Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters

USMB validates everything the writer points out.

'A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises.'

'AFTER President Trump WON the election / DEFEATED Hillary Clinton, ' Trump Supporters, DECIDED / INSISTED ON GIVING HIM A CHANCE...'

Well Hell, snowflake, since the man DID just WIN the election / was just VOTE INTO OFFICE by the American people they all just thought they might as well give him a shot at the job...


That author's statement - and the snowflake's agreement with it - is the DUMBEST f*ing comment / post made all day...if not the YEAR so far on USMB...

This proves that snowflakes like this one never truly accepted the 2016 election results, that they believed that even AFTER Hillary lost there might be some way she could still make it into the WH....as if the American people who just elected him would have 2nd thoughts immediately after doing so and call for a 'do-over'....


This also shows they still have no clue why the American people elected him, CHOSE him, over a criminal who was protected from indictment so she could stay in the Presidential race.



The criminal that settled a fraud case before inauguration lost the popular vote. The American people did not elect him. The electors did.

The electors did.
Just like every one of his predecessors.

No. What happened to Trump only happened 4 other times.
Why? You conservatives beat Hillary Clinton and Obama to death. Hillary never was president and Obama is a former president. Trump is the current president.
Congress couldn't impeach the orange man....couldn't even come close. Time to move on.

When the judiciary committee files articles of impeachment then we'll move on. Greens filing was a protest filing that wasn't going to be passed and it was not the first time he has done this.

Well tell them to hurry up. I'm getting bored.

You must have a direct line to the leftist congress critters.

Not really. I just perform my duty as a citizen and stay informed.

I just perform my duty as a citizen and stay informed.

someday, you'll be 'informed' that the popular vote doesn't put the president in office, the Electoral vote does.

Someday you can explain why the way Trump got elected has only happened 5 times in our history.
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
Reporters have noticed that no amount of evidence to the contrary will sway the most die-hard Trump fans
Jeremy Binckes

A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises. Over the next 365 days, reporters visited and re-visited so-called Trump country — even as support for him dwindled in those areas — searching for the reasons why people continued to pledge their support for making America great again.

A new Politico Magazine profile of die-hard Trump supporters in Johnstown, Pa — the heart of Trump country — suggests that Trump's most fervent fans haven't swayed in their support, even as the president continues to break (or forget) his promises. Here's one Johnstown, Pennsylvania, native, telling a Politico reporter why he liked Trump.

“Everybody I talk to,” he said, “realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.”

I stopped him, informing him that, yes, Barack Obama liked to golf, but Trump in fact does golf a lot, too—more, in fact.

Del Signore was surprised to hear this.

“Does he?” he said.

“Yes,” I said.

He did not linger on this topic, smiling and changing the subject with a quip. “If I was married to his wife,” Del Signore said, “I don’t think I’d go anywhere.”

This is the Trump supporter in a nutshell: When confronted with facts, the topic changed. The sources they use to get their information on a daily basis are suspect: Friends, family and Fox News. The latter is, well, Fox News, but the former are the people who were absolutely certain that Obama was the antichrist.

In short, the Trump die-hards are not sound on policy or history — recent or otherwise. It wouldn't be fair to say that they're unfairly ridiculed, because they constantly wave their ignorance around like it's a flag.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
trying to reason with you is just as bad.....

No, you're just dumb.
and yet you ran from your other thread when i asked you a question....were you to stupid answer?....

I never ran from you. Things have been explained to you.
really how come my question to you was the last post of your thread?....you asked about what the old lady asked,i showed you and asked you to comment about that....you never came back....i wonder why?...
When Trump was asked today if the chant "send her back" bothered him. What did he do? True to Trumpian style, he said that what bothered him was congress women who hated American and were anti Semetic.

He didn't even bother to answer the question, he just deflected to why he is bothered by the 4 congresswomen and left the question about the chant unanswered.

I mean, why be surprised? Trump supporters learned how to do that from Trump.
---------------------------------- THE Chant is no big deal . In fact its a good chant except the actual action of a deportation like experience isn't legally possible . And yeah , traitorous 'congress' also concerns me same as they concern the TRUMP BSailor .

It's a good chant even though it's not legally possible? Only a Trump supporter could say something like that.
----------------------------------- i said hat its not LEGALLY possible to deport this SQUAD of scum . Still , its a fine sentiment and loudly said public prayers BSailor . See my post number 13 BSailor .

If it's not possible to carry out the chant, why do it in the first place, other than to stir up hate?
--------------------------- speaking for myself , i have no problem stirring up HATE or a 'questioning attitude' for my enemies and among my enemies . Its an old time tactic in this Free Country BSailor .

'Enemies'. :auiqs.jpg: That's called 'owning da libz', amirite?
Love it or leave it is an opinion that denies first amendment rights.

It's merely friendly advice.
It's like if I invited you for Thanksgiving dinner, this is hypothetical because I only allow loyal Republicans on my property, and you complained about the menu.
I would tell you if you don't like it, leave. Why torture yourself?
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

'A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises.'

'AFTER President Trump WON the election / DEFEATED Hillary Clinton, ' Trump Supporters, DECIDED / INSISTED ON GIVING HIM A CHANCE...'

Well Hell, snowflake, since the man DID just WIN the election / was just VOTE INTO OFFICE by the American people they all just thought they might as well give him a shot at the job...


That author's statement - and the snowflake's agreement with it - is the DUMBEST f*ing comment / post made all day...if not the YEAR so far on USMB...

This proves that snowflakes like this one never truly accepted the 2016 election results, that they believed that even AFTER Hillary lost there might be some way she could still make it into the WH....as if the American people who just elected him would have 2nd thoughts immediately after doing so and call for a 'do-over'....


This also shows they still have no clue why the American people elected him, CHOSE him, over a criminal who was protected from indictment so she could stay in the Presidential race.



The criminal that settled a fraud case before inauguration lost the popular vote. The American people did not elect him. The electors did.

The electors did.
Just like every one of his predecessors.

No. What happened to Trump only happened 4 other times.


Every president that won the election, won it on EV.
Congress couldn't impeach the orange man....couldn't even come close. Time to move on.

When the judiciary committee files articles of impeachment then we'll move on. Greens filing was a protest filing that wasn't going to be passed and it was not the first time he has done this.

Well tell them to hurry up. I'm getting bored.

You must have a direct line to the leftist congress critters.

Not really. I just perform my duty as a citizen and stay informed.

I just perform my duty as a citizen and stay informed.

someday, you'll be 'informed' that the popular vote doesn't put the president in office, the Electoral vote does.

Someday you can explain why the way Trump got elected has only happened 5 times in our history.

Electoral Vote.

it decides the presidency, not the popular vote.

Get 'informed'.
Whenever I see a black person supporting democrats, I can’t help thinking of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition that occurs when a victim of abuse identifies and attaches, or bonds, positively with their abuser.
Why Stockholm Syndrome Happens and How to Help

And whenever I see a white republican make your claim I can't help thinking about the psychosis you suffer from.

“The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.” “This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

The criminal that settled a fraud case before inauguration lost the popular vote. The American people did not elect him. The electors did.
Please don't blame President Trump for both you and Hillary having no clue what the process for electing Presidents is / has been.

Take the loss as a wakeup call to educate yourself.
That's pretty rich, OP, since you black crybabies are the most UNREASONABLE, racially paranoid grievance-mongers in the history of America; all you do is wallow in your pathetic, pussified victim mentality while spewing your jealous hatred of whites because we were born with a provably higher I.Q.

Although to be honest, the muslims I'm sure you support do give the black crybabies a run for their money when it comes to infantile, woe-is-me self-pity. That's the reason why black crybabies and muslim crybabies (of any race, including white) have never once created a civilized, successful society. I wish it were possible for you to understand how hated blacks and muslims are throughout the world and deservedly so.
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

'A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises.'

'AFTER President Trump WON the election / DEFEATED Hillary Clinton, ' Trump Supporters, DECIDED / INSISTED ON GIVING HIM A CHANCE...'

Well Hell, snowflake, since the man DID just WIN the election / was just VOTE INTO OFFICE by the American people they all just thought they might as well give him a shot at the job...


That author's statement - and the snowflake's agreement with it - is the DUMBEST f*ing comment / post made all day...if not the YEAR so far on USMB...

This proves that snowflakes like this one never truly accepted the 2016 election results, that they believed that even AFTER Hillary lost there might be some way she could still make it into the WH....as if the American people who just elected him would have 2nd thoughts immediately after doing so and call for a 'do-over'....


This also shows they still have no clue why the American people elected him, CHOSE him, over a criminal who was protected from indictment so she could stay in the Presidential race.


ONCE MORE you need to be reminded that your morons were after hills ass for 25 or so years and you got nothing MEANWHILE 1000 former prosecutors agreed that if trump wasn't president he'd be in jail AND if GOD is good his ass will be hung out to dry when his presidency is over
Do you really believe that? Why in gaia's climate changing earth did you guys treat non Progs like crap. Citizens and not politicians! What possessed you to do that. Everything that could be done to lose that election, you did. You kept laughing and joking and spouting the nastiest stuff while crapping on people with many struggling like men and women you may know. Hillary is sickly andnot a word. Hilary making nasty comments to the media for not favorable questions and not a comment. Hillary calling voters deplorables and not a comment. Hillary committing crimes with her e mails and not a comment. Hillary being of questionable moral character her whole adult life and not a comment. Nothing is going to happen to Trump. Everyday more of you show upas the frauds to America you are. Dan le Retard made some comments on ESPN about Trump. He needs to go back to Cuber! Him and his old man...get outta here! I supported Cuber...not anymore.
Whenever I see a black person supporting democrats, I can’t help thinking of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition that occurs when a victim of abuse identifies and attaches, or bonds, positively with their abuser.
Why Stockholm Syndrome Happens and How to Help

And whenever I see a white republican make your claim I can't help thinking about the psychosis you suffer from.

“The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.” “This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

Speaking of needing to 'educate yourself'...

Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years

Whenever I see a black person supporting democrats, I can’t help thinking of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition that occurs when a victim of abuse identifies and attaches, or bonds, positively with their abuser.
Why Stockholm Syndrome Happens and How to Help

And whenever I see a white republican make your claim I can't help thinking about the psychosis you suffer from.

“The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.” “This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

Your thoughts about white republicans is what I’d expect from someone suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

Democrats want you to believe you’re a victim.
"Extremists" change the world.
Moderates are only along for the ride.
That's what Barry's buddy Bill Ayers thought until he gave up bombs for books in a college classroom.

He found there was less chance of going to prison indoctrinating impressionable kids than bombing 1st Responders...
Zealots are an interesting study, but they most likely won't be a part of any constructive conversation.
"Extremists" change the world.
Moderates are only along for the ride.
Your excuse makes the simplistic assumption that extremists change the world for the better.

They do not. Collaboration and its inherent innovation create great things. Like the Constitution.

Extremists need to be marginalized so that the innovators can make things BETTER, not worse.
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
Reporters have noticed that no amount of evidence to the contrary will sway the most die-hard Trump fans
Jeremy Binckes

A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises. Over the next 365 days, reporters visited and re-visited so-called Trump country — even as support for him dwindled in those areas — searching for the reasons why people continued to pledge their support for making America great again.

A new Politico Magazine profile of die-hard Trump supporters in Johnstown, Pa — the heart of Trump country — suggests that Trump's most fervent fans haven't swayed in their support, even as the president continues to break (or forget) his promises. Here's one Johnstown, Pennsylvania, native, telling a Politico reporter why he liked Trump.

“Everybody I talk to,” he said, “realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.”

I stopped him, informing him that, yes, Barack Obama liked to golf, but Trump in fact does golf a lot, too—more, in fact.

Del Signore was surprised to hear this.

“Does he?” he said.

“Yes,” I said.

He did not linger on this topic, smiling and changing the subject with a quip. “If I was married to his wife,” Del Signore said, “I don’t think I’d go anywhere.”

This is the Trump supporter in a nutshell: When confronted with facts, the topic changed. The sources they use to get their information on a daily basis are suspect: Friends, family and Fox News. The latter is, well, Fox News, but the former are the people who were absolutely certain that Obama was the antichrist.

In short, the Trump die-hards are not sound on policy or history — recent or otherwise. It wouldn't be fair to say that they're unfairly ridiculed, because they constantly wave their ignorance around like it's a flag.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters

Accept the fact that you are beaten because the media’s propaganda no longer works.
But call it “trump supporters still like trump after years of the media telling them they shouldn’t likeTrump”
When the judiciary committee files articles of impeachment then we'll move on. Greens filing was a protest filing that wasn't going to be passed and it was not the first time he has done this.

Well tell them to hurry up. I'm getting bored.

You must have a direct line to the leftist congress critters.

Not really. I just perform my duty as a citizen and stay informed.

I just perform my duty as a citizen and stay informed.

someday, you'll be 'informed' that the popular vote doesn't put the president in office, the Electoral vote does.

Someday you can explain why the way Trump got elected has only happened 5 times in our history.

Electoral Vote.

it decides the presidency, not the popular vote.

Get 'informed'.

It is apparent I am more informed than you. Mindlessly repeating what you have continues to ignore the fact that only 5 times in about 60 elections the loser of the popular vote gets more electoral votes. And to claim the American people elected this president on this basis is just simply incorrect.

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