Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?

  • Yes

  • No

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Well look at this, nearly half the people In the poll here don't think Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Very striking result given this site is more conservative than liberal in terms of the people posting. 11 so far say yes, while 10 say no.
It shows the national polls that said Hillary would win were correct though.
/——/ If Hildabeast won, why isn’t she in the White House?

Because she lost in the electoral college. But the national opinion polls were estimating what the final popular vote would be. They got It right that she would win the popular vote.
/—-/ If Hildabeast ran her campaign to win the popular vote, then she was an incompetent candidate. Trump knew what matters.

I think Hillary's campaign manager failed her. They believed they had the Blue wall locked up and could spend their money and time playing offense in Republican territory like Florida and Arizona. That mistake cost Hillary the election.

And no one has ever liked her. Her own voters rejected her twice in two back to back primaries.

She didn't campaign. When she did she told them how she wanted to put in regulations that will put them out of work. She also insulted people and their families.

But on November 3, 2020, no one is going to be thinking about that. They are going to be thinking whether it would be wise to vote to re-elect an impeached President.
/——/ If Hildabeast won, why isn’t she in the White House?

Because she lost in the electoral college. But the national opinion polls were estimating what the final popular vote would be. They got It right that she would win the popular vote.
/—-/ If Hildabeast ran her campaign to win the popular vote, then she was an incompetent candidate. Trump knew what matters.

I think Hillary's campaign manager failed her. They believed they had the Blue wall locked up and could spend their money and time playing offense in Republican territory like Florida and Arizona. That mistake cost Hillary the election.

And no one has ever liked her. Her own voters rejected her twice in two back to back primaries.

She didn't campaign. When she did she told them how she wanted to put in regulations that will put them out of work. She also insulted people and their families.

But on November 3, 2020, no one is going to be thinking about that. They are going to be thinking whether it would be wise to vote to re-elect an impeached President.

Are you saying Hillary is going to be the nominee?

You can predict what 2020 will be. With Pelosi in charge there is a good chance she could be more of a turn off than Trump.
Because she lost in the electoral college. But the national opinion polls were estimating what the final popular vote would be. They got It right that she would win the popular vote.
/—-/ If Hildabeast ran her campaign to win the popular vote, then she was an incompetent candidate. Trump knew what matters.

I think Hillary's campaign manager failed her. They believed they had the Blue wall locked up and could spend their money and time playing offense in Republican territory like Florida and Arizona. That mistake cost Hillary the election.

And no one has ever liked her. Her own voters rejected her twice in two back to back primaries.

She didn't campaign. When she did she told them how she wanted to put in regulations that will put them out of work. She also insulted people and their families.

But on November 3, 2020, no one is going to be thinking about that. They are going to be thinking whether it would be wise to vote to re-elect an impeached President.

Are you saying Hillary is going to be the nominee?

You can predict what 2020 will be. With Pelosi in charge there is a good chance she could be more of a turn off than Trump.

Nope, I'm just saying the main factor on people's minds in 2020 will be whether Trump deserves to be re-elected. The United States is not known for re-electing impeached Presidents with 40% approval ratings.
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.
/----/ "1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that."
Got Civics 101? Who controls the Senate?
Through impeachment: a simple majority vote in the House of Representatives votes to impeach; a two-thirds majority in the Senate votes to convict.

Look at #4 smart ass!
/——/ Yeah, a pointless exercise that will rally the Republican base.
Right, and Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to rally POTUS base to retain the House and guess who lost that miserably...
/—-/ If Hildabeast ran her campaign to win the popular vote, then she was an incompetent candidate. Trump knew what matters.

I think Hillary's campaign manager failed her. They believed they had the Blue wall locked up and could spend their money and time playing offense in Republican territory like Florida and Arizona. That mistake cost Hillary the election.

And no one has ever liked her. Her own voters rejected her twice in two back to back primaries.

She didn't campaign. When she did she told them how she wanted to put in regulations that will put them out of work. She also insulted people and their families.

But on November 3, 2020, no one is going to be thinking about that. They are going to be thinking whether it would be wise to vote to re-elect an impeached President.

Are you saying Hillary is going to be the nominee?

You can predict what 2020 will be. With Pelosi in charge there is a good chance she could be more of a turn off than Trump.

Nope, I'm just saying the main factor on people's minds in 2020 will be whether Trump deserves to be re-elected. The United States is not known for re-electing impeached Presidents with 40% approval ratings.

I would say your right, but Pelosi and Schumer.
No. He barely won in 2016 and his approval has only gone down since then. The vast majority of Americans are embarrassed by him.

So who do the Dems have to even bother running against him? If she were 35, Occasional-Cortex would have been a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination.

Do you honestly think a soccer Mom from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Ohio is going to vote for a trainwreck like her or Bernie?

Then we have Joe "Creepy Uncle" Biden, Fauxcahontas, Spartacus, Beto, and a host of other lesser known libtards to offer up against Trump. How do they think any of those people can win, when most of them couldn't win their home state, like Algore?
If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.

So which poll are you quoting? The one covered in brown stuff that you just pulled from your rectum?
What do I look like, some kind of gypsy fortune teller? Call dial-a-psychic or Mistress Cleo, boy!
First remember W was reelected.

Second and most importantly the 2020 presidential election race starts in 6 months.
This will cause one of two things to happen:

1) you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen try to "lead" the impeachment proceedings. So all chiefs and no Indians.

2) if they can't get real major support in fly over country you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen softening their positions on Trump to try to win over his voters.

Either way Trump has a better shot at reelection than most people give him. Trump can sit back and let the Democrats take each other out.

W was re-elected because most Americans at the time liked what he had done during his first administration. George W. Bush's average approval rating during his first term in office was 62%. Donald Trump's average approval rating so far is 40%! Let those numbers sink in.

The House Democrats don't have to win anyone to impeach the President. They come from districts where the majority of people want the President impeached. They have the majority and will impeach him when they time comes if they decide to for whatever the reason. Even Donald Trump now thinks he will be impeached. The Democrats have the majority in the House and the President and the Republicans can't stop it if the Democrats decide to go that route.

Jimmy Carter was hoping the Republicans would take each other out to. It did not happen. Jimmy Carter had an average approval rating of 46% during his first term and lost in 1980. Donald Trump's average is 40%. Doesn't look good for a Trump re-election.

Only one approval rating counted and that was in November 2016. The next one is in November of 2020.

BTW, WTF is an "average approval rating" and why would you average a rating? That's like averaging the mean. It's redundant.
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

Impeachment just requires a vote, a 50% vote in the House. Democrats have the majority. They can impeach him for anything they decide on.

True, but Clinton and Johnson were both impeached. They still completed their terms. I can say honestly that Clinton would have been reelected in 2020 if he could have been. Impeachment creates a backlash, so much so that if I were Trump, I'd say "Bring it on!"
Trump is a bellowing statist billionaire with a profoundly simplistic view of the world and poor impulse control.

the blazing white hot embrace of stupidity by trump is as fatal as ebola.
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.

I’ll bite.

Walk us through how he did these things and how they are impeachable?

For example, Obama violated campaign finance laws and paid a $375,000 fine. Should he have been impeached?

Impeachment is not removal from office. Its just a vote in the House Of Representatives by the majority. It then starts a trial in the Senate which could lead to removal from office. Regardless of what happens in the Senate, impeachment would be damaging to any President's chances of re-election.

Wrong. Pardon the pun, but impeachment on trumped up charges will lead to a Republican landslide like you have never seen.
No. He barely won in 2016 and his approval has only gone down since then. The vast majority of Americans are embarrassed by him.

So who do the Dems have to even bother running against him? If she were 35, Occasional-Cortex would have been a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination.

Do you honestly think a soccer Mom from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Ohio is going to vote for a trainwreck like her or Bernie?

Then we have Joe "Creepy Uncle" Biden, Fauxcahontas, Spartacus, Beto, and a host of other lesser known libtards to offer up against Trump. How do they think any of those people can win, when most of them couldn't win their home state, like Algore?

They all can win because they won't be Donald Trump on November 3, 2020, an impeached President with 40% approval rating running for re-election.
First remember W was reelected.

Second and most importantly the 2020 presidential election race starts in 6 months.
This will cause one of two things to happen:

1) you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen try to "lead" the impeachment proceedings. So all chiefs and no Indians.

2) if they can't get real major support in fly over country you will have a bunch of Democrat congressmen softening their positions on Trump to try to win over his voters.

Either way Trump has a better shot at reelection than most people give him. Trump can sit back and let the Democrats take each other out.

W was re-elected because most Americans at the time liked what he had done during his first administration. George W. Bush's average approval rating during his first term in office was 62%. Donald Trump's average approval rating so far is 40%! Let those numbers sink in.

The House Democrats don't have to win anyone to impeach the President. They come from districts where the majority of people want the President impeached. They have the majority and will impeach him when they time comes if they decide to for whatever the reason. Even Donald Trump now thinks he will be impeached. The Democrats have the majority in the House and the President and the Republicans can't stop it if the Democrats decide to go that route.

Jimmy Carter was hoping the Republicans would take each other out to. It did not happen. Jimmy Carter had an average approval rating of 46% during his first term and lost in 1980. Donald Trump's average is 40%. Doesn't look good for a Trump re-election.

The people in the states they were elected in may want him impeached, but all you need are a few to run for president which I have to imagine are more than a few.

Then yes the opinions of the middle of the country do matter. The approval ratings that show him in the 40s were the same that said Hillary was going to win in a landslide.
There were no opinion polls saying Hillary would win in a landslide. It was always within the margin of error. An guess what, the polling was right, because Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.

There you go back to your lib roots, telling lies to justify your fantasies.

Take out California, and how many popular votes did she lose by? That is why we have an electoral college.
They cannot articulate why he should be impeached because they are useless idiot sheep.

obstruction of justice

witness tampering

possible perjury ( yet to be declared )

dereliction of duty

conspiracy to defraud the united states

violating FEC laws

violating the emoluments clause

& there will probably be multiple counts within each charge.
/----/ No evidence of any of those fake charges.
View attachment 234277

lol... has mueller finished his investigation yet? uh...no. when he hands in his report he will make sure that any charges he recommends can be backed up by hard core evidence that will hold up in a court of law.
flynn flipped & may have worn a wire. cohen is cooperating & he loves to tape people... the head guy from the enquirer & the accountant for the entire trump organization have been given immunity.
AND the new house investigations - shiff for intel, maxine waters for finance & nadler for judiciary - will be calling back all the players that refused to answer key questions when the (R)s held the majority chairmanships. they all said that they will be sending over all transcripts to mueller to help out.

so you are grasping at thin air.

No. I think you are the one grasping at thin air.

There was no collusion between Trump and Russia and the rest of that wishful thinking you posted is bullshit.

I think you and the rest of your lefty loon buds are the ones who are going to be madder then hell when Mueller's report comes out.

Oh and if Trump decides to run in 2020 he will get my vote. I happen to like what he's done so far.

Hope you are holding your breath for that impeachment.

But this is not a thread directly about impeachment, its a thread about whether Trump will be re-elected on November 3, 2020.

If he decides to run he will be re-elected.
If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.

So which poll are you quoting? The one covered in brown stuff that you just pulled from your rectum?

Its the gallup poll. Gallup does a weekly approval poll on the President. It used to be daily. Trump's average so far in the poll since coming into office is 40%. That's the lowest of any of the Presidents who's approval Gallup has measured since the 1940s.
If the economy continues to do well he wins.

The economy has not benefited Trump because his average approval rating after two years in office is only 40%. That is the worst AVERAGE approval rating for any President in history.
Actually his approval rating on the economy has been doing better (but not as good when compared to his predecessors when the economy was doing well) than his overall rating of 40%, and there is plenty of discussion on why that is. I tend to think it has to do with the fact he is just a jerk. But we shall see.
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.
/----/ "1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that."
Got Civics 101? Who controls the Senate?
Through impeachment: a simple majority vote in the House of Representatives votes to impeach; a two-thirds majority in the Senate votes to convict.

Look at #4 smart ass!
/——/ Yeah, a pointless exercise that will rally the Republican base.

Only 28% of voters are Registered Republicans. Rally that base all you want to, but it won't win you re-election in 2020.

That stats is meaning less. My state has about twice as many registered Democrats as they do Republicans, yet the Senate, House, Governor, and state legislature are all dominated by Republicans. Registration doesn't mean anything anymore.

My father was a life-long registered Democrat but I don't think he ever voted for one after about 1964.
Will Donald Trump be re-elected President on November 3, 2020?


There are several possible obstacles to Trump being re-elected as President:

1. He could be impeached and removed from office by Congress before that.

2. He may resign from office before that in order to get a quick pardon from Mike Pence.

3. He simply serves out the rest of his term and does not run for re-election.

4. He is impeached but not removed from office. The impeachment hurts his re-election campaign and he loses in a landslide on election night, November 3, 2020.

5. He is defeated on election night because he failed to gain much support outside of the Republican Party and averaged an approval rating of 40%, much weaker than what is needed to be even competitive to be re-elected. His victory in 2016 was by a tiny margin, less than 77,000 votes combined from 3 states. A fluke essentially due to the Democrats failure to properly manage Hillary's campaign for President. Even if everyone who voted for him in 2016 does so again on November 3, 2020, he is still likely to lose do the strong Democratic focus on getting out the vote in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan in 2020.

A very uncertain time for President Trump. I don't think there has been another U.S. President that has been in this much trouble after less than 2 years in office.

I hope you're right. I don't think you are though.

Why do you think Trump will be re-elected?

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