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Why Would Any White Person Vote for Reparations Joe?

A WHITE person voting for the Democratic Party would be as ridiculous as a Jew voting for Hitler in the 1930's.

Sad...the democrats at one time were not so bigoted as they are today.

I think the white people who do support the Democrats fail to see the long game for the left which is to make them a minority ASAP. Can you name me any other country in the world who's citizens support leaders that want to strip their power away?
Oh, yes.

Some (many?) (most?) liberals are, well, not true to their words.

They tell everybody how hunky dory "diversity" is, but they live in mostly Euro American communities (with a gated entrance if possible), they pay a lot of money each year for private security patrol cars to check the streets, they send their kids to private schools, and they would rather die than use public transportation on a regular basis.

That is why so many ordinary people, uh, "dislike" liberals.

The most frightening thing is, of course, that they will be in power on January 20.

I seriously doubt that. I think people are fed up with the left blaming a worldwide virus on a US President. I think people remember the great era we had with Trump in regards to the economy. The reason nobody goes out of their way to see Biden is because there is really nothing to get excited about. Everywhere Trump goes is standing room only.

hey send their kids to private schools

Of course they do. They don't want to see their children going into a racial jungle.
My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?
No explaining self hating whites. They vote against their best interests and feel they are doing good when in reality they are just dumb ass whiggers.
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A WHITE person voting for the Democratic Party would be as ridiculous as a Jew voting for Hitler in the 1930's.

Sad...the democrats at one time were not so bigoted as they are today.

I think the white people who do support the Democrats fail to see the long game for the left which is to make them a minority ASAP. Can you name me any other country in the world who's citizens support leaders that want to strip their power away?

There are VERY VERY Powerful people who do want the American people to lose their sovereignty and tragically they control the organs of communication. Their endgame was clearly stated by David Rockefeller almost 30 years ago....

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years."

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
I believe that ONLY the restoration of free speech for ALL Americans, not just the FASCIST RICH, is the only hope there is to reverse this cancerous slide.
You keep lying and you will get reported. Stop your lies and your stalking. Not my fault you are an ignorant leftist.

Oh, buddy, you have fun with that. Here's a form for you to fill out.

My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?
The REAL question you should be asking is WHY would anyone vote for jjjjumpin' Joe @ all????
Which Democrat policy would make white people a minority ASAP?

Virtually allowing minorities from our southern countries into ours. Ignoring the fact they broke our laws, and Biden in his own words said he would reward them by providing those people with amnesty, and of course, citizenship.

If those people were renown conservatives, the Democrats would have had a Wall 100 feet high, and totally impassable decades ago. They want these people here to wipe out the white majority. True......many Democrat politicians are white themselves, but nothing is more paramount to a Democrat politician than power.
My county voted 83% for Trump in 2016 and today I saw 4 idiots by the roadside with Biden signs. " Honk if you're for Biden" signs as well. Nobody was honking. Most flipped them the bird. Here's the real kicker...they were white :disbelief:WTF? If you're white why would you vote for Biden? So the Democratic Party in Congress can steal your $$$ and give it to black people who were never slaves?
The REAL question you should be asking is WHY would anyone vote for jjjjumpin' Joe @ all????
Which Democrat policy would make white people a minority ASAP?

Virtually allowing minorities from our southern countries into ours. Ignoring the fact they broke our laws, and Biden in his own words said he would reward them by providing those people with amnesty, and of course, citizenship.

If those people were renown conservatives, the Democrats would have had a Wall 100 feet high, and totally impassable decades ago. They want these people here to wipe out the white majority. True......many Democrat politicians are white themselves, but nothing is more paramount to a Democrat politician than power.
Democratic Party is full of two faced hypocrites.
Lot of hate in here.
I was just thinking that it looks like one of those underground websites you hear about.

It appears to be spreading here.
No hate whatsoever. Legitimate question. Why would you vote for someone who wants to favor one race over another? That's called racism. Reparations law could be challenged in Supreme Court and stricken down. But the fact that an idiot like Biden is considering it is insane.
Sure, about 10 times less thus far than the “science” initially predicted in the US.

Guy, less people died in Iraq than the models predicted, but we still kicked Bush's ass for lying to us.
A WHITE person voting for the Democratic Party would be as ridiculous as a Jew voting for Hitler in the 1930's.

Sad...the democrats at one time were not so bigoted as they are today.

I think the white people who do support the Democrats fail to see the long game for the left which is to make them a minority ASAP. Can you name me any other country in the world who's citizens support leaders that want to strip their power away?

They have known for quite some time that promising “free” stuff works to those that don’t have anything. The more that don’t have anything, the better the “free” mantra works. That leaves the others. That is where the racist, sexist, homophobic plan comes into play. Start at a young age and indoctrinate the youth into believing all of this. If you can just get 30% to swallow the bull and couple that with the “free” stuff crowd you have it.
Sure, about 10 times less thus far than the “science” initially predicted in the US.

Guy, less people died in Iraq than the models predicted, but we still kicked Bush's ass for lying to us.

If Trump lied, the scientists lied. You know, those guys you say you trust but don’t really trust unless their finding align with what you want.
They have known for quite some time that promising “free” stuff works to those that don’t have anything. The more that don’t have anything, the better the “free” mantra works. That leaves the others. That is where the racist, sexist, homophobic plan comes into play. Start at a young age and indoctrinate the youth into believing all of this. If you can just get 30% to swallow the bull and couple that with the “free” stuff crowd you have it.

Again, the biggest payouts the government makes are to Middle Class White people in the form of Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment and Veteran's benefits.

I would personally LOVE to see you guys run on abolishing that so the rich can have more mansions.

If Trump lied, the scientists lied. You know, those guys you say you trust but don’t really trust unless their finding align with what you want.

The Scientists didn't mismanage this crisis, Trump did.

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