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Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

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Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘collectively culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
Awww HELLLL NAWW! Only a few white souls were. responsible for that. You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white. A black history detective must scrutinize your background thoroughly before you can take any credit.
Since I was not alive to either enslave anyone or free anyone, you don’t get to pick which I might have done either, then.
You are owed nothing, and I owe you - precisely - nothing.
AGREED! Just tell your hateful brethren get the hell out of my way and stop blocking my progress.
The only person blocking your progress is you and your victimhood mentality.
Not much I can do about that :rolleyes-41:

Thats not what numerous studies by your own erudite scholars have found. I only suspected victimhood, they PROVED it.
Awww HELLLL NAWW! Only a few white souls were. responsible for that. You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white. A black history detective must scrutinize your background thoroughly before you can take any credit.
You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white
And you don’t get to take white peoples money just cos you is black :113:
I never claimed to take white people's money
But they sure have their hands in MY pockets.
Income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, less pay for doing the same job a white man does,,...all to benefit whites but little to uplift our own communities.
You’re arguing for reparations from white people who had nothing whatsoever to do with enslaving black people.
White people pay taxes too.
Your victimhood mentality should be a source of embarrassment to you, but I guess you’re too used to blaming whitey for all your failures in life.

The government the US is responsible for the things that occurred. .The UN has stated we are owed and not just for slavery. You're really too dumb to be debating us on this matter.
No one in the government enslaved anyone and no one in the government is responsible for it since they weren’t even a twinkle in their great great great....grandmothers eyes.
The U.N. says a lot of absurd things. Good luck with that :) lol.
But racists like you operate like viruses. Generations overlap and pass their unfounded hatred and prejudices on to the next in an unbroken chain. At the core of your racial demogoguery is the legacy your ancestors gained through murder and exploitation of others. That was the essence of the manifest destiny proclamation. And, victimhood has been the standard for autocthonous people every where you set foot.
Then I am also ‘collectively culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
Awww HELLLL NAWW! Only a few white souls were. responsible for that. You don't get automatic inclusion in the manumission of slaves just because you are white. A black history detective must scrutinize your background thoroughly before you can take any credit.
Since I was not alive to either enslave anyone or free anyone, you don’t get to pick which I might have done either, then.
You are owed nothing, and I owe you - precisely - nothing.
AGREED! Just tell your hateful brethren get the hell out of my way and stop blocking my progress.
The only person blocking your progress is you and your victimhood mentality.
Not much I can do about that :rolleyes-41:

Thats not what numerous studies by your own erudite scholars have found. I only suspected victimhood, they PROVED it.
And you don’t get to take white peoples money just cos you is black :113:
I never claimed to take white people's money
But they sure have their hands in MY pockets.
Income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, less pay for doing the same job a white man does,,...all to benefit whites but little to uplift our own communities.
You’re arguing for reparations from white people who had nothing whatsoever to do with enslaving black people.
White people pay taxes too.
Your victimhood mentality should be a source of embarrassment to you, but I guess you’re too used to blaming whitey for all your failures in life.

The government the US is responsible for the things that occurred. .The UN has stated we are owed and not just for slavery. You're really too dumb to be debating us on this matter.
No one in the government enslaved anyone and no one in the government is responsible for it since they weren’t even a twinkle in their great great great....grandmothers eyes.
The U.N. says a lot of absurd things. Good luck with that :) lol.
But racists like you operate like viruses. Generations overlap and pass their unfounded hatred and prejudices on to the next in an unbroken chain. At the core of your racial demogoguery is the legacy your ancestors gained through murder and exploitation of others. That was the essence of the manifest destiny proclamation. And, victimhood has been the standard for autocthonous people every where you set foot.
To whom am I racist?
Aww you devils are clever. You're good at dodging collective culpability or blame for the past or present wrongs committed by your ilk.
Then I am also ‘ culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
White devils are not in the same group as White abolitionists.
No one alive today is in either group. Sucks to be you :tongue:

Whites today benefit from the racism. It must suck to be dumb.
Blacks today benefit from affirmative action. That’s racism, yet you still whine and play the victim and can’t get on in life.
You get a leg up but still fail - that must make you exceptionally dumb.

White women benefit from AA in greater numbers but some would complain about qualified blacks using it. I suspect white men are instigating behind the scenes to create conflict between AA beneficiaries. But don't you dare throw the spurious "merit" argument at me. Not when Asians have at least one suit pending in regards to lower scoring whites being given preference in college admissions over them.
Generations overlap and pass their unfounded hatred and prejudices on to the next in an unbroken chain.
Yes, that is exactly what you, the OP and that other rampant racist here indicate that you do on a daily basis.

And it’s part of the answer to the OP regarding why racism is still with us.

It’s partly because people like you continue to teach your children they are victims; that they can’t get on; that those who do are ‘Uncle Toms’ ; that whitey hates you all and holds you all back - and every misfortune or pitfall that happens to blacks is ALL whiteys fault.

You live in the past - and no doubt you teach your kids to do the same - but ignore pertinent facts because of your need to give your own ancestors a free pass for their part in slavery - you need to do that of course because you seek to profit financially from a tragedy your own people played a huge part in.

Your hypocrisy really knows no bounds. But good luck with the ‘reparations’ :wink_2:
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How White Supremacists Use Victimhood to Recruit

"As they marched through Charlottesville, Virginia, Saturday, the pack of white supremacists chanted “you will not replace us.” Their rallying cry prompted a viral Twitter thread in which the user Julius Goat asked, “Replaced as ... what?”

“I would so love to see these people get all the oppression they insist they receive, just for a year. Just to see,” he wrote.

It may seem puzzling that the racism of these white men—the most powerful group of people in the world—is motivated by a sense that they’ll be wiped away somehow. But according to research on white supremacists, a sense of victimhood is exactly what groups like these use to grow their cause.

In a 2000 article, the sociologist Mitch Berbrier examined dozens of white supremacist media appearances and publications and discovered a pattern of carefully crafted victim ideology. Victimhood, it seemed, is how the groups assured themselves they weren’t being racist—the excuse being that, hey, they’re suffering too."


In his study, Berbrier found that white supremacists believe:

(1) that whites are victims of discrimination

White supremacists seem aggrieved by their sense that civil rights movement has tipped the balance in favor of minority groups. Here, Berbrier cites David Duke’s organization, the National Association for the Advancement of White People, as positioning itself as a counterpoint to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People:

The group’s newsletter, the NAAWP News, ran items with headlines such as "Anti-White Discrimination Accelerates,” Berbrier notes. Today, this sentiment survives as the myth that affirmative action, for instance, constitutes “reverse racism.”


(2) that their rights are being abrogated

As a corollary, white supremacists believe whites are denied the right to their own publications and advocacy groups—a right enjoyed by minority groups. As the KKK leader Thom Robb put it in 1992, according to the study: “The issue isn't who's superior ... Even if we [whites] were nothing but a race of cavemen, we still have a right to preserve our heritage and culture and give that to our children. Nobody has the right to deny that from us. And that is the attempt that's being done today.”


(3) that they are stigmatized if they express "pride”

Berbrier points to the following quote in a 1991 issue of The Populist Observer, the newsletter of the Populist Party: “Blacks, Orientals, Indians and Hispanics are taught to love their history, while whites are being taught to hate their own.”

According to Berbrier’s analysis, these supremacist groups feel that if whites do express pride in their heritage, they are branded racists and bigots. He writes that their euphemisms, like “heritage preservation” are so-called “ethnic affectations designed to destigmatize white supremacists and separatists alike by implying that they are just another ethnic group with similar needs.”


(4) that they are being psychologically affected through the loss of self-esteem

Berbrier points to examples of supremacist literature that claim the inability to express white pride produces a feeling of being “crushed” and the “Nordic spirit” being “broken down.” One news item in the NAAWP News pointed to a high suicide rate among white men as a sign of this supposed despair. Consequences—even imaginary ones—are essential to painting yourself as a victim, according to the sociological theory of "the dramatization of injury and innocence.” In other words, you’re just a blameless bystander; your attackers are everywhere, and they wish you harm.


5) that the end product of all of this is the elimination of "the white race."

White supremacists fear the white “race” will be “eliminated” through intermarriage, immigration, and low birth rates among whites. The solution, to them, is racial segregation: the ultimate safe place in which to breed only among your own people. "Only in isolation, both physical-mental and genetic can Caucasians survive either here or in the world,” wrote one supremacist in a letter, according to Berbrier. “It has gotten to a point of not being a matter of ‘white, Caucasian' supremacy but rather survival.”

These claims of subjugation may seem silly coming from whites, a group that still earns more, lives longer, and feels overall happier than African Americans do. But as Berbrier shows, victimhood is a powerful psychological mechanism for recruiting members, galvanizing around a cause, and forming what is essentially a support group—for people who really don’t need support.

As Berbrier writes, the psychology of victimhood has come in especially handy for white supremacists when their tactics get violent, as they did on Saturday. “This could be manifest as the argument that white supremacists are simply concerned with the survival of their people,” Berbrier writes, “and that if some on the fringe feel that urgent action is required as a result of dangers posed by sinister outside forces, that is understandable.”

5 Ways White Supremacists Use Victimhood to Their Advantage

Tilly doesn't seem to get the fact that we know her game. She's a white supremacist and if we accept her definition of victimization, she's the one in victimhood.
Generations overlap and pass their unfounded hatred and prejudices on to the next in an unbroken chain.
Yes, that is exactly what you, the OP and that other rampant racist here indicate that you do on a daily basis.

And it’s part of the answer to the OP regarding why racism is still with us.

It’s partly because people like you continue to teach your children they are victims; that they can’t get on; that those who do are ‘Uncle Toms’ ; that whitey hates you and holds you back - and every misfortune or pitfall that happens to blacks is ALL whiteys fault.

You live in the past - and no doubt you teach your kids to do the same - but ignore pertinent facts because of your need to give your own ancestors a free pass for their part in slavery - you need to do that of course because you seek to profit financially from a tragedy your own people played a huge part in.

Your hypocrisy really knows no bounds. But good luck with the ‘reparations’ :wink_2:

No one has denied the facts but you. The facts are that things did not end with slavery.
Then I am also ‘ culpable’ for the abolition of slavery.
You’re welcome :wink:
White devils are not in the same group as White abolitionists.
No one alive today is in either group. Sucks to be you :tongue:

Whites today benefit from the racism. It must suck to be dumb.
Blacks today benefit from affirmative action. That’s racism, yet you still whine and play the victim and can’t get on in life.
You get a leg up but still fail - that must make you exceptionally dumb.

White women benefit from AA in greater numbers but some would complain about qualified blacks using it. I suspect white men are instigating behind the scenes to create conflict between AA beneficiaries. But don't you dare throw the spurious "merit" argument at me. Not when Asians have at least one suit pending in regards to lower scoring whites being given preference in college admissions over them.
There’s nothing spurious about merit - but yes - it is something perpetual victims don’t seem to value. I’m against all AA - it’s racism/genderism etc.
And at least ‘one pending suit’ - wow - you’re really onto something there!
Keep up the good work :wink:
A truer solution - seek reparations from the Africans who enslaved - and sold en masse - your ancestors.
Some of them have acknowledged that they hunted down, enslaved and sold on your ancestors and that without their heinous actions, there could never have been a slave trade outside of Africa on any significant scale. Some have even had the decency to apologise.
So start at the beginning and see how you get on :wink:

We can do that.....but for them to get the money to pay us for reparations, they will have to seek reparations from white colonizers who took much of the mineral wealth, and profits from it. The thing is that many of the tribes that raided and captured other tribes to sell.....where eventually captured and sold as slaves......or colonized by Europeans.
Reparations would not be workable.

They are workable for Native Americans. Annually.
That isn’t reparations.

Yes they are reparations. .When you pay money t repair damages caused by wrong doing, which is what the payments to Native Americans are, it is reparations.
Specifically what are they getting?
How much reparations would you consider adequate? Like, per person.
Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule...
Ill take 5 acres and a Dodge Ram 3500.
Somehow I don't think that they'll be satisfied with 40 acres and an animal smarter than they are.
Oh really?

African immigrants now West's new “model minority”?

Obviously, you don't get out much.
What do Africans immigrants have to do with reparations?
I was addressing your racist inference that mules are smarter than blacks. I was in a hurry at the time and just threw that link out there to counter your insinuation. BTW., what did your smart assed quip have to do with reparations?
It was to show that even a mule would know not to ask for money for things that didn't happen to them.
Well, IM2, I think you've done a great job in this thread showing why we aren't making progress on racism. I've learned a lot.

What we see here are whites like yourself who refuse accept the fact thy have a responsibility to nd the problem they created. .
I didn’t create anything. Like you, I am only responsible for my own actions.

Whites did create this mess and you taking about what you did not do is irrelevant. As a person you do have a responsibility to end white racism. We did not create world hunger either but we all have a responsibility to do our part to end it.
As a person, I have a moral responsibility to fight against injustice, inequality, cruelty when I see it. For anyone, not just “white” racism. As a person you have the same.

But I am not responsible for what people in the past did, only for my own actions and to try to do what I can to make the world better within the means I have. And that includes fighting racism.
Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule...
Ill take 5 acres and a Dodge Ram 3500.
Somehow I don't think that they'll be satisfied with 40 acres and an animal smarter than they are.
Oh really?

African immigrants now West's new “model minority”?

Obviously, you don't get out much.
What do Africans immigrants have to do with reparations?
I was addressing your racist inference that mules are smarter than blacks. I was in a hurry at the time and just threw that link out there to counter your insinuation. BTW., what did your smart assed quip have to do with reparations?
It was to show that even a mule would know not to ask for money for things that didn't happen to them.

Mules can't talk. If they could, mules might ask for reparations too. Personally, I haven't been a big proponent of reparations because I
am successful. But I do think the charges promulgated by the UN on behalf of Black Americans should be brought before the World Court. Let the best legal minds decide on a world stage if the statute of limitations expired with the passing of the last victim of chattle slavery. Let them consider the impact actions sanctioned by the US government and various state governments had on Blacks during and after slavery that still resonate today. The verdict would entail far more complexity than mere dismissal by a simple sentence such as " even a mule knows not to seek money for something that didn't haoppen to him.."
Somehow I don't think that they'll be satisfied with 40 acres and an animal smarter than they are.
Oh really?

African immigrants now West's new “model minority”?

Obviously, you don't get out much.
What do Africans immigrants have to do with reparations?
I was addressing your racist inference that mules are smarter than blacks. I was in a hurry at the time and just threw that link out there to counter your insinuation. BTW., what did your smart assed quip have to do with reparations?
It was to show that even a mule would know not to ask for money for things that didn't happen to them.

Mules can't talk. If they could, mules might ask for reparations too. Personally, I haven't been a big proponent of reparations because I
am successful. But I do think the charges promulgated by the UN on behalf of Black Americans should be brought before the World Court. Let the best legal minds decide on a world stage if the statute of limitations expired with the passing of the last victim of chattle slavery. Let them consider the impact actions sanctioned by the US government and various state governments had on Blacks during and after slavery that still resonate today. The verdict would entail far more complexity than mere dismissal by a simple sentence such as " even a mule knows not to seek money for something that didn't haoppen to him.."
The US doesn't abide by the World Court. Better luck next time.

As for blacks seeking reparation for things that never happened to them, it's a non-starter. My white ancestors were serfs back in the old country, as a white person, I don't own anyone anything. Same goes for every white person alive today. They had nothing to do with it either, so why should they pay?

And anyways, what do you call food stamps, medicare and welfare? Sounds like some sort of on-going reparations.
Well, IM2, I think you've done a great job in this thread showing why we aren't making progress on racism. I've learned a lot.

What we see here are whites like yourself who refuse accept the fact thy have a responsibility to nd the problem they created. .
I didn’t create anything. Like you, I am only responsible for my own actions.

Whites did create this mess and you taking about what you did not do is irrelevant. As a person you do have a responsibility to end white racism. We did not create world hunger either but we all have a responsibility to do our part to end it.
As a person, I have a moral responsibility to fight against injustice, inequality, cruelty when I see it. For anyone, not just “white” racism. As a person you have the same.

But I am not responsible for what people in the past did, only for my own actions and to try to do what I can to make the world better within the means I have. And that includes fighting racism.
You may not accept personal responsiblity for the evils supported and condoned by your government before you were born but that does not remove collective liability for an unpaid debt. I wasn't born when the Personal income tax was implemented but I am forced to pay. The US Constitution was written and signed by people who died centuries ago.
Yet, the document continues to serve as the ultimate guide for governance.
If, as inferred by that reality, the Constitution is a "living document," it transcends the lives of mortal men and brings with it sins of the past into the present and future.. The Human Rights of Africans were violated egregiously by citizens governed by a living document. That living document incurred collective perpetual culpability for the actions commited by the governed. Individual whites attempting to distance themselves from inherited or attained culpability are restrained from doing so by birthright or naturalization. Citizenship and race makes you liable and binds you under the auspices of the living Constitution. Let the World Court decide if
the statue of limitations have run out.
Oh really?

African immigrants now West's new “model minority”?

Obviously, you don't get out much.
What do Africans immigrants have to do with reparations?
I was addressing your racist inference that mules are smarter than blacks. I was in a hurry at the time and just threw that link out there to counter your insinuation. BTW., what did your smart assed quip have to do with reparations?
It was to show that even a mule would know not to ask for money for things that didn't happen to them.

Mules can't talk. If they could, mules might ask for reparations too. Personally, I haven't been a big proponent of reparations because I
am successful. But I do think the charges promulgated by the UN on behalf of Black Americans should be brought before the World Court. Let the best legal minds decide on a world stage if the statute of limitations expired with the passing of the last victim of chattle slavery. Let them consider the impact actions sanctioned by the US government and various state governments had on Blacks during and after slavery that still resonate today. The verdict would entail far more complexity than mere dismissal by a simple sentence such as " even a mule knows not to seek money for something that didn't haoppen to him.."
The US doesn't abide by the World Court. Better luck next time.

As for blacks seeking reparation for things that never happened to them, it's a non-starter. My white ancestors were serfs back in the old country, as a white person, I don't own anyone anything. Same goes for every white person alive today. They had nothing to do with it either, so why should they pay?

And anyways, what do you call food stamps, medicare and welfare? Sounds like some sort of on-going reparations.
The World Court will still be around 50 years from now when whites are a minority in this country. The WC might be more powerful as a result by then. Or..maybe egalitarianism might eliminate the need or desire for reparations by then.
I don't play grammar Nazi or I'd be posting all of what you write.

Of course you do, and it’s particularly idiotic coming from you :rolleyes:

Tilly you are too damn dumb tp argue with me. By rights I should bill you for my time.
..blacks graduate at lower levels
..commit crime at higher levels
..they are ''dumber'' and their culture is ''dumber''--obviously
..and you can't use slavery as an excuse because the Africans were not as advanced as the whites in the first place
Wrote this a couple years ago...didn't get much traction...

The past is prologue.

It's a classic "sins of the father" scenario.

Slavery to Jim Crow to Separate but Equal...segregation thwarted assimilation, and now instead of regional American cultures that blend together at the edges, African-Americans have...thru segregationist policies...developed their own distinct culture with sharp and distinct boundaries within the older regional culture.

And it is literally the inequities of our father upon black slaves and later free black men (and women) that are being visited upon us...the generations that followed.

How can we unring that bell? Appalachia has maintained it's own distinct culture since the dawn of the nation, despite the more "sophisticated" [ :lol: ] Northeast's attempts to quash it. As has Massachusetts and NYC and Virginia and the South and the Ozarks etc. Once a culture is established, it's self perpetuating.

So the real question is...here we are, now what?

I Apologize for Slavery of Blacks

Slavery was not the only sin or was the only issue. Apologizing doesn't do it when you owe 10 trillion dollars in lost earnings and make excuses a to why you won't pay.

If you ever think I am making an "excuse" as to why I am not paying "lost earnings" to blacks,

understand that you are mistaken.

You will never get anything like an "Excuse" for me not paying something I don't owe to people who were never slaves.

My Position on that is more of a "Kiss my Hairy White Ass".

Please do not lie and call that an "excuse".
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