Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?

Comey is playing word games. He's focused on the very narrow "Obama ordered" spin. The real issue is did the Obama Admin spy on a political opponent during the election. Yes, it did. So, What did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?

The real issue is that Trump is lying. He hasn't a shred of evidence that he was bugged. The bigger question is what is he deflecting attention from.

Then where is all this "leaked" information coming from?
Sorry to disappoint, but that is not the Real Issue. The Real Issue is whether or not Obama abused the power of his office to spy on a political opponent who was the GOP candidate for President. Clintonian word parsing - it all depends on what the meaning of "ordered" is - is just a subtrefuge.

Maybe you didn't know, but Obama never ran against Trump.

So, Obama never made a speech attacking Trump during the election? He didn't support Hillary in the election? You're just being silly now.
It is no secret that Trump does not tell the truth.
He was actually elected as president because voters trusted Trump far more than crooked Hillary, Obama, and the other corrupt politicians that have been lying and screwing this country over. For decades.
If that was in fact, the reason electors voted for Trump, it seems the people voted for Hillary.
It's Connect the Dots Time!!!! Obabble and his Indivisible Goon Squad are definitely working to destroy the Trump Presidency.

1. June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, is denied.

2. July: Russia joke. Wikileaks releases emails from the Democratic National Committee that show an effort to prevent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from winning the presidential nomination. In a press conference, Donald Trump refers to Hillary Clinton’s own missing emails, joking: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.” That remark becomes the basis for accusations by Clinton and the media that Trump invited further hacking.

3. October: Podesta emails. In October, Wikileaks releases the emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, rolling out batches every day until the election, creating new mini-scandals. The Clinton campaign blames Trump and the Russians.

4. October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.

5. January 2017: Buzzfeed/CNN dossier. Buzzfeed releases, and CNN reports, a supposed intelligence “dossier” compiled by a foreign former spy. It purports to show continuous contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, and says that the Russians have compromising information about Trump. None of the allegations can be verified and some are proven false. Several media outlets claim that they had been aware of the dossier for months and that it had been circulating in Washington.

6. January: Obama expands NSA sharing. As Michael Walsh later notes, and as the New York Times reports, the outgoing Obama administration “expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.” The new powers, and reduced protections, could make it easier for intelligence on private citizens to be circulated improperly or leaked.

7. January: Times report. The New York Times reports, on the eve of Inauguration Day, that several agencies — the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Treasury Department are monitoring several associates of the Trump campaign suspected of Russian ties. Other news outlets also report the exisentence of “a multiagency working group to coordinate investigations across the government,” though it is unclear how they found out, since the investigations would have been secret and involved classified information.

8. February: Mike Flynn scandal. Reports emerge that the FBI intercepted a conversation in 2016 between future National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — then a private citizen — and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The intercept supposedly was part of routine spying on the ambassador, not monitoring of the Trump campaign. The FBI transcripts reportedly show the two discussing Obama’s newly-imposed sanctions on Russia, though Flynn earlier denied discussing them. Sally Yates, whom Trump would later fire as acting Attorney General for insubordination, is involved in the investigation. In the end, Flynn resigns over having misled Vice President Mike Pence (perhaps inadvertently) about the content of the conversation.

9. February: Times claims extensive Russian contacts. The New York Times cites “four current and former American officials” in reporting that the Trump campaign had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials. The Trump campaign denies the claims — and the Times admits that there is “no evidence” of coordination between the campaign and the Russians. The White House and some congressional Republicans begin to raise questions about illegal intelligence leaks.

10. March: the Washington Post targets Jeff Sessions. The Washington Post reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had contact twice with the Russian ambassador during the campaign — once at a Heritage Foundation event and once at a meeting in Sessions’s Senate office. The Post suggests that the two meetings contradict Sessions’s testimony at his confirmation hearings that he had no contacts with the Russians, though in context (not presented by the Post) it was clear he meant in his capacity as a campaign surrogate, and that he was responding to claims in the “dossier” of ongoing contacts. The New York Times, in covering the story, adds that the Obama White House “rushed to preserve” intelligence related to alleged Russian links with the Trump campaign. By “preserve” it really means “disseminate”: officials spread evidence throughout other government agencies “to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators” and perhaps the media as well....


Don Surber: Obama wire-tapped Trump Tower
The democrat party is going down....it's exciting!!!!!!

Yeah sure! Just like the repub party was destined for the dustbin of history and Hillary was gonna win by a landslide. lol
We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.
So, you're saying the POTUS doesn't have access to this type of information...do tell....
Assuming the president is not bat shit crazy, in making a serious criminal accusations against the previous president, he should have sufficient evidence to request an FBI investigation. However, Trump is expecting congress to investigate? Trump is just trying to draw attention away from the congressional investigation of Russian meddling in the election. Unless he releases something to confirm his statement, it will be seen as just another deflection by the Deflector in Chief.

I suspect, the right wing media will build scenarios for Obama wiretapping Trump and Trump will use the bully pulpit to fan the flames.

The "Russian meddling" thing is a con and a faux scandal. They idea that Trump had anything to do with it is preposterous. There is zero evidence that he did. All this is doing is preventing Trump from advancing his agenda. No one is fooled.
If there was nothing to the Russia meddling, I doubt Trump would have set a new low in American politics with a personal attack on his predecessor with claims of criminal activity with no evidence.

Either Trump was in one of his Twitter tirades when he made the accusation or he's just nuts because this raises the question of why the government would be tapping his phones just prior to his victory.
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We expect unsupported accusations on the campaign trail but not from the president. Doesn't Trump understand he's president and both friend an foe expect true from him, not wild tales, exaggerations, and out right lies. What he is doing is creating an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. His staff seems to spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to justify, deflect, or explains his comments.
So, you're saying the POTUS doesn't have access to this type of information...do tell....
Assuming the president is not bat shit crazy, in making a serious criminal accusations against the previous president, he should have sufficient evidence to request an FBI investigation. However, Trump is expecting congress to investigate? Trump is just trying to draw attention away from the congressional investigation of Russian meddling in the election. Unless he releases something to confirm his statement, it will be seen as just another deflection by the Deflector in Chief.

I suspect, the right wing media will build scenarios for Obama wiretapping Trump and Trump will use the bully pulpit to fan the flames.

The "Russian meddling" thing is a con and a faux scandal. They idea that Trump had anything to do with it is preposterous. There is zero evidence that he did. All this is doing is preventing Trump from advancing his agenda. No one is fooled.
If there was nothing to the Russia meddling, I doubt Trump would have set a new low in American politics with a personal attack on his predecessor with claims of criminal activity with no evidence.

Either Trump was in one his Twitter tirades when he made the accusation or he's just nuts because this raises the question of why the government would be tapping his phones just prior to his victory.
Seems democrats are detaching themselves from your Obama after he wire tapped Trumos home.....
Breaking Update!

it's possible for Obama to have directly ordered the FBI to tap candidate Trump's phone?

Here is an independent unbiased article that just deals with the facts, not skewed CNN, Foxnews angles:

Trump's Wiretapping Claim Based on Warrants Granted to FBI
Follow the hard evidence...not li,e the baseless Russia conspiracy pushed by liberals and MSM.
Facts and liberals escape each other...:lol:

Yeah but at least liberals are capable of recognizing a fact when it kicks them in the ass. Something that escapes concervatives entirely.
owebo, post: 16732418
Seems democrats are detaching themselves from your Obama after he wire tapped Trumos home.....

Obama did not do it. Trump could prove it right now if he did.

Another Former CIA Director is dissing Trump.

Michael Hayden told “Fox and Friends” that “my instinct is no,” President Obama did not order that Trump be wiretapped. The White House has demanded that Congress investigate Trump's claim.

“It looks as if the President just for a moment forgot that he was President,” Hayden continued. “Why didn’t he simply use the powers of the presidency to ask the acting director of national intelligence, the head of the FBI, to confirm or deny the story he apparently read from Breitbart the evening before?”

Forcing young girls to shower with perverts who have dicks is pure fascism. Forcing a baker to bake a cake for a wedding he/she wants no part of is fascism.

That are idiotic statements. Sexual deviants were kept in camps or isolated from Normies under a fascist government.

Open borders is treason, pure and simple. It forces Americans to live and work with people that don't belong here.

Agree, but what has this to do with fascism?

The left has imposed this shit on the majority of Americans who don't want it. That's fascism.

Another idiotic statement.
The left is imposing Communism and Globalism (Commintern).
Fascist never imposed Globalism, open boarders or LGBT in the countries they governed.

BTW, how old are you?
I say he's a Musli-Commie. :FIREdevil:

Muslims are just pawns in the big chess game.
Obama is just a puppet.

And they called him "first Jewish president".

Friday in Washington, D.C. at the Jewish American Heritage Celebration, President Barack Obama told the audience The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg once called him the “first Jewish president.”
Obama: I Have Been Called 'The First Jewish President' - Breitbart

:haha: :badgrin:
owebo, post: 16732418
Seems democrats are detaching themselves from your Obama after he wire tapped Trumos home.....

Obama did not do it. Trump could prove it right now if he did.

Another Former CIA Director is dissing Trump.

Michael Hayden told “Fox and Friends” that “my instinct is no,” President Obama did not order that Trump be wiretapped. The White House has demanded that Congress investigate Trump's claim.

“It looks as if the President just for a moment forgot that he was President,” Hayden continued. “Why didn’t he simply use the powers of the presidency to ask the acting director of national intelligence, the head of the FBI, to confirm or deny the story he apparently read from Breitbart the evening before?”

Hayden: Trump ‘Forgot That He Was President,’ Could See Wiretapping Proof
Are you saying Obama wasn't POTUS? Link?
Gowdy Says He Hasn't Seen Evidence Of Trump's Wild Wiretapping Claim
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who led the House's Benghazi investigation, told Fox News on
How's that "hope'n change" thing coming along these days? :rofl:
They didn't have a warrant to do what they did. The ex AG is in big trouble. You know the dishonest one whats her name that met with Bill Corruption Clinton on the back lot of the phoenix airport in a air cooled government plane? Come on libs you know this is going to end badly for the dems. It's only a matter of time.
Now that their messiah's legacy is about to get shat on, watch them back out of the "Trump colluded with the Russians" investigation, real fast.
They didn't have a warrant to do what they did. The ex AG is in big trouble. You know the dishonest one whats her name that met with Bill Corruption Clinton on the back lot of the phoenix airport in a air cooled government plane? Come on libs you know this is going to end badly for the dems. It's only a matter of time.
Now that their messiah's legacy is about to get shat on, watch them back out of the "Trump colluded with the Russians" investigation, real fast.
I agree....democrats are running as fast as they can from their fakes news....

I don't think Trump intends on dropping the issue however....it's Grand Jury time for Obama....
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
No. They have rushed to their own destruction. They are going to have to change their names to Lemocrats because they are Lemmings!
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