Why would a God even need a hell?

Yes, the Universe is vast and makes a very big playground, but the human race can be taken out by a rock or ourselves. Unlike some of our ancestors believed, I don't believe we're the center of the Universe nor God's only creation.

According to the spirit guides I have listened too we incarnate hundreds of times in a cycle of spiritual evolution, and we do so on many different planets though out the universe. We do this because as we evolve we need different experiences and go to planets that are more advanced.

It would be remiss of God to put all his eggs in one basket. Or all his children on one planet that can easily be destroyed. So the possibility that we can continue our evolution on other planets makes sense.

So is that the theory of the good die young, so the young kids that die of cancer have passed the tests and moved on to a better place, and were only here to teach us? So we do not remember our pass life's but its tucked away in our subconscious? Is this what your saying?

Life is full of suffering and some of it may be karma from past lives. I cannot say why children die, but they go to the spirit world and are brought up there. According to spirit guides we go to a higher realm when we die and spend as much time there as we need to assimilate our life experience. But until the soul completes its cycle of incarnations we have to reincarnate for more experience.
There is no pressure on us in the spirit world and we cannot evolve there. We need the struggle of the physical world to make us evolve.
According to my understanding the memory of all past lives is stored in the soul body. We have a number of higher bodies such as the astral and the mental body (see theosophy) We do not normally remember our past lives until our cycle of incarnations is complete. Then we have perfect recall of all of them
Well, the Book I read doesn't say anything about any "other lives". It states very plainly that it is appointed unto man ONCE to die and then the judgement.

I have studied spiritualism and occultism since the 1960's and reincarnation is taught by most spiritualist teachers. If you think about it being judged and condemned on just one life would be a system with injustice built into it. A soul that died as a baby would be untried and untested, and would never feel themselves the equal of someone who had lived a long and full life. In any case I rejected the idea of judgement decades ago. There is cause and effect. Reincarnation and karma. We suffer for our own sins and have to work them out in every detail over many lifetimes.

Spiritualism teaches there is no lasting hell, although evil souls do go to a dark place until they are ready to repent and reincarnate for more experiences.
Yes, the Universe is vast and makes a very big playground, but the human race can be taken out by a rock or ourselves. Unlike some of our ancestors believed, I don't believe we're the center of the Universe nor God's only creation.

According to the spirit guides I have listened too we incarnate hundreds of times in a cycle of spiritual evolution, and we do so on many different planets though out the universe. We do this because as we evolve we need different experiences and go to planets that are more advanced.

It would be remiss of God to put all his eggs in one basket. Or all his children on one planet that can easily be destroyed. So the possibility that we can continue our evolution on other planets makes sense.

Well, the Book I read doesn't say anything about any "other lives". It states very plainly that it is appointed unto man ONCE to die and then the judgement.

Many people live a thousand lives and die a thousand deaths before their first life is over. Who would need another go at it after that?
Maybe that person is not thoroughly reborn (not having to die and be reborn physically ) . Of course in our life on earth just from my personal experience, one can be reborn over and over, if only I knew then what I know now, we all say it. Now there are some young ones , around 7 on, that I call old souls, they love hanging out with adults and just seem to be so intuitive and gentle, while others are fighting and playing with toys, just being brats.
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Maybe that person is not thoroughly reborn (not having to die and be reborn physically ) . Of course in our life on earth just from my personal experience, one can be reborn over and over, if only I knew then what I know now, we all say it. Now there are some young ones , around 7 on, that I call old souls, they love haning out with adults and just seem to be so intuitive and gentle, while others are fighting and playing with toys, being just brats.

I heard the spirit guide Ramadhan, guide of the late medium Ursula Roberts, say in a trance lecture, that the spirit of Mozart was a musician in nine incarnations before he was born as the prodigy.
Well, the Book I read doesn't say anything about any "other lives". It states very plainly that it is appointed unto man ONCE to die and then the judgement.

I have studied spiritualism and occultism since the 1960's and reincarnation is taught by most spiritualist teachers. If you think about it being judged and condemned on just one life would be a system with injustice built into it. A soul that died as a baby would be untried and untested, and would never feel themselves the equal of someone who had lived a long and full life. In any case I rejected the idea of judgement decades ago. There is cause and effect. Reincarnation and karma. We suffer for our own sins and have to work them out in every detail over many lifetimes.

Spiritualism teaches there is no lasting hell, although evil souls do go to a dark place until they are ready to repent and reincarnate for more experiences.
When you say "most spiritualist teachers" you're not talking about most religious faiths. Not even all Buddhists believe in reincarnation. IMO, what's the point? The most common one is growth until one finally ascends forever.
God does not need a hell, because he has a Jesus.
What happens to those who aren't baptized?

The same thing that happens to those who are, free salvation. Jesus did not baptize anybody, neither did Paul. Moses did not baptize people, neither did King David. God has never baptized a human; baptism of water is just a physical ritual that symbolizes a spiritual event. That's all it is. Water baptism is not a requirement for salvation; not from what I have read.
Why would a God need a hell? That's like saying a God would need a prison. Why would God need a prison; why preserve things you don't want in eternity? For what? God does not need a storage bin for sinners, he can change the sinners into new creations. Religions do not know God, that's all it is too it, which is why they spread lies. Look at Rev. 21:4, " And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, there shall be no more death, no more sorrow, no more crying and no more pain; for ALL these things WILL PASS AWAY!" Now listen; think; if the Christian hell were true, surely there would be always be crying, pain and sorrow there for all eternity; God here is contradicting that by saying he is going to END all that forever;

The religious hell is a lie.
God does not need a hell, because he has a Jesus.
What happens to those who aren't baptized?

The same thing that happens to those who are, free salvation. Jesus did not baptize anybody, neither did Paul. Moses did not baptize people, neither did King David. God has never baptized a human; baptism of water is just a physical ritual that symbolizes a spiritual event. That's all it is. Water baptism is not a requirement for salvation; not from what I have read.
While I agree with you, many American Christians do not.
God does not need a hell, because he has a Jesus.
What happens to those who aren't baptized?

The same thing that happens to those who are, free salvation. Jesus did not baptize anybody, neither did Paul. Moses did not baptize people, neither did King David. God has never baptized a human; baptism of water is just a physical ritual that symbolizes a spiritual event. That's all it is. Water baptism is not a requirement for salvation; not from what I have read.
While I agree with you, many American Christians do not.

Well I am not a Christian, and I certainly disagree with much of their beliefs, but I agree with a few; just a few. I go along with what the bible teaches, but I don't see the bible like Christians do; they see a very limited salvation and they see this eternal hell misery. I see unlimited salvation and no hell for any human.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the truth. They think they own the bible, when they do not. The bible has no copy rights on it; it was not written by Christians or for Christians, although they like to think that. Most of the authors of the bible are in the Old Testament, none of them were Christians. And even in the New Testament, it was the Romans who named the current believers of that time " Christians", they did not call themselves that until after Antioch, but it was in Antioch that they were first " Called Christians", Acts 11:26. So the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not written by Christians.
Well I am not a Christian, and I certainly disagree with much of their beliefs, but I agree with a few; just a few. I go along with what the bible teaches, but I don't see the bible like Christians do; they see a very limited salvation and they see this eternal hell misery. I see unlimited salvation and no hell for any human.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the truth. They think they own the bible, when they do not. The bible has no copy rights on it; it was not written by Christians or for Christians, although they like to think that. Most of the authors of the bible are in the Old Testament, none of them were Christians. And even in the New Testament, it was the Romans who named the current believers of that time " Christians", they did not call themselves that until after Antioch, but it was in Antioch that they were first " Called Christians", Acts 11:26. So the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not written by Christians.
Most of those who believe as you say are what I call "Modern Christians", especially among Americans, but also among Catholics global-wide. Modern Christianity stamped out all the other forms of Christianity with a lot of help from Emperor Constantine all the way through to the Spanish Inquisition. That is where Christ became not only divine, but the concept of the Trinity originated. They also chose which books of the Bible best supported their point of view.
Well I am not a Christian, and I certainly disagree with much of their beliefs, but I agree with a few; just a few. I go along with what the bible teaches, but I don't see the bible like Christians do; they see a very limited salvation and they see this eternal hell misery. I see unlimited salvation and no hell for any human.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the truth. They think they own the bible, when they do not. The bible has no copy rights on it; it was not written by Christians or for Christians, although they like to think that. Most of the authors of the bible are in the Old Testament, none of them were Christians. And even in the New Testament, it was the Romans who named the current believers of that time " Christians", they did not call themselves that until after Antioch, but it was in Antioch that they were first " Called Christians", Acts 11:26. So the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not written by Christians.
Most of those who believe as you say are what I call "Modern Christians", especially among Americans, but also among Catholics global-wide. Modern Christianity stamped out all the other forms of Christianity with a lot of help from Emperor Constantine all the way through to the Spanish Inquisition. That is where Christ became not only divine, but the concept of the Trinity originated. They also chose which books of the Bible best supported their point of view.

I agree 100 %, and so does history. With the exception of this fact, Modernday Christianity did not stamp out all other forms of Christianity; I think you could say " Most forms of it", and be more correct. Because one large branch of Christianity looms over the world, its largest branch, Roman Catholicism, they consider themselves Christians. There are 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world. That's a lot of people. Any Christian that is not Catholic, which will claim that Catholics are not Christians, are completely ignoring history. The first Christians were clearly Roman Catholics. They came out of Rome. They got their identity in Rome.
God does not need a hell, because he has a Jesus.
What happens to those who aren't baptized?

The same thing that happens to those who are, free salvation. Jesus did not baptize anybody, neither did Paul. Moses did not baptize people, neither did King David. God has never baptized a human; baptism of water is just a physical ritual that symbolizes a spiritual event. That's all it is. Water baptism is not a requirement for salvation; not from what I have read.
While I agree with you, many American Christians do not.

Well I am not a Christian, and I certainly disagree with much of their beliefs, but I agree with a few; just a few. I go along with what the bible teaches, but I don't see the bible like Christians do; they see a very limited salvation and they see this eternal hell misery. I see unlimited salvation and no hell for any human.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the truth. They think they own the bible, when they do not. The bible has no copy rights on it; it was not written by Christians or for Christians, although they like to think that. Most of the authors of the bible are in the Old Testament, none of them were Christians. And even in the New Testament, it was the Romans who named the current believers of that time " Christians", they did not call themselves that until after Antioch, but it was in Antioch that they were first " Called Christians", Acts 11:26. So the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not written by Christians.

You are certainly painting with one wide brush there my friend. When you say "Christianity" and "Christians", you are placing them all into one tight little box. Are all Americans Republicans? Are all Americans Democrats? Christians are people and hold many different views just as Americans hold different views. I am a Christian and I believe hell is simply the grave, therefore I do not fit into your little box.
[QUOTE="the_human_being, post: 14303152,

You are certainly painting with one wide brush there my friend. When you say "Christianity" and "Christians", you are placing them all into one tight little box. Are all Americans Republicans? Are all Americans Democrats? Christians are people and hold many different views just as Americans hold different views. I am a Christian and I believe hell is simply the grave, therefore I do not fit into your little box.[/QUOTE]

Well I agree, not all Christians believe the same thing; but I think its correct to say most of them do. And I admit I often paint them with a wide brush, because I think its a religion that is a majority, and the majority of them think alike,. in my view. In fact, I think satan has used Christianity to deceive this world. In Rev. 12:9, we see it saying that satan has deceived the whole world; and none are excluded from that; its how I got deceived. Now what better way for him to deceive a world, than by using the world's largest religion, Christianity. There are 2.2 billion Christians on earth, there are 6.9 billion people on earth, nearly 1/3 are Christian, that's a wide brush.

satan knows one of the best ways he can deceive the people of earth, is to get at them through Christianity. Because most people trust that.
[QUOTE="the_human_being, post: 14303152,

You are certainly painting with one wide brush there my friend. When you say "Christianity" and "Christians", you are placing them all into one tight little box. Are all Americans Republicans? Are all Americans Democrats? Christians are people and hold many different views just as Americans hold different views. I am a Christian and I believe hell is simply the grave, therefore I do not fit into your little box.

Well I agree, not all Christians believe the same thing; but I think its correct to say most of them do. And I admit I often paint them with a wide brush, because I think its a religion that is a majority, and the majority of them think alike,. in my view. In fact, I think satan has used Christianity to deceive this world. In Rev. 12:9, we see it saying that satan has deceived the whole world; and none are excluded from that; its how I got deceived. Now what better way for him to deceive a world, than by using the world's largest religion, Christianity. There are 2.2 billion Christians on earth, there are 6.9 billion people on earth, nearly 1/3 are Christian, that's a wide brush.

satan knows one of the best ways he can deceive the people of earth, is to get at them through Christianity. Because most people trust that.[/QUOTE]

People are often wrong. The majority is usually wrong. Satan is not in a place called Hell. Satan is god of this world and is walking about like a ravenous lion. Satan still has access to Heaven where he goes forth to accuse us. The idea that Satan has already been kicked out of Heaven is yet another error. People tend to believe the most absurd things because they do not study the Scriptures and tend to listen to too many pastors and preachers who teach false doctrine. I agree though, Satan's seat is in the church. He is using the false doctrines spouted by false ministers to lead millions astray.

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