Will Bill and Hillary Flee the Country to Avoid Prosecution?


May 23, 2014
After Donald Trump is elected POTUS will Bill and Hillary flee to avoid prosecution for their crimes? I bet they go to France or Germany and try to live it up there until they screw those people over as well. Biggest con-artist in history.
After Donald Trump is elected POTUS will Bill and Hillary flee to avoid prosecution for their crimes? I bet they go to France or Germany and try to live it up there until they screw those people over as well. Biggest con-artist in history.

yours is a trick question, it implies that laws apply to the clintons.
Who will be sent to "Trump Penitentiary"?

The Clinton's
The Obamas
The Bush's
Little Marco
Lyin' Ted
Rosie O'Donnel
That handicapped reporter
Who will be sent to "Trump Penitentiary"?

The Clinton's
The Obamas
The Bush's
Little Marco
Lyin' Ted
Rosie O'Donnel
That handicapped reporter

only if guilty of a crime and not even then, you are preaching idiocy.
After Donald Trump is elected POTUS will Bill and Hillary flee to avoid prosecution for their crimes? I bet they go to France or Germany and try to live it up there until they screw those people over as well. Biggest con-artist in history.

yours is a trick question, it implies that laws apply to the clintons.

you made a point FREE.....////.whatevah. I kinda suspect
that the Clintons will make themselves OBSCURE---
Will Trump be imprisoning his political enemies?

no, why would you say such an idiotic thing?

Read the OP

if clinton loses then they will have no more power except that which can be bought through the clinton foundation. she will no longer be a threat to anyone. she probably will have dinner with the trumps. so there will be no reason to put her in prison, unless she did violate the law, which she did. but even then her fading into obscurity is all i expect will happen.

now if i were a paranoid mad-lib then i might think otherwise.
After Donald Trump is elected POTUS will Bill and Hillary flee to avoid prosecution for their crimes? I bet they go to France or Germany and try to live it up there until they screw those people over as well. Biggest con-artist in history.

After Trump wins, the Clinton will have two months to pack up, transfer their millions if they haven't already done so and leave the country -- unless of course Obozo grants them both clemency. In that case, they will stick around and rub our faces in it.
Will Trump be imprisoning his political enemies?
no, why would you say such an idiotic thing?
I agree, he's more likely to destroy then financially. That's his world.
you mean like Obama has done to all but the upper class and hillary promises to continue his success (sic)? really that is what you want, more of the same?
LIke Obama has done? How has anything gotten done with a "do-nothing" Republican Congress since 2010? Nice try at deflection, but if the country has any sense, they'll throw out all those guys who've been doing nothing but investigating Hillary and collecting a salary.
Good question! Also shouldn't Ted Cruz go back to Canada? I mean we really don't need that douchebag Canadian here. Have him take Beiber too for fuck sakes.

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