Will NFL be forced to change their POLITICS when fans stop watching games and patronizing sponsors?

What ought to happen is that the National Anthem stop being played prior to sports games. It's got nothing to do with football, anyway, and I hear it's recent--2009? for the NFL.
So big deal, if people are going to go mental over it, just quit performing it. It's hard to sing anyway and half the time it's painful to listen to.
I've heard it played since childhood, I'm 51.

Please look up the history of the Anthem, then come back and apologize for what you said about it.
I'm not going to apologize; I have said nothing against the Anthem. It was on threads here yesterday that the players coming out on the field while the Anthem was played started in 2009. If everyone is going to freak out about how the players behave during the Anthem, either stop playing it or have the players wait in the locker room like they used to. Problem SOLVED.
I disagree.
Money Talks.....those financially interested in the NFL are mostly greedy whores.

The free market will adjust to the POLITICS of the coaches, players, and owners.

Question is, what will conservatives do when that hope does not materialize.

Probably snowflake to another culture war issue and whine about the decline of their Merica.
What ought to happen is that the National Anthem stop being played prior to sports games. It's got nothing to do with football, anyway, and I hear it's recent--2009? for the NFL.
So big deal, if people are going to go mental over it, just quit performing it. It's hard to sing anyway and half the time it's painful to listen to.
I've heard it played since childhood, I'm 51.

Please look up the history of the Anthem, then come back and apologize for what you said about it.
I'm not going to apologize; I have said nothing against the Anthem. It was on threads here yesterday that the players coming out on the field while the Anthem was played started in 2009. If everyone is going to freak out about how the players behave during the Anthem, either stop playing it or have the players wait in the locker room like they used to. Problem SOLVED.
I disagree.
Fine. I'm sure you know much more about how I feel about the Anthem than I do.
Money Talks.....those financially interested in the NFL are mostly greedy whores.

The free market will adjust to the POLITICS of the coaches, players, and owners.

Question is, what will conservatives do when that hope does not materialize.

Probably snowflake to another culture war issue and whine about the decline of their Merica.
except it's already materializing.
They also took money from the military to stage troop tributes.
Absolutely, which basically means the only reason the NFL had any interest in promoting the US military / troops is because they got paid to do so.

Just think of those events as live billboards / ads promoting the US military and paid ads attempting to generate some patriotism.
As far as the NFL goes in the vast majority of games they don't even broadcast the national anthem and so it isn't in my face. I do recall a popular reality television show I couldn't get into because one fellow wore a US flag bandanna around his head that disgusted me every time I saw it. .

I suppose the league will force players to stand but not necessarily salute the flag.


Just last Sunday in celebration of a touchdown one idiot acted like a dog at a fire hydrant. I limit my viewing to local team and playoffs fortunately. Sort of poetic justice reading all you folks more-or-less telling them piss on you (to the players).


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You don't see collge players pretending to be dogs urinating to make a political point. You just see competitive players passionately playing football. Better entertainment and 'bang for your buck'. ... IMO
What ought to happen is that the National Anthem stop being played prior to sports games. It's got nothing to do with football, anyway, and I hear it's recent--2009? for the NFL.
So big deal, if people are going to go mental over it, just quit performing it. It's hard to sing anyway and half the time it's painful to listen to.

I can't say I agree.

Hell, I stand for the Canadian anthem and my fellow country men have ruined my life, stolen my soul and my best years. As much as I have a fire in my belly to expose what I have endured, I remind myself that it's not those who fought and died for liberty who did this to me. In fact, I imagine I would have a wide and vast amount of support from soldiers who had the courage to face fascism and communism. I take my standing as motivation to fight for my rights not just for my sake, but for the sake of those who died so I could have them.

Let me tell you there's little that drives me more than the thought of those brave souls and others who spit on their memories. Considering the long history of American military pride, these emotions most certainly resonate with most Americans.
My son who works for Play Station customer support told me that he's been giving refunds for NFL related products.
Its time for the NFL to ignore conservative cry babies. Its the 21st Century after all and conservative fans a bunch of flag waving cry babies!!!! GO BACK TO THE 20TH CENTURY.
My son who works for Play Station customer support told me that he's been giving refunds for NFL related products.
Its time for the NFL to ignore conservative cry babies. Its the 21st Century after all and conservative fans a bunch of flag waving cry babies!!!! GO BACK TO THE 20TH CENTURY.
Since you hate it here, why haven't you left?
My son who works for Play Station customer support told me that he's been giving refunds for NFL related products.
Its time for the NFL to ignore conservative cry babies. Its the 21st Century after all and conservative fans a bunch of flag waving cry babies!!!! GO BACK TO THE 20TH CENTURY.
Every body, human or not, has an asshole thru which pours useless shit.

I think we found the one here.
People won't . Look at last Sunday . All those offended people didn't bother to leave the game . Guess they weren't THAT upset .
Oh really, then why are there so many empty seats? :laugh:

What ought to happen is that the National Anthem stop being played prior to sports games. It's got nothing to do with football, anyway, and I hear it's recent--2009? for the NFL.
So big deal, if people are going to go mental over it, just quit performing it. It's hard to sing anyway and half the time it's painful to listen to.

I can't say I agree.

Hell, I stand for the Canadian anthem and my fellow country men have ruined my life, stolen my soul and my best years. As much as I have a fire in my belly to expose what I have endured, I remind myself that it's not those who fought and died for liberty who did this to me. In fact, I imagine I would have a wide and vast amount of support from soldiers who had the courage to face fascism and communism. I take my standing as motivation to fight for my rights not just for my sake, but for the sake of those who died so I could have them.

Let me tell you there's little that drives me more than the thought of those brave souls and others who spit on their memories. Considering the long history of American military pride, these emotions most certainly resonate with most Americans.
Maybe that's where I differ from a lot of people who object to taking a knee. To me the flag does not immediately symbolize WAR and SOLDIERS and MILITARY, so to me, taking a knee isn't throwing down the gauntlet to every soldier alive and dead that has ever been in this country. First thoughts to me when I see the flag are sunny July 4ths around a picnic table, the flag quietly rising up the pole at the post office at 8 a.m., parade trucks decked out with any number of flags fluttering from every possible protuberance, flags on every front porch, along with the petunias, on Memorial Day. My brother handing me my Dad's folded flag at his funeral. I hate the way it seems to be at half mast most of the time these days. I like to see it flying high.
Plenty of soldiers in my family, including my son, going back to at least since the Revolution. But that is not all the flag symbolizes to me. It is about my country as a whole, and my country can "take" a challenge from someone who wonders if it is doing right.
I get how Key felt when he saw the flag still flying the next morning after that no-stops battle the night before. I too would be grateful and relieved in a big way, in a poem writing way.
The flag is about much more than just our military, to me.
People won't . Look at last Sunday . All those offended people didn't bother to leave the game . Guess they weren't THAT upset .
Oh really, then why are there so many empty seats? :laugh:


Because that pic is from before a Thursday night game that stars 530 pm (rush hour) out west .

At least try to be honest. Show a pic during the game. .
People won't . Look at last Sunday . All those offended people didn't bother to leave the game . Guess they weren't THAT upset .
Oh really, then why are there so many empty seats? :laugh:


Because that pic is from before a Thursday night game that stars 530 pm (rush hour) out west .

At least try to be honest. Show a pic during the game. .
The players are on the field, dummy. Its game time and the stands are empty as fuck! :laugh:
Fans are reportedl burning their season tickets and memoabilia.

Dish Network is refunding fans who bought their NFL Sunday Ticket version / program.

Sponsors have begun pulling ads and cutting endorsement deals.

A new poll today reported that 58% of Americans are pissed at / oppose the NFL now.

Just today the Cowboys, Steelers, and Pats declared ALL of their players will stand for the Anthem this Sunday.

The backlash has already begun to influence the teams' decisions / actions...
The stuff they already paid for......:rofl:
People won't . Look at last Sunday . All those offended people didn't bother to leave the game . Guess they weren't THAT upset .

After paying $200 for tickets and an overpriced beer in their hands, they were trapped.

For that game. Next game they stay home.
They were trapped? The exits were locked????? OMIGOD!!! That's a fire hazard. Sad.

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