Why would a God even need a hell?

Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.

This is what I've been told in sci-fi and horror shows such as Rod Serling's Night Galllery. It may be, but I had a dream last night.

This dream was about what the fire and flames mean of hell in the afterlife. It could mean that your body is burned into ash, so that only the spirit remains. That would fulfill the lake of fire. In other words, the part of being tortured by burns 24/7 is stuff made up by the Roman Catholics of centuries ago. However, what losing the body means was not revealed.

The other part that is strange is atheists will be in the dark and other atheists will be telling you how to escape the darkness, but I'm not sure if the Bible mentions this. The latter is what some people who had near-death experiences described as happening to them. It wasn't a light they saw.

God does not need any of the hell's that humans have imagined.
When did you become God's spokesman? Did I miss His press release?

I do not speak for God , I speak only for myself.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.

This is what I've been told in sci-fi and horror shows such as Rod Serling's Night Galllery. It may be, but I had a dream last night.

This dream was about what the fire and flames mean of hell in the afterlife. It could mean that your body is burned into ash, so that only the spirit remains. That would fulfill the lake of fire. In other words, the part of being tortured by burns 24/7 is stuff made up by the Roman Catholics of centuries ago. However, what losing the body means was not revealed.

The other part that is strange is atheists will be in the dark and other atheists will be telling you how to escape the darkness, but I'm not sure if the Bible mentions this. The latter is what some people who had near-death experiences described as happening to them. It wasn't a light they saw.

God does not need any of the hell's that humans have imagined.
When did you become God's spokesman? Did I miss His press release?

I do not speak for God , I speak only for myself.
Only ding speaks for god.
You have to be careful with Christians , they will say anything when it comes to speaking for God. They have no fear of lying on God.
You have to be careful with Christians , they will say anything when it comes to speaking for God. They have no fear of lying on God.
Aren't you done grinding your ax yet?
Not when there are still imbeciles like you around.


The thing is , he thinks he is more than he is. Christianity taught him that nature. Its a highly ingrained view of oneself. In Rom. 12:3 it teaches not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to. Christianity totally ignores that. They think they are the anointed of God. And you can't tell them anything different.
You have to be careful with Christians , they will say anything when it comes to speaking for God. They have no fear of lying on God.
Aren't you done grinding your ax yet?
Not when there are still imbeciles like you around.


The thing is , he thinks he is more than he is. Christianity taught him that nature. Its a highly ingrained view of oneself. In Rom. 12:3 it teaches not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to. Christianity totally ignores that. They think they are the anointed of God. And you can't tell them anything different.
You can obfuscate all you want. At the end of the day you are not fooling anyone. Your mission, which is the exact same mission as militant atheists is to subordinate religion.
You have to be careful with Christians , they will say anything when it comes to speaking for God. They have no fear of lying on God.
Aren't you done grinding your ax yet?
Not when there are still imbeciles like you around.


The thing is , he thinks he is more than he is. Christianity taught him that nature. Its a highly ingrained view of oneself. In Rom. 12:3 it teaches not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to. Christianity totally ignores that. They think they are the anointed of God. And you can't tell them anything

I use to think that also. Christians think they are soooo good, who wants to be like that anyway.
I just had no understanding of Christianity at that time.

Are you trying to get people to dismiss the truth of hell existing, and follow your version or maybe not follow your version but their own?
Why would God " Need" a hell?
I don't know what you think hell is but hell is being eternally separated from God.

Cool.............if Hell is being eternally separated from God, then let me ask a simple question........................why is it that Christians who claim to be recruiting for God continually refuse those that are seeking Him?
Why would God " Need" a hell?
I don't know what you think hell is but hell is being eternally separated from God.

Cool.............if Hell is being eternally separated from God, then let me ask a simple question........................why is it that Christians who claim to be recruiting for God continually refuse those that are seeking Him?
I don't understand what you are asking? Refuse how?
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.
For the same reason a good needs a bad.
Christians need a hell ,God does not need a hell , and he does not need Christians.

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