Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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It is no secret that Trump does not tell the truth.
He was actually elected as president because voters trusted Trump far more than crooked Hillary, Obama, and the other corrupt politicians that have been lying and screwing this country over. For decades.
If that was in fact, the reason electors voted for Trump, it seems the people voted for Hillary.
You must be yet another humiliated Dem talking out of his / her ass, unable to deal with the election results. Trump won the electoral college, busted the Rust Belt and many states that had not voted republican in almost 40 years. He did it by spending a fraction of what crooked Hillary and the corrupt Dems did, and ran against the disgusting dishonest biased media, the Democratic party, and the establishment republicans. The republicans now have total control of the house, senate, state legislators, and governorships. Not to mention the Supreme Court. Republicans control 34 states and if they win one more state, they can have a constitutional convention, which means they can change the constitution. Your party is now rudderless, leaderless, and clueless, which is why it is about to implode.
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?

YOU approved of the Russian hacking.

btw, why did you start a duplicate thread on this topic while at the same time you're posting in the original thread?
What hacking
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.
I say he's a Musli-Commie. :FIREdevil:

Muslims are just pawns in the big chess game.
Obama is just a puppet.

And they called him "first Jewish president".

Friday in Washington, D.C. at the Jewish American Heritage Celebration, President Barack Obama told the audience The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg once called him the “first Jewish president.”
Obama: I Have Been Called 'The First Jewish President' - Breitbart
Where's the proof of any REAL wiretapping? It's fun to watch the RWrs so gullible again and again and again and again......

So the FISA court granted a wire tap order, but no wire tap was conducted?

Yeah, we believe that.

What FISA court granted wire tap?

Read the papers.

That's the problem.

No evidence. Didn't you read the OP?
No evidence yet!!! However, the evidence will be 4th coming. Trump and red state Amerika just needs to be patient!!!!!
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?

YOU approved of the Russian hacking.

btw, why did you start a duplicate thread on this topic while at the same time you're posting in the original thread?
What hacking
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.
Trump doesn't have a Russian problem. There is absolutely no evidence presented that the Trump campaign colluded in any way with the Russians. This is all hysteria and hype created by the Dems and the fake news media.
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Trump doesn't have a Russian problem. There is absolutely no evidence presented that the Trump campaign colluded in any way with the Russians. This is all hysteria and hype created by the Dems and the fake news media.

If there's nothing to it, why is Trump doing a hail mary on the first down?
Thing is...Trump holds all the cards...you fascist democrats hold none....good luck with your fake news bullshit.....we are loving it....
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Trump doesn't have a Russian problem. There is absolutely no evidence presented that the Trump campaign colluded in any way with the Russians. This is all hysteria and hype created by the Dems and the fake news media.

If there's nothing to it, why is Trump doing a hail mary on the first down?
The Dem's are doing all the hail mary's, dumbass. Running around like chicken with their heads cut off, throwing all kinds of fabrication shit, false accusations, speculations, fake news at the wall, hoping something will stick. Has anybody ever seen the losing party treat a new, incoming democratically elected president, in this matter? I for sure haven't, in my entire lifetime. Dem's are in full panic mode now.
Sweaty Sean didn't allow cameras today

He knew it would be ugly


I wonder what possesed Trump to say that stupid shit. He better hope it's true, clearly he had no fucking idea one way or another.
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Yup, you said McCain would win and the JV would win. The varsity did, however.
Trump doesn't have a Russian problem. There is absolutely no evidence presented that the Trump campaign colluded in any way with the Russians. This is all hysteria and hype created by the Dems and the fake news media.
If there's nothing to it, why is Trump doing a hail mary on the first down?
Eat it, dumbass.
American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump’s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself. It is also unclear whether the inquiry has anything to do with an investigation into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computers and other attempts to disrupt the elections in November.

Only by denying the obvious can Democrats continue to defend the OBama regime from the obvious conclusions that he abused power on a regular basis.
Spying on the opposition party's presidential candidate is as low as it gets. Especially when you don't find anything. Let's see how the MSM handles this fiasco.

Yes...it is...

And being so, what evidence do you have to support this..uh..."fiasco"?
Yeah...there is no evidence backing Trump's allegations, so says the DNC media and dupes accept it completely and fully.

Yet...we know the Obama surveillance state (the greatest surveillance state since East Germany) surveilled James Rosen, Sharyl Attkinson, and the AP. To say nothing of the mountain of other evidence...

...funny...the left apparently forgot about all this...forgot about Big Ears expanding the Patriot Act to spy on all Americans,...forgot about Snowden and all the things he exposed about our criminal government.

WTF! Trump is proving that his dementia medication isn't working very effectively.
Yup, JB, and the feebs are going find the smoking gun that ties Trump, the Russians, and election collusion together.
The Dem's are doing all the hail mary's, dumbass. Running around like chicken with their heads cut off, throwing all kinds of fabrication shit, false accusations, speculations, fake news at the wall, hoping something will stick. Has anybody ever seen the losing party treat a new, incoming democratically elected president, in this matter? I for sure haven't, in my entire lifetime. Dem's are in full panic mode now.

I hate to have to remind you, but the 16 intelligence agencies briefed trump on the Russian meddling into the election before he even took office. Back then, Trump was refusing 5 out of 6 intelligence briefings.
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