Wild Cops Beat Suspect.....

I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.

You just summed up his entire argument.
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.
Do you understand excessive force?
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.
So where did they get the legal authority to beat a prisoner ?
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
I think the guy was white. What makes you say i was overstating my case? You have clowns saying the cops did nothing wrong. Obviously at some point they tried and convicted the guy because they immediately administered the punishment.
Shocking stuff. Typically the dickheads on here can only see the film in terms of the guy may be guilty of something. The bigger picture eludes them like infants chasing rainbows.

What people (liberals) miss, is that if they had treated him with kid gloves, he could use that opportunity to attack one of the cops at close quarters, possibly grab an officer's gun, kill someone.

Its easy to armchair quarter back these things, when it isn't your life hanging in the balance.

My philosophy is, if he hadn't gone on a speeding rampage, running from the cops, he wouldn't have gotten roughed up a little.
The next time this happens the suspect will keep on running because he knows the cops will kick the shit out of him. Thats human nature.
The police get respect for the way that they conduct themselves. This incident sets that back and makes their job that much harder.

Maybe he shouldn't break the law in the first place. Ever think of that? I don't any sympathy for the scumbag piece-o-shit.
He hasnt been convicted of anything. You are creating a whole new unconstitutional legal system.
Remember the laws that protect you also protect him. There is no other way.

He wasn't being punished. He was being subdued. Do you know the difference?
Do you? That cop ran up and sucker punched a man surrendering. You didn't see it on TV. This video sucks. It's horrible! The cops are suspended and now the defended is a free rich man. Bravo
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.
Yes. Anytime a cop beats a suspect that has surrendered then that means the cop convicted the guy. Thats above their pay grade.
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
I think the guy was white. What makes you say i was overstating my case? You have clowns saying the cops did nothing wrong. Obviously at some point they tried and convicted the guy because they immediately administered the punishment.
Notice a pattern? The same people who argue its OK that cops act this way usually are the same guys telling us we should be voting Republican?
This happened in the area where I live. The chase lasted for more than 40 miles.

UNTIL THE SUSPECT IS CUFFED AND IN CUSTODY, the pursuit is not over. Only once the suspect has been fully detained is there a requirement for officers to restrict themselves. He was struck while officers were working on gaining compliance with handcuffing him. They did nothing wrong.
Bullshit. It was obviously an unnecessary beating done in anger.
That idiot endangered thousands of lives. They had to make sure he was subdued so he didn't endanger anymore.

He was still a danger on his belly?

Let me get my pen out to add surrendering to the list of acceptable reasons to assault someone.

My goodness, they have every reason to take the law into their own hands! All except, the law...but who cares?

Lol @ Thousands of lives. It was a car chase not the Apocalypse.

He was a danger until he was in handcuffs.
How hard is it to put handcuffs on a suspect that is surrendering? Are you saying all cops are incompetent?

It could be damned hard, if in a moment of desperation the subject takes advantage of the smallest window of opportunity.

Had he been given that chance, he may have been shot and possibly killed. Those cops probably saved his life; prevented him from doing something stupid.
If someone was kicking my ass that would actually provoke me into fighting back. Thanks for admitting cops are incompetent.
Cops consider covering your face fighting back. You're supposed to take as many mma punches that cop decides to give and don't resist.

They test NFL players for steroids how about cops? I personally know cops on steroids
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
I think the guy was white. What makes you say i was overstating my case? You have clowns saying the cops did nothing wrong. Obviously at some point they tried and convicted the guy because they immediately administered the punishment.
Notice a pattern? The same people who argue its OK that cops act this way usually are the same guys telling us we should be voting Republican?

It gets better than that! The same bunch claim to respect....wait for it....Law and Order!!! :badgrin:
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
I think the guy was white. What makes you say i was overstating my case? You have clowns saying the cops did nothing wrong. Obviously at some point they tried and convicted the guy because they immediately administered the punishment.
Notice a pattern? The same people who argue its OK that cops act this way usually are the same guys telling us we should be voting Republican?

It gets better than that! The same bunch claim to respect....wait for it....Law and Order!!! :badgrin:
I think the people that applaud this type of blatant abuse of power are living vicariously through the cops.
His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
I think the guy was white. What makes you say i was overstating my case? You have clowns saying the cops did nothing wrong. Obviously at some point they tried and convicted the guy because they immediately administered the punishment.
Notice a pattern? The same people who argue its OK that cops act this way usually are the same guys telling us we should be voting Republican?

It gets better than that! The same bunch claim to respect....wait for it....Law and Order!!! :badgrin:
I think the people that applaud this type of blatant abuse of power are living vicariously through the cops.
Same people who get mad at lawyers who defend criminals. They don't realize how important everyone gets a fair trial. Not just innocent people
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

They just slapped him around a bit, who cares, he'll recover....he could have caused carnage and death on the roads.
People that dont want a police state care.
Doncha love folks that slit their wrist over the ACA, but think it's okay for cops to beat a man..
Youre claim that I feel sorry for the suspect is a strawman dummy. Please point out where I said that.

The OP you posted, where was the stuff about Richard Simone Jr. being a violent criminal and a fugitive from justice? Oh that's right you didn't mention it did you?

Your OP is all....bad police and everyone say how bad the police are whilst crying about the poor man they're restraining.
That doesn't make the ass-kicking any less of a felony.

This is one of the reasons I recommend you learn how to read. Its in the link I posted.

Why didn't you copy and paste the relevant section from the link.....like I did before posting my link?

How many people just watched the video and didn't bother clicking on your link I wonder?

Why would I do that when that wasnt my point? I didnt post it to make your point. My point is that cops shouldnt be attacking people. Its not their job.

I'm going to guess you were the only one stupid enough not to read the link before making embarrassing claims you could have avoided..
He led them on a 40 mile high speed chase and endangered many lives. That in its self is worthy of an ass kicking.
I'm trying to hold back a tear for the innocent man....who refused to stop and put countless lives in danger.

His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.
Do you understand excessive force?

Yes...and he APPROVES of it.
His innocence or lack of innocence has nothing to do with the cops operating above their pay grade. Their job is to arrest the guy. Not to convict and punish him.

You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.
Do you understand excessive force?

Yes...and he APPROVES of it.

Excessive force is not a conviction, it's police brutality.
You are overstating your case. It does appear that the cops acted too violently out of anger in "detaining and cuffing" the perp, but how do you call that a conviction? I am afraid to ask, was the guy black? I couldn't tell from the video..
Their handing out punishment suggests that they had convicted him. Why else would they pin him down and beat the shit out of him ?

By that standard, anytime a cop used force to detain a suspect you will call it a conviction.....nonsense.
Do you understand excessive force?

Yes...and he APPROVES of it.

Excessive force is not a conviction, it's police brutality.
I don't like our justice system abusing our citizens. Even the guilty ones. We're better than that. They should act within the law. People like you shouldn't be cops. You're not helping the cause

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