Will America ever recover through politics?

Do you think America can ever Unite as a nation & become a cohesive union again under Politicians?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This whole post is stupid nonsense...what a waste of time!

    Votes: 1 9.1%

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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?
We can never get rid of politicians ... but we should definitely spay or neuter them.

It will take something else. What that something else may be, I cannot say.
Politics is but the tool a free society uses to reach some sort of consensus on how things get done. It is not inherently good or evil and you only get out of it what you put into it.
Yes Americans of all stripes could do a lot more towards being united (especially against a common enemy) but I don't expect that there will ever be a politician or even a new political party that could ever accomplish the same.
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?

Get the far left out of power around the world and then the human race can finally grow up!
No because the Democratic party has been taken over by the RADICAL far left who do NOT believe in borders & want very lax law enforcement!

They are also GLOBALISTS & pro George Soros socialists & OPEN borders advocates! Even Bill Clinton & Jimmy Carter could NEVER EVER be the nominee of this party because they believed in BORDERS & limits on immigration!!
No, because the left refuses to compromise and have apparently lost their goddamn minds. Submit, fight or die seem to be the only choices they're offering.
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?

When was America supposedly the way you want it to go back to?
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?
It's not the politicians. They operate under the whim of polls, fundraising dinners and contributors. They're just a symptom.

It's a culture that is allowing itself to be divided into two primary separate units. We're allowing this to happen to us when we make zero (0) effort to communicate like adults with each other.

And driving that behavior are the Division Pimps, those in both units who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. And we're letting them, we're following their lead like good little sheep.

We could fix this ourselves, but we're currently choosing not to. Our politicians merely reflect that.
Yes Americans of all stripes could do a lot more towards being united (especially against a common enemy) but I don't expect that there will ever be a politician or even a new political party that could ever accomplish the same.
------------------------------------------------------------ just a comment CLife but maybe 20 years ago i was listening to a radio talk show as i was driving to work . They were talking about how to unite the earth . Consensus was that only a threat from outer space aliens would unite the earth . -------------- OFF TOPIC COMMENT , hope you don't mind ChuzLife .
anyway , back on topic , i can't ever see me unititing with dems as dems believe in Gun Control .
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?
It's not the politicians. They operate under the whim of polls, fundraising dinners and contributors. They're just a symptom.

It's a culture that is allowing itself to be divided into two primary separate units. We're allowing this to happen to us when we make zero (0) effort to communicate like adults with each other.
ops, those in both units who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. And we're letting them, we're following their lead like good little sheep.

We could fix this ourselves, but we're currently choosing not to. Our politicians merely reflect that.

Insane leftists who hate America and white people are pushing people who don't feel that way into one of two camps. There's nobody defending their delusions of a rising tide of fascism. Nobody. I'm white, I think america is pretty cool, I don't want to be sent to the gulag for thoughtcrime which according to them makes me either a sympathizer or a soldier for the 4th reich.
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?
It's not the politicians. They operate under the whim of polls, fundraising dinners and contributors. They're just a symptom.

It's a culture that is allowing itself to be divided into two primary separate units. We're allowing this to happen to us when we make zero (0) effort to communicate like adults with each other.

And driving that behavior are the Division Pimps, those in both units who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. And we're letting them, we're following their lead like good little sheep.

We could fix this ourselves, but we're currently choosing not to. Our politicians merely reflect that.

Ditto. Look at the general tenor of the replies to the OP. "If the other side would agree with me then we could unite but they will not listen to reason." That's more fun than doing the hard work of finding common ground. That's hard. That's not sexy. That's what true policy making is all about. The media preys on this sentiment and amplifies it, giving talking points for people to use. They sound like walking, talking drones of MSNBC and FOX News. Real dialogue is hard. It requires listening and understanding. That's no fun either. A constant state of outrage seems to be preferable.

In answer to the OP, I think the only thing that works is a common enemy. A war against a foreign country, a plague, a flood like we saw in Texas. What we saw there was people making it work on a local level. Sadly that never lasts.
Ditto. Look at the general tenor of the replies to the OP. "If the other side would agree with me then we could unite but they will not listen to reason." That's more fun than doing the hard work of finding common ground. That's hard. That's not sexy. That's what true policy making is all about. The media preys on this sentiment and amplifies it, giving talking points for people to use. They sound like walking, talking drones of MSNBC and FOX News. Real dialogue is hard. It requires listening and understanding. That's no fun either. A constant state of outrage seems to be preferable.

In answer to the OP, I think the only thing that works is a common enemy. A war against a foreign country, a plague, a flood like we saw in Texas. What we saw there was people making it work on a local level. Sadly that never lasts.

Check out how leftists are reacting to the NK threat or the fact that Texas, a red state, is suffering. They don't want dialogue, and their common enemy is America and white people.
I know to the Left this is a loaded question since they feel America needs to be completely transformed and not recovered.

But to most on the right, we've already gone way way past the point of insanity and away from traditional American values (NO not slavery you alt-left fanatics) such as family time, the importance of a cohesive family unit, ethics and morality (and NO, I don't mean kill all homos)....

I mean Justice for ALL....Rule of Law....no violent protests.....safety from crime...etc

But the QUESTION is.......

Do you think that America can ever come back together as a nation and become a cohesive union again under the guidance of Politicians OR.....will it take something else...and if so, what is that something else?
It's not the politicians. They operate under the whim of polls, fundraising dinners and contributors. They're just a symptom.

It's a culture that is allowing itself to be divided into two primary separate units. We're allowing this to happen to us when we make zero (0) effort to communicate like adults with each other.

And driving that behavior are the Division Pimps, those in both units who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided. And we're letting them, we're following their lead like good little sheep.

We could fix this ourselves, but we're currently choosing not to. Our politicians merely reflect that.

Ditto. Look at the general tenor of the replies to the OP. "If the other side would agree with me then we could unite but they will not listen to reason." That's more fun than doing the hard work of finding common ground. That's hard. That's not sexy. That's what true policy making is all about. The media preys on this sentiment and amplifies it, giving talking points for people to use. They sound like walking, talking drones of MSNBC and FOX News. Real dialogue is hard. It requires listening and understanding. That's no fun either. A constant state of outrage seems to be preferable.

In answer to the OP, I think the only thing that works is a common enemy. A war against a foreign country, a plague, a flood like we saw in Texas. What we saw there was people making it work on a local level. Sadly that never lasts.
Honestly, I think we've reached a point at which even a common enemy might not be enough. This has deteriorated so far, it's tough to say.

The bottom line remains this: We could all wake up tomorrow and choose to act like decent, respectful, sincere adults and start communicating.

Nothing is stopping us, not one thing.
Ditto. Look at the general tenor of the replies to the OP. "If the other side would agree with me then we could unite but they will not listen to reason." That's more fun than doing the hard work of finding common ground. That's hard. That's not sexy. That's what true policy making is all about. The media preys on this sentiment and amplifies it, giving talking points for people to use. They sound like walking, talking drones of MSNBC and FOX News. Real dialogue is hard. It requires listening and understanding. That's no fun either. A constant state of outrage seems to be preferable.

In answer to the OP, I think the only thing that works is a common enemy. A war against a foreign country, a plague, a flood like we saw in Texas. What we saw there was people making it work on a local level. Sadly that never lasts.

Check out how leftists are reacting to the NK threat or the fact that Texas, a red state, is suffering. They don't want dialogue, and their common enemy is America and white people.
Yup. Your ability to rise above blame and outrage in the name of unity is noted.
Ditto. Look at the general tenor of the replies to the OP. "If the other side would agree with me then we could unite but they will not listen to reason." That's more fun than doing the hard work of finding common ground. That's hard. That's not sexy. That's what true policy making is all about. The media preys on this sentiment and amplifies it, giving talking points for people to use. They sound like walking, talking drones of MSNBC and FOX News. Real dialogue is hard. It requires listening and understanding. That's no fun either. A constant state of outrage seems to be preferable.

In answer to the OP, I think the only thing that works is a common enemy. A war against a foreign country, a plague, a flood like we saw in Texas. What we saw there was people making it work on a local level. Sadly that never lasts.

Check out how leftists are reacting to the NK threat or the fact that Texas, a red state, is suffering. They don't want dialogue, and their common enemy is America and white people.
Yup. Your ability to rise above blame and outrage in the name of unity is noted.

I've been trying to talk these people off the edge for years. They're not listening. That thing about them hating America and white people is not hyperbole.

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