Will Obama Get Carterized?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

More like President Carter all the time

Rick Moran

California refineries are starting to ration gasoline due to reduced output. This is causing some gas stations to close.

"The profit margins are so low it's not worth it," said one owner.


Gas rationing? This kind of thing sometimes causes a panic and if refineries can't meet the extra demand, we may get gas lines all over again - just like 1979.

In this case, the problems with the refineries appear to be temporary. But it illustrates the folly of our energy policy that a slight disruption can cause this kind of trouble.

Read more: Blog: More like President Carter all the time


October surprise to Carterize Obama

Webster Tarpley
September 16, 2012

Demonstrations have occurred in the past few days at US embassies in more than 20 cities across the world to protest the scurrilous California film originally entitled “Desert Warrior” and then “The Innocence of Moslims.”

In an attack designed to coincide with the protests, a Libyan death squad has assassinated the US ambassador to Libya and three of his associates. The US State Department has set up a crisis management center to monitor developments 24 hours a day.

The film in question was obviously designed as a provocation and nothing else. But was this film, as the US media claim, the work of the isolated Cerrito, California resident and Egyptian-American Nakoula Bassely Nakoula. aka Abanob Bassely aka Israeli citizen Sam Bacile, an ex-convict with a drug problem, and a few actors he hired? Persuasive evidence suggests that this is not the case.

Bolton took a leading role in trying to turn the Stevens assassination against Obama this past week. Bolton told a Washington, DC radio station: “I’ve said for 3½ years the President doesn’t care about national security. He doesn’t think the world is terribly threatening. I think a weak reaction, a failure to demonstrate American power and resolve, will help see this stretched throughout the region.” Bolton warned particularly that a new hostage crisis would replay the “destruction of the Jimmy Carter administration,” this time at Obama’s expense. (Politico, Sept. 13)

» October surprise to Carterize Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Romney as Reagan, Obama as Carter

By Bing West
October 8, 2012 2:03

Mr. Romney’s foreign-policy speech reprises President Reagan’s belief in American exceptionalism and global leadership. Based on those two core principles, Romney enumerates a list of specific actions. As president, he would:

1. tighten sanctions against Iran — while going no less and no farther than President Obama in obliquely referring to America’s military sword;

2. increase military aid and coordination with Israel — a delicate maneuver since Israel would like a degree of military coordination that would complicate our freedom of unilateral action and our coordination with NATO and Arab states;

3. use our aid to Egypt as leverage to channel Egypt’s political course;

4. consult with our generals about the pace of withdrawal from Afghanistan;

5. stand up to Putin’s Russia, China, Venezuela, and Cuba;

6. champion free trade — unlike Mr. Obama, who signed one such trade agreement in four years;

7. insure Syria obtains the weapons “to defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets.”

His critique of Mr. Obama’s foreign policy centers on the lack of leadership — “leading from behind.” He cites the attack upon our consulate in Libya as evidence that the War on Terror most certainly did not end with the death of Osama bin Laden.

Romney as Reagan, Obama as Carter - By Bing West - The Corner - National Review Online
Nope. Whats going to happen in 3 weeks will make carter look like nothing.

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