Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

So you are blaming false documentation...

Well the burden of proof is then on the employer... He is breaking the law hiring them so he has to show proof that he took reasonable steps to not break the law... That is why companies take copies of peoples various documentation...

Under your premise that if someone ends up operating on a person in the hospital with no qualifications. The hospital is fully in the clear when they say the guy gave us false documentation and we kept no copy of it... Under your premise the Hospital has no liability..

Unlike false documentation of legal status, a doctor can't fudge his training or certification that he is indeed a doctor. It's too easy to trace. They are all registered with the AMA.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Employers have to check work status. That is the law. So, you would def know if you are hiring illegals.

Try not to be a bigger moron than you already are. :itsok:

Keep trying to justify why you would hire illegals. Man, you retards keep proving over and over again that you are racist hypocrites.

So how does an employer check the status and the possibility that it's not fake? Tell us how it's done genius.

The employer gets a proper ID, checks his SS number, and that's all there is to it. If everything matches up, then as far as the employer is concerned, the applicant is legal.
It didn't have to be written for children of immigrants born here, legal or illegal, because they already had birthright citizenship...decided at the time of our founder's lives.

Any one born here under our jurisdiction were citizens at birth, regardless of parent's status...unless a diplomat child born here.

That's never been challenged in court which it needs to be. The 14th needs to be settled once and for all. Again, you can't write an amendment for something that wasn't there at the time. The 14th was written for offspring of former slaves, not illegals getting into this country to have children.
I'm talking about after the ruling. Besides, this is a fantasy proposed bill, not a court case.

But if the bill was proposed watch how fast the Communists would challenge it in court. Their entire goal here is to wipe out the white race for the first time in US history. That's why the Democrat party is the anti-white party today.
That's never been challenged in court which it needs to be. The 14th needs to be settled once and for all. Again, you can't write an amendment for something that wasn't there at the time. The 14th was written for offspring of former slaves, not illegals getting into this country to have children.
It was written for anyone born in the United States unless your suggesting no one but descendants of Black Americans are actual citizens. Is that what you're arguing? 😄
This has to do with being Born in the USA Bruce.
I don’t think you are understanding Guadalupe.
You see, nobody has a problem with any children born here to LEGAL parents. Good Americans simply don’t like the idea of America being the dumping ground for the litters that illegal aliens produce.
(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof
The 14th was authored for and aimed at previously enslaved people….Nobody sane would believe it was written in such a way for Mexico to fuck us blind. The Constitution is not a international document to benefit foreigners. It was written for the sole purpose of protecting Americans.
(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof
The 14th was authored for and aimed at previously enslaved people….Nobody sane would believe it was written in such a way for Mexico to fuck us blind. The Constitution is not a international document to benefit foreigners. It was written for the sole purpose of protecting Americans.

Everyone born in the US except the children of diplomats is subject to US jurisdiction.

All of them you moron. Kind of hard to have a first amendment right after the political party you're against wins power, decides you're no longer a citizen, and deports your ass.
You clearly didn't read the link I attached. Congress' power to revoke citizenship is limited. Birthright citizenship isn't even related to the point your trying to make. Revoking it would have no impact on the power of Congress over the naturalization process.
Take it up with the people who wrote it. It doesn't make any note of anchor babies.
Yep, that's what we're doing by questioning its value. Sorry.
I was offering up legal justifications, morality and philosophy are subjective which makes them empty as justifications go. They carry as much weight as any assholes opinion.
You got nothing. You're just another partisan douchebag. Seeya.
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So how does an employer check the status and the possibility that it's not fake? Tell us how it's done genius.

The employer gets a proper ID, checks his SS number, and that's all there is to it. If everything matches up, then as far as the employer is concerned, the applicant is legal.
:sleeping-smiley-015: Another day, another retard who doesn't know the first thing about the topic it is arguing about.

Well, read up and hopefully you will learn something today. I doubt it but hey, surprise me.

The INA requires employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all employees hired after November 6, 1986, by completing the Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) Form, and reviewing documents showing the employee's identity and employment authorization

Documents that Establish Both Identity and Employment Authorization​

Typically, we can't discuss this rationally. It just devolves into partisan poo-flinging.

I suppose it started out that way. BL doesn't like birthright citizenship because he's scared of brown people and thinks they'll vote Democrat. Democrats are in favor of birthright citizenship, also because they think the brown people will vote Democrat.

Does anyone have the capacity to discuss the actual virtues or flaws of the policy without the partisan wanking??

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