Why white people need to admit that black people know more about pain

john54 said:
- we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
What If I'm A Jew ??

What If I'm First Nations ??

Japanese ??
Well Jews endured 500 years of slavery and then released in Western Europe where they were routinely oppressed and rounded up and murdered over centuries of time, with the climax of the Holocaust.

Yep, the Jews had it far worse.
john54 said:
- we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
What If I'm A Jew ??

What If I'm First Nations ??

Japanese ??
Well Jews endured 500 years of slavery and then released in Western Europe where they were routinely oppressed and rounded up and murdered over centuries of time, with the climax of the Holocaust.

Yep, the Jews had it far worse.

That is why so many stayed in Babylon hey? Only 45000 came back. The only jews are those who practice Judaism, Jew is not a race, but African American is.
john54 said:
- we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
What If I'm A Jew ??

What If I'm First Nations ??

Japanese ??
Well Jews endured 500 years of slavery and then released in Western Europe where they were routinely oppressed and rounded up and murdered over centuries of time, with the climax of the Holocaust.

Yep, the Jews had it far worse.

Following the
Rhineland massacres
by Germans, and
Edict of Expulsion
of Jews out of Britain, Jews mostly lived in rather tolerant Poland from the late Medieval era into the modern era, where Poland granted them basic rights the first civil rights movement the
Statute of Kalisz .

Although not perfect, as Cossacks did however butcher both Poles, and Jews though in the Khmelnytsky Uprising.

Ukrainians are actual Whites, not half breed Whites - Semites like Jews.

4 million Ukrainians died in the Holodomor, and 4 million Ukrainians died fighting in WW2.

That doesn't include the millions of Ukrainians who were sent into slave labor Gulag's, and Nazi slave labor camps.

Keep in mind Ukraine also didn't gain independence until 1992. (Since then they lost Crimea, and have a war in Donbass)

To say Blacks, or even Jews have suffered like Ukrainians, is outrageous.
john54 said:
- we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
What If I'm A Jew ??

What If I'm First Nations ??

Japanese ??
Well Jews endured 500 years of slavery and then released in Western Europe where they were routinely oppressed and rounded up and murdered over centuries of time, with the climax of the Holocaust.

Yep, the Jews had it far worse.

That is why so many stayed in Babylon hey? Only 45000 came back. The only jews are those who practice Judaism, Jew is not a race, but African American is.
Actually the Levite priests trace their genetic lineage back to Aaron, so you are wrong that it has nothing to do with race.
john54 said:
- we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
What If I'm A Jew ??

What If I'm First Nations ??

Japanese ??
Well Jews endured 500 years of slavery and then released in Western Europe where they were routinely oppressed and rounded up and murdered over centuries of time, with the climax of the Holocaust.

Yep, the Jews had it far worse.

That is why so many stayed in Babylon hey? Only 45000 came back. The only jews are those who practice Judaism, Jew is not a race, but African American is.
Actually the Levite priests trace their genetic lineage back to Aaron, so you are wrong that it has nothing to do with race.

Ashkenazi Levites are mostly R1a haplogroup (DNA) of a more, or less Iranian type.
john54 said:
- we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
What If I'm A Jew ??

What If I'm First Nations ??

Japanese ??
Well Jews endured 500 years of slavery and then released in Western Europe where they were routinely oppressed and rounded up and murdered over centuries of time, with the climax of the Holocaust.

Yep, the Jews had it far worse.

That is why so many stayed in Babylon hey? Only 45000 came back. The only jews are those who practice Judaism, Jew is not a race, but African American is.
Actually the Levite priests trace their genetic lineage back to Aaron, so you are wrong that it has nothing to do with race.

Link to this info. The bible OT does not count.
It was good they found out about pain? serious?
Yes it was good. However it could have been better. Their entire race could have experienced the same thing for generations so they would know how it feels.

Bull shit, your step daughter is white. You wouldnt wish that on her. or would you? ... but lets see, some other peoples kids, yeah its ok for them. Either your BS'ing or you are a really fucked excuse for a human being. Which one is it?
My god daughter is 11% Black. I'm being serious. That event was used as some kind of idiotic equivalency so lets make it equivalent so whites can experience the generational pain.

So does the 11% exempt her from you badgering her about race? Or not? Pretty certain you'll be remembered as the grandpa that made her know that white guilt can't be absolved without pain.
I never badgered her about race when I thought she was totally white. Shes my daughter for all intents and purposes so I never look at her as white.
Your daughter will hate you.
It's probably a good thing that so many of you have such a strong opinion about it. Look, I'm not saying all or even most white people have it easy, I'm not dismissing the hardships and anxieties of the Louisiana share cropper, I'm not trying to dismiss the very real stigma many black people have against white people, and I'm definitely not trying to downplay racism against Jews or say that racism is only perpetrated against people of African ancestry.

What I am trying to say is that, in reality, not all pain is equal, and yes, not all racism is felt as strongly. I lived in rural Japan for a year, and I experienced some racism - being stared at wherever I went, shopkeepers glaring at me for no reason and shoving change into my hand, being asked to represent my race as if all white people were like me, being harassed by cops who told me to leave the country - hell, I was even accused of being a terrorist for not being Japanese and asked to leave a bar. It was annoying. It hurt a bit. Sometimes it hurt a lot. But in the end, honestly, I've felt worse.

In the end I could come back to the U.S. where no one gives me a sideways glance, where shopkeepers don't look at me twice, and where white terrorism, though very real, is deemed non-existent. So I ask myself, what if people in the U.S. looked at me sidelong wherever I went with fear, or anger, or mistrust just because I'm white. What if half of every man I knew who was white had been to jail or was bound for jail at some point, what if I endured constant racism in my OWN COUNTRY but was told that it didn't exist. How would that feel? If I'm going to be honest, I just don't know. So it's good to leave the door open for the possibility that other people have it worse than me, even if I can't understand how.

You’re equating racism deniers to everyday reasonable people who are aware it exists and don’t engage in it but also don’t take their time to combat it. I like talking with kind, honest POC about racism in America bc they can share things with me that I can’t possibly understand and it’s okay for me not to understand bc it was never my destiny to be any other race than white. We are born how we’re born. No matter our race we live and cope with life the best we can. Just as you think a person shouldn’t suffer bc they’re black you shouldn’t feel bad for being white. Intelligent people know skin color is nothing more than biological and it’s attitudes that put so much importance on it. Your white guilt isn’t going to do shit to fix racism. Telling white people how racist they are (incidentally bc of their race) isn’t going to do shit to fix racism... if fact, it might just fuel it.

None of this makes sense. What makes a POC kind and honest about racism to you? Who is asking whites to feel bad because they are white? Why did whites create this false narrative about white guilt. The OP doesn't sound guilty. How could telling whites how racist they are fuel racism? Whites want to tell others what they need to change and expect it to be done, but whites? Oh no, you can't tell whites anything, because they'll just become more racist. That's white supremacist thinking. "We are superior we don't need to listen to anyone but we can tell everyone else how to do things." Whites are not called racists because of their race. Whites are called racists who are actually racists.

It doesn’t make sense bc you’re interpreting it from a flawed POV. By “kind and honest” I mean doesn’t act like a troll and/or talk down to me/assume I don’t know anything about anything bc I’m white—and YES I have been treated like this. By “kind and honest” I mean reasonable, willing to discuss without chastising and insults and this applies to everyone not just POC.

There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.

I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article: How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension.
It's probably a good thing that so many of you have such a strong opinion about it. Look, I'm not saying all or even most white people have it easy, I'm not dismissing the hardships and anxieties of the Louisiana share cropper, I'm not trying to dismiss the very real stigma many black people have against white people, and I'm definitely not trying to downplay racism against Jews or say that racism is only perpetrated against people of African ancestry.

What I am trying to say is that, in reality, not all pain is equal, and yes, not all racism is felt as strongly. I lived in rural Japan for a year, and I experienced some racism - being stared at wherever I went, shopkeepers glaring at me for no reason and shoving change into my hand, being asked to represent my race as if all white people were like me, being harassed by cops who told me to leave the country - hell, I was even accused of being a terrorist for not being Japanese and asked to leave a bar. It was annoying. It hurt a bit. Sometimes it hurt a lot. But in the end, honestly, I've felt worse.

In the end I could come back to the U.S. where no one gives me a sideways glance, where shopkeepers don't look at me twice, and where white terrorism, though very real, is deemed non-existent. So I ask myself, what if people in the U.S. looked at me sidelong wherever I went with fear, or anger, or mistrust just because I'm white. What if half of every man I knew who was white had been to jail or was bound for jail at some point, what if I endured constant racism in my OWN COUNTRY but was told that it didn't exist. How would that feel? If I'm going to be honest, I just don't know. So it's good to leave the door open for the possibility that other people have it worse than me, even if I can't understand how.

You’re equating racism deniers to everyday reasonable people who are aware it exists and don’t engage in it but also don’t take their time to combat it. I like talking with kind, honest POC about racism in America bc they can share things with me that I can’t possibly understand and it’s okay for me not to understand bc it was never my destiny to be any other race than white. We are born how we’re born. No matter our race we live and cope with life the best we can. Just as you think a person shouldn’t suffer bc they’re black you shouldn’t feel bad for being white. Intelligent people know skin color is nothing more than biological and it’s attitudes that put so much importance on it. Your white guilt isn’t going to do shit to fix racism. Telling white people how racist they are (incidentally bc of their race) isn’t going to do shit to fix racism... if fact, it might just fuel it.

None of this makes sense. What makes a POC kind and honest about racism to you? Who is asking whites to feel bad because they are white? Why did whites create this false narrative about white guilt. The OP doesn't sound guilty. How could telling whites how racist they are fuel racism? Whites want to tell others what they need to change and expect it to be done, but whites? Oh no, you can't tell whites anything, because they'll just become more racist. That's white supremacist thinking. "We are superior we don't need to listen to anyone but we can tell everyone else how to do things." Whites are not called racists because of their race. Whites are called racists who are actually racists.

It doesn’t make sense bc you’re interpreting it from a flawed POV. By “kind and honest” I mean doesn’t act like a troll and/or talk down to me/assume I don’t know anything about anything bc I’m white—and YES I have been treated like this. By “kind and honest” I mean reasonable, willing to discuss without chastising and insults and this applies to everyone not just POC.

There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.
View attachment 212680
I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article: How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension.
That is one disgusting fatbody
It's probably a good thing that so many of you have such a strong opinion about it. Look, I'm not saying all or even most white people have it easy, I'm not dismissing the hardships and anxieties of the Louisiana share cropper, I'm not trying to dismiss the very real stigma many black people have against white people, and I'm definitely not trying to downplay racism against Jews or say that racism is only perpetrated against people of African ancestry.

What I am trying to say is that, in reality, not all pain is equal, and yes, not all racism is felt as strongly. I lived in rural Japan for a year, and I experienced some racism - being stared at wherever I went, shopkeepers glaring at me for no reason and shoving change into my hand, being asked to represent my race as if all white people were like me, being harassed by cops who told me to leave the country - hell, I was even accused of being a terrorist for not being Japanese and asked to leave a bar. It was annoying. It hurt a bit. Sometimes it hurt a lot. But in the end, honestly, I've felt worse.

In the end I could come back to the U.S. where no one gives me a sideways glance, where shopkeepers don't look at me twice, and where white terrorism, though very real, is deemed non-existent. So I ask myself, what if people in the U.S. looked at me sidelong wherever I went with fear, or anger, or mistrust just because I'm white. What if half of every man I knew who was white had been to jail or was bound for jail at some point, what if I endured constant racism in my OWN COUNTRY but was told that it didn't exist. How would that feel? If I'm going to be honest, I just don't know. So it's good to leave the door open for the possibility that other people have it worse than me, even if I can't understand how.

You’re equating racism deniers to everyday reasonable people who are aware it exists and don’t engage in it but also don’t take their time to combat it. I like talking with kind, honest POC about racism in America bc they can share things with me that I can’t possibly understand and it’s okay for me not to understand bc it was never my destiny to be any other race than white. We are born how we’re born. No matter our race we live and cope with life the best we can. Just as you think a person shouldn’t suffer bc they’re black you shouldn’t feel bad for being white. Intelligent people know skin color is nothing more than biological and it’s attitudes that put so much importance on it. Your white guilt isn’t going to do shit to fix racism. Telling white people how racist they are (incidentally bc of their race) isn’t going to do shit to fix racism... if fact, it might just fuel it.

None of this makes sense. What makes a POC kind and honest about racism to you? Who is asking whites to feel bad because they are white? Why did whites create this false narrative about white guilt. The OP doesn't sound guilty. How could telling whites how racist they are fuel racism? Whites want to tell others what they need to change and expect it to be done, but whites? Oh no, you can't tell whites anything, because they'll just become more racist. That's white supremacist thinking. "We are superior we don't need to listen to anyone but we can tell everyone else how to do things." Whites are not called racists because of their race. Whites are called racists who are actually racists.

It doesn’t make sense bc you’re interpreting it from a flawed POV. By “kind and honest” I mean doesn’t act like a troll and/or talk down to me/assume I don’t know anything about anything bc I’m white—and YES I have been treated like this. By “kind and honest” I mean reasonable, willing to discuss without chastising and insults and this applies to everyone not just POC.

There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.
View attachment 212680
I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article: How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension.

That person is feeling guilt because he hates himself, because he is overweight and needs help.
I'm pretty sure these two knew a little bit about pain before they died.
Pretty sure their parents know a lot about the pain of a racist society.

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia
Its good they found out about pain but it would be more beneficial if they could have experienced this on a multi-generational level.

Think they did.. More dead white folks than in all other wars lie on the Civil War battlefields. My grandparent relatives in Nazi concentration camps did. Not like white folks don't know evil and suffering.
I need generational pain where whites feel pain, have children that feel the exact same pain, grow up and have more children that have the exact same pain all while their families are torn apart and their customs are destroyed..

....... and that's definitely not racist -- right?
It was good they found out about pain? serious?
Yes it was good. However it could have been better. Their entire race could have experienced the same thing for generations so they would know how it feels.

Bull shit, your step daughter is white. You wouldnt wish that on her. or would you? ... but lets see, some other peoples kids, yeah its ok for them. Either your BS'ing or you are a really fucked excuse for a human being. Which one is it?
My god daughter is 11% Black. I'm being serious. That event was used as some kind of idiotic equivalency so lets make it equivalent so whites can experience the generational pain.

So does the 11% exempt her from you badgering her about race? Or not? Pretty certain you'll be remembered as the grandpa that made her know that white guilt can't be absolved without pain.
I never badgered her about race when I thought she was totally white. Shes my daughter for all intents and purposes so I never look at her as white.

That's interesting. But being married to a black woman and having kids with her doesn't absolve a white man from having you demand he live his life in pain for your peace of mind?
BTW Bullwinkle - - Look at my board name. I've lived EVERYWHERE. Not just Fla Cal Tenn, but New York and Texas.. You want to know of all those places where racism is SILENT AND DEADLY???

Right in Nancy Pelosi's back yard. I lived on the San Fran peninsula and RARELY saw a black person. Sighted Condoleeza Rice a couple times at Stanford Shopping Center. All the blacks lived across the freeway in EAST Palo Alto. A true ghetto. White folks on the peninsula would refer to the "quality of life" on the peninsula. Meaning, thank GAWD those blacks all live in Palo Alto. And for 2 DECADES -- they couldn't get a BART train extension to the peninsula from across the Bay or South from San Fran for FEAR that "black people" might come over from Oakland. They even BLEW UP a perfectly good rail bridge that would have made the connection easier to accomplish.

Those folks haven't even BEGUN to confront their racism and never will. So don't tell me how the South is getting further and further into racism..

White racism exists all over America but Johns OP is what you argue against because you don't want to admit how real what John said is.

You're not reading what I wrote are you? I gave the OP a thank-you and posted that ONLY THING I disagreed on was his last sentence. Where he advises fellow whites to just "shut up" and listen. That only goes so far towards any kind of understanding or productive interaction. Especially if the folks you're listening to use the same TACTICS as white racists to stereotype and snark you to death and boredom.
So it seems like you're trying to move on but again, on the Confederacy - you said it's your regional identity. Can you use the word in a sentence? It seems like when people talk about the Confederacy enslaving and raping and murdering and selling children and working men to death and stealing the futures and basic human dignities of millions of human beings, those words just roll right off for you. Again - whining, and again, I mean this in the nicest possible way because you seem like a nice guy but there is some seriously messed up denial going on in your mind about this. The Confederacy was evil - pure evil. You get that, don't you? There's no gray area, no nothing. It was evil. As evil as the Nazis. As evil as anything. And black people have to LOOK at that flag and its monuments and watch otherwise decent people like you have their eyes glaze over and say, "It shouldn't bother you."
BTW Bullwinkle - - Look at my board name. I've lived EVERYWHERE. Not just Fla Cal Tenn, but New York and Texas.. You want to know of all those places where racism is SILENT AND DEADLY???

Right in Nancy Pelosi's back yard. I lived on the San Fran peninsula and RARELY saw a black person. Sighted Condoleeza Rice a couple times at Stanford Shopping Center. All the blacks lived across the freeway in EAST Palo Alto. A true ghetto. White folks on the peninsula would refer to the "quality of life" on the peninsula. Meaning, thank GAWD those blacks all live in Palo Alto. And for 2 DECADES -- they couldn't get a BART train extension to the peninsula from across the Bay or South from San Fran for FEAR that "black people" might come over from Oakland. They even BLEW UP a perfectly good rail bridge that would have made the connection easier to accomplish.

Those folks haven't even BEGUN to confront their racism and never will. So don't tell me how the South is getting further and further into racism..

White racism exists all over America but Johns OP is what you argue against because you don't want to admit how real what John said is.

You're not reading what I wrote are you? I gave the OP a thank-you and posted that ONLY THING I disagreed on was his last sentence. Where he advises fellow whites to just "shut up" and listen. That only goes so far towards any kind of understanding or productive interaction. Especially if the folks you're listening to use the same TACTICS as white racists to stereotype and snark you to death and boredom.
So it seems like you're trying to move on but again, on the Confederacy - you said it's your regional identity. Can you use the word in a sentence? It seems like when people talk about the Confederacy enslaving and raping and murdering and selling children and working men to death and stealing the futures and basic human dignities of tens of millions of human beings, those words just roll right off for you. Again - whining, and again, I mean this in the nicest possible way because you seem like a nice guy but there is some seriously messed up denial going on in your mind about this. The Confederacy was evil - pure evil. You get that, don't you? There's no gray area, no nothing. It was evil. As evil as the Nazis. As evil as anything. And black people have to LOOK at that flag and its monuments and watch otherwise decent people like you have their eyes glaze over and say, "It shouldn't bother you."

Can't have this discussion here. I'd be violating board rules by diverting the topic of this thread. But if you insist on sliming the South including YOUR OWN political constituency -- start a new thread in the appropriate forum and invite me in.

All replies to a topic really need to stick with that specific topic. We're not picky about content as long as threads each have a unique discussion in them and not the same free-for-all in every thread.

And heck man -- it's YOUR OWN THREAD. Shouldn't be giving the movie review and expounding on what YOU intended to talk about?

Whatever you say, man. If you ever have a change of heart send me a message. I am as far from a perfect person myself as anyone and am not trying to sound condescending or high-and-mighty or anything (though I'm sure I have), but like I said in the OP I'm a sensitive guy and it really messes with my head when it seems like people are having real obstacles to showing empathy, because I've had that problem myself. I'd just ask you to think about what's been said in this thread and naturally, make your own judgments.

You know nothing about the empathy I've shown. Nor do you know that empathy alone is really cheap donation to the cause.

You're OK. You've just led a pretty safe life in terms of meeting folks from different worlds and attempting to get anything approaching "empathy" or reasonable discussion out of them..

Blanket statements like "Black people know more about pain (than white people)" are flawed. Each one of us regardless of color have our on journey through life. While many of us experience much pain, many by comparison experience little pain. There have been white people that have been held captive for years, caged like animals and raped. There are some black people that have lived lives of luxury compared most white people (Obama's daughters for example).

Life is not fair. Each one of us have to live the hand that is dealt to us.

Also, those that seem to have everything sometimes are the ones dealing with the most pain, or at least dealing with it poorly. Robin Williams to an outsider seemed to be on the top of the world, yet he took his own life. I presume he did so to escape the pain of living.
Asslips is a privileged, protected goober whose only purpose is to make people miserable.

That's all he does, that's all he's good for. He certainly does not understand the concept of pain or empathy, and is pretty much a cull all around.

I doubt he's actually black. but meh.
"There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.
View attachment 212680
I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article:
How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension."

Whites are many of the most condescending people in this society. When you think you are better than somebody, I guess you think you get to say what you want to people but people must always speak respectfully to you.

You apparently miss the inconvenient fact that whites have been racist against blacks since at least 1641. That is 377 years of continuing white racism that has not ever stopped. Saying things have improved or saying things are better is not saying it has ended. When the words it has ended has been proven and said, if blacks are still talking about how whites are racist, then you can call blacks racists for assuming a person is racist because they are white.

Since whites don't walk the streets with I'm not a racist tattooed on their foreheads, blacks do not know which individual white is racist or not. So until a national system of white racist identification is established, this is going to happen. So you must prove you are not before we can trust you not to be. INDIVIDUALLY if we don't and just trust you, that's usually when we find out that person is a racist.

If you feel bad because you are white, that's your fault. Nobody is asking you to feel guilt. You shall get the truth and accept it. Whites must face the completeness of their history just like everyone else. Blacks had great civilizations but none of them were perfect. We face and accept that. That is not said to excuse white colonization.

Seems that there are whites here at USMB who are unable to do that.
Yes it was good. However it could have been better. Their entire race could have experienced the same thing for generations so they would know how it feels.

Bull shit, your step daughter is white. You wouldnt wish that on her. or would you? ... but lets see, some other peoples kids, yeah its ok for them. Either your BS'ing or you are a really fucked excuse for a human being. Which one is it?
My god daughter is 11% Black. I'm being serious. That event was used as some kind of idiotic equivalency so lets make it equivalent so whites can experience the generational pain.

So does the 11% exempt her from you badgering her about race? Or not? Pretty certain you'll be remembered as the grandpa that made her know that white guilt can't be absolved without pain.
I never badgered her about race when I thought she was totally white. Shes my daughter for all intents and purposes so I never look at her as white.

That's interesting. But being married to a black woman and having kids with her doesn't absolve a white man from having you demand he live his life in pain for your peace of mind?

Who is demanding that? Do you not know how STUPID that sounds?
"There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.
View attachment 212680
I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article:
How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension."

Whites are many of the most condescending people in this society. When you think you are better than somebody, I guess you think you get to say what you want to people but people must always speak respectfully to you.

You apparently miss the inconvenient fact that whites have been racist against blacks since at least 1641. That is 377 years of continuing white racism that has not ever stopped. Saying things have improved or saying things are better is not saying it has ended. When the words it has ended has been proven and said, if blacks are still talking about how whites are racist, then you can call blacks racists for assuming a person is racist because they are white.

Since whites don't walk the streets with I'm not a racist tattooed on their foreheads, blacks do not know which individual white is racist or not. So until a national system of white racist identification is established, this is going to happen. So you must prove you are not before we can trust you not to be. INDIVIDUALLY if we don't and just trust you, that's usually when we find out that person is a racist.

If you feel bad because you are white, that's your fault. Nobody is asking you to feel guilt. You shall get the truth and accept it. Whites must face the completeness of their history just like everyone else. Blacks had great civilizations but none of them were perfect. We face and accept that. That is not said to excuse white colonization.

Seems that there are whites here at USMB who are unable to do that.
I don't have any white guilt.

I'm proud of what my ancestors have accomplished...despite the various persecutions they have been subjected to.
Blanket statements like "Black people know more about pain (than white people)" are flawed. Each one of us regardless of color have our on journey through life. While many of us experience much pain, many by comparison experience little pain. There have been white people that have been held captive for years, caged like animals and raped. There are some black people that have lived lives of luxury compared most white people (Obama's daughters for example).

Life is not fair. Each one of us have to live the hand that is dealt to us.

Also, those that seem to have everything sometimes are the ones dealing with the most pain, or at least dealing with it poorly. Robin Williams to an outsider seemed to be on the top of the world, yet he took his own life. I presume he did so to escape the pain of living.

Yawn! When international organizations are stating that what people looking like you are doing to people looking like me are international human rights violations, you cannot say that you are going through anything similar.

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