Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Clearly, you don't.
No. I don't care about the pie in the sky hope's and dreams of ineffectual cucks. Who does?
All I've asked for is some kind of justification for the policy. I'm a big fan of immigration and immigrants. I'm not a "build the wall" person in any way, shape or form. I'm not even particularly bothered by the fact of birthright citizenship. I'm just not seeing any real justification for it. And no one has yet offered one.
The justification is that it's a constitutionally protected right. I'm not seeing any real strategy for getting around that.
We should streamline the path to citizenship, and immigration in general, so such loopholes are irrelevant.
You can't get much more streamlined than birthright citizenship.
I was born abroad in a military family so I have a bit of knowledge of the topic and I don't disagree with your premise. I was just trying to point out that it isn't quite as simple as just rescinding birthright citizenship. In the case I just suggested, it opens the door to dual citizenship which I believe should be absolutely illegal. Naturalized citizens take an oath to be American citizens only, but there seems to be a loophole that AFTER they become US citizens, they can reinstate their former country's citizenship--Mexico allows this. I don't know how this problem could be addressed.
Couldn’t we simply make it so your last declaration of citizenship is final? If they reinstate their Mexican citizenship then their US citizenship is revoked.
I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?

soros (2).jpg
They do share more DNA with the original inhabitants of this land than people of European descent.... 😁

They have everything south of our border, yet they are dying to get in here.
English speaking Europeans made this the greatest country to ever exist and gave the world electricity and all other modern inventions.
You guys are good at turning everything you touch into massive shitholes.
No. I don't care about the pie in the sky hope's and dreams of ineffectual cucks. Who does?

The justification is that it's a constitutionally protected right. I'm not seeing any real strategy for getting around that.

You can't get much more streamlined than birthright citizenship.
Nothing? Oh well, I thought I'd ask. Better luck next time.
Pass Ports have to be traceable right? If not they’re kind of useless.
Sure, but if I use a legal passport for any country, they trace it using the issuing country's database. I don't think that database would tell if you had dual citizenship just that you are allowed to travel by the issuing country.
Sure, but if I use a legal passport for any country, they trace it using the issuing country's database. I don't think that database would tell if you had dual citizenship just that you are allowed to travel by the issuing country.

They don't track passport activity unless Interpol is looking for you.
They have everything south of our border, yet they are dying to get in here.
English speaking Europeans made this the greatest country to ever exist and gave the world electricity and all other modern inventions.
You guys are good at turning everything you touch into massive shitholes.
Feel free to continue to cry about it.
Sure, but if I use a legal passport for any country, they trace it using the issuing country's database. I don't think that database would tell if you had dual citizenship just that you are allowed to travel by the issuing country.
Has to be time stamped then right? So a US citizen shows up with a Mexican passport issued after their U.S. citizenship date is no longer a U.S. citizen.
Lol. No they can't. You've never had a passport, have you?
Nope, never needed one. We used to go to Mexico but it wasn’t required then and by the time it was the cartels made it such a shithole we weren’t going back anyway.

But if a passport doesn’t verify traceably that you are that person, from that city, in that country, what’s the fucking point?
What logic you've used to conclude less racism will result in genocide who knows because you weren't brave enough to explain that one.
It is your logic, since you believe racism is the key factor in tribal races shooting each other up.
It's not a literal tribe. We all belong to various tribes even today. The only difference is they aren't necessarily based on things they were in the past like geography or nationality or skin color, at least not for those of us who have evolved passed such petty differences.
Yes, the Democrats love their metaphorical tribalism, and so do Republicans. But with Americans who descend from slaves, they are not that many generations from actual tribes. Hunter-gatherer tribes do not produce high IQ's because there is no evolutionary pressure to develop them. Being able to walk softly, and having sharp eyesight is much more valuable to such a tribe than being able to measure a field and calculate the amount of seeds needed to plant it, because they don't do that.

No shame, in descending from tribal people. When the Romans invaded Britain, they found barbarians who painted themselves blue and charged into their formations wielding sticks and screaming. As agriculture developed, IQ's went up. It didn't happen in Africa, because European settlers preferred to manage the farms themselves. When we see the famines in Zimbabwe, we have to understand the wisdom of that. It may take several centuries for black nation's IQ to catch up, but it will happen, I'm sure.

Unless, the theory that nutrition plays a greater part in intelligence than genetics proves to be valid, then it could happen sooner, or it may never happen at all.

As a black man who is at least intelligent enough to write on a message board, I'd like to know your thoughts on that.
It's the worst of them that you're focusing on while you ignore the political opinions of the 90%. What are your proposed solutions to drive by shootings and unwanted children?
Lock up gang members for twenty years (real time) for their first violent crime, and for life if they come out and commit another one. That should happen to everyone, not just gang members, but you asked about preventing drive-by's.

There are no unwanted babies. Or damned few. Americans are on waiting lists for years hoping for a baby, and often end up adopting an older child from a third world country. There are babies that are inconvenient for the birthing person, or should I say "non-birthing person" and those get aborted.
Didn't you just argue previously that racism and discrimination aren't responsible for disparate socioeconomic outcomes between whites and blacks?
No, I just mocked you for crying about it, when you are an immigrant, not a descendant of American slaves. Black immigrants, on average, are far more successful than multi-generation black Americans.
Now they are but it's caused by Democrats? How exactly? Why can't you keep your story and logic straight?
The reason I mock you is that you decry racism and disparate opportunities, while not understanding that it is your beloved Democrats who perpetuate it, and have since the party was formed.
The Founders aren't the cucks losing their country demographically, socially and politically, it's their cuck descendants who are doing that.
Whites still have the overwhelming majority of the money, and the power. You were just whining about the disparities blacks experience, now you say whites are losing? The people who founded, rather than immigrated to, the U.S. are still in charge.

Which is a good thing for you, if you saw what happened in South Africa.

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