Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.

Yes...it is...

And being so, what evidence do you have to support this..uh..."fiasco"?
so, what evidence do you have that trump's campaign was working with russia, and yet you're in here daily for fking four months now on that. Got any evidence? any? report came out in January stating there was no evidence. so, here we are in March and the accusations are still flying. And now you want evidence? too funny.....see below.

The phone calls, the meetings, the transcripts, the meetings, the interviews with the hackers, the anti-Clinton Russian propaganda.
Sorry to disappoint, but that is not the Real Issue. The Real Issue is whether or not Obama abused the power of his office to spy on a political opponent who was the GOP candidate for President. Clintonian word parsing - it all depends on what the meaning of "ordered" is - is just a subtrefuge.

Maybe you didn't know, but Obama never ran against Trump.
I'm sure there is a reason. let's let it play out eh? BTW, when is that evidence coming out about russia influence in the elections?

Actually that evidence came out two months ago. But because it was NSA, it's all highly classified, which is why Trump is complaining about details of it leaking to the press.
Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.

Yes...it is...

And being so, what evidence do you have to support this..uh..."fiasco"?
so, what evidence do you have that trump's campaign was working with russia, and yet you're in here daily for fking four months now on that. Got any evidence? any? report came out in January stating there was no evidence. so, here we are in March and the accusations are still flying. And now you want evidence? too funny.....see below.

The phone calls, the meetings, the transcripts, the meetings, the interviews with the hackers, the anti-Clinton Russian propaganda.

What is the "anti-Clinton Russian propaganda."? Did the Russians get to Seth Rich?
Sorry to disappoint, but that is not the Real Issue. The Real Issue is whether or not Obama abused the power of his office to spy on a political opponent who was the GOP candidate for President. Clintonian word parsing - it all depends on what the meaning of "ordered" is - is just a subtrefuge.

Maybe you didn't know, but Obama never ran against Trump.
then why did obummer campaign against him?
Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.

Yes...it is...

And being so, what evidence do you have to support this..uh..."fiasco"?
so, what evidence do you have that trump's campaign was working with russia, and yet you're in here daily for fking four months now on that. Got any evidence? any? report came out in January stating there was no evidence. so, here we are in March and the accusations are still flying. And now you want evidence? too funny.....see below.

The phone calls, the meetings, the transcripts, the meetings, the interviews with the hackers, the anti-Clinton Russian propaganda.
where did all of that material come from?
Sorry to disappoint, but that is not the Real Issue. The Real Issue is whether or not Obama abused the power of his office to spy on a political opponent who was the GOP candidate for President. Clintonian word parsing - it all depends on what the meaning of "ordered" is - is just a subtrefuge.

Maybe you didn't know, but Obama never ran against Trump.
Obamas policies did, like his fascist police state wiretapping Trumps home, and you lost resoundingly.....
I'm sure there is a reason. let's let it play out eh? BTW, when is that evidence coming out about russia influence in the elections?

Actually that evidence came out two months ago. But because it was NSA, it's all highly classified, which is why Trump is complaining about details of it leaking to the press.
then why is everyone saying this weekend that a report came out in January stating no one did anything wrong, and clapper stated again yesterday? hmmmmmmmm and yet MSM still selling news on the lie.
Sorry to disappoint, but that is not the Real Issue. The Real Issue is whether or not Obama abused the power of his office to spy on a political opponent who was the GOP candidate for President. Clintonian word parsing - it all depends on what the meaning of "ordered" is - is just a subtrefuge.

Maybe you didn't know, but Obama never ran against Trump.

Maybe you didn't know, but Obama was head of the Democrat Party, and viewed hiLIARy succeeding him as important to his legacy. May you don't know, but Obama has set up shop in DC to "Resist" Trump...so he's still acting like Trump is a political opponent.

It appears democrats are admitting today to Obamas fascist police state tactics of wiretapping Trumps home ....huh....
Trump spent years on Tweeter Lying his Ass off about having the Goods on Obama being Foreign born and his Birth certificate fraudulent....why would anyone Believe what Trump is saying now about "Obama wire tapped me"?....Seriously Bro...Grow up...

By LOUIS NELSON 03/06/17 09:05 AM EST

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Monday that he has seen no evidence that would support President Donald Trump’s accusation that former President Barack Obama had ordered an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign.

“I learned a long time ago, I'm going to keep my eyes wide open,” Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on “CBS This Morning.” “You never know when you turn a corner what you may or may not see. But thus far I have not seen anything directly that would support what the president has said.”

Trump made his explosive and unsubstantiated accusation on Saturday morning, when he wrote on Twitter that he had “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.” While the president leveled the charge with certainty, White House officials have not yet offered any proof to back Trump’s claims and have instead called for a Congressional investigation to verify them.

Chaffetz was seemingly open to the notion of a Congressional inquiry into Trump’s allegation, telling “CBS This Morning” that the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), would take the lead in checking it out. The House Oversight Committee, Chaffetz said, “will play a supporting role.”

Read more: Chaffetz: I've seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump

then why is everyone saying this weekend that a report came out in January stating no one did anything wrong,

In early January nobody did anything wrong that they knew of. That was before Flynn lied to Pence and the FBI about not speaking with the Russian ambassador. And that was before Sessions testified under oath to congress that he didn't - did not have any communications with the Russians.

Wait for congress to do their report on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, before saying that nobody did anything wrong.
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Maybe you didn't know, but Obama was head of the Democrat Party, and viewed hiLIARy succeeding him as important to his legacy. .

His legacy? I thought that was based on what he did, and his job approval for his time in office? Is Trumps legacy at head of Trump enterprises tarnished because his chosen picks didn't win out. As you know Ivanka Trump didn't succeed him?
It appears democrats are admitting today to Obamas fascist police state tactics of wiretapping Trumps home ....huh....

Silly rabbit. Yesterday you said that Obama admitted he wiretapped Trump.

Tricks are for kids.
Maybe you didn't know, but Obama was head of the Democrat Party, and viewed hiLIARy succeeding him as important to his legacy. .

His legacy? I thought that was based on what he did, and his job approval for his time in office? Is Trumps legacy at head of Trump enterprises tarnished because his chosen picks didn't win out. As you know Ivanka Trump didn't succeed him?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzz

"If I hear anybody saying their vote does not matter, that it doesn't matter who we elect -- read up on your history. It matters. We've got to get people to vote," Obama said. "I will consider it a personal insult -- an insult to my legacy -- if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote."

Obama: Would be 'personal insult' to legacy if black voters don't back Clinton - CNNPolitics.com
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
Bwahahaha! And you believe Trump's allegations? I can make you a screamin' deal on a certain bridge in the bay area.
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