Will Obama's poll bounce last?

Yes, Obama got Osama. And yes, that can't be anything but helpful to him in 2012. The big question is, how helpful?

George HW Bush got a huge bounce after liberating Kuwait from Saddam, but lost to Clinton on economic issues. And what's the topic of greatest concern to most voters today? Right, the economy. And let's not forget how Bush Jr. squandered his own approval ratings after their peak following the 9/11 attacks.

Edited. 15 Post Rule on Links.

Will his bounce last? They call it a bounce because it goes up and then comes down.
Excuse me, which party controlled Congress from 2006 on? Hint, it wasn't the GOP.
People are not used to a bad economy. They are not used to being out of work. They are not used to paying north of $4 a gal for gas.
They are fed up with ineffective expensive political programs with rhetoric that blames anyone but where it needs to go.
No, Obama is toast. He is Jimmy Carter redux.
Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?

From 2001-2007 the economy was crap when your heros were running the show also. People are angry about a bad economy, but they're used to it and it's going to remain bad no matter which status quo bureacrat we put in office. We're used to high unemployment. We're used to high gas prices. We're used to ineffective expensive political programs, that's been going on my entire 25 years on earth.

Obama will win easily, you don't like it, I don't like it, but it's going to happen.

No I'm not better off, I didn't vote for him, won't in 2012. I also won't vote for Romneycare or big government Mike Huckabee or whatever other lib you guys put on the ticket.

Unemployment below 5%, inflation close to zero, GDP growth about twice what it is now.
Yeah, sounds like economic hell to me.

Lol amazing listening to BushBots tell me how good the economy was under his reign.

If your counterpoint is that it's worse now that's fine I won't argue, but to say it was good under Bush is an insult to common sense.
I doubt the ride to fame will last. While it's true we got the big cockroach on his watch, except for that the American public will soon come to realize that it was the only thing he's done that was worth a fuck for his entire first (and only) term. Don't believe that will gather enough votes to re-elect this butthead.


He also produced a birth certificate.
Can't pay my bills with his birth certificate or Bin Laden's death certificate.
It doesn't appear that many give Obama much credit for the past few days compared to the past year.

Can't grind up Bin Laden's bones and put them in my car's tank.

Wouldn't want to eat them, either.
Well so far a "single" Poll gave Obama a bounce anemic at that. While all others apparently the respondents didn't get the new's of Obama single handily taking down UBL. My opinion remains that the American people have enough on their plate just staying alive to really care about the death of UBL I might be wrong maybe in the following month the numbers will climb


Two polls have given him huge bounces: CBS/NYT and WaPo. But they did quickie polls with smaller samples than usual. The Loyal MSM will do everything it can to manipulate the data for Obama.
The MSM will play up every positive for Obama and downplay every negative. They love the old boy just like they loved Clinton.
But the truth will out. And the truth is the economy sucks with huge deficits, high taxes, high regulation, meager growth and high unemployment. And no one wins on that kind of record.
It's a long long way to November 2011, folks.

This event won't amount to a hill of beans by then.
Where's the job's why is food and fuel so expensive why isn't anything being done about the economy. Pretty sure this isn't what Obama had in mind.

What do you think.. are they right? Are people simply to busy trying to stay above water to care or is OBL yesterday's new's and people simply couldn't care less.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

LoL @ taking a Rasmussen poll seriously....



That's rich.
The intel was obtained from detainees in Poland and Romania and those facilities were closed by Obama, therefore Bush had the same intel Obama had but was unable to get OBL.

So how do you spin Bush's failure and Obama's success with the exact same intel and military to work with??????
I don't have to spin it, you moron! That bit of intelligence (obtained by methods you dislike) took four years to develop into "actionable intelligence (i.e. intelligence of Bin Laden's whereabouts clear and convincing enough to violate another country's sovereignty to take him out). Bush didn't have the same information Obama had; if he had, he would have done the same, and you damn well know it, so don't be disingenuous. The people responsible for turning those initial leads into actionable, hard intelligence are intelligence professionals, NOT politicians of either administration, and no politician has any control over how long the job takes them. Luck and timing, nothing else, put this decision on Obama's watch. Leave it to you liberal hacks (the biggest critics of our intelligence professionals on the planet, BTW!) to try to spin this for partisan advantage. This is AMERICA'S victory, NOT Obama's, so quit trying to politicize it, especially with all your party of choice has done to undermine the CIA and the rest of our intelligence gathering community. THis is vindication for the very professionals the Left has condemned and scorned for DECADES!

That bit of intel was gotten by conventional interrogation methods which only you Sadists dislike. And Bush didn't develop the same info Obama developed because Bush disbanded the CIA's Osama Bin Laden unit in 2005. It's a good thing Obama didn't continue the Bush policy of ignoring OBL or he would still be alive today.

and you know this how?

they weren't in Poland and Romania for no reason, but I expect that kind of subtlety to be lost one you anyway.
In fact your post doesn't even make sense in light of the undisputed time-line, you're just so deep in the partisan hole, you blabber and drool.

here, have an education and wipe your chin-


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We have a military, a CIA and special forces just exactly for this kind of thing. For most of us, this is the reason we have a government in the first place is to deal with our nations's enemies and those who would hurt us.
So the Government did what it is supposed to do. Great. I am happy and grateful. But getting all giddy because the government does its essential function is like getting all weird that the post office manages to deliver a letter.
You can say that Bush was derelict in not following up like he was supposed to, but Obama was just doing the job.
Now that the job is done, there is all the other stuff on the table. And Obama is not doing that part at all well. Three weeks from now the only one who care about Osama will be the crabs at the bottom of the indian ocean who are dining on him. And soon they will be done as well. Life moves on. And Obama's record of pettiness, fecklessness, and incompetence will continue, and the polls will bounce around. What will drive them will be the unemployment numbers, gas prices, interest rates. And those things only seem to be stagnating or getting worse.
I don't have to spin it, you moron! That bit of intelligence (obtained by methods you dislike) took four years to develop into "actionable intelligence (i.e. intelligence of Bin Laden's whereabouts clear and convincing enough to violate another country's sovereignty to take him out). Bush didn't have the same information Obama had; if he had, he would have done the same, and you damn well know it, so don't be disingenuous. The people responsible for turning those initial leads into actionable, hard intelligence are intelligence professionals, NOT politicians of either administration, and no politician has any control over how long the job takes them. Luck and timing, nothing else, put this decision on Obama's watch. Leave it to you liberal hacks (the biggest critics of our intelligence professionals on the planet, BTW!) to try to spin this for partisan advantage. This is AMERICA'S victory, NOT Obama's, so quit trying to politicize it, especially with all your party of choice has done to undermine the CIA and the rest of our intelligence gathering community. THis is vindication for the very professionals the Left has condemned and scorned for DECADES!

That bit of intel was gotten by conventional interrogation methods which only you Sadists dislike. And Bush didn't develop the same info Obama developed because Bush disbanded the CIA's Osama Bin Laden unit in 2005. It's a good thing Obama didn't continue the Bush policy of ignoring OBL or he would still be alive today.

and you know this how?

they weren't in Poland and Romania for no reason, but I expect that kind of subtlety to be lost one you anyway.
In fact your post doesn't even make sense in light of the undisputed time-line, you're just so deep in the partisan hole, you blabber and drool.

here, have an education and wipe your chin-

Al-Qaeda couriers provided the trail that led to bin Laden - The Washington Post

Officials: CIA interrogators at secret prisons developed first strands that led to bin Laden | StarTribune.com
The typical pompous arrogant CONdescension of a CON$ervative know-it-all who knows nothing.

From one of your links:

“I would assume that the enhanced interrogation program that we put in place produced some of the results that led to bin Laden’s ultimate capture,” said Cheney

They say when you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

Much to the chagrin of sadistic CON$, the useful intel came from STANDARD INTERROGATION!!!!!!!!

The Washington Monthly

May 3, 2011
STANDARD INTERROGATION.... So far, Republican attempts to spin the killing of Osama bin Laden in the GOP's favor haven't gone well.
Like so many memes that persist in politics, this one started on the Internet. The morning after President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan, conservatives started crowing that credit should be given to President George W. Bush -- specifically, for having the foresight and courage to torture the people who provided the initial scraps of intel that ultimately led the CIA to a giant compound just north of Islamabad.
The most prominent of these conservatives was Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who took to Twitter to ask sardonically, "Wonder what President Obama thinks of water boarding now?"
The idea made the rounds yesterday based on one important piece of the larger puzzle: several years ago, intelligence agencies obtained the pseudonym of OBL's favorite courier from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Faraj al-Libi.
Republicans and like-minded activists -- including Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, assorted Tea Partiers, and others -- jumped to a conclusion: U.S. officials gained the information via torture.

Except, that's not what happened.

Donald Rumsfeld, of all people, threw cold water on the new talking point yesterday, noting that Bush-era torture policies weren't responsible for obtaining the information.
The Associated Press further set the record straight, reporting,
"Mohammed did not reveal the names while being subjected to the simulated drowning technique known as waterboarding, former officials said. He identified them many months later under standard interrogation."
Brian Beutler added, "Thus, a big chunk of the rationale for giving the Bush credit for bin Laden's death falls apart. It took officials until Obama's presidency to locate this courier, and well into Obama's second year in office before they found the compound. Only then was the raid itself designed and, on Sunday, implemented."
it's not just about that. it has to do with global influence. much of our power source comes from exactly that type of presence.

that isolationist model is why i think ron paul is naive

It's that kind of thinking, plus the influence of the defense lobby, that is bankrupting us.

there is a middle ground. we can't run around blowing up everything; but we can't be isolationist either.

again, naive to think we retain any type of influence without any presence. the question is to intelligently assess what the presence should be.

There's no reason we can't be isolationist. Most nations are. Do the Europeans have troops all over the world? Do the Asians? Does Russia? Do the Latin American nations?

Are ANY of those nations suffering economically or otherwise because they don't have a crushingly expensive imperialist military policy, for the sake of 'influence'?

No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.
It's that kind of thinking, plus the influence of the defense lobby, that is bankrupting us.

there is a middle ground. we can't run around blowing up everything; but we can't be isolationist either.

again, naive to think we retain any type of influence without any presence. the question is to intelligently assess what the presence should be.

There's no reason we can't be isolationist. Most nations are. Do the Europeans have troops all over the world? Do the Asians? Does Russia? Do the Latin American nations?

Are ANY of those nations suffering economically or otherwise because they don't have a crushingly expensive imperialist military policy, for the sake of 'influence'?

No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

Are you actually this ignorant and stupid or are you just baiting people?
IVORY COAST: French military tries to impose ‘regime change’

German troops in Afghanistan call on Angela Merkel to explain why they're at war | Mail Online

Russian security forces kill Al Qaeda leader - World News - IBNLive
Hes got the independents and the vast majority of the dems.

How is any R going to get enough of either of these groups to win an election?

They cant because they will have to pander to the birther and now deather people to win a primary.

The Rs are in big trouble
TM, I really hate to break this to you, but we have a year and a half till the election. If you want to believe that this expected bump is going to last that long, then you are free to believe that. But this isn't likely to last, unless, of course, you expect people to ignore the 8%+ unemployment, the rising gas and food prices, the inflation, the national debt, and other poor economic factors, not to mention another war, but this with unclear goals and a lack of approval from Congress.

If you ignore all those things, (not to mention the failure that is Obamacare) then i suppose youve got reason to rejoice. But one good act doesnt negate the failure of leadership in all those other areas.

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