Will Democrats accept election loss? New report says no

I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Republicans have a hard time accepting election results too:

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My question to you is this...so what? If Democrats cry for 4 years...who really gives a sh*t? Republicans cried for 8 years while Obama was in office. This is hardly anything new and hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'd tell you to learn the difference between objecting to a President's policies and refusing to accept that he IS President, but I think everyone knows that you're too pig-stupid to learn anything, so it would be a waste of time.

Thanks for proving that fact yet again.
Calling for a revolution is objecting to policies?

I know you're not trying to tell me the "real" threat of revolution is from the right. Please cite me the news stories about right-wingers spending months rioting and destroying property and killing people because Obama was President. I'll wait.
The Communist Democrats are lamely trying to project their behavior over to the Republicans :rolleyes:

They always do. That's why "If you want to know what Democrats are guilty, just look at what they're accusing Republicans of" is a saying.
I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Republicans have a hard time accepting election results too:

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My question to you is this...so what? If Democrats cry for 4 years...who really gives a sh*t? Republicans cried for 8 years while Obama was in office. This is hardly anything new and hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'd tell you to learn the difference between objecting to a President's policies and refusing to accept that he IS President, but I think everyone knows that you're too pig-stupid to learn anything, so it would be a waste of time.

Thanks for proving that fact yet again.
Calling for a revolution is objecting to policies?

I know you're not trying to tell me the "real" threat of revolution is from the right. Please cite me the news stories about right-wingers spending months rioting and destroying property and killing people because Obama was President. I'll wait.

Indeed. No revolution will come from the right. Only national defense.

Only in America could someone be dumb enough to call it a "revolution" when you want to RETURN to your country's laws and system of government.
I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Republicans have a hard time accepting election results too:

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My question to you is this...so what? If Democrats cry for 4 years...who really gives a sh*t? Republicans cried for 8 years while Obama was in office. This is hardly anything new and hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'd tell you to learn the difference between objecting to a President's policies and refusing to accept that he IS President, but I think everyone knows that you're too pig-stupid to learn anything, so it would be a waste of time.

Thanks for proving that fact yet again.
Calling for a revolution is objecting to policies?

I know you're not trying to tell me the "real" threat of revolution is from the right. Please cite me the news stories about right-wingers spending months rioting and destroying property and killing people because Obama was President. I'll wait.

Well, that's what your blob called for when Obama won his last election...
Plus you guys threaten civil war daily smoky.

These are facts. So obviously you'll deny them. Must be the 2,000 chemicals you inhale with each puff.
I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Republicans have a hard time accepting election results too:

View attachment 371710

My question to you is this...so what? If Democrats cry for 4 years...who really gives a sh*t? Republicans cried for 8 years while Obama was in office. This is hardly anything new and hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'd tell you to learn the difference between objecting to a President's policies and refusing to accept that he IS President, but I think everyone knows that you're too pig-stupid to learn anything, so it would be a waste of time.

Thanks for proving that fact yet again.
Calling for a revolution is objecting to policies?

I know you're not trying to tell me the "real" threat of revolution is from the right. Please cite me the news stories about right-wingers spending months rioting and destroying property and killing people because Obama was President. I'll wait.

Well, that's what your blob called for when Obama won his last election...
Plus you guys threaten civil war daily smoky.

These are facts. So obviously you'll deny them. Must be the 2,000 chemicals you inhale with each puff.

"Never mind what we're actually doing! This is what Trump SAID! How dare you think our actions are worse than WORDS?!"
I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Republicans have a hard time accepting election results too:

View attachment 371710

My question to you is this...so what? If Democrats cry for 4 years...who really gives a sh*t? Republicans cried for 8 years while Obama was in office. This is hardly anything new and hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'd tell you to learn the difference between objecting to a President's policies and refusing to accept that he IS President, but I think everyone knows that you're too pig-stupid to learn anything, so it would be a waste of time.

Thanks for proving that fact yet again.
Calling for a revolution is objecting to policies?

I know you're not trying to tell me the "real" threat of revolution is from the right. Please cite me the news stories about right-wingers spending months rioting and destroying property and killing people because Obama was President. I'll wait.

Well, that's what your blob called for when Obama won his last election...
Plus you guys threaten civil war daily smoky.

These are facts. So obviously you'll deny them. Must be the 2,000 chemicals you inhale with each puff.

"Never mind what we're actually doing! This is what Trump SAID! How dare you think our actions are worse than WORDS?!"

Just pointing out the facts. And gee, you're angry and bitter about being proven wrong. Shocking.
I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Maybe Trump will have to send in the military to enforce his victory in democrat strongholds, right?

You fascists would love that I am sure.
One Party is defacing statues, churches and burning books and it's not us
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I think it's safe to say regardless of who wins the other side will not accept the loss. There will be lawsuits flying in multiple states and allegations of cheating, fraud, illegal voters, etc all the way across the board. These states suddenly moving to an all mail in election will only exacerbate that and instill more distrust in the system.

So those are the four scenarios. In only one did a candidate win a clear victory and the opposing candidate refuse to accept the result. And the loser who refused to accept the result was Biden — not Trump. That is precisely the opposite of the Trump-won't-accept-results speculation that has dominated the media in recent weeks.

Republicans have a hard time accepting election results too:

View attachment 371710

My question to you is this...so what? If Democrats cry for 4 years...who really gives a sh*t? Republicans cried for 8 years while Obama was in office. This is hardly anything new and hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'd tell you to learn the difference between objecting to a President's policies and refusing to accept that he IS President, but I think everyone knows that you're too pig-stupid to learn anything, so it would be a waste of time.

Thanks for proving that fact yet again.
Calling for a revolution is objecting to policies?

I know you're not trying to tell me the "real" threat of revolution is from the right. Please cite me the news stories about right-wingers spending months rioting and destroying property and killing people because Obama was President. I'll wait.

Well, that's what your blob called for when Obama won his last election...
Plus you guys threaten civil war daily smoky.

These are facts. So obviously you'll deny them. Must be the 2,000 chemicals you inhale with each puff.

"Never mind what we're actually doing! This is what Trump SAID! How dare you think our actions are worse than WORDS?!"

Just pointing out the facts. And gee, you're angry and bitter about being proven wrong. Shocking.

Just pointing out the facts. And gee, you're determined to ignore that you're evil. Shocking.

"Gosh, you're SO ANGRY about us burning down whole cities. It can only be because I'm being brilliant, because I can't imagine any reason anyone would care about riots!"

Thank you for proving that you wouldn't recognize decent moral behavior if you fell over it.
After they vented their anger with riots and arson (and a murder attempt on republicans) democrats used faked documents and a foreign agent to attempt a political coup. It's amazing what a political party can get away with if the media is on there side.
Only the MOST Gullible among us would believe the psycho shit you Leftist believe ...

Yet you can't name any of that "psycho shit". That's why you and all of the Trump cult just make crap up. You can't debate any liberal on any topic, so you see lying about liberals as your only viable option.

Reality is another matter and Normal Thinking Americans will be again be voting accordingly come November ...

Reality is that you're getting bitch-slapped in the polls. You can't face that reality, so you're retreating into an alternate reality, which hands the win to Biden. You've got a very limited time to turn this around. To do that, you first have to admit there's a problem. Since you and Trump admin won't do that, Biden coasts to an easy win.

What will your 2020 excuse be?

I'd offer you a wager for one of us to leave the board, but there's no need for that. After Trump loses, most of the Trump cult is going to squeal and run from the baord. After all, Trump cultists aren't know for their bravery. The reason they're in the Trump cult is because they're so easily terrified.
Yet you can't name any of that "psycho shit". That's why you and all of the Trump cult just make crap up. You can't debate any liberal on any topic, so you see lying about liberals as your only viable option.

So why do you worship the man of 20,000 lies?

I was referring to ^^^^^^ THAT ^^^^^^ PSYCHO Shit

You really aren't very good at this are you?
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Why do Trump cultists tell that stupid lie, over and over?

Oh, that's right. They use it to excuse DearLeader's criminal and treasonous behavior. He's really not guilty of the things that his legal team admitted he was guilty of. It's just those awful Democrats making stuff up!

Not the case. We tell the truth. Trump is a criminal. The Trump cult lies about Democrats to justify their support of criminals.
How can people be this damn uninformed?
Yet you can't name any of that "psycho shit". That's why you and all of the Trump cult just make crap up. You can't debate any liberal on any topic, so you see lying about liberals as your only viable option.

So why do you worship the man of 20,000 lies?

I was referring to ^^^^^^ THAT ^^^^^^ PSYCHO Shit

You really aren't very good at this are you?
that's just it - he/she's very good at it. they have no point, they don't believe the shit they say, they just say it to troll for reactions.

fucking idiots.
Interesting article. Despite what some delusional posters may say, the Democrats accepted Trump's victory as evidenced by Hillary's concession speech. If either candidate wins decisively then there really is no issue. If Biden wins the popular vote by a slim margin but loses the electoral college I don't expect much in the way of unrest. The problem comes in is if Trump wins the electoral college and loses the popular vote by let us say more than 5,000,000 votes. Let us further presume that Biden wins greater than 50% of the vote as well. We are not talking a slim margin of the vote for Biden but a substantial margin of the popular vote. It would mean that Republicans have not won the popular vote in the last three out of four times they won the presidency. I would then expect some unrest, but that Trump would be eventually inaugurated as president. There will be a growing chorus to abolish the electoral college which I agree with Bryon may be a compromise.

My own prediction is that Biden wins decisively enough where there is no doubt who won.
The problem comes in is if Trump wins the electoral college and loses the popular vote by let us say more than 5,000,000 votes.

Why? Are you still ignorant of how America elects a President?

It would mean that Republicans have not won the popular vote in the last three out of four times they won the presidency.

Did you have a problem with Slick Willy losing the popular vote twice, but winning the Presidency?

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