Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

What you believe has no effect on me.
Agreed. Reality has an effect on you. If you think my assessment of your chances are off by all means, let's hear about all the politicians in power who agree with you and what your strategy is for making your interpretation law.
You are acting like that the simps that thought that Roe was 4-ever!
I was never one of them. Those who did underestimated the Republican party's capacity for stupid in exchange for short term political victories.
When you stated: Black, white, brown or purple, they’re almost all poor, and mostly married. And half of them were using birth control when they got pregnant.

The rest of your post is the usual lefty/lib&green parasitic mindset - pushing the responsibility of ones own irresponsible actions onto others.

Saying that 50% of the women who are getting abortions were using birth control doesn’t mean that 50% of birth control is failing. Fewer than 10% of American women of childbearing age are getting pregnant at all, and more than 46 million don’t want to get pregnant at all. 40 million of these women (88%) are using birth control.

There are only 930,000 abortions each year, and not all of them are elective. But even if they are all elective 465,000 birth control failures in 40 million women, is only a 1.1% failure rate which is well within statistical probability.

When someone says they are using birth control, how do you know they’re using it properly? How do you know they didn’t miss a pill. Or if the condom broke. The short answer is, we don’t.

50% of people of the women get abortions were using birth control in the month they got pregnant. We don’t even know what method they were using.

And I don’t believe for a second, that the condom failure rate is only 2% per annum. They break more often than that.
Saying that 50% of the women who are getting abortions were using birth control doesn’t mean that 50% of birth control is failing. Fewer than 10% of American women of childbearing age are getting pregnant at all, and more than 46 million don’t want to get pregnant at all. 40 million of these women (88%) are using birth control.

These stats are very promising towards ending abortion. As more women chose not to have kids the rates will continue to drop. A true win.
Any person born in america is a real american.
Not necessarily - since there is a cultural issue as well.

And I am personally familiar with several Latino-Americans born in the USA who are anything else but "real Americans" - some of them can't even speak proper English.

A family friend of mine born to German parents in Germany - came to the USA with age one. His two brothers were born in the USA - 1 year respectively 3 years after him.
What supposedly makes his two brothers more American then him, now being 64 years old, and having lived his entrie life since age 1 in the USA?
Not necessarily - since there is a cultural issue as well.

And I am personally familiar with several Latino-Americans born in the USA who are anything else but "real Americans" - some of them can't even speak proper English.

A family friend of mine born to German parents in Germany - came to the USA with age one. His two brothers were born in the USA - 1 year respectively 3 years after him.
What supposedly makes his two brothers more American then him, now being 64 years old, and having lived his entrie life since age 1 in the USA?

If he is a US citizen, he is just as American as his brothers.
Not necessarily - since there is a cultural issue as well.

And I am personally familiar with several Latino-Americans born in the USA who are anything else but "real Americans" - some of them can't even speak proper English.


Being a real American isn't a matter of what language you speak, or how well.
I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?
The short answer is because they simply don't care enough to do the hard work necessary to pass the legislation and/or sell the concept to the various states for ratification.

There are 195 recognized countries on Earth and only 33 of them have unrestricted birthright (jus solis) citizenship.
Having had worse racism and economic disparities previously doesn't mean racism and socio-economic disparities aren't at fault for the disparities we see today. One has no bearing on the other than one possibly being a more subdued continuation of the other. That's just basic reasoning. I'm not surprised you missed that.
That's not reasoning at all. It's wishful thinking to justify bad behavior. By that "logic" reducing racism and disparities will lead to even more genocide.

The truth is that Americans descended from tribal people experience less racism now than in the past when they weren't gunning down each other's children.
Also its infantilizing to suggest Black people have been tricked into seeking abortions as if they have no agency or minds of their owns. But that's par for the course where your brand of cowardly racism is concerned. It is what makes you all cucks. If you weren't already neutered and house broken you wouldn't shy away from your obvious racism.
Black people aren't "tricked" into killing their own children by abortion or drive by shootings. They make those choices. We know that because plenty of black folks, experiencing the same racism and disparities work hardvand raise families. It's the worst of them that the media focuses on.
I believe whitey was your word. I've always been clear that my disrespect and lack of empathy is only for cuck (read that as racist) whites.
It is indeed whites who keep those remaining tribal blacks down. Specifically white Democrats who actually do infantalize you. But you let it happen, so it's on you.
And I can always tell the Dipshit cuck whites because they're afraid of being replaced but they have no strategy to stop it. Imagine being a demographic, a cultural and an economic majority and still getting taken over largely by your own apathy and inaction. Could there be any bigger cucks in the world than American cuck whites?
The ones who founded the country that you fled Jamaica to?
That's not reasoning at all. It's wishful thinking to justify bad behavior. By that "logic" reducing racism and disparities will lead to even more genocide.
It's a misnomer to suggest I'm justify bad behavior. Care to provide an actual example? Criminals are responsible for crime, legislators are responsible for policies that promote good civic outcomes. It's not illogical to suggest good civic policies and fewer racist and discriminatory ones might improve civic participation. What logic you've used to conclude less racism will result in genocide who knows because you weren't brave enough to explain that one.
The truth is that Americans descended from tribal people experience less racism now than in the past when they weren't gunning down each other's children.
It's not a literal tribe. We all belong to various tribes even today. The only difference is they aren't necessarily based on things they were in the past like geography or nationality or skin color, at least not for those of us who have evolved passed such petty differences.
Black people aren't "tricked" into killing their own children by abortion or drive by shootings. They make those choices. We know that because plenty of black folks, experiencing the same racism and disparities work hardvand raise families. It's the worst of them that the media focuses on.
It's the worst of them that you're focusing on while you ignore the political opinions of the 90%. What are your proposed solutions to drive by shootings and unwanted children?
It is indeed whites who keep those remaining tribal blacks down. Specifically white Democrats who actually do infantalize you. But you let it happen, so it's on you.
Didn't you just argue previously that racism and discrimination aren't responsible for disparate socioeconomic outcomes between whites and blacks? Now they are but it's caused by Democrats? How exactly? Why can't you keep your story and logic straight?
The ones who founded the country that you fled Jamaica to?
The Founders aren't the cucks losing their country demographically, socially and politically, it's their cuck descendants who are doing that.

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