Why would conservatives vote for DeSantis?

Serious question. DeSantis has done more than any other candidate or recent president to increase the power of the state over individual rights and no one seems to care. Is conservative ideology changed in terms of using the state to enforce it’s desired social outcome?
Inflammatory/baiting OP's don't belong in US Discussion where the objective is civil discourse. Post it in Badlands.

Practice what you preach or .........
This tends to fall on deaf ears for those of us that have actually found such materials on our very own school's resource list.

You can call it gaslighting till you turn blue in the face but it looks like you are the one trying to gaslight us when we have seen this shit first hand. I have not found sex in the resources of my local school district but I have found books calling 'whiteness' satanic. I was told not to believe my lying eyes then by people saying things very much like you are now and not one person has ever even bothered to even address this fact. Why should I give you, or anyone, credence now when you are trying to say these instances do not exist?
They don't. Not in any significant way. Your party creates legislation to 'fix' problems that don't exist in any significant way. They have no real platform beyond lip service to the same old kitchen table issues they've failed to deliver on for decades. The addition of this more recent culture war' BS is more of the same. I don't buy your anecdotal evidence either.
I have zero interest in your fear porn, magaturd. None. So, you can be outraged all day long if you want about it. You be you.

I believe you're the biggest pussy on the message board. Prove me wrong, magaturd.
Refusing to read the links debunking your bullshit. No surprise. You’re the big coward here asswipe. As you just proved. You’re a pissant little boy.
But, see, they don't.
The fact you have more votes doesn't always mean you win.

Now, tell us against about the GOP "eeking" out wins in FL because of gerrymandering.
Look. More votes means you’re more popular. Doesn’t matter where you live. I claimed more people vote democrat. That’s true.

Desantis beat a drug addict criminal by 0.40%. That’s eking out. Then the democrats didn’t run a democrat but instead ran a Republican light Crist. Turnout was terrible for the Republican running as Democrat and Dems lost down ballot which was amplified by the fact the Republicans gerrymandered the shit out of the state.

I never said the Governor was impacted by gerrymandering. Quote it or shut up.
Desantis beat a drug addict criminal by 0.40%. That’s eking out.
2018? One election? That's the basis for your claim?
Tell us about 2016.
Tell us about 2020.
Tell us about 2022.

I never said the Governor was impacted by gerrymandering. Quote it or shut up
I addressed and negated your reflexive. knee-jerk claim re: gerrymandering - you pulled it out your butt because you had nothing else to say.
Desantis beat a drug addict criminal by 0.40%. That’s eking out. Then the democrats didn’t run a democrat but instead ran a Republican light Crist. Turnout was terrible for the Republican running as Democrat and Dems lost down ballot which was amplified by the fact the Republicans gerrymandered the shit out of the state.
Look. More votes means you’re more popular. Doesn’t matter where you live. I claimed more people vote democrat. That’s true.

Desantis beat a drug addict criminal by 0.40%. That’s eking out. Then the democrats didn’t run a democrat but instead ran a Republican light Crist. Turnout was terrible for the Republican running as Democrat and Dems lost down ballot which was amplified by the fact the Republicans gerrymandered the shit out of the state.

I never said the Governor was impacted by gerrymandering. Quote it or shut up.

The democrats couldn't even nominate a democrat for governor in 2022.
Look. More votes means you’re more popular. Doesn’t matter where you live. I claimed more people vote democrat. That’s true.
Desantis beat a drug addict criminal by 0.40%. That’s eking out. Then the democrats didn’t run a democrat but instead ran a Republican light Crist. Turnout was terrible for the Republican running as Democrat and Dems lost down ballot which was amplified by the fact the Republicans gerrymandered the shit out of the state.
I never said the Governor was impacted by gerrymandering. Quote it or shut up.
What about the Hispanic vote in Miami?
I like the fact that Hispanics are switching to the GOP, I hope that continues in 2024.
Look. More votes means you’re more popular. Doesn’t matter where you live. I claimed more people vote democrat. That’s true.

Desantis beat a drug addict criminal by 0.40%. That’s eking out. Then the democrats didn’t run a democrat but instead ran a Republican light Crist. Turnout was terrible for the Republican running as Democrat and Dems lost down ballot which was amplified by the fact the Republicans gerrymandered the shit out of the state.

I never said the Governor was impacted by gerrymandering. Quote it or shut up.

None the less, regardless of anything else, the end result is not only did DeSantis win. But he's done a damn good job in Florida. A much better job than Trump did as president.

When people stack DeSantis's record up against Trumps (trumps actual record. Not the one he claims to have) it's easy to see who's the actual fiscal conservative, who's the better leader, who can get moderate democrats to support the legislation he's looking for.
The only ones still stuck on Trump, are die hard Trump supporters and "name recognition voters."
And the only ones who don't like DeSantis, are the loony left and the die hard Trump supporters.
Serious question. DeSantis has done more than any other candidate or recent president to increase the power of the state over individual rights and no one seems to care. Is conservative ideology changed in terms of using the state to enforce it’s desired social outcome?
Real conservatives are pretty much extinct these days.

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