Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

Why do whites have more wealth?

Zionist bankers, of course.


It's a white thing.

It has more to do with generational wealth
It also has to do with blacks not getting hired. White privilege. Not enough corporations are trying hard enough to diversify. Because of stereotyping, blacks don't get the job. They say the best person got the job but then I point out Hunter Biden got a lot of good jobs. And not because he was the best. Then they get it.

Detroit has made a comeback. 5 rich white men own most of Detroit. Businessmen. Billionaires. And they hire whites from the suburbs to drive in and do the work every day. Not enough of the natives are benefiting from the comeback. Sure they get janitor jobs and security jobs but those jobs don't pay the bills.

I also love pointing this out to whites who pick on blacks. In the last decade uneducated whites have taken a huge hit. Their jobs went overseas and now they find themselves in the same boat as blacks. Instead of crack it's alcohol and fentynol killing them. Heroine.

And too many of these uneducated whites are Republicans. Voting against themselves. Instead of joining a fucking union.

Trump may bring jobs home but at $15 hr.

An explanation that has achieved great resonance in the media is that less-educated Whites have been especially hard hit in recent economic times. Case and Deaton referred to the increased deaths linked to overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism in working class Whites as “deaths of despair.

Only happening to whites. Men and women. Uneducated. I told them for decades that to the GOP they are n*#$rs too. Now maybe they'll listen? Of course not. They are loyal to the racist cause. Trump has them convinced it's not his fault (billionaires) it's blacks, immigrants, liberals to blame.
Meanwhile the UAW is fixing the middle class while Republicans bash them.
It also has to do with blacks not getting hired. White privilege. Not enough corporations are trying hard enough to diversify. Because of stereotyping, blacks don't get the job. They say the best person got the job but then I point out Hunter Biden got a lot of good jobs. And not because he was the best. Then they get it.

Hunter didn't get the job because he was white, he got the job because his father was VP.

Skin color has nothing to do with someone's success. Many black males end up in prison, and a criminal record hinders job opportunities. I mean what other race has 33% of their entire adult male population as being convicted felons? If you can't stay out of prison you won't get a good job.

We estimate that 3 % of the total U.S. adult population and 15 % of the African American adult male population has ever been to prison; people with felony convictions account for 8 % of all adults and 33 % of the African American adult male population.
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Hunter didn't get the job because he was white, he got the job because his father was VP.
Yea a lot of whites get their jobs that way. His father, his friends father.

Oh please. Are you going to tell me you acknowledge that this kind of favoritizm/nepotism exists but whites don't hire whites because they are white? It's okay as long as they know them?

This is why poor uneducated whites are struggling so bad. They're finding out to the whites at the top, they're n*#$rs too. It shows in how much they pay them.

And with affirmative action and diversity programs trying to make things more fair for the rest of us, uneducated whites are now finding themselves in the same spot that ghetto blacks find themselves. Desperate and no hope to make a better life for themselves. Hopeless. And they are turning to suicide and drugs. Sound familiar?

You whites should be embarrassed. For centuries you've told blacks to pick themselves up by their bootstaps. Despite all the obsticles, the've been doing it. Slowly getting better. Meanwhile whites are taking a step backward. At least uneducated whites.

And this is why it blows me away that Republicans are telling us all don't go to college. Meanwhile they all have college degrees. They don't want to make college more affordable for the masses like us liberals did. Their answer is don't go to college. Become a loser on drugs and kill yourselves. Put that on a GOP bumper sticker.
The lefts solution is not to promote diversity among equally qualified hires, but to lower the standards on job performance.
We worry that you are not hiring the most qualified. You're hiring your friends kid.

The blacks and women being hired are proving you wrong. They're doing just fine. My brother had to find a diversity candidate to take over for him. He was VP of HR at his fortune 500 company. He found a black guy and guess what? He's doing just fine. The business is doing great.

Relax. They aren't hiring an inexperienced black to be the CEO. Just the VP of HR. He can handle it. Baby steps.
As for generational wealth, I got zero (less than zero, net) from my parents. At 74, the wealth that I have is the product of (a) being constantly employed since I was 15, (b) getting married, and having my spouse work full time, (c) living below our means, and (d) saving as much as we could until we finally retired.

Got a lot of lucky breaks along the way, but none of it was due to family or personal contacts, my race, or any affiliations. Much of my education was funded by VA benefits, and I actually went into the Army (during Vietnam) so that this would happen.

I finished college and law school with ZERO debt. Maybe that wouldn't be possible now with higher tuition costs, but everything was pay-go.

Any Black male could have done everything the same as me, and could have achieved the same result. Retirement funds are well into seven figures and not a (financial) care in the world.
Being a smaller part of the overall population is also a factor.
Your new speaker of the House has a black son. He gets it

"Michael being a Black American and Jack being white Caucasian. They have different challenges. My son Jack has an easier path. He just does."
I never found being white any help. I never had a good old boy network to help me out which I found to be the reality of the real world. As the post above stated they hire their buddy's kids instead of the most qualified.
🙂 👍 The speakers' black son will find life is easier because of his dad and his dad's buddies.
It also has to do with blacks not getting hired.
Bullshit Moon Bat.

That would have been the case prior to the 1960s but not in the last 40 to 50 years. Due to affirmative action and diversity goals Blacks are even more likely to be hired instead of Whites nowadays.

The reason they don't do shit is because:

1. They have much more criminal records that Whites

2, They don't have a good work ethic do to the fact they were not raised in culture that embraced hard work.

3. They have tremendous drug and alcohol problems.

4. They were not raised in a two parent home that promoted good work ethics.

5. They have a welfare and entitlement mentality.

6. Many of them are uneducated and functionally illiterate because they were passed in school because of racial goals and not because of reaching a level of learning.
It also has to do with blacks not getting hired. White privilege. Not enough corporations are trying hard enough to diversify. Because of stereotyping, blacks don't get the job. They say the best person got the job but then I point out Hunter Biden got a lot of good jobs. And not because he was the best. Then they get it.

Detroit has made a comeback. 5 rich white men own most of Detroit. Businessmen. Billionaires. And they hire whites from the suburbs to drive in and do the work every day. Not enough of the natives are benefiting from the comeback. Sure they get janitor jobs and security jobs but those jobs don't pay the bills.

I also love pointing this out to whites who pick on blacks. In the last decade uneducated whites have taken a huge hit. Their jobs went overseas and now they find themselves in the same boat as blacks. Instead of crack it's alcohol and fentynol killing them. Heroine.

And too many of these uneducated whites are Republicans. Voting against themselves. Instead of joining a fucking union.

Trump may bring jobs home but at $15 hr.

An explanation that has achieved great resonance in the media is that less-educated Whites have been especially hard hit in recent economic times. Case and Deaton referred to the increased deaths linked to overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism in working class Whites as “deaths of despair.

Only happening to whites. Men and women. Uneducated. I told them for decades that to the GOP they are n*#$rs too. Now maybe they'll listen? Of course not. They are loyal to the racist cause. Trump has them convinced it's not his fault (billionaires) it's blacks, immigrants, liberals to blame.
Meanwhile the UAW is fixing the middle class while Republicans bash them.
Blacks aren’t hired because they lack iQ, because they have poor people/communiction skills, because they can’t articulate and speak the english language clearly, because they possess poor leadership skills, because they lack attention to detail, because they aren’t reliable and dependable, because they tend to be defiant and resistant.
Woke white quilt wackos think all of the aforementioned should be overlooked in the name of EQUITY.
Fuck that.
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As for generational wealth, I got zero (less than zero, net) from my parents. At 74, the wealth that I have is the product of (a) being constantly employed since I was 15, (b) getting married, and having my spouse work full time, (c) living below our means, and (d) saving as much as we could until we finally retired.

Got a lot of lucky breaks along the way, but none of it was due to family or personal contacts, my race, or any affiliations. Much of my education was funded by VA benefits, and I actually went into the Army (during Vietnam) so that this would happen.

I finished college and law school with ZERO debt. Maybe that wouldn't be possible now with higher tuition costs, but everything was pay-go.

Any Black male could have done everything the same as me, and could have achieved the same result. Retirement funds are well into seven figures and not a (financial) care in the world.
A lot of people live above their means, and they never save.
I never found being white any help. I never had a good old boy network to help me out which I found to be the reality of the real world. As the post above stated they hire their buddy's kids instead of the most qualified.
🙂 👍 The speakers' black son will find life is easier because of his dad and his dad's buddies.
Here is how lots of white folks gained their generational wealth and lots of black folks never had a chance to pass down their generational wealth....

"Luke McElroy, a Black farmer who owned 155 acres of land in Cherokee County, Alabama, was shot to death in 1949 by a neighboring white farmer over a property dispute. In Amite County, Mississippi, Reverend Isaac Simmons, also a Black farmer, was lynched by six white men in 1944 when he refused to give up his farmland to the men, who thought it might have valuable oil deposits. The men then brutally beat Reverend Simmons’s son and ran him out of the county. The stories of these men and many others in the Burnham-Nobles Archive of racially motivated killings of Black people in the Jim Crow South highlight the violent theft of Black farmland, often to the benefit of white farmers."

Multiply those stories by 100,000 and you will see how that can definitely put a dent in what generational wealth black and native american families could pass down to their offspring -- and it definitely boosts the generational wealth others are able to pass down thru land theft via outright murder that was blessed by the state.....This doesn't mean those who inherited this are wrong, but to pretend they didn't benefit from that racist system is would be like running a 100 yd dash and bragging about winning because you started at the 70 yd line.
The question should be, all other things being equal, do the Black person and the White person have an equal chance for success. That should be the goal, not some asinine equity that liberals are obsessed with.
And the answer to that question is NO, they do NOT have an equal chance for success. The Black person has a far greater chance for success than the white. This is due to the moronic and racist 58 year old policy of Affirmative Action that has ruined the lives of thousands of whites, while placing (often unqualified) blacks directly into jobs, colleges, job promotions etc.

The evidence is all around us. I am a veteran who goes frequently to the VA hospital in Tampa, FL. This massive institution employs 16,000 people, and spending some time there, and walking through its many long hallways, one thing is starkly evident. The employees are overwhelmingly) I'd guess 99% non-white.

And who says that whites have more wealth than blacks ? Some leftist think tank, university, or media ? All known for their BS propaganda ? When all those non-white doctors, nurses, technicians, clerical workers, etc drive into the VA hospital parking areas in their shiny new cars, and pass some poor person in the median holding a sign asking for help, it is quite often a white person.

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Here is how lots of white folks gained their generational wealth and lots of black folks never had a chance to pass down their generational wealth....

"Luke McElroy, a Black farmer who owned 155 acres of land in Cherokee County, Alabama, was shot to death in 1949 by a neighboring white farmer over a property dispute. In Amite County, Mississippi, Reverend Isaac Simmons, also a Black farmer, was lynched by six white men in 1944 when he refused to give up his farmland to the men, who thought it might have valuable oil deposits. The men then brutally beat Reverend Simmons’s son and ran him out of the county. The stories of these men and many others in the Burnham-Nobles Archive of racially motivated killings of Black people in the Jim Crow South highlight the violent theft of Black farmland, often to the benefit of white farmers."

Multiply those stories by 100,000 and you will see how that can definitely put a dent in what generational wealth black and native american families could pass down to their offspring -- and it definitely boosts the generational wealth others are able to pass down thru land theft via outright murder that was blessed by the state.....This doesn't mean those who inherited this are wrong, but to pretend they didn't benefit from that racist system is would be like running a 100 yd dash and bragging about winning because you started at the 70 yd line.
You forgot about Affirmative Action. See post # 19. And walk through your local VA hospital some time, and take a good look.

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