Will 1 GOP candidate take a stand and say time to accept marriage equality and move on??


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Time for them to decide which side of history they want to me on.

Watch old TV news footage of the Civil Rights movement and the pushback against integration. Watch the how the segregationists come off?

That is how Mike Huckabee and the rest look right now.
Both Jeb and Lindsay have said it is the law of the land, they don't like it, but it is time to move on.
Well, How about which one will say they were for it all the time when it becomes expedient?
Don't know that is going to happen.

Byrd and Wallace repented, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt if they do. Obama repented for that matter.
Time for them to decide which side of history they want to me on.

Watch old TV news footage of the Civil Rights movement and the pushback against integration. Watch the how the segregationists come off?

That is how Mike Huckabee and the rest look right now.

Plenty already have done that, John Kasich, to name one. However, those kind are always waving the white flag. They will soon be purged from the party.
Yo, no need, when they take the White House in 2016, they can ram a new "LAW" down your Socialist throat!!!

Will 1 GOP candidate take a stand and say time to accept marriage equality and move on??


What? I thought you said "a majority now supports gay marriage". Seems like the GOP strategists have seen the magic "80%" poll numbers popping up everywhere at USMB. Maybe they like the odds of that horse winning the race?

Sure, a "majority" supports gay marriage. That's why you fought like wildcats with rabies to get your pocket-Justices to add a brand new class to the Constitution of "just some of their favorite deviant sex behaviors but not others".

This thing is going back before the Court. And this time it's going to be the 9th & 1st Amendments vs the newly created/added psuedo-class the Court just created out of thin air in its Ruling. For those that remember poli-sci in high school: the Congress is the only branch of government that can make substantive additions or subtractions to the Constitution.
Will 1 GOP candidate take a stand and say time to accept marriage equality and move on??


What? I thought you said "a majority now supports gay marriage". Seems like the GOP strategists have seen the magic "80%" poll numbers popping up everywhere at USMB. Maybe they like the odds of that horse winning the race?

Sure, a "majority" supports gay marriage. That's why you fought like wildcats with rabies to get your pocket-Justices to add a brand new class to the Constitution of "just some of their favorite deviant sex behaviors but not others".

This thing is going back before the Court. And this time it's going to be the 9th & 1st Amendments vs the newly created/added psuedo-class the Court just created out of thin air in its Ruling. For those that remember poli-sci in high school: the Congress is the only branch of government that can make substantive additions or subtractions to the Constitution.

Oh, you're going to be so disappointed when/if anything remotely close to gay marriage gets within a country mile of the SC and they say, nah, been there done that.
Will 1 GOP candidate take a stand and say time to accept marriage equality and move on??
What? I thought you said "a majority now supports gay marriage". Seems like the GOP strategists have seen the magic "80%" poll numbers popping up everywhere at USMB. Maybe they like the odds of that horse winning the race?

Sure, a "majority" supports gay marriage. That's why you fought like wildcats with rabies to get your pocket-Justices to add a brand new class to the Constitution of "just some of their favorite deviant sex behaviors but not others".

This thing is going back before the Court. And this time it's going to be the 9th & 1st Amendments vs the newly created/added psuedo-class the Court just created out of thin air in its Ruling. For those that remember poli-sci in high school: the Congress is the only branch of government that can make substantive additions or subtractions to the Constitution.

No, it is not...

Sure it is. People's civil rights are being suppressed. They will ask the Court to reaffirm their 1st Amendment rights using the 9th Amendment.

Oh, you're going to be so disappointed when/if anything remotely close to gay marriage gets within a country mile of the SC and they say, nah, been there done that.

It won't. It will be about Christian's 1st Amendment rights. All it takes is four justices to vote to hear a case, if memory serves.. I think Roberts, Scalia, Alito & Thomas will be down for that. And whoever has replaced Ginsburg and Kagan when they're impeached or otherwise disciplined for presiding over a case they displayed flagrant and arrogant bias against/for one of the parties on, before the Hearing last Spring.
In a P.A. the only rights that matter are those of the customer. That was settled long ago...
In a P.A. the only rights that matter are those of the customer. That was settled long ago...

Local P.A. laws do not trump the 1st Amendment. Try again.

Here it is. Scalia, Alito, Roberts & Thomas will execute the "rule of four" and hear the "cult of LGBT vs Christianity" case, probably by next year.

Rule of four refers to a convention that for certiorari to be granted by the U.S. Supreme Court, four justices must vote in favor of the grant. The rule ordains that the votes of four Justices are needed to grant certiorari and bring a case before the Court for decision on the merits.Rule of Four Law Legal Definition

It's gonna be heard. Mark my words. And when it does, your little "behaviors are the same as race" false premise is going to be dissected legally. You knew that was coming. And so it will.
They can't afford to when they rely on bigots/evangelicals/morons to get them votes.
"Will 1 GOP candidate take a stand and say time to accept marriage equality and move on??"

Likely not.

The fear of being branded a 'RINO' is too great, the social right, TPM, and other rightwing extremists remain in firm control of the GOP.
There will always be some RW deadenders fighting this battle,

remember when that Japanese soldier on an island surrendered...

...in 1974?


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