Don’t look at me
It was Trump who picked Melania
Do you remember me telling you I had a melania. She dumped me for an even older richer man. Now she’s locked down like melania. Only melania has a pre nup I wonder why melania is still with trump.

I bet melania makes double if she just waits till he dies.
Do you remember me telling you I had a melania. She dumped me for an even older richer man. Now she’s locked down like melania. Only melania has a pre nup I wonder why melania is still with trump.

I bet melania makes double if she just waits till he dies.

She hasn’t shared a bed with Fat Donnie in years.
She winces when he tries to kiss her or hold her hand
She made it clear she will live in NYC if he is in the White House

Agree that divorce would cost her money.
Better off as grieving widow
She hasn’t shared a bed with Fat Donnie in years.
She winces when he tries to kiss her or hold her hand
She made it clear she will live in NYC if he is in the White House

Agree that divorce would cost her money.
Better off as grieving widow
And with trump supporters, that would be like Travis dumping Taylor
She hasn’t shared a bed with Fat Donnie in years.
She winces when he tries to kiss her or hold her hand
She made it clear she will live in NYC if he is in the White House

Agree that divorce would cost her money.
Better off as grieving widow
I forgot the point of my Belarusian girl. She was cool and fun like melania but no love with these Eastern Europeans. I doubt she French kisses Donald. She’d rather suck he mushroom dick.

I was listening to a phony call from fake Rosie O’Donnell to a sex phone call female. She asked the woman to say horrible things about trump while she got off. One of the things the woman said was trump had a little mushroom cock. I sooo hope Donald has heard this phony call.
As long as libs have the mail in ballot cheating is possible

No it isn't. Because every state does their elections and their count differeent, it is virtually impossible to cheat. You have to have a different cheat for every state.

This is the benefit of having more than 50 different voting systems, all with a different set of rules.
No it isn't. Because every state does their elections and their count differeent, it is virtually impossible to cheat. You have to have a different cheat for every state.

This is the benefit of having more than 50 different voting systems, all with a different set of rules.
Republicans know this cheating occurs because they do it. Remember trumps lawyer/fixer Sidney Powell got caught hacking into a voting machine where 70% of the votes are Republican votes. I think she pled guilty and was going to testify against trump in the Georgia case. This was Rico level crime.
That's a given. That's their reality. 90% of the country (and the world, for that matter) loves their ignorant orange con man, so the Dems must have cheated.
I wish merkle, macron and all our Allie’s would make a statement why Donald trump should never be president again.

We know putin, Kim Jung un like him. I want Kim and him to golf each other so bad. Imagine the ratings.
Are any of these trump voting demographics. ?
I truly believe Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky any state that still votes for trump is rigged. Texas, Florida

I’ll give them Mississippi

No way women vote for republicans in any of those states. I fear these women’s votes won’t be counted. Send in the national guard. I want black poll watchers in ecvery Republican leaning district. I want audits.
Well, there are definitely some women who are willing to ignore his treatment of other women, that's for sure.
What I worry about is women in Michigan thinking abortion is settled and they vote for republicans
Women who are pro choice should not vote gop on any level till the Supreme Court is back in liberals hands.

I can see alito and Clarence retiring after Kamala wins. The pressure. No one likes this court. Confidence in it at an all time low. As it should be
What I worry about is women in Michigan thinking abortion is settled and they vote for republicans
Women who are pro choice should not vote gop on any level till the Supreme Court is back in liberals hands.

I can see alito and Clarence retiring after Kamala wins. The pressure. No one likes this court. Confidence in it at an all time low. As it should be
This is just anecdotal, obviously, but the women I've spoken with who are voting for Kamala talk about a bigger picture than just abortion. They clearly have the feeling that the GQP wants to send us back to the days of subserviance by, and control over, women.

The GQP will deny that, but as its theocratic element gains more and more influence, that just looks more and more dishonest.
I wish merkle, macron and all our Allie’s would make a statement why Donald trump should never be president again.

We know putin, Kim Jung un like him. I want Kim and him to golf each other so bad. Imagine the ratings.

It would be considered "election interference", and it's just not kosher.

I've been surprised by the level of concern European leadership has expressed. They are saying it, and preparing for what they will do if it happens, but treading carefully as they do.

Both of them cheat at golf and are accustomed to be "allowed" to win. (See Trump's club trophies). It might be entertaining to see how they handle it. Who would cheat the most????
I haven't been sure that it would affect the election, since abortion isn't going to be the top priority for many.

When abortion is on the ballot, it wins. Women are registering to vote in record numbers. In Women registering to is up 100% over 2016 and 2020.
She hasn’t shared a bed with Fat Donnie in years.
She winces when he tries to kiss her or hold her hand
She made it clear she will live in NYC if he is in the White House

Agree that divorce would cost her money.
Better off as grieving widow

already happened?

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