Why would a God even need a hell?

.The evidence is there, what you choose to do with it is up to you.

No there isn't.
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?
dingbat sees a dead body on the pavement and instantly knows who did it because, well, the body is right there! :cuckoo:

Dingbat fits them just perfect. Thanks.
Bless your heart.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.

No it is not. You have a belief. That is fine. Nothing wrong with it. But there is absolutely no verifiable evidence of a god existing.

You know, it's not lost on me that there is more evidence of climate change being caused by humans than there is of a god (of which there is absolutely NOTHING out there), yet you don't believe that is the case with global warming.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.

No it is not. You have a belief. That is fine. Nothing wrong with it. But there is absolutely no verifiable evidence of a god existing.

You know, it's not lost on me that there is more evidence of climate change being caused by humans than there is of a god (of which there is absolutely NOTHING out there), yet you don't believe that is the case with global warming.
Sure there is. He created the universe. The universe and everything in it and everything that has unfolded is not only proof of God's existence, it also contains clues as to why it exists and what its purpose is.

We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is less than the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycles.
Sure there is. He created the universe. The universe and everything in it and everything that has unfolded is not only proof of God's existence, it also contains clues as to why it exists and what its purpose is.

We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is less than the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycles.

you can believe what you like. You can believe in the tooth fairy and santa claus if you want....
Sure there is. He created the universe. The universe and everything in it and everything that has unfolded is not only proof of God's existence, it also contains clues as to why it exists and what its purpose is.

We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is less than the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycles.

you can believe what you like. You can believe in the tooth fairy and santa claus if you want....
Thank you. Same to you.
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?

No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?

No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?

No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.
Hell doesn't live anywhere. Hell is being separated from God. According to you, you are in hell now.
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?

No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.
Hell doesn't live anywhere. Hell is being separated from God. According to you, you are in hell now.
I think he makes this shit up as he goes along. :D
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

This is an excellent question. My thinking is there are different levels of hell since there are different degrees of sin. While Dante's Inferno was a work of fiction, it still has ideas of hell that seem reasonable today.


I also present this as exhibit B. It's an expressionist early work of art by Jackson Pollock. It does appear to be people in flames, but it's not about hell. He called it The Flame.


I believe it expresses the pain and suffering of woe.

Moreover, pain and suffering is a great persuader for God's existence. I can't think of any better "proof" than that. There are no atheists in the afterlife.

If you want the traditional answer, then here it is. It's what Jesus said about hell since he will be the judge. It may not be a place where you feel the pain of being burned 24/7 for all eternity, but it will be an unpleasant place,

"He warned, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).

Did He say this simply to scare us? The reality of hell should frighten us, because not one word in the Bible about hell would ever make you want to go there — not if you take it seriously. The Bible speaks of hell as a place of absolute loneliness and despair and hopelessness. It calls it a place of “darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 22:13)."

Did Jesus ever say anything about hell? I don't believe in hell myself.

"Here are some of the passages that describe hell:

Matthew 25:41, “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’”

Matthew 8:12, “But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

2 Thessalonians 1:6–9, “God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.”

Revelation 20:10, 15, “And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. . . . Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.”

Romans 2:8, “But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.”

Matthew 25:30, “And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Hell, although we do not know exactly what it will look like, will be a place of unending suffering and torment from which there will be no escape. Therefore, now is the day of salvation. Now is the day for all to repent and believe the gospel. Now is the day for us to proclaim the good news that Christ has come to save sinners who trust in Him for forgiveness. Those who look to Christ now will be saved from the wrath to come (1 Thessalonians 1:9–10)."

What does hell look like? How hot is hell?
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?

No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.

This is what I've been told in sci-fi and horror shows such as Rod Serling's Night Galllery. It may be, but I had a dream last night.

This dream was about what the fire and flames mean of hell in the afterlife. It could mean that your body is burned into ash, so that only the spirit remains. That would fulfill the lake of fire. In other words, the part of being tortured by burns 24/7 is stuff made up by the Roman Catholics of centuries ago. However, what losing the body means was not revealed.

The other part that is strange is atheists will be in the dark and other atheists will be telling you how to escape the darkness, but I'm not sure if the Bible mentions this. The latter is what some people who had near-death experiences described as happening to them. It wasn't a light they saw.
We just went through this. There is evidence. It is up to you to decide what it means. What other evidence are you hoping to find?

No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.

This is what I've been told in sci-fi and horror shows such as Rod Serling's Night Galllery. It may be, but I had a dream last night.

This dream was about what the fire and flames mean of hell in the afterlife. It could mean that your body is burned into ash, so that only the spirit remains. That would fulfill the lake of fire. In other words, the part of being tortured by burns 24/7 is stuff made up by the Roman Catholics of centuries ago. However, what losing the body means was not revealed.

The other part that is strange is atheists will be in the dark and other atheists will be telling you how to escape the darkness, but I'm not sure if the Bible mentions this. The latter is what some people who had near-death experiences described as happening to them. It wasn't a light they saw.

God does not need any of the hell's that humans have imagined.
No we haven't. Evidence that the universe exists is not evidence of a god. It is evidence of the universe existing. that is all.
Sure it is. You just don't accept it.
dingbat has been through this many times with others on this board, and he has yet to find anyone to agree with him on pretty much anything. He won't even respond to me anymore because I expose his nonsense every time and deep down he knows that I'm right but really, really, really wants to live in his own fantasy world.

Hell lives in the human mind , its going to take a raquet wrench to get it out.

This is what I've been told in sci-fi and horror shows such as Rod Serling's Night Galllery. It may be, but I had a dream last night.

This dream was about what the fire and flames mean of hell in the afterlife. It could mean that your body is burned into ash, so that only the spirit remains. That would fulfill the lake of fire. In other words, the part of being tortured by burns 24/7 is stuff made up by the Roman Catholics of centuries ago. However, what losing the body means was not revealed.

The other part that is strange is atheists will be in the dark and other atheists will be telling you how to escape the darkness, but I'm not sure if the Bible mentions this. The latter is what some people who had near-death experiences described as happening to them. It wasn't a light they saw.

God does not need any of the hell's that humans have imagined.
When did you become God's spokesman? Did I miss His press release?

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