Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

  • Yes

  • No

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They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.

I’ll bite.

Walk us through how he did these things and how they are impeachable?

For example, Obama violated campaign finance laws and paid a $375,000 fine. Should he have been impeached?
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.
/----/ "1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that."
Got Civics 101? Who controls the Senate?
Through impeachment: a simple majority vote in the House of Representatives votes to impeach; a two-thirds majority in the Senate votes to convict.
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
Nice early spankin' there for the Colonel.
I would be shocked if he makes it to 2020.

But then getting re-elected may be his only hope of staying out of jail
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
View attachment 234277

He is going to walk us through each charge and exactly how Trump committed them.
I don't care hahahahhahahahah
he's already kicked A$$
kicked MSM A$$
tells it like it is--is not afraid to tell the truth

That’s the best Trombie take of all. Trump is honest and tells it like it is!

Impeached for what? 3rd time asked, yet the liberals squirrel away as usual.

That quote function is hard, bro.
Still haven't given an answer on what President Trump would be impeached for. You are such a squirrel.

They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.

I’ll bite.

Walk us through how he did these things and how they are impeachable?

For example, Obama violated campaign finance laws and paid a $375,000 fine. Should he have been impeached?

obstruction of justice

dicktating to traitor tot aboard airforce 1 what he should tweet out regarding the premise of the trump tower meeting <psssst> it wasn't about russian adoptions.

witness tampering

dangling his pardon powers in public concerning roger stone, corsi, manifort....

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

depends on what mueller has to say in his report about trump's answers

dereliction of duty

the oath that he took to keep us safe & defend us against threats both foreign & domestic. refusing to impose sanctions against russia, resulting in a veto proof act of congress to do it... inviting an adversarial nation to commit cyber war against us... refusing to believe & act upon the recommendations of all the top law enforcement/security agencies against the threat of russia, & bending over for his puppet master instead.

conspiracy to defraud the united states

receiving goods or services by an adversarial nation to influence a US election & its outcome

violating FEC laws

paying the whores for their silence & personally knowing, directing his fixer & acting upon it.

violating the emoluments clause

trump's DC hotel.

'For example, Obama violated campaign finance laws and paid a $375,000 fine. Should he have been impeached?'

did obama personally know about it, acted upon it by directing his personal lawyer to pay out money from obama's personal finances?
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Very few were prepared to say that Trump could win the last time. He was a very poor candidate. Somehow, all the other parties, and especially the Democratic party, actually managed to put forth equally undesirable candidates. Trump didn't so much 'win' as the others lost.
Could he 'win' again? Could all the candidates opposing him be as unworthy as the last time? The American capacity for the incredibly dumb is difficult to overestimate.
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
View attachment 234277

lol... has mueller finished his investigation yet? uh...no. when he hands in his report he will make sure that any charges he recommends can be backed up by hard core evidence that will hold up in a court of law.
flynn flipped & may have worn a wire. cohen is cooperating & he loves to tape people... the head guy from the enquirer & the accountant for the entire trump organization have been given immunity.
AND the new house investigations - shiff for intel, maxine waters for finance & nadler for judiciary - will be calling back all the players that refused to answer key questions when the (R)s held the majority chairmanships. they all said that they will be sending over all transcripts to mueller to help out.

so you are grasping at thin air.
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They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
View attachment 234277

lol... has mueller finished his investigation yet? uh...no. when he hands in his report he will make sure that any charges he recommends can be backed up by hard core evidence that will hold up in a court of law.
flynn flipped & may have worn a wire. cohen is cooperating & he loves to tape people... the head guy from the enquirer & the accountant for the entire trump organization have been given immunity.
AND whatever the new house investigations - shiff for intel, maxine waters for finance & nadler for judiciary - will be calling back all the players that refused to answer key questions when the (R)s held the majority chairmanships. they all said that they will be sending over all transcripts to mueller to help out.

so you are grasping at thin air.
/——/ That’s nothing more than speculation and wishful thinking on your part. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
View attachment 234277

lol... has mueller finished his investigation yet? uh...no. when he hands in his report he will make sure that any charges he recommends can be backed up by hard core evidence that will hold up in a court of law.
flynn flipped & may have worn a wire. cohen is cooperating & he loves to tape people... the head guy from the enquirer & the accountant for the entire trump organization have been given immunity.
AND whatever the new house investigations - shiff for intel, maxine waters for finance & nadler for judiciary - will be calling back all the players that refused to answer key questions when the (R)s held the majority chairmanships. they all said that they will be sending over all transcripts to mueller to help out.

so you are grasping at thin air.
/——/ That’s nothing more than speculation and wishful thinking on your part. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
View attachment 234277

lol... has mueller finished his investigation yet? uh...no. when he hands in his report he will make sure that any charges he recommends can be backed up by hard core evidence that will hold up in a court of law.
flynn flipped & may have worn a wire. cohen is cooperating & he loves to tape people... the head guy from the enquirer & the accountant for the entire trump organization have been given immunity.
AND the new house investigations - shiff for intel, maxine waters for finance & nadler for judiciary - will be calling back all the players that refused to answer key questions when the (R)s held the majority chairmanships. they all said that they will be sending over all transcripts to mueller to help out.

so you are grasping at thin air.

No. I think you are the one grasping at thin air.

There was no collusion between Trump and Russia and the rest of that wishful thinking you posted is bullshit.

I think you and the rest of your lefty loon buds are the ones who are going to be madder then hell when Mueller's report comes out.

Oh and if Trump decides to run in 2020 he will get my vote. I happen to like what he's done so far.

Hope you are holding your breath for that impeachment.
I don't care hahahahhahahahah
he's already kicked A$$
kicked MSM A$$
tells it like it is--is not afraid to tell the truth

That’s the best Trombie take of all. Trump is honest and tells it like it is!

Impeached for what? 3rd time asked, yet the liberals squirrel away as usual.

That quote function is hard, bro.
Still haven't given an answer on what President Trump would be impeached for. You are such a squirrel.


I never said he’d get impeached. Moron.
No. He barely won in 2016 and his approval has only gone down since then. The vast majority of Americans are embarrassed by him.
I don't care hahahahhahahahah
he's already kicked A$$
kicked MSM A$$
tells it like it is--is not afraid to tell the truth

That’s the best Trombie take of all. Trump is honest and tells it like it is!

Impeached for what? 3rd time asked, yet the liberals squirrel away as usual.

That quote function is hard, bro.
Still haven't given an answer on what President Trump would be impeached for. You are such a squirrel.


I never said he’d get impeached. Moron.
Then WTH is this all about?

Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

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