Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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All the 'Twitter' has to do is produce the evidence that, if it exists, must be at his disposal. If illegal tapping is true, let the chips fall where they may. If they are not true, DJTwitter should fall.
Eh Tu Chaffetz...and the Ides of March is still 9 Days away...Oh you are bastard:badgrin:..

Chaffetz: I've seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump

Source: Politico

By LOUIS NELSON 03/06/17 09:05 AM EST

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Monday that he has seen no evidence that would support President Donald Trump’s accusation that former President Barack Obama had ordered an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign.

“I learned a long time ago, I'm going to keep my eyes wide open,” Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on “CBS This Morning.” “You never know when you turn a corner what you may or may not see. But thus far I have not seen anything directly that would support what the president has said.”

Trump made his explosive and unsubstantiated accusation on Saturday morning, when he wrote on Twitter that he had “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.” While the president leveled the charge with certainty, White House officials have not yet offered any proof to back Trump’s claims and have instead called for a Congressional investigation to verify them.

Chaffetz was seemingly open to the notion of a Congressional inquiry into Trump’s allegation, telling “CBS This Morning” that the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), would take the lead in checking it out. The House Oversight Committee, Chaffetz said, “will play a supporting role.”

Read more: Chaffetz: I've seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump
has he looked yet?
You do understand President Trump has access to every piece of information generated by the government...right?

You do understand Trump prefers to get his news from Breitbart instead of the 16 US intelligence agencies, who Trump refused to accept the reports from.
These are questions that we deserve to have answered by Obama and his cohort:

Would an attorney general (in this case Loretta Lynch) normally inform the White House of a decision to go to a FISA court for approval of the tapping of a political presidential opponent? Did Ms. Lynch so inform the White House? Was there any discussion of this decision between the WH and the DOJ? Why did the Justice Department decide to go back to the FISA court in October for a second try at approval? Whose idea was that? Did they did have additional information? What was that? Was Trump's name included in the brief the first time but omitted in the second? Why? If none of this happened, who made it up and why? That makes no sense, considering how easy it would be to disprove. Unless, of course, although it's not supposed to happen, the NSA just regularly taps everything and everybody, including presidential candidates, the president elect, and the president himself. But why then on Jan 12 of this year, again according to the New York Times, did the Obama administration suddenly broadly extend the powers of the NSA?

has he looked yet?

I'm sure somebody seeing a wiretap order on a presidential candidate would take notice of it before signing off. And everybody in that loop says no such wiretap came across their desks.
boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?

Comey is playing word games. He's focused on the very narrow "Obama ordered" spin. The real issue is did the Obama Admin spy on a political opponent during the election. Yes, it did. So, What did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?

The real issue is that Trump is lying. He hasn't a shred of evidence that he was bugged. The bigger question is what is he deflecting attention from.
and the Trump evidence for his Rant? is it anywhere ?
we'll be waiting right? why are you against an investigation today?

President Trump has greater access to the information than congress does. He's got clearance to see anything and everything. With one phone call he can get a copy of every FISA warrant ever applied for, and ever approved or denied. Every secret executive order ever signed. You name it, Trump can get a copy of everything the government has.

So why is Trump relying on congress to look for needles in haystacks, to find the evidence to support his tweets.
boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?

Comey is playing word games. He's focused on the very narrow "Obama ordered" spin. The real issue is did the Obama Admin spy on a political opponent during the election. Yes, it did. So, What did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?

The real issue is that Trump is lying. He hasn't a shred of evidence that he was bugged. The bigger question is what is he deflecting attention from.

Sorry to disappoint, but that is not the Real Issue. The Real Issue is whether or not Obama abused the power of his office to spy on a political opponent who was the GOP candidate for President. Clintonian word parsing - it all depends on what the meaning of "ordered" is - is just a subtrefuge.

What did Obama know and when did he know it? Why was the October FISA request reworded to conceal that Trump was the target?
and the Trump evidence for his Rant? is it anywhere ?
we'll be waiting right? why are you against an investigation today?

President Trump has greater access to the information than congress does. He's got clearance to see anything and everything. With one phone call he can get a copy of every FISA warrant ever applied for, and ever approved or denied. Every secret executive order ever signed. You name it, Trump can get a copy of everything the government has.

So why is Trump relying on congress to look for needles in haystacks, to find the evidence to support his tweets.

Congress is investigating the RUSSIANS! issue; this FISA spying is part and parcel too it. So, it makes sense to look at this as one big issue.
These are questions that we deserve to have answered by Obama and his cohort:

Would an attorney general (in this case Loretta Lynch) normally inform the White House of a decision to go to a FISA court for approval of the tapping of a political presidential opponent?

The answer to that is simple. YES the attorney general would be informed, because it's ILLEGAL for the FISA court to issue warrants against US citizens, remember the 4th amendment, and the FISA court only has jurisdiction over foreigners (foreign intelligence surveillance act) As they say on broadway, it applying only to foreigners is in the title.
and the Trump evidence for his Rant? is it anywhere ?
we'll be waiting right? why are you against an investigation today?

President Trump has greater access to the information than congress does. He's got clearance to see anything and everything. With one phone call he can get a copy of every FISA warrant ever applied for, and ever approved or denied. Every secret executive order ever signed. You name it, Trump can get a copy of everything the government has.

So why is Trump relying on congress to look for needles in haystacks, to find the evidence to support his tweets.
I'm sure there is a reason. let's let it play out eh? BTW, when is that evidence coming out about russia influence in the elections?
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