Wildlife and Plants Facing Extinction, From Lack of Habitat


Gold Member
Jul 19, 2016
We see this firsthand here in this little rural area, gone are most wildlife including some bird species. Lots of native plants have long disappeared.
The only things still doing ok are different kinds of vines and they are killing the other native plants, especially the trees.

The population will not grow too large for farmers to sustain....until the billionaires and globalists get hold of it and plan their depopulation event. THAT is the real extinction event.

I believe that Gates and others have targetted unwanted elements of the world population..... how does that benefit them?
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The population will not grow too large for farmers to sustain....until the billionaires and globalists get hold of it and plane their depopulation event. THAT is the real extinction event.

I believe that Gates and others have targetted unwanted elements of the world population..... how does that benefit them?
Feeding an unchecked population is part of the reasons cited in the video for species extinction.

I personally think the alarmist are a bit too doomsday and the piece relies on a lot of free-floating generic angst, but we could do better than we are right now. Literally the only thing I can think of that I have not seen in years that I used to see more regularly in our area as a child is a plant called pipsissewa. It is a striped wintergreen that grows very slowly in woodlands. Not sure why I never see it anymore. If a lot of people were to set up a trail cam on their property, they would see that there is still a lot more wildlife in our urban areas than they might realize.
Feeding an unchecked population is part of the reasons cited in the video for species extinction.

I personally think the alarmist are a bit too doomsday and the piece relies on a lot of free-floating generic angst, but we could do better than we are right now. Literally the only thing I can think of that I have not seen in years that I used to see more regularly in our area as a child is a plant called pipsissewa. It is a striped wintergreen that grows very slowly in woodlands. Not sure why I never see it anymore. If a lot of people were to set up a trail cam on their property, they would see that there is still a lot more wildlife in our urban areas than they might realize.
we don't have an unchecked population thanks to US gov't interference in the depopulation of nations like AFrica through abortion and regulating DDT which would actually HELP the population especially in preventing more children deaths.

If gates and others would address the actual problems, Africa might be able to get to the point where they could support themselves...but they really don't want that do they.
We see this firsthand here in this little rural area, gone are most wildlife including some bird species. Lots of native plants have long disappeared.
The only things still doing ok are different kinds of vines and they are killing the other native plants, especially the trees.

Hope to god the left-wing environmentalists don't know this and plan to fix it in the manner of global warming. If so, their solution would most likely be to exterminate all human life. FJB
we don't have an unchecked population thanks to US gov't interference in the depopulation of nations like AFrica through abortion and regulating DDT which would actually HELP the population especially in preventing more children deaths.

If gates and others would address the actual problems, Africa might be able to get to the point where they could support themselves...but they really don't want that do they.
Africa will never be self supporting because they keep killing each other off. The fastest way to get killed is to be a farmer.
Hell, I see deer, bear, turkey, and all manner of small game, and birds out the ass....Too many in fact....And I live on the edge of town. You have to put up deer fence even if you think you want a garden. It's not cheap.

The only thing I don't see much of anymore are quail, not because of habitat loss but because of feral house cats and the fact fur prices are down so much and have been down for so long nobody traps fox anymore.

It's simply not worth the gas to travel to make sets for a $10-$15 a hide, if you are real lucky.....Not to mention the time for skinning/stretching.

Those who are still trapping are doing it for reasons other than financial and given it's been like that for several years it's not like any new young trappers will be coming onboard so the quail population continues it's decline.....All I can suggest is if you are out in the field shoot every damn housecat/fox you see.

Beaver castor is worth about as much as the damn hide itself these days.....Under $10.00 for a nice large beaver hide.....You get about a once of castor out of a large beaver. I hear the meth-heads are killing them just for the castor glands.

My G-Granddad got more for a Muskrat in 1930 than they sell for today.....That is if you can find a buyer to take them.

When you pull man out of the predator chain be it by the bunny huggers or by down markets all kinds of bad things tend to happen.
While some are going extinct, others are being discovered.

Even if man poisoned and burned the entire planet down.....................new life would come back in one form or another.

In order to literally kill everything on this planet, it would have to break apart and float off into space..........or into the sun.

Which is what Nostradamous has guesstimated will happen around the year 3000.
A declining birth rate strengthens a nation. All the billionaires care about is a low wage labor force. Fact.

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