people's money
But they sure have their hands in MY pockets.
Income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, less pay for doing the same job a white man does,,...all to benefit whites but little to uplift our own communities.
This is the OP. Nothing here mentions slavery, Africans selling each other, reparations or any of the bullshit the racists white maggots here have presented. The responses made are evidence of just how correct the writer of this article really is. .

In 2018, it's time we become better informed. Some of the things I read in here makes no sense. Zero nada, zilch.

Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

“At this point, the whole race thing is over . . . it doesn’t matter anymore. We’ve transcended it. Now we have a black president, so clearly we are not racist,” stated one young woman after the first election of Barack Obama as president of the United States. In the euphoria of Obama’s first election, many Americans—on the left, right, and center—agreed that America had become post-racial. Today, many on the left recognize that America is still struggling with racism. But what liberals may not fully appreciate is the degree to which the rest of America is still deep within a post-racial haze.

New research from social psychologists at Yale and Northwestern Universities reveals that Americans—especially rich, white Americans—greatly overestimate how much racial progress we have made toward economic equality. Averaging across 5 economic measures, the researchers find that Americans estimate that we have made about 25 percent more progress toward black-white economic equality than we actually have made.

Worse still, Americans are most inaccurate on the most important economic measure—wealth. Scholars have come to recognize that wealth—the value of assets minus debts—is the most important measure of a family’s overall economic well-being. The social psychologists find that Americans overestimate our progress toward black-white wealth equality by about 80 percent. Today, for every dollar of wealth that whites have, blacks have only a few cents. "

" For those who believe that black people are already equal with white people, any policy that seeks to address anti-black discrimination looks like an attempt to give blacks an advantage over whites. Many Americans, particularly Republicans, believe that today there is more discrimination against white people than against black people.

Because so many Americans are not grounded in the reality of American racism, the call for a “conversation on race” is a bad idea. We need Americans to go on fact-finding missions on racism, not try to engage in conversation when there is no agreement on the basic facts.

We have to be aware that because we are a segregated society, many white people learn about black people from the media. Some white people see prominent, highly successful black people in movies and on television and assume that those individuals are indicative of the economic standing of African Americans. Also, there is right-wing media that consciously tries to mislead white Americans about racism and to foster a sense of white victimization. We have to find ways to penetrate Americans’ information bubbles. "

Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

This is America to hear most of you tell it, we should be way beyond this.
Wrote this a couple years ago...didn't get much traction...

The past is prologue.

It's a classic "sins of the father" scenario.

Slavery to Jim Crow to Separate but Equal...segregation thwarted assimilation, and now instead of regional American cultures that blend together at the edges, African-Americans have...thru segregationist policies...developed their own distinct culture with sharp and distinct boundaries within the older regional culture.

And it is literally the inequities of our father upon black slaves and later free black men (and women) that are being visited upon us...the generations that followed.

How can we unring that bell? Appalachia has maintained it's own distinct culture since the dawn of the nation, despite the more "sophisticated" [ :lol: ] Northeast's attempts to quash it. As has Massachusetts and NYC and Virginia and the South and the Ozarks etc. Once a culture is established, it's self perpetuating.

So the real question is...here we are, now what?

I Apologize for Slavery of Blacks

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

So basically you want a check in the mail every month being black?

I think the UN has made it very plain what we are owed reparations for.
Actually you are the bot, with the standard white responses. Like the standard white bot response of how I am full of hate

LOL to you last few words. I've done more to create solutions than you ever will.
hatemongers don't create solutions.

telling us we have to pay $10 trillion in reparations isn't a solution, it's a threat.

Actually it is the true solution.
A truer solution - seek reparations from the Africans who enslaved - and sold en masse - your ancestors.
Some of them have acknowledged that they hunted down, enslaved and sold on your ancestors and that without their heinous actions, there could never have been a slave trade outside of Africa on any significant scale. Some have even had the decency to apologise.
So start at the beginning and see how you get on :wink:
Ohhh puhleeezee. Stop it! That black selling blacks shyt is wayyyyy overblown. Considering the staggering number of Africans captured snd transferred to the Americas, there is no way African slavers were responsible for that. Maybe tens of thousands were sold to whites by other Africans, but there was something else going on that resulted in millions being captured.
I never read that Africans ever attained great wealth due the slave trade. Considering that millions of slaves were plucked out of Africa what currency changed hands that would not produce opulence beyond belief for those blacks who worked for the white slavers?
My view is that most so called black slavers were actually unwitting stooges given gifts to use as bait. The stooge would then return to his village and lead them to the source of his treasure.
There are black African leaders who disagree with you, have acknowledged the slave trade beyond Africa could never have existed in the way it did without them enslaving people and selling them on, and they have apologised for it. If you don’t like it, I suggest you take it up with them. Bummer isn’t it, when Africans themselves admit their huge role in enslaving blacks?
Now who is living in the past? What African leader living today sold slaves during the trans-atlantic slave trading days? Aside from that, I stand by my premise that a few thousand. Africans might have been sold ny other Africans but the vast millions were captured by other treacherous factions.
Actually you are the bot, with the standard white responses. Like the standard white bot response of how I am full of hate

LOL to you last few words. I've done more to create solutions than you ever will.
hatemongers don't create solutions.

telling us we have to pay $10 trillion in reparations isn't a solution, it's a threat.

Actually it is the true solution.
A truer solution - seek reparations from the Africans who enslaved - and sold en masse - your ancestors.
Some of them have acknowledged that they hunted down, enslaved and sold on your ancestors and that without their heinous actions, there could never have been a slave trade outside of Africa on any significant scale. Some have even had the decency to apologise.
So start at the beginning and see how you get on :wink:
Ohhh puhleeezee. Stop it! That black selling blacks shyt is wayyyyy overblown. Considering the staggering number of Africans captured snd transferred to the Americas, there is no way African slavers were responsible for that. Maybe tens of thousands were sold to whites by other Africans, but there was something else going on that resulted in millions being captured.
I never read that Africans ever attained great wealth due the slave trade. Considering that millions of slaves were plucked out of Africa what currency changed hands that would not produce opulence beyond belief for those blacks who worked for the white slavers?
My view is that most so called black slavers were actually unwitting stooges given gifts to use as bait. The stooge would then return to his village and lead them to the source of his treasure.
There are black African leaders who disagree with you, have acknowledged the slave trade beyond Africa could never have existed in the way it did without them enslaving people and selling them on, and they have apologised for it. If you don’t like it, I suggest you take it up with them. Bummer isn’t it, when Africans themselves admit their huge role in enslaving blacks?
Why have white men sought to find and pay obscure African Chiefs to give oral accounts of vast complicity in helping whites to enslave fellow blacks.. I wonder if, in confessing the sins of their fathers, they know the full scope of slavery in that era. Each of those "chieftains" may have recalled oral traditions of selling captured enemies to white slavers in the past but how could they, independent of social congruence with each other, speak for the whole of Africa? That congruence, was orchestrated by whites... with an agenda .Now the noble savages can feel better about themselves
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Well, IM2, I think you've done a great job in this thread showing why we aren't making progress on racism. I've learned a lot.

What we see here are whites like yourself who refuse accept the fact thy have a responsibility to nd the problem they created. .
I didn’t create anything. Like you, I am only responsible for my own actions.

Whites did create this mess and you taking about what you did not do is irrelevant. As a person you do have a responsibility to end white racism. We did not create world hunger either but we all have a responsibility to do our part to end it.
It's just time to shut this crap down

Africans did not sell Africans

Like I sad in the OP, we Need to get better informed.
Africans sold Africans into slavery. What! White People & Deflection from what they did to blacks

Afrikans Did Not Sell You Out

TRUTH: Afrikans DID NOT Sell Afrikans into Slavery!

Attack On Afrikans Writing Their Own History - Asa Hillard

YOU haven’t been enslaved or forced to work without pay.
YOU are simply attempting to dine out ad infinitum on the tragedy of long dead people. People your black ancestors enslaved in order to sell them on. It is disgraceful that you try to profit financially from this.
Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘collectively culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
Awww HELLLL NAWW! Only a few white souls were. responsible for that. You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white. A black history detective must scrutinize your background thoroughly before you can take any credit.
Since I was not alive to either enslave anyone or free anyone, you don’t get to pick which I might have done either, then.
You are owed nothing, and I owe you - precisely - nothing.
AGREED! Just tell your hateful brethren get the hell out of my way and stop blocking my progress.
The only person blocking your progress is you and your victimhood mentality.
Not much I can do about that :rolleyes-41:
Actually it is the true solution.
A truer solution - seek reparations from the Africans who enslaved - and sold en masse - your ancestors.
Some of them have acknowledged that they hunted down, enslaved and sold on your ancestors and that without their heinous actions, there could never have been a slave trade outside of Africa on any significant scale. Some have even had the decency to apologise.
So start at the beginning and see how you get on :wink:

We can do that.....but for them to get the money to pay us for reparations, they will have to seek reparations from white colonizers who took much of the mineral wealth, and profits from it. The thing is that many of the tribes that raided and captured other tribes to sell.....where eventually captured and sold as slaves......or colonized by Europeans.
Reparations would not be workable.

They are workable for Native Americans. Annually.
That isn’t reparations.

Yes they are reparations. .When you pay money t repair damages caused by wrong doing, which is what the payments to Native Americans are, it is reparations.
LOST EARNINGS to WHOM? $10TRILLION? Did you grab that out of the air or your dumb ass? YOU sound like a total assclown that wants *REPARATIONS*. You want reparations? Then take them from the DNC that has been fomenting this shit before and AFTER the Civil WAR. THEY were the ones keeping cblacks down for their control...but then BLACKS have been abandoned by Democrats for the NEW CLASS of slave and vote getters...Illegal Immigrants. Sorry. Jim Crow, and ALL the rest of this bullsqueeze is the craft of LEFTISTS, Democrats. Divide, and cvonquer, right> Get out of MY SIGHT.

Nope. You do understand hat slaves worked for no pay don't you? When you consider we are talking about 245 years at current dollars that might even be a little light. I'm not taking anything to the DNC when the American government made slavery legal. But I see I'm talking to a fool.
YOU haven’t been enslaved or forced to work without pay.
YOU are simply attempting to dine out ad infinitum on the tragedy of long dead people. People your black ancestors enslaved in order to sell them on. It is disgraceful that you try to profit financially from this.
Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘ culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
White devils are not in the same group as White abolitionists.
No one alive today is in either group. Sucks to be you :tongue:
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