Why would black people in 2017 be bothered by racism?

With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

They're trapped in their heads.

Obama did try to fan the flames of racism, but really only during his 2nd term.

He's not going to undo the progress all the years and thousands of people put into the

Civil Rights movement.

I agree. America is the most progressive and most mature nation when it comes to race relations. I think we are proud of the way our minority community helped build this nation.

What the elite media has done to divide and fan the flames of hate has been despicable.

The Black Panthers of the 60's despise the political motivations and the clandestine state connections of the NBPP. It's all a ruse to cause a race war and more domestic terrorism. That only benefits one interest, the security state. It gives them an excuse to step up draconian surveillance and police powers on everyone. Then everyone is hurt.
When you allow yourself to be offended by someone who is racist towards you, it gives you an opportunity to be a victim. Being a victim allows you to shame the other person. So, it's actually a mild form of emotional manipulation, a way to "get back" at the racist. It's a very childish, immature way to react.

The correct response to racism is to not be even remotely phased by it. That way you don't give any of your power away to the racist.
Had a guy next door paint junk on my house, I could not prove it so I just left it that way for about 6 months. He was really mad about it for years.
Everybody is at least a tiny bit racist. Human nature.
Just a little? I do not like White people because they are interfering with the population on how we live. I do not like Black people because they are always the victims of whatever, I don't like Chinesel people because there are too many of them on this world. I dont like South Americans because they want a better life..MINE. I don't like people who are half breeds because they get to check the box "other", I don't like American Indians because the say they were here first, which is a lie they came from China. That should cover the world as far as I can tell.
You left out why you hate yourself.
I have trouble walking in a straight line and I hate that...Could be the fault of the guys I hang with
Everybody is at least a tiny bit racist. Human nature.
Just a little? I do not like White people because they are interfering with the population on how we live. I do not like Black people because they are always the victims of whatever, I don't like Chinesel people because there are too many of them on this world. I dont like South Americans because they want a better life..MINE. I don't like people who are half breeds because they get to check the box "other", I don't like American Indians because the say they were here first, which is a lie they came from China. That should cover the world as far as I can tell.
You left out why you hate yourself.
I have trouble walking in a straight line and I hate that...Could be the fault of the guys I hang with
They've been pulling your leg so long you limp?
Everybody is at least a tiny bit racist. Human nature.
Just a little? I do not like White people because they are interfering with the population on how we live. I do not like Black people because they are always the victims of whatever, I don't like Chinesel people because there are too many of them on this world. I dont like South Americans because they want a better life..MINE. I don't like people who are half breeds because they get to check the box "other", I don't like American Indians because the say they were here first, which is a lie they came from China. That should cover the world as far as I can tell.
You left out why you hate yourself.
I have trouble walking in a straight line and I hate that...Could be the fault of the guys I hang with
They've been pulling your leg so long you limp?
Dr Jerry said one leg could be longer then the other.??? LOL:alcoholic:
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years then ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?
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With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years them ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to e tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
While the concept is difficult to grasp without considerable thought, the answer is, self-loathing.
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
While the concept is difficult to grasp without considerable thought, the answer is self-loathing.

Nah that's not the answer. The answer is that since you've never lived as a black person you should learn to shut up and listen to those who have.
When you allow yourself to be offended by someone who is racist towards you, it gives you an opportunity to be a victim. Being a victim allows you to shame the other person. So, it's actually a mild form of emotional manipulation, a way to "get back" at the racist. It's a very childish, immature way to react.

The correct response to racism is to not be even remotely phased by it. That way you don't give any of your power away to the racist.

Seems like the media gives power to racists all the time
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years then ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?

I'm black jackass
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
While the concept is difficult to grasp without considerable thought, the answer is self-loathing.

Nah that's not the answer. The answer is that since you've never lived as a black person you should learn to shut up and listen to those who have.

I'm black
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years then ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?

I'm black jackass

So? You are in here with a bunch of racists denying how racism still impacts the black community. You do blacks, including yourself no favor by doing so.

And before you start off, I am a 56 year old black man recently retired from a successful career with a masters degree.

So understand this, if LeBron James can get racial slurs painted on his gate, you can still be denied opportunities just .because of your skin color. If Forrest Whitaker can get arrested for shoplifting in a donut shop he could buy because he was racially profiled, then your black ass can be denied opportunity. If Professor Henry Gates a world renown expert, can get harassed by police in his own garage, your ass can be denied opportunity. .

We have taken a heavy toll because of racism. And that's why I asked you to go and study things. Regardless of what color you say you are, you need to earn exactly what racism is, and what it does. Because once you do, then you don't as the questions like he ones you asked.
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years then ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?

I'm black jackass

So? You are in here with a bunch of racists denying how racism still impacts the black community. You do blacks, including yourself no favor by doing so.

And before you start off, I am a 56 year old black man recently retired from a successful career with a masters degree.

So understand this, if LeBron James can get racial slurs painted on his gate, you can still be denied opportunities just .because of your skin color. If Forrest Whitaker can get arrested for shoplifting in a donut shop he could buy because he was racially profiled, then your black ass can be denied opportunity. If Professor Henry Gates a world renown expert, can get harassed by police in his own garage, your ass can be denied opportunity. .

We have taken a heavy toll because of racism. And that's why I asked you to go and study things. Regardless of what color you say you are, you need to earn exactly what racism is, and what it does. Because once you do, then you don't as the questions like he ones you asked.

I rather think about other things instead of racism like my savings account and credit score
With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years then ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?

With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused

Yeah you are. Go seek help. Start with reading facts relative to unemployment rates, poverty, ,income and wealth accumulation between whites and blacks over the last 50 years then ask yourself about all these opportunities blacks are supposed to be having.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Why is it always someone white in forums like these who post up ages of racist filth then comes back to tell us black folks how racism doesn't exist?

Why are some whites such liars?

I'm black jackass

With all the opportunities for blacks today in regards to education and employment, why are so many blacks upset when it's reveal that a certain white person doesn't like blacks?

Don't they have that right? And why should a white person not liking blacks mess up a black persons day?

I'm confused
While the concept is difficult to grasp without considerable thought, the answer is self-loathing.

Nah that's not the answer. The answer is that since you've never lived as a black person you should learn to shut up and listen to those who have.

I'm black




LMAO @ im2 Mongo!
They are not "racist." That is a politicized term used by elites and politicians to divide and conquer the masses.

The sociological, biological, and anthropological term is "IN-GROUP favoritism, or in-group preference." It operates in other species and sub-species as well. Politicians and social scientist would have you believe it is unnatural, that there is something wrong with you if you favor folks your own age or people that have like hobbies as you. It is all a lie. People with similar backgrounds, age, position in life, similar interests and language, ethnicity, etc. are naturally going to favor you, and be favored by you, it is part of nature.

Evolution of in-group favoritism : Scientific Reports
Thanks for this important clarification.

"Racism" and "racist" are two of the most over-used, mis-used, and mis-understood words in the American lexicon. I once heard a young Black caller on a talk-radio program say her father is "racist' against cats."

I would be very interested in hearing a "man-on-the-street interviewer ask a randomly selected dozen Whites and a dozen Blacks to define the word, racism. I am certain the variations would be surprising.

I personally believe the only valid definition of the word racism in relation to contemporary social values is the belief that one's ethnicity is innately superior in all ways to all others (e.g., the Nazi obsession with the Aryan model).
Chances are 90% that the person who wrote the slur at Lebron's home is a leftist with an agenda.

So let me ask, why is it always someone white trying to lecture us about these things? Why is it always someone white who wants to tell us how racism doesn't happen anymore?

Based on what you've said here I will presume you are Black and you have experienced racism. So we'll have a better understanding of what you mean, please tell us about some specific examples.

So understand this, if LeBron James can get racial slurs painted on his gate, you can still be denied opportunities just .because of your skin color. If Forrest Whitaker can get arrested for shoplifting in a donut shop he could buy because he was racially profiled, then your black ass can be denied opportunity. If Professor Henry Gates a world renown expert, can get harassed by police in his own garage, your ass can be denied opportunity.

I am White and I will let Chris Rock, a renown and highly intelligent Black comedian, speak for me in responding to your comment. The simple fact is I have no problem with decent, peaceful Black people -- but I can't stand n!iggers! And I believe the same state of mind exists for the vast majority of contemporary White people.

Like Rock, I believe most if not all of the problems that plague decent Black people are caused by n!ggers -- and I'll bet you agree with me.
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