Will Liberal Commentators Ever Stop Using The"Compare To Reagan&Blame Bush" Excuses ?

Feb 13, 2011

With the bad economic forcasts coming in this week, the Dem's&Lib's who make their regular appearences are at it again.(or will be soon). Yesterday some commentator used the "when Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month" excuse AGAIN !!. How many times have we heard that excuse every time the economy/jobs took a downfall over the last 2.5 years? And a few months ago(if not during 2010) we kept hearing "Well at this point during "The Reagan Administration" comparisons. Especially Alan Colmes! That is his only monthly rebuttal with Bill O'Reilly when he has no answer to all of Obama's economic screw-ups. Now the Liberal commentators Cannot Answer Why The Economy&Housing Has Tanked Since Obama Has Took Office After Putting A Trilion Dollars Into The System!!! They just sit there speechless and deflect the question. All I can say is,,,THANK GOD ROMNEY IS NOW IN THE RACE AND WILL START TAKING OBAMA APART ! Hmm, will we have a Romney/Rick Perry Ticket?:clap2:
Will pseudo-cons ever stop whining about liberal commentators bringing up the fuck ups(regardless of which party they belong to) of the past.
Oh, c'mon. The 800+Billion Stimulus is bound to kick in any day now. Heck, my stock in ACME Shovel Inc. is soaring, so prosperity's gotta be just around the corner.

As to the Dimocrats ever retiring the Compare and Blame stuff, not a chance. It's part of their DNA.
I wonder if Bambi will use that "Do You Wanna Go Back To The Days Of Bush"?? Line during his upcoming&laughable re-election campaign? Hmm,,,Who Doesn't wanna go back to THE DAYS OF BUSH? I would give up pizza and burgers to back to the Bush Years when I could always find work and gas was more or less around $1.50 a gallon!!!
The stock market has doubled since Obama took office.

Yesterday some 'nut here told me that Bush should get credit for that.

Clean up your own act, cons.
Hey, why not just compare these hard times to the days of Lincoln or Roosevelt? That's how irrelavent the Reagan exuses are when trying to explain this economic recovery. Does anyone recall Reagan owing 14 Trillion Dollars, very little manufacturing in the rust belt and housing taking a permanent turn for the worst(where it is no longer a life-long investment?) and the entire county in Total Fear For Themselves and thier Kids?

With the bad economic forcasts coming in this week, the Dem's&Lib's who make their regular appearences are at it again.(or will be soon). Yesterday some commentator used the "when Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month" excuse AGAIN !!. How many times have we heard that excuse every time the economy/jobs took a downfall over the last 2.5 years? And a few months ago(if not during 2010) we kept hearing "Well at this point during "The Reagan Administration" comparisons. Especially Alan Colmes! That is his only monthly rebuttal with Bill O'Reilly when he has no answer to all of Obama's economic screw-ups. Now the Liberal commentators Cannot Answer Why The Economy&Housing Has Tanked Since Obama Has Took Office After Putting A Trilion Dollars Into The System!!! They just sit there speechless and deflect the question. All I can say is,,,THANK GOD ROMNEY IS NOW IN THE RACE AND WILL START TAKING OBAMA APART ! Hmm, will we have a Romney/Rick Perry Ticket?:clap2:

Why?!?! Have conservative commentators stopped talking about Carter and Clinton?:cool:
Will Liberal Commentators Ever Stop Using The"Compare To Reagan&Blame Bush" Excuses ?

I doubt it.

Comparing past administrations (and history generally) to the current state of affairs is what people of every political persuasion do.

It was already fustrating throughout 2009 when these fairy liberal faggots kept referring to Bush for every time Obama screwed up,as if it was always Bush's fault, or said "Well Bush Did The Same Thing When He Was In Office",,,the typical,,,The Dog Ate My Homework Excuses. Well its pushing three years now and we are STILL STAGNANT !!!! How will Obama create those 3 or 4 Millions jobs he lost in a year? He's running out of time,,so what will he do? Bash Romney? and ignore the mess he created?
Hey, why not just compare these hard times to the days of Lincoln or Roosevelt? That's how irrelavent the Reagan exuses are when trying to explain this economic recovery. Does anyone recall Reagan owing 14 Trillion Dollars, very little manufacturing in the rust belt and housing taking a permanent turn for the worst(where it is no longer a life-long investment?) and the entire county in Total Fear For Themselves and thier Kids?

It's entirely appropriate to reference Reagan and Bush and Bush when present day conservatives go on and on about how they want to bring back or perpetuate the policies of Reagan, Bush, and Bush.
The stock market has doubled since Obama took office.

Yesterday some 'nut here told me that Bush should get credit for that.

Clean up your own act, cons.

:clap2: Yey!!... Lets have a party!! The stock market is only doing well because of Ben Bernanke pumping in 100s of billions of dollars of printed, new money into the economy, that means nothing the stock market will start going down when that is over. Obama is for helping the poor and middle class right? So 9%unemployment, soon to be $5 a gal gas, housing values continue to plummet and Obama is supposed to be helping anybody? how long will the libs continue to defend this failure?
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Learning from the past is partly how we figure out what to do in the future. The reason Republicans never learn is because they constantly "rewrite" history.

With the bad economic forcasts coming in this week, the Dem's&Lib's who make their regular appearences are at it again.(or will be soon). Yesterday some commentator used the "when Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month" excuse AGAIN !!. How many times have we heard that excuse every time the economy/jobs took a downfall over the last 2.5 years? And a few months ago(if not during 2010) we kept hearing "Well at this point during "The Reagan Administration" comparisons. Especially Alan Colmes! That is his only monthly rebuttal with Bill O'Reilly when he has no answer to all of Obama's economic screw-ups. Now the Liberal commentators Cannot Answer Why The Economy&Housing Has Tanked Since Obama Has Took Office After Putting A Trilion Dollars Into The System!!! They just sit there speechless and deflect the question. All I can say is,,,THANK GOD ROMNEY IS NOW IN THE RACE AND WILL START TAKING OBAMA APART ! Hmm, will we have a Romney/Rick Perry Ticket?:clap2:

Will cons ever quit blaming Obama for things that were done by previous administrations?
And here I thought Bill and Hillary were responsible for global warming, tsunamis, war, debt, and all things awful. Nice to know things have changed.
Does the Heritage Foundation still have that What would Reagan Do? thing on their website?

Did anyone tell them talking about Reagan is no longer permissible?

With the bad economic forcasts coming in this week, the Dem's&Lib's who make their regular appearences are at it again.(or will be soon). Yesterday some commentator used the "when Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month" excuse AGAIN !!. How many times have we heard that excuse every time the economy/jobs took a downfall over the last 2.5 years? And a few months ago(if not during 2010) we kept hearing "Well at this point during "The Reagan Administration" comparisons. Especially Alan Colmes! That is his only monthly rebuttal with Bill O'Reilly when he has no answer to all of Obama's economic screw-ups. Now the Liberal commentators Cannot Answer Why The Economy&Housing Has Tanked Since Obama Has Took Office After Putting A Trilion Dollars Into The System!!! They just sit there speechless and deflect the question. All I can say is,,,THANK GOD ROMNEY IS NOW IN THE RACE AND WILL START TAKING OBAMA APART ! Hmm, will we have a Romney/Rick Perry Ticket?:clap2:

To answer your OP question....No, that's some rich material, that keeps on giving.
And are you serious? On Hardball, this evening, Howard Fineman commented that Romney's declaring was bland and lackluster, and that Palin jabbed him with a knife, taking his healthcare plan to task.
Rick Perry? Mr. Secession? Incredible. I live in Texas...and George Bush , as Tx. Governor, was smarter than him, which isn't saying too much. I pray for a Romney/Perry ticket...Obama will incur Reaganesque numbers.
I don't remember Reagan crying like a baby in mid 1982 over all the damage Carter caused! and what a coincidence,,,when Carter was President, I was a teen-ager who couldn't find a job while my dad lived pay check to paycheck supporting the six of us,,,then Reagan became President and I always worked !!!! when Yobama became the "Fake President" I lost my job !!!! it's like history has repeated itself.
On or about Jan. 20, 2013?
Shortly after Bam-Bam climbs aboard marine 1 for the last time???

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