Why will Romney win the debates against Obama?

Salt Jones

Mar 22, 2011
Republicans keep saying Romney will win the debates vs Obama. Why? What has Romney shown you to make you think he will beat Obama in the debates?
I suppose that depends on how you define win. If you define win as seriously crush Obama on the substant of the issues, then it's no contest. He will overwhelmingly win.

If by win you mean look better and give better one liners completely ignoring substance, then it could be anyones game. We all know which definition the media uses. They are all style and no substance.
If Romney tells the truth about anything, it will destroy his credibility with his base.
What is he a liar about?

The flip-flopping?
That could be a simple change of heart.

But I haven't heard of any other things he's been lying about.
What is he a liar about?

The flip-flopping?
That could be a simple change of heart.

But I haven't heard of any other things he's been lying about.

Well the simple Chang elf heart is how bush beat Kerry, remember the flip flopper. And by lie he means this.

1. Romney has been FOR women's rights. As I. Pro choice.
2. The you didn't did build it your slef attack does not stand up. Romney said the same thing in his address to the Olympians.
3. Obama care is Romney care, so by trying to repeal Obama care he looks like a hypocrite.
4. He has been all over the place on forien affairs, making blunders left and right, London and Israel being examples.

Not to mention is Very bad record as gov. Of mass. I can keep going, but I think u get the point
Obama hasn't debated in 4 years..Romney has to go up against the Obama moderators and Obama. Romney will do fine
It will be a wonderful entertaining night watching Romney trying to put words together, that can keep the fabrications of lies sound plausible. It's easier to sway people if 40% of what you're saying is actually true, as to being plausible. Less than 15% of Romney's scrambled minutiae will help him plead his case, and will be on full display, I can't wait. Got my beer, pizza and nuts. Also I have five bags to ventilate myself from the laughter from Romney's answers. Got to be safe. But I do find it great when you're laughing so hard that you cry, as to the wonderful night coming, political entertainment. Got to love it.
Just listening to Obama explain his successful foreign policy would be a joke, not to mention his economic policy that has left us with a third credit downgrade and continued high unemployment numbers. Wonder what gas prices will be when the debates come about...

Come on Obama we need explanations.....:eusa_clap:
If Romney tells the truth about anything, it will destroy his credibility with his base.

Romney's base will be just fine.

If he speaks thru the prism of truth,it will be ugly,but that is what we need. We have a tough road to hoe ahead of us, and Americans need someone who is going to be honest in telling us ALL what we are facing.

All Romney has to do is point to Obama's failed record. All Obama has is rhetorical jibberish about dirty air and water and throwing granny over cliffs and such.

I can not wait to see them in a debate... BRING IT ON!
If Romney tells the truth about anything, it will destroy his credibility with his base.

rdean with his projection again. Obama didnt talk about the economy and hell he was real big on foreign policy.....ooops....so now where's he gonna go? oh thats right tax returns, that's all he has, every domestic and foreign issue has been a disaster from this President.
Republicans keep saying Romney will win the debates vs Obama. Why? What has Romney shown you to make you think he will beat Obama in the debates?

Facts, logic, and reason are on the conservative side, but Romeny may say something stupid, that's Obama's only chance.
If Romney tells the truth about anything, it will destroy his credibility with his base.

Romney's base will be just fine.

Which is true because they are brainwashed sheep. Those on the right are useful idiots that obey the (R) no matter what.

Willard could say that if you elected him, he would take your house, cars, ever possession you own and put you on a slave labor camp, though just as long as he was the (R), the mindless sheep would still vote for him.
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I suppose that depends on how you define win. If you define win as seriously crush Obama on the substant of the issues, then it's no contest. He will overwhelmingly win.

If by win you mean look better and give better one liners completely ignoring substance, then it could be anyones game. We all know which definition the media uses. They are all style and no substance.

You mean Romney has given substance to his tax policies?!

Be honest here man - Romney will NOT debate economic details. He can't afford to alienate his support base.
If Romney tells the truth about anything, it will destroy his credibility with his base.

Romney's base will be just fine.

Which is true because they are brainwashed sheep. Those on the right are useful idiots that obey the (R) no matter what.

Willard could say that if you elected him, he would take your house, cars, ever possession you own and put you on a slave labor camp, though just as long as he was the (R), the mindless sheep would still vote for him.

Have you ever participated in an adult conversation, or do you always act like an asshole?

Nevermind, don't bother answering... I know it was a stupid ass question already.
Willard could say that if you elected him, he would take your house, cars, ever possession you own and put you on a slave labor camp, though just as long as he was the (R), the mindless sheep would still vote for him.

You are absolutely right, but to be fair, the same could also be said of many Dem voters.

US politics seems to be a tam sport where loyalty to the party is greater than loyalty to the country, or even to ones self.
Republicans keep saying Romney will win the debates vs Obama. Why? What has Romney shown you to make you think he will beat Obama in the debates?

I can't wait to hear Obama speak so I can get that familiar 'thrill' up my leg.
Willard could say that if you elected him, he would take your house, cars, ever possession you own and put you on a slave labor camp, though just as long as he was the (R), the mindless sheep would still vote for him.

You are absolutely right, but to be fair, the same could also be said of many Dem voters.

US politics seems to be a tam sport where loyalty to the party is greater than loyalty to the country, or even to ones self.


I promise you, if I thought Romney was a kook, I would not be voting for him.

I threw in with Perot... I regret it, but I did it.

I will put my money where my mouth is. No reason to lie here.
Well the simple Chang elf heart is how bush beat Kerry, remember the flip flopper. And by lie he means this.

1. Romney has been FOR women's rights. As I. Pro choice.
2. The you didn't did build it your slef attack does not stand up. Romney said the same thing in his address to the Olympians.
3. Obama care is Romney care, so by trying to repeal Obama care he looks like a hypocrite.
4. He has been all over the place on forien affairs, making blunders left and right, London and Israel being examples.

Not to mention is Very bad record as gov. Of mass. I can keep going, but I think u get the point

Ah, but Olympians are a little different animal than business owners, eh?

And, yep ~ The New And IMPROVED whomever Care is on the horizon.
The debates will be empty and pointless as usual. The moderators and candidates will agree to avoid issues of substance and focus on dumb sound bites and platitudes. No one "wins" these things, least of all voters.

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