Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of General Flynn?

Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.
so you disagree barr.

that must make barr wrong.

unless you're about to pull a law degree out of your ass with a focus on politics, your "opinion" is pretty much as useless as mine.

At the moment William Barr is about all that stands between us and The Obama Admin. members getting away with the greatest abuse of power in our history.

Barr is committing the greatest abuse of power in our history.
It had to be at the behest of the kenyan lawn jockey. Plugs is much too stupid to understand the unlawfulness of this conduct. Zero got his retarded buddy to get the last shot in. But the fucking nerve of doing this 1 week before the transition of power is mind-numbing. Did hussein think the deep state would keep this under wraps forever?

I suppose he would.... he had already passed off a "birth certificate" that looks like it was crafted by a 9-year old with crayons.

It's telling that Birthers feature prominently in this business.

Team Hillury was the original birther movement.... and rightly so. I would stay away from federal parks for some time, if I were you.
Don't confuse Coyote with facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the head. You are fact-free and this thread proves it.
It had to be at the behest of the kenyan lawn jockey. Plugs is much too stupid to understand the unlawfulness of this conduct. Zero got his retarded buddy to get the last shot in. But the fucking nerve of doing this 1 week before the transition of power is mind-numbing. Did hussein think the deep state would keep this under wraps forever?

I suppose he would.... he had already passed off a "birth certificate" that looks like it was crafted by a 9-year old with crayons.

It's telling that Birthers feature prominently in this business.

Team Hillury was the original birther movement.... and rightly so. I would stay away from federal parks for some time, if I were you.
Don't confuse Coyote with facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the head. You are fact-free and this thread proves it.
Your post is 100% lies.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

and i'm so sick and tired LOUD EMOTIONAL BIAS leading the way.

TDS or whatever you want to call it, all the same to me.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.
Treason is the answer, he was committing treason.... I want Obama, Biden, and all of their co-conspirators executed! Folks, this is war, the entire democratic party is engaged in open treason, and they are at war with the United States, no election in which a single democrat is elected to anything, can ever be taken to be legitimate again! Do you fucking understand? They corrupted everything, the entire system is now rendered illegitimate, this is what Obama was working at for 8 years, and he had ample help in this endeavor from John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and about half of the republicans sitting in the United States senate, the whole thing is a giant conspiracy. I now firmly believe democrats, and their mega-billionaire patrons, conspired with communist China in loosing the corona-virus upon the planet.... Folks, Obama was working on behalf of a foreign power, can you spell C H I N A?

Another crazy conspiracy theory. Trump supporters need to be executed if anyone shoul. You seem to want to turn this into Nazi Germany. You are conspiring with Putin. Take C H I N A and shove it up your ass,.

That's a tough one, C H I N A is too far up Obama and Biden's ass.

Trump is too far up your ass. It softens your brain. This in not the 1950s and the communist card no longer works.

No kidding? Guess that explains Biden's condition.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632

There is nothing illegal about what he did. He had the proper clearances and followed the correct procedures. Why would Flynn need to talk to Kislyak in the first place? Obama was still the President. Flynn had no business talking about policy.

He was the incoming NSA. That was reason enough.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?
Didn't you know..........disagreeing with a Dimwinger is TREASON these days.
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

Just like WI and CA House seats elected this week. Is that what you are hoping for?

If you think Democrats get any votes out of Michigan, think again!
He may have plenty of time on his hands. He is the most likely to go to jail.
That's a good one.
Mr C ? No way.
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.
so you disagree barr.

that must make barr wrong.

unless you're about to pull a law degree out of your ass with a focus on politics, your "opinion" is pretty much as useless as mine.

At the moment William Barr is about all that stands between us and The Obama Admin. members getting away with the greatest abuse of power in our history.

Barr is committing the greatest abuse of power in our history.

You are just pissed that you are going to see your heroes frog-marched to the federal prison.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

He was blackmailed? Really?

Charges were Trumped up and he did not lie? There is no question he lied and no question that lying to the FBI is a crime.

His son, involved in his business, did not participate in talks concerning a payment scheme to kidnap and deliver a Turkish cleric residing in the US to Turkey?

Were the forms altered? Or are you looking at drafts and making that claim?

Did Biden seek to unmask Flynn (a ridiculous term since Flynn was not undercover).? Or was Biden one of a long list of people authorized to receive the information?

Now let's check the political bias.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?

....and how many investigations did you launch against Hilary?.......conservatards.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

He was blackmailed? Really?

Charges were Trumped up and he did not lie? There is no question he lied and no question that lying to the FBI is a crime.

His son, involved in his business, did not participate in talks concerning a payment scheme to kidnap and deliver a Turkish cleric residing in the US to Turkey?

Were the forms altered? Or are you looking at drafts and making that claim?

Did Biden seek to unmask Flynn (a ridiculous term since Flynn was not undercover).? Or was Biden one of a long list of people authorized to receive the information?

Now let's check the political bias.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?

....and how many investigations did you launch against Hilary?.......conservatards.

Did Biden seek to unmask Flynn (a ridiculous term since Flynn was not undercover).?

You are obviously ignorant of what the term "unmask" means. Go get educated.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632
As there was NO LEGITIMATE REASON to unmask a US citizen this violated US law. Joe was complicit in the Coup D'eTat and he needs to be held accountable.. Amazing that Joe would allow himself to be drawn into illegal conduct.

Yes there was a LEGITIMATE REASON. Unmasking does not violate any US laws.

How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

Also the article notes that Grenell's memo says the requests were approved through the normal NSA procedures. That means the NSA decided the requests were proper and the reasons were justified.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632
As there was NO LEGITIMATE REASON to unmask a US citizen this violated US law. Joe was complicit in the Coup D'eTat and he needs to be held accountable.. Amazing that Joe would allow himself to be drawn into illegal conduct.

Yes there was a LEGITIMATE REASON. Unmasking does not violate any US laws.

How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

Also the article notes that Grenell's memo says the requests were approved through the normal NSA procedures. That means the NSA decided the requests were proper and the reasons were justified.
Let's see Crazy Joe's "reason" to unmask Flynn.
To add to my question, I will note that the person requesting "the unmasking" "must be doing so in the execution of his official duties."

So, what in the Hell could Joe Biden have been up to snooping around Flynn's work as incoming National Security Advisor---EIGHT days before he leaves his office as Vice President.

Anybody? Mr. Bueller? Mr. Bueller? Anybody?


Defending the country against someone who was going to be getting highly classified information and advising the President on that information while on the payroll of other countries including US enemies...

Looks like Biden was doing his job... You probably don't recognise it as doesn't involve whining and taking no responsibility ...

Why was Biden even looking at a transcript in the first place? It is NOT his job as VP!

It is a part of his job. He had the proper clearances so apparently someone decide the Vice President has authority and neede to know.
I like that:

"Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all."

As dodges go, from you half-wit numb-skull Bolsheviks, it was o.k.

The Question, however, which has so far gone unanswered...which has in fact, been run from like it was a case of the Clap IS:

What was Uncle Joe Biden doing unmasking the conversations of General Flynn eight days before the end of his term as Vice-President?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Thanks. Otherwise, just read my response as often as necessary for you to understand it. I know you'll get it, one day.
I like that:

"Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all."

As dodges go, from you half-wit numb-skull Bolsheviks, it was o.k.

The Question, however, which has so far gone unanswered...which has in fact, been run from like it was a case of the Clap IS:

What was Uncle Joe Biden doing unmasking the conversations of General Flynn eight days before the end of his term as Vice-President?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Thanks. Otherwise, just read my response as often as necessary for you to understand it. I know you'll get it, one day.

Read This from your post?

"An official with a top level security clearance sees an intelligence product - name of U.S. person redacted. Finds, this U.S. person might do something nefarious, and asks the NSA to unmask that person..."

My Question still is:

How does Uncle Joe Biden fit into this---Eight (8) days before he left office? Had Uncle Joe figured out that Flynn might do something nefarious? As Vice-President? Eight days before he leaves office?

Was he going to start an investigation?

That had already been done. And he knew it, because he was in the meeting at the White House with the other leaders of the attempt to undermine Trump's Presidency---including Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice and Yates.

Your Dodges are increasingly exposed as Dodges.

Can you answer? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

Like it or not Obama is still the President. Flynn had no business discussing policy until Trump took office. Given the subject matter, Biden and anyone connected with foreign policy had a reason to know. Flynn does something wrong and Trump supporters blame everyone else but Trump.

No one was conspiring to do anything. That is just your crazy imagination. Facts are not dodges. You are doing the dodging. You ignore the fact that Flynn had no business talking to Kislyak while Obama was President.

Amazing that you are such an authority on the Logan Act---passed in 1799 under the Adams administration along with his onerous Sedition Acts, which quashed political dissent of his Administration.

The Logan Act has never been used to get a conviction, and only two people have ever been indicted---both before the Civil War.

Legal Experts are virtually unanimous, perhaps actually unanimous, that it does not apply to members of an incoming Administration, and in fact, even Democrats acknowledge that Flynn was doing his job in talking to Ambassadors, including the Russian Ambassador.

No one has even attempted to explain what Sniffin Joe Biden was doing nosing around in Flynn's personal phone calls---it was not in his job description to investigate possible violations of the Logan Act, or anything else--and he certainly was not going to do anything "official" in the eight days he had left in office.

Not, however, that the same day Biden snooped Flynn, the Washington Post got a leak on the unmasking---which is a Felony. And Uncle Joe does like to flap his gums---with no known filter.

Got to sit him down, put him under oath---and see if he remembers what he was up to. Justice demands it.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

The reason he pled guilty was to forestall more serious charges. He was under investigation for his lobbying activities. He was working for the ISLAMIC PRESIDENT of Turkey. If he had succeeded, a opponent of Erdogan who sought asylum in the United States would have been returned to Turkey to be killed. Flynn is a traitor and one of his sons was in it as deep as Flynn was.

You are the one who is politically biased. You are the one who wants injustices. You want to let this crook off the hook because Trump says so. That is called corruption.

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