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Why won't the media call Trump a Racist?

You know damn well if these so called refuges were Christians, the left would be lining up to shoot them the minute they set foot in our country. Leftist, lying shitbags...
Sounding like a broken record on this point, but this whole discussion illustrates the fact that the Left ALWAYS resorts to ad hominem attacks. ALWAYS!

The word "racist" is not even remotely applicable to the words and conduct in question. Trump, a Caucasian, has suggested MONITORING Arab Muslims coming into this country as "refugees." Arab Muslims are also CAUCASIANS! Muslim is not even a nationality, let alone a race.

Trump's ACTUAL WORDS - and not the words of the "Gotcha Reporter" - are what is relevant. What, EXACTLY, did Trump say that indicates he believes Caucasians are superior, or some other race is inferior to Caucasians? Let me see a quote. It does not exist.

Trump believes that the U.S. ought to take its own immigration laws seriously, and to erect a sufficient barrier to prevent people from illegally coming here.

If that makes him a "racist," then you might want to interchange "sentient American" for "racist" because every sentient American feels the same way.

When you can't deal with the actual facts or data, then call someone a name. Even if the name is made-up nonsense.

No, it illustrates that this fails as a composition fallacy, common to many on the right.

Also typical of many on the right is the attempt to deflect from an argument they're losing with a red herring fallacy, of which this post is an example.

The thread topic is Trump and his racism, not 'liberals.'
Isn't racism or bigotry to not like people you perceive as a threat to your personal safety. Might be in error, but the error doesn't make the view racist. Especially if there's some truth to it.
There isn't any truth to it, that's the point.

Being Muslim doesn't make one a 'terrorist,' nor a 'terrorist sympathizer,' nor 'prone to terrorism.'

Consequently, the notion of 'registering' American citizens who are Muslim, or 'investigating' mosques in the United States, manifests as racism and bigotry – it's ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit.

There are some who have even said certain segments of our population should wear some sort of identification. Amazingly, they either fail to see the connection between that the nazi's forcing Jews to wear ID, or, more likely, they're in favor of it.


Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today

I know it didn't work. THe lib media pretended to believe his lie that he didn't notice, over twenty years that his friend, political ally and spiritual mentor was a raving racist anti-american.

And you, as a lib, have no credibility to complain about someone else's racism because of that action.
Sounding like a broken record on this point, but this whole discussion illustrates the fact that the Left ALWAYS resorts to ad hominem attacks. ALWAYS!

The word "racist" is not even remotely applicable to the words and conduct in question. Trump, a Caucasian, has suggested MONITORING Arab Muslims coming into this country as "refugees." Arab Muslims are also CAUCASIANS! Muslim is not even a nationality, let alone a race.

Trump's ACTUAL WORDS - and not the words of the "Gotcha Reporter" - are what is relevant. What, EXACTLY, did Trump say that indicates he believes Caucasians are superior, or some other race is inferior to Caucasians? Let me see a quote. It does not exist.

Trump believes that the U.S. ought to take its own immigration laws seriously, and to erect a sufficient barrier to prevent people from illegally coming here.

If that makes him a "racist," then you might want to interchange "sentient American" for "racist" because every sentient American feels the same way.

When you can't deal with the actual facts or data, then call someone a name. Even if the name is made-up nonsense.

No, it illustrates that this fails as a composition fallacy, common to many on the right.

Also typical of many on the right is the attempt to deflect from an argument they're losing with a red herring fallacy, of which this post is an example.

The thread topic is Trump and his racism, not 'liberals.'

How exactly is Trump a racist?
Isn't racism or bigotry to not like people you perceive as a threat to your personal safety. Might be in error, but the error doesn't make the view racist. Especially if there's some truth to it.
There isn't any truth to it, that's the point.

Being Muslim doesn't make one a 'terrorist,' nor a 'terrorist sympathizer,' nor 'prone to terrorism.'

Consequently, the notion of 'registering' American citizens who are Muslim, or 'investigating' mosques in the United States, manifests as racism and bigotry – it's ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit.

There are some who have even said certain segments of our population should wear some sort of identification. Amazingly, they either fail to see the connection between that the nazi's forcing Jews to wear ID, or, more likely, they're in favor of it.


Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today
If the media were honest, they would call your Messiah racist...because he clearly is.
They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.


I'm Adolph Hitler, and I approve this message.
Always knew you were a pussy, g0000

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.
Actually we are watching the Nazification of the GOP in real time.
Why won't the media call Obama a racist? He is one

Why is Classless Ass so afraid to discuss Drumpf's racism that she has to change the subject?

Stay on topic. If you want to like about President Obama, go start a thread.

Twenty years in REv. Wright's Black Liberation Theology Church.

The lack of outrage from the left on that undermines their credibility when they claim to be upset about Trump's supposedly racism.

Thus it is a relevant on topic question.

No its not relevant.

The topic is Drumpf.

If you want to lie about President Obama, go start a thread.


Wow. Good debating move. Just repeat yourself. Did you learn that somewhere or create it yourself?

Wow. Sidestepping. Bad debate move.

Stay on topic.

Pointing out that libs are hypocrites is not admitting anything about Trump.

Calling Trump a racist based on his desire to protect US citizens and our national security does nothing to prove Trump is a 'racist'. It just goes back to my point of how liberals claim he is a racist because THEY say so.
Liberals always tell me that someone is NOT a criminal - whether it be an ILLEGAL Immigrant or a murderer or a rapist - until they have been CONVICTED....

....but they want to be judge, jury, and executioners when it comes to Conservatives. No charges, no arrests, no convictions necessary.

This thread reminds me of how Liberals call anyone who threatens them, who disagrees with any Obama policy / strategy / lie / whatever for example a 'racist' .... and declare it to be so because THEY say so.

In this thread alone Liberals want to brand Trump a 'racist' because he has an extremely valid concern for our national security and for the lives of American citizens. He wants to protect both.

his ideas may not be the best in the world, but they are not ground in racism but instead concern.

In the last week Obama has declared:

'The 'refugees' are 'screened thoroughly'.
- Turns out that's not true.

'Americans are afraid of 'widows and orphans'
- That's definitely not true, Obama's just being an ass.

'These refugees are as safe as the TOURISTS who come to the US ever year'
- That's not true.

'There have been no terrorists among the refugees who have come here'
- That's definitely not true. R-Al Jeff sessions released the name of 12 'refugee's who immediately began to engage in terrorist activities right after they got here, beginning in Jan 2015!

And when concerned Americans bring up the 'refugee program' it is the Liberals who respond by claiming that our VISA program is far worse ,that potential threats overstay their welcome and disappear, never to be seen again.
- While not very 'PC', Trump's idea of a 'Registry' would answer that problem. ANYONE applying for a Visa could be / should be fingerprinted and all their information taken. Visa recipients should be told they have to report in as directed (annually, sooner for shorter visas) and if they fail to do so they will be put on a list to be collected and removed from the country, NEVER to be allowed into the U.S. again!

This would resolve a legitimate national security concern and visa program weakness, but Liberals and the media claim this makes him a racist. Sorry, but B$!

Liberals need a 9/11/01 or a 'Paris' - American deaths - before they are willing to take action. Even then, sometimes, they seek to cover them up or excuse them away (Benghazi, Fort hood...).

Wanting to protect this country better than Obama has is not Racist...may not be 'PC', but it isn't 'racist' either.
I remember you guys defended Alberto Gonzales, Scooter Libby and Bush for deleting emails and outting a CIA agent. You guys insisted they were innocent. And as soon as Scooter was found guilty you moved on and changed the subject.

How about Dennis Pedophile Hastert? Is he guilty? Certainly seems guilty to me.

Was Larry Craig guilty of toe tapping fags? Sure seems like it. But he wasn't found guilty.

Has Hillary been found guilty? How come so many repuglicans suggest she'll be in jail by this time next year? I'll tell you why. Because they are really stupid people.
They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.


I'm Adolph Hitler, and I approve this message.
Always knew you were a pussy, g0000

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.
Actually we are watching the Nazification of the GOP in real time.

Do you ever tire of using hyperbole? Nobody is buying it
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.

Why don't they call Obama a Muslim??

The rightwing propaganda machine (aka THE MEDIA) has called Obama practically everything derogatory that it can possibly call him.

Why are you lying?
Clearly this is rhetorical.
They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.


I'm Adolph Hitler, and I approve this message.
Always knew you were a pussy, g0000

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.
Actually we are watching the Nazification of the GOP in real time.

How so? You leftist numbnutz keep saying this, but how so? The Nazification?
Actually we are watching the Nazification of the GOP in real time.

Coming from a supporter of a party /President in bed with ISIS, responsible for thousands of ISIS deaths all over the ME and in Europe, the party that created / supported / supports the violent racist KKK and the equally racist New Black Panthers, and Black Lives Matter - which called for the murder of all whites and police.

Why won't the media call Obama a racist? He is one

Why is Classless Ass so afraid to discuss Drumpf's racism that she has to change the subject?

Stay on topic. If you want to like about President Obama, go start a thread.

Twenty years in REv. Wright's Black Liberation Theology Church.

The lack of outrage from the left on that undermines their credibility when they claim to be upset about Trump's supposedly racism.

Thus it is a relevant on topic question.
You have to ask why black people are unhappy with America?


No wonder we call you an ignorant racist.
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.

Isn't racism or bigotry to not like people you perceive as a threat to your personal safety. Might be in error, but the error doesn't make the view racist. Especially if there's some truth to it.
There isn't any truth to it, that's the point.

Being Muslim doesn't make one a 'terrorist,' nor a 'terrorist sympathizer,' nor 'prone to terrorism.'

Consequently, the notion of 'registering' American citizens who are Muslim, or 'investigating' mosques in the United States, manifests as racism and bigotry – it's ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit.

There are some who have even said certain segments of our population should wear some sort of identification. Amazingly, they either fail to see the connection between that the nazi's forcing Jews to wear ID, or, more likely, they're in favor of it.


Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

He was. The lying RWNJs were so loud, he quit attending the church.

There was nothing racist in anything I read from Wright but that's hardly the point.

The point is, the right wants the First Amendment dropped from the US Constitution. Actually, the only part of the constitution you idiots like is the 2nd and you're damn ignorant about that.

Now, care to address the topic?

Of course not. All you've got is smoke screens and lies.
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior. Trump is well aware of the castration of the media when it comes to criticizing his newfound party and is taking full advantage of it

Why the media is duty-bound to call Donald Trump a racist

But for some reason, when covering the people vying for the most powerful office in the land, the media is hesitant to apply the "R" word, no matter how apt it may be. And that hesitation could have extraordinarily serious consequences for the country.
But just denying the refugees fleeing terrorism and repression wasn't enough. The anti-terrorism furor has grown into an anti-Muslim furor. Trump has called for shutting down mosques and refused to rule out a national registry for Muslims. Marco Rubio is trying to out-Trump Trump by calling not just for shutting down mosques, but
even cafes or websites where Muslims gather.
But look at where we are today. Leading candidates for presidents are flirting with requiring adherents of a single religion to be registered. To carry identification cards. To be subject to additional surveillance. To be refused entry to the nation even if they're escaping horrific repression. To have their houses of worship closed down.
Those are racist, fascist policies. To avoid the comparison with early Nazi repression against Jews is to avoid telling the full story. And that's just what the media is doing by refusing to call these proposals racist.

The media's job is to report facts, not your sleazy biased opinions. The media still has the limited integrity to avoid branding people with your propaganda epithets. That means the media has a million times more integrity than you.
Why won't the media call Obama a racist? He is one

Why is Classless Ass so afraid to discuss Drumpf's racism that she has to change the subject?

Stay on topic. If you want to like about President Obama, go start a thread.

Twenty years in REv. Wright's Black Liberation Theology Church.

The lack of outrage from the left on that undermines their credibility when they claim to be upset about Trump's supposedly racism.

Thus it is a relevant on topic question.
You have to ask why black people are unhappy with America?


No wonder we call you an ignorant racist.

Dodo, get past I give a fuck what any leftist asshole like you calls me.

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