Will Biden defeat the pandemic that defeated Trump?

That was just his wish for the virus.
He pulls "wishes" aplenty out of his big, flabby butt, but only his cult eagerly swallows them.

Most folks recognize them as lies, and the American electorate has finally disposed of him at their first opportunity.
That was just his wish for the virus.
He pulls "wishes" aplenty out of his big, flabby butt, but only his cult eagerly swallows them.

Most folks recognize them as lies, and the American electorate has finally disposed of him at their first opportunity.
You dregs have no ability to think for yourselves you merely parrot what your propaganda factory tells you to parrot. Brainless lemmings all.
No one expected that communist democrats would do such a thing. No one thought they would be under Chinese control to that extent.
The 80 million+ "communists" who voted to finally dispose of your failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer did so at their first opportunity, after consistently and relentlessly disapproving of him for four years, having indicated their preference in 2016 that he not infest the White House by a margin of nearly 3 million votes.

Might he have survived the 2020 election had he not failed so egregiously in confronting the pandemic?

That's possible, but the People have decided that he must go away.
America haters are not people they are socialist dregs.
They are still trying to pretend that Chicom Biden got 80 million votes. The election was a total fraud. We all know it.
No one expected that communist democrats would do such a thing. No one thought they would be under Chinese control to that extent.
The 80 million+ "communists" who voted to finally dispose of your failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer did so at their first opportunity, after consistently and relentlessly disapproving of him for four years, having indicated their preference in 2016 that he not infest the White House by a margin of nearly 3 million votes.

Might he have survived the 2020 election had he not failed so egregiously in confronting the pandemic?

That's possible, but the People have decided that he must go away.
Why are you trying so hard to defend the Chicoms who created the virus and unleashed it on the world, who declared as it hit the US that they would murder millions of Americans by withholding vital medicines they make Americans are so dependent on? WTF?

Now that Biden has won the election, how much do you want to bet the liberal fake news china ass-kissing media and China Joe will forget this, never mention this threat to murder millions of Americans, and will instead seek to push to drive America back down on its knees before China as it unzips its fly again in the name of 'normalizing relations' with China?

Perhaps you have become so accustomed to being on your knees that you prefer being there....as Democrats have shown they are.
They are still trying to pretend that Chicom Biden got 80 million votes. The election was a total fraud. We all know it.

I don't know about 80 million votes, but the DHS and Treasury Department say they have physical, financial criminal evidence that the Bidens got $1.5 BILLION from the Chicoms....and the voting machins company was paid $400 MILLION back in October.
No one expected that communist democrats would do such a thing. No one thought they would be under Chinese control to that extent.
The 80 million+ "communists" who voted to finally dispose of your failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer did so at their first opportunity, after consistently and relentlessly disapproving of him for four years, having indicated their preference in 2016 that he not infest the White House by a margin of nearly 3 million votes.

Might he have survived the 2020 election had he not failed so egregiously in confronting the pandemic?

That's possible, but the People have decided that he must go away.

Like we keep pointing out, chinese illegal votes don't count.
Like we keep pointing out, chinese illegal votes don't count.
Fantasy affords disgruntled losers whatever solace they derive from it.

Maybe they can pretend that Trump's imaginary 3-5 million invisible people who cost Cry Baby a popular vote victory in 2016 (none of whom Trump's intrepid bogus balloteer sleuth could find) have multiplied during the ill-fated reign of trumpery, and now number over 8 million strong!

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Oh please, Biden or anyone else is not going to "defeat" this virus. This will be a game of prevention like any other virus for the rest of our lives.
Trump had claimed that he had it under control, that there were very few with it, and everyone was getting better:

View attachment 426673
"They're all getting better!"
FEBRUARY 25, 2020
On the same day, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, was was sounding an ominous warning:

“As more and more countries experience community spread, successful containment at our borders becomes harder and harder... It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses. Disruption to everyday life might be severe... The data over the last week and spread in other countries has certainly raised our level of concern, and raised our level of expectation that we are going to have community spread here... "
She was right, and the failed casino operator and faded reality tv entertainer was wrong.

Trump's subsequent inability to confront the challenge, his demeaning the advice of the most knowledgable, his prissy contempt for masks and other preventative measures as flaunted in his super-spreader jamborees, the consequences of such irresponsibility mimicked by his lickspittles, and his failure to assume leadership have resulted in the United States leading the world, even as he now obsesses over his own defeat on November 3:

The US surpassed 15 million total reported Covid-19 infections on Tuesday and daily deaths neared a record level as the nation is mired in an increasingly difficult phase of the pandemic. At least 285,190 people have died.
That reality is a far cry from

View attachment 426673
"They're all getting better!"

So, will Biden do better?

We'll have to wait and see, and the weeks until January 22 may evidence little progress if any in our current plight, but all patriotic Americans can join in hoping that he succeeds for the good of the nation.

/——/ Here’s your bad guy. He’s been wrong about everything, and he was advising Trump.

Trump had claimed that he had it under control, that there were very few with it, and everyone was getting better:

View attachment 426673
"They're all getting better!"
FEBRUARY 25, 2020
On the same day, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, was was sounding an ominous warning:

“As more and more countries experience community spread, successful containment at our borders becomes harder and harder... It’s not a question of if this will happen but when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses. Disruption to everyday life might be severe... The data over the last week and spread in other countries has certainly raised our level of concern, and raised our level of expectation that we are going to have community spread here... "
She was right, and the failed casino operator and faded reality tv entertainer was wrong.

Trump's subsequent inability to confront the challenge, his demeaning the advice of the most knowledgable, his prissy contempt for masks and other preventative measures as flaunted in his super-spreader jamborees, the consequences of such irresponsibility mimicked by his lickspittles, and his failure to assume leadership have resulted in the United States leading the world, even as he now obsesses over his own defeat on November 3:

The US surpassed 15 million total reported Covid-19 infections on Tuesday and daily deaths neared a record level as the nation is mired in an increasingly difficult phase of the pandemic. At least 285,190 people have died.
That reality is a far cry from

View attachment 426673
"They're all getting better!"

So, will Biden do better?

We'll have to wait and see, and the weeks until January 22 may evidence little progress if any in our current plight, but all patriotic Americans can join in hoping that he succeeds for the good of the nation.

You should probably take a Government's class. Existing U.S. Government, not Communism to come.
You should probably take a Government's class. Existing U.S. Government, not Communism to come.
Your desperate attempt at diversion aside, Trump has led the nation from a time when he announced that he had the pandemic "very well under control" because "“We have contained this!", when "you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero!" because "they're getting better!", "They're all getting better!" to this point, now leading the world in the daily average number of new deaths reported, accounting for one in every 20 deaths reported worldwide each day, COVID-19 infections in United States at their peak — the highest daily average reported — now at 205,661 new infections reported each day. There have been 15,157,130 infections and 286,487 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began.



That's the documented record. Some call it leadership.

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"'Leadership'! We don't need
no stinkin' 'leadership'!"

Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 8.24.20 AM.png

I never said what I said!
It's all Biden's fault!
81 million Americans conspired against me
and their votes should be thrown out!

You should probably take a Government's class. Existing U.S. Government, not Communism to come.
Your desperate attempt at diversion aside, Trump has led the nation from a time when he announced that he had the pandemic "very well under control" because "“We have contained this!", when "you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero!" because "they're getting better!", "They're all getting better!" to this point, now leading the world in the daily average number of new deaths reported, accounting for one in every 20 deaths reported worldwide each day, COVID-19 infections in United States at their peak — the highest daily average reported — now at 205,661 new infections reported each day. There have been 15,157,130 infections and 286,487 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began.



That's the documented record. Some call it leadership.

View attachment 427094
"'Leadership'! We don't need
no stinkin' 'leadership'!"

View attachment 427090

I never said what I said!
It's all Biden's fault!
81 million Americans conspired against me
and their votes should be thrown out!

4.7% infected, .46% critical, 1.8% mortality rate when Killer Cuomo began it at an 8% mortality rate. You libbers are incessant whiners nothing more.
You should probably take a Government's class. Existing U.S. Government, not Communism to come.
Your desperate attempt at diversion aside, Trump has led the nation from a time when he announced that he had the pandemic "very well under control" because "“We have contained this!", when "you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero!" because "they're getting better!", "They're all getting better!" to this point, now leading the world in the daily average number of new deaths reported, accounting for one in every 20 deaths reported worldwide each day, COVID-19 infections in United States at their peak — the highest daily average reported — now at 205,661 new infections reported each day. There have been 15,157,130 infections and 286,487 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began.



That's the documented record. Some call it leadership.

View attachment 427094
"'Leadership'! We don't need
no stinkin' 'leadership'!"

View attachment 427090

I never said what I said!
It's all Biden's fault!
81 million Americans conspired against me
and their votes should be thrown out!

What's funny is it didn't change anything. He didn't want to frighten PROGS especially, who in the end don't care as expressed by their protests, for example. You know what a panic is? Well, Trump didn't incite the run on toilet paper huh? Pathetic. Take that as a clue.

Take a govt. class too. It's important you understand the power of various jurisdictions, what a Republic is, separation of powers and stuff like that.

Wait, you think Biden has the power to mandate masks..........Fucking genius.

If you PROGS had an ounce of critical thought you'd ask, did Trump keep it a secret from your State's Governor? If the answer is yes well that would be important, but PROGS never mentioned such a thing. Take a wild guess why they didn't mention it?

You've been had. It's what they do and you fell for it............again.
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