Will Conservative Patriots Back Down From Their Running Over Protestors Bills?

If they broke the law I condemn them. Whoever they are.
“IF” they broke the law?

Cant you tell is if you approve or disapprove of that specific act of violence?

You have plenty yo say about 1-6 but nothing here
Gawd, you just constantly bitch and bitch about me.

You'll notice I don't constantly jump in and bitch about you.

You're like that weird kid in grade school who follows the cool kids around.

"Republican lawmakers in six states have pushed this year for legal protections for motorists who hit protesters blocking traffic - they’re facing an intense backlash now that violent images of a car ramming into a crowd protesting a white supremacist rally have been seen around the world. The driver immunity proposals have been labeled “hit and kill” bills that undermine free assembly and embolden extremists by suggesting they have a free pass to drive through protesters; by the American Civil Liberties Union.

A North Carolina state senator said Monday there are no plans to advance the measure in that chamber. In Tennessee, a committee rejected the bill. In Florida, Sen. George Gainer said the intent of his now-failed bill was to protect only those motorists who unintentionally strike protesters blocking traffic. He denounced “the reprehensible actions of the evil person in Virginia.”

The evil person the Florida Senator was referring to was the guy who ran over protestors in Charlottesville -- as if this guy didn't have a right to run them over...he feared for this safety....Some of these republican legislatures are starting to show weakness and not pushing hard enough to pass these bills...they are showing a reluctance to stand up for the call that "All Lives Splatter" .

That is so much bullshit. The guy in Charlottesville did not fear for his life. These were white supremacist fascists who deliberatel killed someone. These bills are not necessary. Prosecutors have discretion not to prosecute if they determine it was not deliberate.

"Republican lawmakers in six states have pushed this year for legal protections for motorists who hit protesters blocking traffic - they’re facing an intense backlash now that violent images of a car ramming into a crowd protesting a white supremacist rally have been seen around the world. The driver immunity proposals have been labeled “hit and kill” bills that undermine free assembly and embolden extremists by suggesting they have a free pass to drive through protesters; by the American Civil Liberties Union.

A North Carolina state senator said Monday there are no plans to advance the measure in that chamber. In Tennessee, a committee rejected the bill. In Florida, Sen. George Gainer said the intent of his now-failed bill was to protect only those motorists who unintentionally strike protesters blocking traffic. He denounced “the reprehensible actions of the evil person in Virginia.”

The evil person the Florida Senator was referring to was the guy who ran over protestors in Charlottesville -- as if this guy didn't have a right to run them over...he feared for this safety....Some of these republican legislatures are starting to show weakness and not pushing hard enough to pass these bills...they are showing a reluctance to stand up for the call that "All Lives Splatter" .

There are Pedestrian and Crosswalk Laws in all 50 States.
Playing in traffic does not apply.

I don’t need some stupid writing on paper to tell me that I have the right to run over anyone who tries to keep me from driving down a public road and/or invade my vehicle. .
You're as hypersensitive as the man you adore.
I don't know about that

But I think you are all about partisan politics and protecting the guy you voted for instead of offering him a little constructive criticism

You are still in 2020 campaign mode while I see several very serious problems facing America that you seem to have little interest in
so, is there a need for a new law for the situation that you describe?


Brown Shirts assault motorists all the time. If a motorist does the right thing and runs the assaulters down, the motorist is prosecuted. Motorists mush have legal protection from the terrorist troops of the democrat party.

yeah, those protestors sure assaulted the vehicle.

guess what, turd: if you intentionally kill people, you have to face consequences.
That's something that trump cultists don't think is fair.
guess, what? don't run over protestors. always a good way to go through life. no new laws needed for that situation.

but you are a student of the anis-amri-school of driving, where you can plough through anyone you don't like. and now you want a law that let's you get away with it.

Don't run over rioters and we just saw what happens, the animals pull you from your car and try to kill you.

Guess what? Don't fucking riot. This insurrection by the terrorists of the democrat party needs to stop.

problem is...this fantasy scenario you keep conjuring up rarely happens....instead you have folks (like on this very post) try to justify REAL LIFE SCENARIOS like this one...
View attachment 501294

And these "protests" can go both ways....because what is little talked about from the Charlottesville fiasco is the black kid who was ganged up on and attacked by white supremacists...would he have been cleared of assault charges if he ran them over instead??

He would have been justified to do so wouldn't he?

Were the insurrectionists attacking the driver and trying to pull him from the truck, Buff_Knobgobbler?
twats run over protestors regularly. no new laws needed, queefer. grow up.

The Insurrectionists pull innocent Americans from cars all the time. Only a fool fails to hit the gas when the terrorist fucks block your vehicle and start pounding on your windows. The democrat insurrectionists have proven to be violent terrorists.
Looks like our trump fluffers want to relive the movie....Death Race 2000.
The right to not be stopped on your way to Denny's overrides someone else's right to life.

I guess that's a determination to be made by the subhuman piece of Black Lies Matter shit who is thinking of blocking the road, and obstructing the movement and threatening the safety of actual human beings. If said piece of shit thinks that its own life is that valuable, then it needs to refrain from doing so.

Why would lefties characterize legal protection for mom and pop drivers if some idiot jumps in front of them in traffic as "permission to run over protesters? That's all lefties think about these days.

They're on the side of criminals, and against that of actual human beings.

It's been true for a very long time, but recently, they are becoming a lot more unabashed about it.

"Republican lawmakers in six states have pushed this year for legal protections for motorists who hit protesters blocking traffic - they’re facing an intense backlash now that violent images of a car ramming into a crowd protesting a white supremacist rally have been seen around the world. The driver immunity proposals have been labeled “hit and kill” bills that undermine free assembly and embolden extremists by suggesting they have a free pass to drive through protesters; by the American Civil Liberties Union.

A North Carolina state senator said Monday there are no plans to advance the measure in that chamber. In Tennessee, a committee rejected the bill. In Florida, Sen. George Gainer said the intent of his now-failed bill was to protect only those motorists who unintentionally strike protesters blocking traffic. He denounced “the reprehensible actions of the evil person in Virginia.”

The evil person the Florida Senator was referring to was the guy who ran over protestors in Charlottesville -- as if this guy didn't have a right to run them over...he feared for this safety....Some of these republican legislatures are starting to show weakness and not pushing hard enough to pass these bills...they are showing a reluctance to stand up for the call that "All Lives Splatter" .
I hope we still get to run over Knee Grows. They deserve it, just for being black, much less illegally and dangerously blocking streets and assaulting vehicle occupants.

I just like the thought of dead moolies.

Here's to you, Biff:

Why would lefties characterize legal protection for mom and pop drivers if some idiot jumps in front of them in traffic as "permission to run over protesters? That's all lefties think about these days.

No such law is needed. Prosecutors have discretion in prosecuting such cases already. A law such as this gives someone a license to kill. Even if someone is blocking traffic, that does not give you the right to run over them.
Only a dumb asshole would think these laws are intended for anything other than to protect innocent motorists from violent mobs and illegal freeway vermin.

They don't need protection. These laws give motorists the right to run over people. Prosecutors has discretion in prosecuting cases.
Only a dumb asshole would think these laws are intended for anything other than to protect innocent motorists from violent mobs and illegal freeway vermin.

They don't need protection. These laws give motorists the right to run over people. Prosecutors has discretion in prosecuting cases.
but what if I feel better after running them over??

That should serve as some societal value shouldn't it?

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