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Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

You understand every word. And you do all of the things described.

Obviously you don't.. Because I asked you to explain to me how "cultural racism" in general was "veiled racism" when segments of jews, arabs, mexicans ARE NOT RACES...

Also need you to translate wtf "classical liberalism" has to do with "hidden racism"... But you can't. You just like the title and tune, but you can't sing it...
When the issue was created by racism, that's what you say caused it.

Not true.. Whites are victims of police misconduct and prosecutorial abuse all the fucking time.. Fixing that RACE BY RACE is just ignorant..

You can ASSERT "it a problem unique to blacks", but every other color knows that's not true.. And when you plunge right into remedies "for blacks only" -- some other colors will just tune you out right then and there. Because THEY KNOW - those things need to fixed. But NOT just for black folks..

Same thing with "gaps".. Like gaps in education or income or charm.. :abgg2q.jpg: They are NOT unique to color and have UNDERLYING SYSTEMIC ISSUES that need to be fixed...
When the issue was created by racism, that's what you say caused it.

Not true.. Whites are victims of police misconduct and prosecutorial abuse all the fucking time.. Fixing that RACE BY RACE is just ignorant..

You can ASSERT "it a problem unique to blacks", but every other color knows that's not true.. And when you plunge right into remedies "for blacks only" -- some other colors will just tune you out right then and there. Because THEY KNOW - those things need to fixed. But NOT just for black folks..

Same thing with "gaps".. Like gaps in education or income or charm.. :abgg2q.jpg: They are NOT unique to color and have UNDERLYING SYSTEMIC ISSUES that need to be fixed...
Thank you for ANOTHER smart, logical response.
Maybe you're right IM2.. Because I'm more interested in FIXING THINGS, than I am jawing about race...

Maybe that makes me a racist.. OR -- just a white person that "doesn't want to talk about race"...

Is SLAVERY a black issue today? Should we fix that only for blacks and ignore the ROOTS and CAUSE of that problem??? I don't want to approach these things from a predetermined RACIAL perspective.. But I DO with all my energy want to figure out to fix all that....

If that's not "talking about race" bro -- I'm guilty as hell.....
"It's crazy how speaking out on racism and injustice now makes you a racist or a race-baiter."

This is from a poster in a majority black forum. And if you guys would enter a primarily black forum, that's kind compared to other responses you would get from blacks you call racist for speaking out against racism.
Maybe you're right IM2.. Because I'm more interested in FIXING THINGS, than I am jawing about race...

Maybe that makes me a racist.. OR -- just a white person that "doesn't want to talk about race"...

Is SLAVERY a black issue today? Should we fix that only for blacks and ignore the ROOTS and CAUSE of that problem??? I don't want to approach these things from a predetermined RACIAL perspective.. But I DO with all my energy want to figure out to fix all that....

If that's not "talking about race" bro -- I'm guilty as hell.....
You can't fix anything when you don't know the problem.

Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests — Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice

Read the link again the start asking yourself how it is that I have such information and you don't. You see flacaltenn, while you have been flapping your white conservative gums, I was in the trenches with millions of other no name blacks working in the community to help this drop happen. I know what it takes, you don't. You aren't interested in solving a problem, you're interested in running your mouth thinking you have something to say that blacks need to hear. From the time you told me the solution for blacks was to leave inner cities and move to all white rural towns, I knew you weren't serious.

From this point on, you and the other loudmouths are going to be shown exactly why you aren't interested in a solution and how it's because you ignore or dismiss a very critical area in order to run your mouths about what blacks don't do according to the delusions off grandeur whites like you live in.
"In a 1991 broadcast of the ABC program PrimeTime Live. In a stunning fifteen-minute segment reporters and a camera crew followed two young men of equal education, cultural sophistication, level of apparent affluence, and so forth around St. Louis, a city where neither was known. The two differed in only a single respect: one was white, the other black. But that small difference turned out to mean everything. In a series of encounters with shoe salesmen, record-store employees, rental agents, landlords, employment agencies, taxicab drivers, and ordinary citizens, the black member of the pair was either ignored or given a special and suspicious attention. He was asked to pay more for the same goods or come up with a larger down payment for the same car, was turned away as a prospective tenant, was rejected as a prospective taxicab fare, was treated with contempt and irritation by clerks and bureaucrats, and in every way possible was made to feel inferior and unwanted.

The inescapable conclusion was that alike though they may have been in almost all respects, one of these young men, because he was black, would lead a significantly lesser life than his white counterpart: he would be housed less well and at greater expense; he would pay more for services and products when and if he was given the opportunity to buy them; he would have difficulty establishing credit; the first emotions he would inspire on the part of many people he met would be distrust and fear; his abilities would be discounted even before he had a chance to display them; and, above all, the treatment he received from minute to minute would chip away at his self-esteem and self-confidence with consequences that most of us could not even imagine. As the young man in question said at the conclusion of the broadcast, "You walk down the street with a suit and tie and it doesn't matter. Someone will make determinations about you, determinations that affect the quality of your life."

Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black

I can totally believe that happened and it is unfortunate.

There is no debating that racism still exists (I was raised with the term bigotry being the main descriptor).

The problem being that sociologists have shown it takes generations to get that out of a culture.

Now, that was 30 years ago and things have come a long way......

Still have a long way to go.

The same things happen now. Whites have had 243 years to get rid of racism and every time there has been change there has been a white backlash. Maybe that can stop.

I don't know what metrics are in place, but I would expect bigotry is down. Just a guess.

You don't stop this in a few years.

This started in 1619. Bigotry being down sounds great to you because you don't face it. Murder is down too but nobody is satisfied about that. Until racism is gone, there is no satisfaction.
"In a 1991 broadcast of the ABC program PrimeTime Live. In a stunning fifteen-minute segment reporters and a camera crew followed two young men of equal education, cultural sophistication, level of apparent affluence, and so forth around St. Louis, a city where neither was known. The two differed in only a single respect: one was white, the other black. But that small difference turned out to mean everything. In a series of encounters with shoe salesmen, record-store employees, rental agents, landlords, employment agencies, taxicab drivers, and ordinary citizens, the black member of the pair was either ignored or given a special and suspicious attention. He was asked to pay more for the same goods or come up with a larger down payment for the same car, was turned away as a prospective tenant, was rejected as a prospective taxicab fare, was treated with contempt and irritation by clerks and bureaucrats, and in every way possible was made to feel inferior and unwanted.

The inescapable conclusion was that alike though they may have been in almost all respects, one of these young men, because he was black, would lead a significantly lesser life than his white counterpart: he would be housed less well and at greater expense; he would pay more for services and products when and if he was given the opportunity to buy them; he would have difficulty establishing credit; the first emotions he would inspire on the part of many people he met would be distrust and fear; his abilities would be discounted even before he had a chance to display them; and, above all, the treatment he received from minute to minute would chip away at his self-esteem and self-confidence with consequences that most of us could not even imagine. As the young man in question said at the conclusion of the broadcast, "You walk down the street with a suit and tie and it doesn't matter. Someone will make determinations about you, determinations that affect the quality of your life."

Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black

Nothing here has changed. Citing a TV program from OVER A QUARTER CENTURY AGO is to you, relevant today.

Carry on Troll!


what a great observation, and more proof that IM2 doesn’t want better race relations. He only wants to dredge up the past.
AND plagarize because you know damn well these are not his words. He probably lifted them from that black forum he is always yammering about.
Now the Affirmative Action beneficiary wants to claim plagiarism, even as the link was posted. I write very well Gracie. You guys keep lying about how this is about the past, but I don't see any one of you superior intelligence white racists providing the information requested about when racism ended.
You understand every word. And you do all of the things described.

Obviously you don't.. Because I asked you to explain to me how "cultural racism" in general was "veiled racism" when segments of jews, arabs, mexicans ARE NOT RACES...

Also need you to translate wtf "classical liberalism" has to do with "hidden racism"... But you can't. You just like the title and tune, but you can't sing it...
I'm not explaining anything to you. The explanation of cultural racism was there for you to see. I know what it means and I've seen you and others here do it.
When the issue was created by racism, that's what you say caused it.

Not true.. Whites are victims of police misconduct and prosecutorial abuse all the fucking time.. Fixing that RACE BY RACE is just ignorant..

You can ASSERT "it a problem unique to blacks", but every other color knows that's not true.. And when you plunge right into remedies "for blacks only" -- some other colors will just tune you out right then and there. Because THEY KNOW - those things need to fixed. But NOT just for black folks..

Same thing with "gaps".. Like gaps in education or income or charm.. :abgg2q.jpg: They are NOT unique to color and have UNDERLYING SYSTEMIC ISSUES that need to be fixed...
Yes it is true. A white police officer can harass a white person and a black person and the reason they harass the black person is because of race. Just because the same thing happens to a white person doesn't necessarily exclude raceas a factor no matter how desperately you want to practice colorblind racism.

I changed my mind because you're truly ignorant and want to excuse away racism when every study that has been done tells us that racism is built into our system.

Colorblind racism, is the belief that racism is no longer a problem and that we all have equal opportunities. People who subscribe to colorblind explanations claim they do not see the color of people's skin and believe everyone to be equal. Colorblindness prevents us from seeing the historical causes of racial inequality and how racial inequality persists in our society.

"Colorblind racism as a theory became more prominent in the 1960s and 1970s as racism continued to be based on beliefs about biological inferiority. However, race is not biologically based; in fact, there are far more differences within racial groups than between them. Proponents of the colorblind racism theory propose that the ideology resulted from society’s increasingly complex arguments about race. Instead of relying on a simple biological argument, people started to suggest that, for example, the culture of certain minority groups was deficient, which explain their unequal access to opportunities like good jobs and schools. Other suggestions sited segregation as simply a matter of preference: we just like to live near people like us. These types of arguments often replaced more overt claims that some people are simply born inferior to other people."

You need to read the book: "Racism Without Racists."

In sociology, one of the most important scholars of race is Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, who has written extensively on the issue. His four frames of colorblind racism provide explanations for how this form of racism works:

"Abstract liberalism, the first frame, sees racial inequality as a product of individuals not working hard enough. Liberalism emphasize freedom, equality, and individual choice. If people work hard enough, they can all achieve anything they set out to accomplish."

"Naturalization, the second frame, explains racial inequality as a naturally occurring process. The fact that many of our cities’ neighborhoods are highly segregated is because people like to live near people who are like them. "

"Cultural racism, the third frame, relies on arguments that attribute racial inequality to a group’s culture. According to this argument, racial inequality occurs because individual group cultures may be deviant or negative and pass their poor values on to their children. "

"Minimization, the fourth frame, suggests that racism just doesn’t really matter that much anymore. People who rely on this frame claim that discrimination is no longer a serious problem. Bonilla-Silva notes that these frames are often used in combination with colorblind explanations for racial inequality."


"For instance, in the United States, African Americans and Latinos have lower graduation rates and less access to education than whites. Rather than looking at the historical factors that continue to oppress these groups, a colorblind argument might propose that minority groups don’t really see any value in education, and that’s why they have lower graduation rates.

Here’s another example. If you live in a segregated neighborhood, the colorblind explanation might fall along the lines of: minorities choose not to live in the neighborhood because they’d rather live with other minorities. And finally, to justify the economic inequality between minority groups and whites, a colorblind argument might state that minority groups don’t work hard enough and don’t understand the value of getting a job and working hard."

Color Blind Racism: Definition, Theory & Examples - full free lesson | Naturez-Vous

You minimize all the time. And flacaltenn, no one but white "conservatives" tune us out when we speak on race because all people of color face the same racism. For example unarmed native americans are getting killed like blacks, so when we speak on police racism they know that anything done for us, is done for them. Only whites like you have this zero sum attitude.
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"In a 1991 broadcast of the ABC program PrimeTime Live. In a stunning fifteen-minute segment reporters and a camera crew followed two young men of equal education, cultural sophistication, level of apparent affluence, and so forth around St. Louis, a city where neither was known. The two differed in only a single respect: one was white, the other black. But that small difference turned out to mean everything. In a series of encounters with shoe salesmen, record-store employees, rental agents, landlords, employment agencies, taxicab drivers, and ordinary citizens, the black member of the pair was either ignored or given a special and suspicious attention. He was asked to pay more for the same goods or come up with a larger down payment for the same car, was turned away as a prospective tenant, was rejected as a prospective taxicab fare, was treated with contempt and irritation by clerks and bureaucrats, and in every way possible was made to feel inferior and unwanted.

The inescapable conclusion was that alike though they may have been in almost all respects, one of these young men, because he was black, would lead a significantly lesser life than his white counterpart: he would be housed less well and at greater expense; he would pay more for services and products when and if he was given the opportunity to buy them; he would have difficulty establishing credit; the first emotions he would inspire on the part of many people he met would be distrust and fear; his abilities would be discounted even before he had a chance to display them; and, above all, the treatment he received from minute to minute would chip away at his self-esteem and self-confidence with consequences that most of us could not even imagine. As the young man in question said at the conclusion of the broadcast, "You walk down the street with a suit and tie and it doesn't matter. Someone will make determinations about you, determinations that affect the quality of your life."

Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black

I can totally believe that happened and it is unfortunate.

There is no debating that racism still exists (I was raised with the term bigotry being the main descriptor).

The problem being that sociologists have shown it takes generations to get that out of a culture.

Now, that was 30 years ago and things have come a long way......

Still have a long way to go.

The same things happen now. Whites have had 243 years to get rid of racism and every time there has been change there has been a white backlash. Maybe that can stop.

I don't know what metrics are in place, but I would expect bigotry is down. Just a guess.

You don't stop this in a few years.

This started in 1619. Bigotry being down sounds great to you because you don't face it. Murder is down too but nobody is satisfied about that. Until racism is gone, there is no satisfaction.

Oh, I think bigotry has been around as long as man has been around.

People are prejudice against all kinds of things....much of it not having to do with the color of skin.

I don't recall saying it (the level of bigotry being down) sounds great to me....I said it was just a guess...and I also said things have a long way to go.

But you seem more interested in lecturing than listening.

So, you have a good day. Hopefully, people on this board don't judge all black people on the assumption they are like you (judgemental, stupid and racist).
When the issue was created by racism, that's what you say caused it.

Not true.. Whites are victims of police misconduct and prosecutorial abuse all the fucking time.. Fixing that RACE BY RACE is just ignorant..

You can ASSERT "it a problem unique to blacks", but every other color knows that's not true.. And when you plunge right into remedies "for blacks only" -- some other colors will just tune you out right then and there. Because THEY KNOW - those things need to fixed. But NOT just for black folks..

Same thing with "gaps".. Like gaps in education or income or charm.. :abgg2q.jpg: They are NOT unique to color and have UNDERLYING SYSTEMIC ISSUES that need to be fixed...
Yes it is true. A white police officer can harass a white person and a black person and the reason they harass the black person is because of race. Just because the same thing happens to a white person doesn't necessarily exclude raceas a factor no matter how desperately you want to practice colorblind racism.

I changed my mind because you're truly ignorant and want to excuse away racism when every study that has been done tells us that racism is built into our system.

Colorblind racism, is the belief that racism is no longer a problem and that we all have equal opportunities. People who subscribe to colorblind explanations claim they do not see the color of people's skin and believe everyone to be equal. Colorblindness prevents us from seeing the historical causes of racial inequality and how racial inequality persists in our society.

"Colorblind racism as a theory became more prominent in the 1960s and 1970s as racism continued to be based on beliefs about biological inferiority. However, race is not biologically based; in fact, there are far more differences within racial groups than between them. Proponents of the colorblind racism theory propose that the ideology resulted from society’s increasingly complex arguments about race. Instead of relying on a simple biological argument, people started to suggest that, for example, the culture of certain minority groups was deficient, which explain their unequal access to opportunities like good jobs and schools. Other suggestions sited segregation as simply a matter of preference: we just like to live near people like us. These types of arguments often replaced more overt claims that some people are simply born inferior to other people."

You need to read the book: "Racism Without Racists."

In sociology, one of the most important scholars of race is Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, who has written extensively on the issue. His four frames of colorblind racism provide explanations for how this form of racism works:

"Abstract liberalism, the first frame, sees racial inequality as a product of individuals not working hard enough. Liberalism emphasize freedom, equality, and individual choice. If people work hard enough, they can all achieve anything they set out to accomplish."

"Naturalization, the second frame, explains racial inequality as a naturally occurring process. The fact that many of our cities’ neighborhoods are highly segregated is because people like to live near people who are like them. "

"Cultural racism, the third frame, relies on arguments that attribute racial inequality to a group’s culture. According to this argument, racial inequality occurs because individual group cultures may be deviant or negative and pass their poor values on to their children. "

"Minimization, the fourth frame, suggests that racism just doesn’t really matter that much anymore. People who rely on this frame claim that discrimination is no longer a serious problem. Bonilla-Silva notes that these frames are often used in combination with colorblind explanations for racial inequality."


"For instance, in the United States, African Americans and Latinos have lower graduation rates and less access to education than whites. Rather than looking at the historical factors that continue to oppress these groups, a colorblind argument might propose that minority groups don’t really see any value in education, and that’s why they have lower graduation rates.

Here’s another example. If you live in a segregated neighborhood, the colorblind explanation might fall along the lines of: minorities choose not to live in the neighborhood because they’d rather live with other minorities. And finally, to justify the economic inequality between minority groups and whites, a colorblind argument might state that minority groups don’t work hard enough and don’t understand the value of getting a job and working hard."

Color Blind Racism: Definition, Theory & Examples - full free lesson | Naturez-Vous

You minimize all the time. And flacaltenn, no one but white "conservatives" tune us out when we speak on race because all people of color face the same racism. For example unarmed native americans are getting killed like blacks, so when we speak on police racism they know that anything done for us, is done for them. Only whites like you have this zero sum attitude.

Why don't you address the argument instead of stupidly lecturing people on what you "think" (and I use that term loosley) they are and what they do.
"It's crazy how speaking out on racism and injustice now makes you a racist or a race-baiter."

This is from a poster in a majority black forum. And if you guys would enter a primarily black forum, that's kind compared to other responses you would get from blacks you call racist for speaking out against racism.

Especially if you're a racist race-baiter...….
"It's crazy how speaking out on racism and injustice now makes you a racist or a race-baiter."

This is from a poster in a majority black forum. And if you guys would enter a primarily black forum, that's kind compared to other responses you would get from blacks you call racist for speaking out against racism.

Do you make it known on that "majority-black" forum that you're a white guy with a black wife or are you just another race-baiter on that forum too?
Now the Affirmative Action beneficiary wants to claim plagiarism, even as the link was posted. I write very well Gracie. You guys keep lying about how this is about the past, but I don't see any one of you superior intelligence white racists providing the information requested about when racism ended.

You don't write that well.

I proved on another of your diatribes you claimed, that it was verbatim what had appeared in other posts yet you gave no credits or link to your source.

A Dream Undone
Inside the 50-year campaign to roll back the Voting Rights Act.

In 2010, Republicans flipped control of 11 state legislatures and, raising the specter of voter fraud, began undoing much of the work of Frye and subsequent generations of state legislators. They rolled back early voting, eliminated same-day registration, disqualified ballots filed outside home precincts and created new demands for photo ID at polling places. In 2013, the Supreme Court, in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, directly countermanded the Section 5 authority of the Justice Department to dispute any of these changes in the states Section 5 covered. Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., writing for the majority, declared that the Voting Rights Act had done its job, and it was time to move on. Republican state legislators proceeded with a new round of even more restrictive voting laws.

All of these seemingly sudden changes were a result of a little-known part of the American civil rights story. It involves a largely Republican countermovement of ideologues and partisan operatives who, from the moment the Voting Rights Act became law, methodically set out to undercut or dismantle its most important requirements.

A Dream Undone
"It's crazy how speaking out on racism and injustice now makes you a racist or a race-baiter."

This is from a poster in a majority black forum. And if you guys would enter a primarily black forum, that's kind compared to other responses you would get from blacks you call racist for speaking out against racism.

Do you make it known on that "majority-black" forum that you're a white guy with a black wife or are you just another race-baiter on that forum too?
I can't make known what I am not.
Now the Affirmative Action beneficiary wants to claim plagiarism, even as the link was posted. I write very well Gracie. You guys keep lying about how this is about the past, but I don't see any one of you superior intelligence white racists providing the information requested about when racism ended.

You don't write that well.

I proved on another of your diatribes you claimed, that it was verbatim what had appeared in other posts yet you gave no credits or link to your source.


You've proven nothing and my writing is just fine. You are just scared to have a real fact based discussion about race that includes the holistic damage continuing. white racism has caused.
Now the Affirmative Action beneficiary wants to claim plagiarism, even as the link was posted. I write very well Gracie. You guys keep lying about how this is about the past, but I don't see any one of you superior intelligence white racists providing the information requested about when racism ended.

You don't write that well.

I proved on another of your diatribes you claimed, that it was verbatim what had appeared in other posts yet you gave no credits or link to your source.


You've proven nothing and my writing is just fine. You are just scared to have a real fact based discussion about race that includes the holistic damage continuing. white racism has caused.

A Dream Undone
Inside the 50-year campaign to roll back the Voting Rights Act.

In 2010, Republicans flipped control of 11 state legislatures and, raising the specter of voter fraud, began undoing much of the work of Frye and subsequent generations of state legislators. They rolled back early voting, eliminated same-day registration, disqualified ballots filed outside home precincts and created new demands for photo ID at polling places. In 2013, the Supreme Court, in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, directly countermanded the Section 5 authority of the Justice Department to dispute any of these changes in the states Section 5 covered. Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., writing for the majority, declared that the Voting Rights Act had done its job, and it was time to move on. Republican state legislators proceeded with a new round of even more restrictive voting laws.

All of these seemingly sudden changes were a result of a little-known part of the American civil rights story. It involves a largely Republican countermovement of ideologues and partisan operatives who, from the moment the Voting Rights Act became law, methodically set out to undercut or dismantle its most important requirements.

A Dream Undone

Early voting? That is your complaint?

What a load of shit.

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