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Why won't the media call Trump a Racist?

They will not stop. Accept them at your peril. Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtards faggots.


I'm Adolph Hitler, and I approve this message.
Always knew you were a pussy, g0000

Exterminate? If only you rednecks could see how closely you resemble brownshirts.

So you're a muzzie sympathizer..aka libtard?

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.
Actually we are watching the Nazification of the GOP in real time.

Yo Clayton...will you be holding hands with G0000 at the climate change conference? We want those radical Islamic terrorists to be scared shitless. You two can do just that!
The answer is simple. The media has been so bullied by Conservatives about being "unfair" to the right that they are afraid to criticize even the most offensive behavior.......

What universe do you live in?

He's right.

Media in the US is owned and controlled by the right and, because Drumpf spews the garbage they want, they do give Drumpf a pass.
Why won't the media call Obama a racist? He is one

Why is Classless Ass so afraid to discuss Drumpf's racism that she has to change the subject?

Stay on topic. If you want to like about President Obama, go start a thread.

Twenty years in REv. Wright's Black Liberation Theology Church.

The lack of outrage from the left on that undermines their credibility when they claim to be upset about Trump's supposedly racism.

Thus it is a relevant on topic question.
You have to ask why black people are unhappy with America?


No wonder we call you an ignorant racist.

Black people need to look in the mirror.. whitey is the least of their worries.
Donald Trump is not willing to go along with that consensus. So he has adopted a retro racism, telling primary voters in no uncertain terms that if you're looking for the candidate who will indulge and validate your ugliest impulses, Trump is your man. And nearly as shamefully, his opponents tiptoe around the issue, unwilling to criticize him too severely.

Being against Third World Immigration is not racist.
Actually it is racist, and bigotry – to seek to disallow immigrants from coming to the United States predicated on who they are, their race, or national origin – where fleeing poverty for a better economic opportunity has always been a legitimate and appropriate reason to come to America.
Dang, I never thought I would hear a lefty play the Star Spangled Banner so loud he couldn't hear what other people are saying.
How so? You leftist numbnutz keep saying this, but how so? The Nazification?

Because, you Conservative swine, you oppose:
- Communists
- Socialists
- Racist hate-spewing anti-American pastors
- Domestic terrorists who bomb their country and kill cops
- Do not supporting aiding and abetting terrorists, like Obama does
- You cling to your religion and guns
- Are against murdering babies capable of surviving outside the womb, chopping them up, and selling the pieces for profit
- You actually believe in a nation having a right to know and control who comes into their country
- You actually believe people should enforce existing laws
- You believe politicians are NOT above the constitution and Law
- You refuse to see your country for the evil entity it is and refuse to apologize for it....

You...you...BASTARD! :crybaby:
Sealy has his panties in a wad trying to defend his poor wittle wibberal liars and criminals...


Dude, take a breath and have a Happy Thanksgiving....
Fox is inviting me to tune into Obabbles remarks from the White House.

No thanks dude...the last thing I want to do while preparing the basics for tomorrow's dinner...is to puke in the stuffing mix...
There are no 'PC police,' the fact that Trump is expressing his racism with impunity is proof that 'PC' is a myth.
I love it!

You just keep trying this!

Thank you!!


President Obama praised student activists, but also said he disagrees with what Stephanopoulos described as “militant political correctness” on campus, whereby some activists seek to shut down opposing viewpoints. “Being a good citizen, being an activist, involves hearing the other side and making sure that you are engaging in a dialogue because that’s also how change happens,” said President Obama.
There isn't any truth to it, that's the point.

Being Muslim doesn't make one a 'terrorist,' nor a 'terrorist sympathizer,' nor 'prone to terrorism.'

Consequently, the notion of 'registering' American citizens who are Muslim, or 'investigating' mosques in the United States, manifests as racism and bigotry – it's ignorant, unwarranted, and devoid of merit.

There are some who have even said certain segments of our population should wear some sort of identification. Amazingly, they either fail to see the connection between that the nazi's forcing Jews to wear ID, or, more likely, they're in favor of it.


Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today

I know it didn't work. THe lib media pretended to believe his lie that he didn't notice, over twenty years that his friend, political ally and spiritual mentor was a raving racist anti-american.

And you, as a lib, have no credibility to complain about someone else's racism because of that action.

The media ragged on the Rev. Wright fake scandal relentlessly to the point where Obama gave a nationally televised speech on it.
No, I think it's a core value of American jurisprudence and the Constitution that tell you that.

So you are saying you DO believe a serial murder, rapist, or pedophile is NOT a criminal as long as they are never caught, arrested, charged, and convicted....

Got it.
There are some who have even said certain segments of our population should wear some sort of identification. Amazingly, they either fail to see the connection between that the nazi's forcing Jews to wear ID, or, more likely, they're in favor of it.


Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today

I know it didn't work. THe lib media pretended to believe his lie that he didn't notice, over twenty years that his friend, political ally and spiritual mentor was a raving racist anti-american.

And you, as a lib, have no credibility to complain about someone else's racism because of that action.

The media ragged on the Rev. Wright fake scandal relentlessly to the point where Obama gave a nationally televised speech on it.

Well, if you spend 20 years in the church of a flaming racist, you might have some explaining to do... I know I would have left after hearing Wright's first racist utterance. Obama? Nah, he hung out for two decades.
No, I think it's a core value of American jurisprudence and the Constitution that tell you that.

So you are saying you DO believe a serial murder, rapist, or pedophile is NOT a criminal as long as they are never caught, arrested, charged, and convicted....

Got it.

They are not in the eyes of the law. For all I know you could be a serial killer using your measurements.
Whether the media uses the racist word is mostly irrelevant. They need to stop letting Trump off the hook so easily. He needs to be held accountable for his rhetoric.
Trump doubling down on his hateful rhetoric should not go unchallenged

Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today

I know it didn't work. THe lib media pretended to believe his lie that he didn't notice, over twenty years that his friend, political ally and spiritual mentor was a raving racist anti-american.

And you, as a lib, have no credibility to complain about someone else's racism because of that action.

The media ragged on the Rev. Wright fake scandal relentlessly to the point where Obama gave a nationally televised speech on it.

Well, if you spend 20 years in the church of a flaming racist, you might have some explaining to do... I know I would have left after hearing Wright's first racist utterance. Obama? Nah, he hung out for two decades.

Why? Ronald Reagan spent 20 years as a flaming liberal Democrat.
Why was Obama not held accountable for his twenty years as a member of REv. Wright's Church?

That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today

I know it didn't work. THe lib media pretended to believe his lie that he didn't notice, over twenty years that his friend, political ally and spiritual mentor was a raving racist anti-american.

And you, as a lib, have no credibility to complain about someone else's racism because of that action.

The media ragged on the Rev. Wright fake scandal relentlessly to the point where Obama gave a nationally televised speech on it.

Well, if you spend 20 years in the church of a flaming racist, you might have some explaining to do... I know I would have left after hearing Wright's first racist utterance. Obama? Nah, he hung out for two decades.

Why? Ronald Reagan spent 20 years as a flaming liberal Democrat.

Uhm, I don't even know what this means...
That bullshit did not work in 2008 and does not work today

By that you mean the media buried it, repeatedly told Americans Obama's past did not matter, and gave him a complete past for spending decades watch his racist, hate-spewing, Anti-American pastor spew that crap and spent decades ADMITTEDLY being MENTORED by the dude.

My favorite part, though, was AFTER he became President and a reporter did some digging and found out 'Jeremiah Wright' had visited Obama over a dozen times, according to the 'sign in' log.

Obama responded by saying that was 'ANOTHER' Jeremiah Wright.

Damn, how many racist, hate-spewing, anti-American pastors does this man know?!


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