
The sickness of suggesting 'they liked it" is just another way of validating Trump's behavior.

A woman may wait for several reasons. One is where you look at it and realize you're making $30,000 a year and will have to go "all in" to have your day in court against someone who may spend $30,000 to keep a lawyer on retainer. So you feel powerless because you actually are in many cases.

When someone else comes forward, your case gains validity.

Think about Samsung and their smoking phones. A few guys had bad experiences with them and they simply said, "we'll swich out the batteries." We nearly have an ariel catastrophe over it and all of the sudden, they are telling you to power down the device, put it into a special box using gloves, and send it back via ground transportation only. There is strength in numbers but there is also assuredness in numbers.

And of course, there is the opportunity to "get back" at your alleged attacker in such a way where it is asymetrical; one interview=10-15 hours of discussion, a loss of X number of voters, and some modicum of satisfaction.

It should also be stated that there are always some who are just in it for publicity or a payday. I tend to think they are the exception rather than the rule however.

It always concerns me when someone makes that claim - even if it is true in SOME cases - because it comes awfully close to validating a horrific act or at least marginalizing it.
That's YOUR interpretation. To anyone else, it means exactly what it said. That is NO WAY is "validating" rape. What a stupid thing to say.
They keep claiming I said something that I didnt. Who should I report her to?
The sickness of suggesting 'they liked it" is just another way of validating Trump's behavior.

A woman may wait for several reasons. One is where you look at it and realize you're making $30,000 a year and will have to go "all in" to have your day in court against someone who may spend $30,000 to keep a lawyer on retainer. So you feel powerless because you actually are in many cases.

When someone else comes forward, your case gains validity.

Think about Samsung and their smoking phones. A few guys had bad experiences with them and they simply said, "we'll swich out the batteries." We nearly have an ariel catastrophe over it and all of the sudden, they are telling you to power down the device, put it into a special box using gloves, and send it back via ground transportation only. There is strength in numbers but there is also assuredness in numbers.

And of course, there is the opportunity to "get back" at your alleged attacker in such a way where it is asymetrical; one interview=10-15 hours of discussion, a loss of X number of voters, and some modicum of satisfaction.

It should also be stated that there are always some who are just in it for publicity or a payday. I tend to think they are the exception rather than the rule however.

It always concerns me when someone makes that claim - even if it is true in SOME cases - because it comes awfully close to validating a horrific act or at least marginalizing it.
That's YOUR interpretation. To anyone else, it means exactly what it said. That is NO WAY is "validating" rape. What a stupid thing to say.

Yes. It is my interpretation. Just like your statement is YOUR interpretation. Comments about women secretely enjoying rape have long been used to marginalize the act or attack a victims character. Do you deny that?
The sickness of suggesting 'they liked it" is just another way of validating Trump's behavior.

A woman may wait for several reasons. One is where you look at it and realize you're making $30,000 a year and will have to go "all in" to have your day in court against someone who may spend $30,000 to keep a lawyer on retainer. So you feel powerless because you actually are in many cases.

When someone else comes forward, your case gains validity.

Think about Samsung and their smoking phones. A few guys had bad experiences with them and they simply said, "we'll swich out the batteries." We nearly have an ariel catastrophe over it and all of the sudden, they are telling you to power down the device, put it into a special box using gloves, and send it back via ground transportation only. There is strength in numbers but there is also assuredness in numbers.

And of course, there is the opportunity to "get back" at your alleged attacker in such a way where it is asymetrical; one interview=10-15 hours of discussion, a loss of X number of voters, and some modicum of satisfaction.

It should also be stated that there are always some who are just in it for publicity or a payday. I tend to think they are the exception rather than the rule however.

It always concerns me when someone makes that claim - even if it is true in SOME cases - because it comes awfully close to validating a horrific act or at least marginalizing it.
That's YOUR interpretation. To anyone else, it means exactly what it said. That is NO WAY is "validating" rape. What a stupid thing to say.

Yes. It is my interpretation. Just like your statement is YOUR interpretation. Comments about women secretely enjoying rape have long been used to marginalize the act or attack a victims character. Do you deny that?
Hell idk. If someone uses that science that way, its on them. I am just going by SCIENCE.
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Back to the OP - why are women coming out now as opposed to earlier?
1. It's an election
2. The opposing side is looking for them and encouraging them, who knows - maybe paying legal fees.
3. It's an election
4. Trump is known to be powerful, relentlessly vindictive and lawsuit happy - that probably inhibited them from coming forward before.
5. It's an election
6. There's safety in numbers - once a few come forth, it's easier for more to come forth (especially if encouraged by the opposing side).
7. It's an election
8. Trump is now vulnerable in the wake of all the scandals and tapes of attitude towards women - makes it easier to come out.
9. It's an election.
10. It's an election.

Addendum: all this applied to Bill Clinton as well.
Well, many women do have their best orgasms while being raped.

That is true too.

That is one of those annoying reasons they do not report it. Cause many, enjoyed it.

One of those weird little truths that is hard for many to accept.


Serious question...what would one have to say to get banned if not that?

Bans occur usually with repeated patterns of bad behavior and ignoring moderation or, temporary cool down when somene needs to calm down and ignores other attempts. Something like this is rude and crude.
Not to mention what I am saying is fact. Too tough for you and little candycorn.

Not shocking.

Then again, you people think I said all of Trump so called victims enjoyed it.

I think people should be banned for claiming I said something that I didnt. Whatever.

I don't report people. I am not a dirty rat.

Debating left wingers is like arguing with 9 year olds.

Meanwhile, just ignore the facts about rape. Just another thing you all have no clue about.

Actually, no - I don't think you said that and you offered information to support your claim. I have no problem with that other than it does come awfully close to crossing a line that marginalizes rape by claiming women enjoy it. That's an old argument.
I am talking about others. It is an "old argument" in the crude way. It is not really old when it comes to the other factors. One of the main reasons women do not want to come forward, is because of intense guilt, denial, or confusion. Really all three. Which then leads to clinical depression, which if left untreated can and does lead to suicide. Not to mention ALL of the devastating collateral damage...

One of the more common reasons for the intense GUILT and CONFUSION is often for the reason I mentioned.
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Serious question...what would one have to say to get banned if not that?

Bans occur usually with repeated patterns of bad behavior and ignoring moderation or, temporary cool down when somene needs to calm down and ignores other attempts. Something like this is rude and crude.
Not to mention what I am saying is fact. Too tough for you and little candycorn.

Not shocking.

Then again, you people think I said all of Trump so called victims enjoyed it.

I think people should be banned for claiming I said something that I didnt. Whatever.

I don't report people. I am not a dirty rat.

Debating left wingers is like arguing with 9 year olds.

Meanwhile, just ignore the facts about rape. Just another thing you all have no clue about.

Actually, no - I don't think you said that and you offered information to support your claim. I have no problem with that other than it does come awfully close to crossing a line that marginalizes rape by claiming women enjoy it. That's an old argument.
I am talking about others. It is an "old argument" in the crude way. It is not really old when it comes to the other factors. One of the main reasons women do not want to come forward, is because of intense guilt, denial, or confusion. Really all three. Which then leads to clinical depression, which if left untreated can and does leave to suicide. Not to mention ALL of the devastating collateral damage...

One of the more common reasons for the intense GUILT and CONFUSION is often for the reason I mentioned.

One of the MAIN reasons? I've never heard of that being one of the MAIN reasons. In fact, here is what I find as to why women don't always come forward:

80% of women don't report rape or sexual assault, survey claims

The poll carried out by the parenting website Mumsnet found that 10 per cent of women had been raped, and 35 per cent sexually assaulted.

Almost of a quarter of victims had been attacked repeatedly, and two-thirds knew the person responsible.

But most of those who had been raped or sexually assaulted (83 per cent) failed to report it to police, and 29 per cent did not even tell friends or family what had happened.

Overall about half said they would be too embarrassed or ashamed of the incident to admit it but two-thirds said they would hesitate because of low conviction rates.

More than half of the 1,609 female respondents to the survey said the legal system, the media and society at large is unsympathetic to rape victims.

This article talks about arousal - but it indicates it is uncommon in women, more common in male victims: of those who report their rapes, around 4 to 5 percent also describe experiencing orgasm. But it also says according to some the numbers might be higher. It also points out that arousal does NOT mean enjoyment.

I admit, I knew nothing about this, so it's enlightening to say the least - but we are talking about a very very small segment of those who were raped AND we are talking about an often repeated message used to discredit rape victims - that they enjoyed it thus it wasn't "really" rape.
Serious question...what would one have to say to get banned if not that?

Bans occur usually with repeated patterns of bad behavior and ignoring moderation or, temporary cool down when somene needs to calm down and ignores other attempts. Something like this is rude and crude.
Not to mention what I am saying is fact. Too tough for you and little candycorn.

Not shocking.

Then again, you people think I said all of Trump so called victims enjoyed it.

I think people should be banned for claiming I said something that I didnt. Whatever.

I don't report people. I am not a dirty rat.

Debating left wingers is like arguing with 9 year olds.

Meanwhile, just ignore the facts about rape. Just another thing you all have no clue about.

Actually, no - I don't think you said that and you offered information to support your claim. I have no problem with that other than it does come awfully close to crossing a line that marginalizes rape by claiming women enjoy it. That's an old argument.
I am talking about others. It is an "old argument" in the crude way. It is not really old when it comes to the other factors. One of the main reasons women do not want to come forward, is because of intense guilt, denial, or confusion. Really all three. Which then leads to clinical depression, which if left untreated can and does leave to suicide. Not to mention ALL of the devastating collateral damage...

One of the more common reasons for the intense GUILT and CONFUSION is often for the reason I mentioned.

One of the MAIN reasons? I've never heard of that being one of the MAIN reasons. In fact, here is what I find as to why women don't always come forward:

80% of women don't report rape or sexual assault, survey claims

The poll carried out by the parenting website Mumsnet found that 10 per cent of women had been raped, and 35 per cent sexually assaulted.

Almost of a quarter of victims had been attacked repeatedly, and two-thirds knew the person responsible.

But most of those who had been raped or sexually assaulted (83 per cent) failed to report it to police, and 29 per cent did not even tell friends or family what had happened.

Overall about half said they would be too embarrassed or ashamed of the incident to admit it but two-thirds said they would hesitate because of low conviction rates.

More than half of the 1,609 female respondents to the survey said the legal system, the media and society at large is unsympathetic to rape victims.

This article talks about arousal - but it indicates it is uncommon in women, more common in male victims: of those who report their rapes, around 4 to 5 percent also describe experiencing orgasm. But it also says according to some the numbers might be higher. It also points out that arousal does NOT mean enjoyment.

I admit, I knew nothing about this, so it's enlightening to say the least - but we are talking about a very very small segment of those who were raped AND we are talking about an often repeated message used to discredit rape victims - that they enjoyed it thus it wasn't "really" rape.
Embarrassed or ashamed?

Hidden in those two words...are the reasons they are embarrassed or ashamed.

Often times it leads to severe cognitive dissonance. They then go into a type of denial until they are treated professionally.

Those facts are often left out of the public for obvious reasons. What does come out of being treated professionally is the victim comes to terms with the FACT that just because they were brought to orgasm does NOT mean they were NOT violated. That is the Rubicon that many, including many on here, cannot accept. Or have a very hard time accepting.

There is much left out with the reasons WHY many women are embarrassed and ashamed. Until they are convinced through THERAPY that they are still victims, even if they are brought to that state.
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
One of the ones that "came forward" actually filed a lawsuit against Trump back in 1997.
And that was how long after the incident supposedly occurred?

The other poster pointed to the fact a lawsuit has happen before. It is true many of these women are looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and it will hurt those that were really assaulted.
and it's also true that most women don't say anything when it happens, especially if a famous and threatening person does it.

Um ... so they're afraid to report it for a "famous and threatening" person, then when they are even more "famous and threatening" person, suddenly they can speak out?
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
Given Trump's own statements, your thread is irrelevant.
Because Trump is the only GOP candidate that's had to endure this?

Your stupidity is irrelevant
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.

Trump has been accused of this stuff for years
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
One of the ones that "came forward" actually filed a lawsuit against Trump back in 1997.

Is that around the same time Juanita Broaddrick filed her lawsuit against Bill Clinton for rape. Good for Hillary for sticking up for women and divorcing her rapist husband. Oh wait...
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.

Trump has been accused of this stuff for years
Right on! And the media and Liberals preach it as gospel. But the Clintons..................Uh,I forgot what I was going to say. I don't remember what I was going to say. I don't recall what the subject was. What was the subject again? Shit!
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
Given Trump's own statements, your thread is irrelevant.
Because Trump is the only GOP candidate that's had to endure this?

Your stupidity is irrelevant
Are you drinking so early?
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
Given Trump's own statements, your thread is irrelevant.
Because Trump is the only GOP candidate that's had to endure this?

Your stupidity is irrelevant
Well fuck you granny. LOL

Listen you stupid shit, Trump's ADMITTED to the charges. HE'S BRAGGED ABOUT HARRASSMENT AND CHASING TAIL.
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
Given Trump's own statements, your thread is irrelevant.
Because Trump is the only GOP candidate that's had to endure this?

Your stupidity is irrelevant
Unfortunately, their stupidity is essential for the democrats.
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
Given Trump's own statements, your thread is irrelevant.
Because Trump is the only GOP candidate that's had to endure this?

Your stupidity is irrelevant
Unfortunately, their stupidity is essential for the democrats.
Go back to sleep. It's dawn already.
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.

Trump has been accused of this stuff for years
Right on! And the media and Liberals preach it as gospel. But the Clintons..................Uh,I forgot what I was going to say. I don't remember what I was going to say. I don't recall what the subject was. What was the subject again? Shit!

Trying to shift the convo to be about the media or liberals doesnt address that this behavior has been out there for years. Why dont you believe Trump? He said himself he'd have a problem with women if he ran. Now he does. Are you calling him a liar now or then?

In 1999, Trump Said He Couldn’t Be President Because of the Women He’d Sleep With
Isn't it odd that these women who are abused by republicans NEVER come out of the woodwork until a position of power is sought? No police reports. No civil cases. No accusations of impropriety when it actually happens.
Given Trump's own statements, your thread is irrelevant.
Because Trump is the only GOP candidate that's had to endure this?

Your stupidity is irrelevant
Well fuck you granny. LOL

Listen you stupid shit, Trump's ADMITTED to the charges. HE'S BRAGGED ABOUT HARRASSMENT AND CHASING TAIL.
Every man chases tail. Except faggots. There is no proof that Trump raped any woman. There is only the lefts accusations and a complicit media.

I see this topic is causing you great consternation so perhaps you should get back to your Gomer Pyle reruns and lower that blood pressure.

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