Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?
Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.
We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
I am not at all surprised you bleev Trump's bullshit.

The real question is whether the GOP can survive credulous retards like you.
To what extent did Obama wiretap? That's the question your democrat party can't afford to answer....as it will destroy them.....
President Trump’s astonishing and reckless accusation that he was wiretapped on orders from President Barack Obama should finally be the tipping point in how the country views him and his presidency.

Obama, through a spokesman, said the charges were “simply false.” On Sunday afternoon, the New York Times reported that FBI Director James Comey had asked the Justice Department to publicly reject Trump’s claim. It appears that Trump issued his wild tweet storm Saturday morning largely on the basis of reports in conspiracy-minded right-wing media.

He signaled his lack of evidence first by reportedly pushing his White House staff to ransack sensitive intelligence information to find support for his claim. Then on Sunday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump wanted Congress to look into the matter and that the administration would offer no further comment.

Opinion | The Trump Experiment may come to an early tipping point
He signaled his lack of evidence first by reportedly pushing his White House staff to ransack sensitive intelligence information to find support for his claim. Then on Sunday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump wanted Congress to look into the matter and that the administration would offer no further comment.

Most sane people gather the facts first, then make the accusation. Once again we have an instance where they want to shape the intelligence to fit the policy.
He signaled his lack of evidence first by reportedly pushing his White House staff to ransack sensitive intelligence information to find support for his claim. Then on Sunday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump wanted Congress to look into the matter and that the administration would offer no further comment.

Most sane people gather the facts first, then make the accusation. Once again we have an instance where they want to shape the intelligence to fit the policy.
I'm glad it's Trump that has access to all the facts and not your Hillary.....
Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.

Yes...it is...

And being so, what evidence do you have to support this..uh..."fiasco"?
Yeah...there is no evidence backing Trump's allegations, so says the DNC media and dupes accept it completely and fully.

Yet...we know the Obama surveillance state (the greatest surveillance state since East Germany) surveilled James Rosen, Sharyl Attkinson, and the AP. To say nothing of the mountain of other evidence...

...funny...the left apparently forgot about all this...forgot about Big Ears expanding the Patriot Act to spy on all Americans,...forgot about Snowden and all the things he exposed about our criminal government.

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Where is the proof?

This isn't about Obama (as disappointing as he may have been as President), nor about Bush (the real criminal and agent of destruction in twenty-first century American politics). It isn't about Hillary or the election.
This is about proving the recent allegations of illegal activity. This is about who is running the government and how. If Trump was wrongly 'tapped', it requires swift and severe action. If Trump is prevaricating (again), this time at such a high level, it requires swift and severe action.
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Where is the proof?
We are putting together the extents of Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home now.....it's kind of a new revelation about your Obama administrations fascism, so give it a bit of time....
I'm glad it's Trump that has access to all the facts and not your Hillary.....

So when is Trump going to use the reports from the 16 intelligence agencies? So far Trump has continually rejected what they've reported. Which raises the question. Where does Trump get his view of reality from?

The size of his inaugural crowd, the Obama wiretaps, any of it come from the people who actually know the facts?
I'm glad it's Trump that has access to all the facts and not your Hillary.....

So when is Trump going to use the reports from the 16 intelligence agencies? So far Trump has continually rejected what they've reported. Which raises the question. Where does Trump get his view of reality from?

The size of his inaugural crowd, the Obama wiretaps, any of it come from the people who actually know the facts?
Awwww....clueless snowflake....
We are putting together the extents of Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home now.....it's kind of a new revelation about your Obama administrations fascism, so give it a bit of time....

Shouldn't the white house have checked the EO's and FISA warrants, and warrant applications first? They're now searching for needles in haystacks, trying to make the intelligence fit the policy.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
First, Trump wouldn't know truth if it bit him in the ass.

Second, Trump *appears* to be referencing the FBI's investigation into this campaign's ties to Russia. That's a far cry from Nixon-level criminality. Worse, it's Trump trying to divert attention away from his Russia connection — and you fell for it. Dupe.

And I say "appears" because we haven't seen any evidence or credible sources. Right now, it's Breitbart (who lies) and Trump (who lies even more).
Seems you democrats are in big trouble....who would have ever thought you would wiretap the home of a political opponent.....
You do realize that things don't because true just because you type them out, right? Or are you so out of touch with reality that you confuse thoughts with facts?

I get it. You're upset that Trump is behaving like a spoiled brat. Worse, his Russian connections are becoming more and more problematic. Even Republicans have talked about how to remove him from office. Just because you're scared and feel like you've been duped by Dear Leader doesn't mean you have to make stuff up. That's what Trump is for.
Awwww....nevertrumper snowflake.....
It's OK, buddy. It's normal to feel embarrassed and scared right now. You backed a man you hoped would be honest and free from corruption, but he turned out to be bitchy, feckless, and merely a pawn. But you're caught in that sunk cost fallacy. I feel for you.

You know what might help? Try name-calling people who point out that you messed up. Sure, it's childish and immature, but if you frame all opposition as fools and morons, you might be able to quiet the tiny voice inside you whispering, "Trump is wrong." Then you'll be happier!
We are putting together the extents of Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home now.....it's kind of a new revelation about your Obama administrations fascism, so give it a bit of time....

Shouldn't the white house have checked the EO's and FISA warrants, and warrant applications first? They're now searching for needles in haystacks, trying to make the intelligence fit the policy.
You do understand President Trump has access to every piece of information generated by the government...right?
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