Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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These are communist era tactics deployed by Obama....how connected was he to the Russians?
trump is making up stories to deflect heat from his comrades .
So you're saying the NSA is lying?
Give the link that says NSA agrees with you. A pro-Russian former NSA official dismissed in disgrace agrees with you. The pro-Russian media, like Breitbart, agrees with you. So you and the Russian running dogs in America are making up fake news again, yes.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.
We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
You are discussing your submission for fake news this morning.
Delusional owebo post, or, owebo misinformation post, trump talking point to his nut job cult followers, or, another example of how trump plays cult followers like owebo.
You are scared.....we understand.....and I don't blame you....
Silly dope. There is no evidence of your delusion about an Obama planted illegal wiretap. Fake news planted by the so-called president trump.
Why would you support anyone wiretapping the home of a political opponent?

Isn't that why Nixon went down?
:2up: Is the answer,,,,,,YES !!!!! ????. Well well well, soon, about 300 Million Americans will discover that the Democrats are pretty much just as devious as "The Russians" !!!!
We are in for one hell of a newsweek now!,, and to think that Madam Chuck U. Shumer was having an early period after discovering that Mike Pence has an AOL email address?
:laugh2: :laugh::laugh: :laugh2: :iagree:
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
You are discussing your submission for fake news this morning.
Delusional owebo post, or, owebo misinformation post, trump talking point to his nut job cult followers, or, another example of how trump plays cult followers like owebo.
You are scared.....we understand.....and I don't blame you....
Silly dope. There is no evidence of your delusion about an Obama planted illegal wiretap. Fake news planted by the so-called president trump.
Why would you support anyone wiretapping the home of a political opponent?

Isn't that why Nixon went down?
This seems several orders of magnitude worse that Nixon....it's stunning how far Obama let the Russians into our .gov......
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

You are discussing your submission for fake news this morning.
Delusional owebo post, or, owebo misinformation post, trump talking point to his nut job cult followers, or, another example of how trump plays cult followers like owebo.
You are scared.....we understand.....and I don't blame you....
Silly dope. There is no evidence of your delusion about an Obama planted illegal wiretap. Fake news planted by the so-called president trump.
Why would you support anyone wiretapping the home of a political opponent?

Isn't that why Nixon went down?
This seems several orders of magnitude worse that Nixon....it's stunning how far Obama let the Russians into our .gov......

Your OP needs a link.
Please, don't insult Russians by calling them Democrats. Russians are decent people and don't have anything to do with Soros' pawns Dems, hypocritical, lying and crooked.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

You are scared.....we understand.....and I don't blame you....
Silly dope. There is no evidence of your delusion about an Obama planted illegal wiretap. Fake news planted by the so-called president trump.
Why would you support anyone wiretapping the home of a political opponent?

Isn't that why Nixon went down?
This seems several orders of magnitude worse that Nixon....it's stunning how far Obama let the Russians into our .gov......

Your OP needs a link.

Search for @therealdonaldjtrump. His posts were from an hour ago....

It's best to take news of this magnitude right from the source....
We are discussing that the silly Trump mccarthy-style attack against Obama is a failure in distracting attention to RussiaGate.

Focus, owebo. Stay on track.
There is no Russiagate, you imbecile. If there was there would be proof.
And from the NY Times

During the 2016 campaign, Donald J. Trump’s second campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had regular communications with his longtime associate — a former Russian military translator in Kiev who has been investigated in Ukraine on suspicion of being a Russian intelligence agent.

At the Republican National Convention in July, J. D. Gordon, a former Pentagon official on Mr. Trump’s national security team, met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, at a time when Mr. Gordon was helping keep hawkish language on Russia’s conflict with Ukraine out of the party’s platform.

And Jason Greenblatt, a former Trump Organization lawyer and now a special representative for international negotiations at the White House, met last summer with Rabbi Berel Lazar, the chief rabbi of Russia and an ally of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin.

Alt left fake news
Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.
We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
You are discussing your submission for fake news this morning.
Delusional owebo post, or, owebo misinformation post, trump talking point to his nut job cult followers, or, another example of how trump plays cult followers like owebo.
You are scared.....we understand.....and I don't blame you....
Silly dope. There is no evidence of your delusion about an Obama planted illegal wiretap. Fake news planted by the so-called president trump.
Why would you support anyone wiretapping the home of a political opponent?
God Nixon must be spinning in his grave. This is Watergate 2016.
Obama and his gang should serve time for this.
Please, don't insult Russians by calling them Democrats. Russians are decent people and don't have anything to do with Soros' pawns Dems, hypocritical, lying and crooked.
well Harry Reid does look like a Russian spy,,,especially with his one eye
This trump tweet will go the same way most of them go. It will be listed as another misinformed trump tweet or a misinformation tweet or an outright lie tweet, the way most of them get listed. Like the Donut Scandal attempted yesterday, it is just another tweet meant to deflect away from the serious news of the day.





Wow. Russians and Obama.
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?
Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.
We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
You are discussing your submission for fake news this morning.
Delusional owebo post, or, owebo misinformation post, trump talking point to his nut job cult followers, or, another example of how trump plays cult followers like owebo.
You are scared.....we understand.....and I don't blame you....
Oh contraire.....we can see who's scared.
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