Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

  • Yes

  • No

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If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.
Impeached for what?

Don't know at this point. It can be anything the Democrats want it to be since they control the House Of Representatives and it only takes a majority vote in the House to impeach the President. Removing him from office is a different ball game as they would require a 2/3s vote in the Senate which is unlikely at this point.
First remember W was reelected.

Second and most importantly the 2020 presidential election race starts in 6 months.
This will cause one of two things to happen:

1) you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen try to "lead" the impeachment proceedings. So all chiefs and no Indians.

2) if they can't get real major support in fly over country you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen softening their positions on Trump to try to win over his voters.

Either way Trump has a better shot at reelection than most people give him. Trump can sit back and let the Democrats take each other out.
If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.
/——/According to your fake polls of 350 random adults. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The GALLUP organization has the best and longest record of polling in history. Their polling data goes back to the 1940s. It is the standard in the polling industry.
Impeached for what?

Don't know at this point. It can be anything the Democrats want it to be since they control the House Of Representatives and it only takes a majority vote in the House to impeach the President. Removing him from office is a different ball game as they would require a 2/3s vote in the Senate which is unlikely at this point.
/——/ Liberals revel in excercises in futility.
If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.
/——/According to your fake polls of 350 random adults. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The GALLUP organization has the best and longest record of polling in history. Their polling data goes back to the 1940s. It is the standard in the polling industry.
/——/ Gallup stopped tracking Trump’s approvals a year ago. Try and keep up. Gallup ends daily presidential approval tracking poll
Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

Registered Democrats and Independents largely don't agree with that. Without some of them, Trump can't win, since Registered Republicans are now down to just 28% of the voting public. All the Democrats have to do is put up a moderate that independents will favor over Trump and then its over.

The next election will be decided in 3 states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Without those three states, Trump has no path to victory in 2020. He barley won those states in 2016. Every indication is that he will do worse in these states come 2020. The Republicans got blown out in all three states during the mid-term elections of 2018.
Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

Registered Democrats and Independents largely don't agree with that. Without some of them, Trump can't win, since Registered Republicans are now down to just 28% of the voting public. All the Democrats have to do is put up a moderate that independents will favor over Trump and then its over.

The next election will be decided in 3 states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Without those three states, Trump has no path to victory in 2020. He barley won those states in 2016. Every indication is that he will do worse in these states come 2020. The Republicans got blown out in all three states during the mid-term elections of 2018.
They got blown out because 43 establishment republicrats left the swamp. Once Nancy picks up the gavel and start blithering around as usual, like in 2010, she will be crying when she has to give it up.
I think Trump will be offered a deal

Don’t run in 2020 and the matter will be dropped
First remember W was reelected.

Second and most importantly the 2020 presidential election race starts in 6 months.
This will cause one of two things to happen:

1) you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen try to "lead" the impeachment proceedings. So all chiefs and no Indians.

2) if they can't get real major support in fly over country you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen softening their positions on Trump to try to win over his voters.

Either way Trump has a better shot at reelection than most people give him. Trump can sit back and let the Democrats take each other out.

W was re-elected because most Americans at the time liked what he had done during his first administration. George W. Bush's average approval rating during his first term in office was 62%. Donald Trump's average approval rating so far is 40%! Let those numbers sink in.

The House Democrats don't have to win anyone to impeach the President. They come from districts where the majority of people want the President impeached. They have the majority and will impeach him when they time comes if they decide to for whatever the reason. Even Donald Trump now thinks he will be impeached. The Democrats have the majority in the House and the President and the Republicans can't stop it if the Democrats decide to go that route.

Jimmy Carter was hoping the Republicans would take each other out to. It did not happen. Jimmy Carter had an average approval rating of 46% during his first term and lost in 1980. Donald Trump's average is 40%. Doesn't look good for a Trump re-election.
If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.
/——/According to your fake polls of 350 random adults. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The GALLUP organization has the best and longest record of polling in history. Their polling data goes back to the 1940s. It is the standard in the polling industry.
/——/ Gallup stopped tracking Trump’s approvals a year ago. Try and keep up. Gallup ends daily presidential approval tracking poll

They did not end it, they just changed it from a daily one to a weekly one.
Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

Registered Democrats and Independents largely don't agree with that. Without some of them, Trump can't win, since Registered Republicans are now down to just 28% of the voting public. All the Democrats have to do is put up a moderate that independents will favor over Trump and then its over.

The next election will be decided in 3 states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Without those three states, Trump has no path to victory in 2020. He barley won those states in 2016. Every indication is that he will do worse in these states come 2020. The Republicans got blown out in all three states during the mid-term elections of 2018.
They got blown out because 43 establishment republicrats left the swamp. Once Nancy picks up the gavel and start blithering around as usual, like in 2010, she will be crying when she has to give it up.

They got blown out in those states because of TRUMP. I'm just talking about Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They are the only states that will matter in 2020 and Trump can't win any of them now.
Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

Registered Democrats and Independents largely don't agree with that. Without some of them, Trump can't win, since Registered Republicans are now down to just 28% of the voting public. All the Democrats have to do is put up a moderate that independents will favor over Trump and then its over.

The next election will be decided in 3 states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Without those three states, Trump has no path to victory in 2020. He barley won those states in 2016. Every indication is that he will do worse in these states come 2020. The Republicans got blown out in all three states during the mid-term elections of 2018.
/——/ Trump can use the same “no path to victory “ he used in 2016. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I don't care hahahahhahahahah
he's already kicked A$$
kicked MSM A$$
tells it like it is--is not afraid to tell the truth

That’s the best Trombie take of all. Trump is honest and tells it like it is!

Impeached for what? 3rd time asked, yet the liberals squirrel away as usual.

Depends on the Mueller Investigation which is not done yet. Democrats have the majority in the House, which means they can impeach the President on anything they decide on. Impeachment is the EASY part. Removing him from office is the difficult thing which requires 2/3s support in the Senate. But impeachment by itself, without removal will be damaging to Trump. The United States has NEVER re-elected an impeached President.
Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

Registered Democrats and Independents largely don't agree with that. Without some of them, Trump can't win, since Registered Republicans are now down to just 28% of the voting public. All the Democrats have to do is put up a moderate that independents will favor over Trump and then its over.

The next election will be decided in 3 states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Without those three states, Trump has no path to victory in 2020. He barley won those states in 2016. Every indication is that he will do worse in these states come 2020. The Republicans got blown out in all three states during the mid-term elections of 2018.
They got blown out because 43 establishment republicrats left the swamp. Once Nancy picks up the gavel and start blithering around as usual, like in 2010, she will be crying when she has to give it up.

They got blown out in those states because of TRUMP. I'm just talking about Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They are the only states that will matter in 2020 and Trump can't win any of them now.
/——/ And 2 years before the 2016 election Trump wasn’t even on the radar screen. 2 years before the 2008 election Obozo wasn’t on the radar screen. But you got the winner 2 years from now. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I don't care hahahahhahahahah
he's already kicked A$$
kicked MSM A$$
tells it like it is--is not afraid to tell the truth

That’s the best Trombie take of all. Trump is honest and tells it like it is!

Impeached for what? 3rd time asked, yet the liberals squirrel away as usual.

Depends on the Mueller Investigation which is not done yet. Democrats have the majority in the House, which means they can impeach the President on anything they decide on. Impeachment is the EASY part. Removing him from office is the difficult thing which requires 2/3s support in the Senate. But impeachment by itself, without removal will be damaging to Trump. The United States has NEVER re-elected an impeached President.
/——/ How did Clintoon’s impeachment harm his re-election?
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

Impeachment just requires a vote, a 50% vote in the House. Democrats have the majority. They can impeach him for anything they decide on.
Well...two things are paramount:

Who the Democrat nominee is...which is totally unpredictable at this time, and

How the Democrat-controlled H.R. behaves in the meantime. Which is unknowable.

BUT, to date, there has no development or revelation from any credible source even hinting of an impeachable offense, and THE AMERICAN PUBLIC KNOWS THIS. So any grandstanding attempts to impeach Trump will play right into his hands.

What Democrats and the Media fail to grasp is that "we" are willing to forgive Trump for being an ass-hole because he is doing a great job. For rational Americans who have the misfortune of paying taxes, there is no viable alternative at this time.

Trump is it.

Registered Democrats and Independents largely don't agree with that. Without some of them, Trump can't win, since Registered Republicans are now down to just 28% of the voting public. All the Democrats have to do is put up a moderate that independents will favor over Trump and then its over.

The next election will be decided in 3 states, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Without those three states, Trump has no path to victory in 2020. He barley won those states in 2016. Every indication is that he will do worse in these states come 2020. The Republicans got blown out in all three states during the mid-term elections of 2018.
They got blown out because 43 establishment republicrats left the swamp. Once Nancy picks up the gavel and start blithering around as usual, like in 2010, she will be crying when she has to give it up.

They got blown out in those states because of TRUMP. I'm just talking about Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They are the only states that will matter in 2020 and Trump can't win any of them now.
/——/ And 2 years before the 2016 election Trump wasn’t even on the radar screen. 2 years before the 2008 election Obozo wasn’t on the radar screen. But you got the winner 2 years from now. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

When the incumbent only has an average approval rating of 40%, the worst in history, any challenger will beat him.
I don't care hahahahhahahahah
he's already kicked A$$
kicked MSM A$$
tells it like it is--is not afraid to tell the truth

That’s the best Trombie take of all. Trump is honest and tells it like it is!

Impeached for what? 3rd time asked, yet the liberals squirrel away as usual.

Depends on the Mueller Investigation which is not done yet. Democrats have the majority in the House, which means they can impeach the President on anything they decide on. Impeachment is the EASY part. Removing him from office is the difficult thing which requires 2/3s support in the Senate. But impeachment by itself, without removal will be damaging to Trump. The United States has NEVER re-elected an impeached President.
/——/ How did Clintoon’s impeachment harm his re-election?

Clinton was not impeached before the 1996 election. He was impeached in 1998 after he had already won his second term and not allowed to run for re-election due to U.S. term limit laws on the office of President.

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