Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Listening to Mark Levin scream his show right now. He's saying that this is all the media's fault for putting out bad information in the "evidence" he used in his claim.

It couldn't be that the stories were fine and he just completely mangled them to convince people that Trump's "tweet" was correct.

This just gets stranger and stranger.
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Watching you democrats end is awesome!!!!
The only end of a political party has been the conservatives, in fact two times. Meanwhile the Democrats keep rolling along since Jefferson.
Let's recap: The republicans have the House, the Senate, presidency (had states voting red that hadn't in over 40 years), majority state legislators, majority governorships, they control 34 states and if the win one more they convene a constitutional convention...which party is in trouble again? :cuckoo:
Trump has a Russia problem, a wire tap problem, a rigged election problem, and he issued an EO on immigration that makes sense. Finally.

We have had the JV running things since Election Day.
Watching you democrats end is awesome!!!!
The only end of a political party has been the conservatives, in fact two times. Meanwhile the Democrats keep rolling along since Jefferson.
Let's recap: The republicans have the House, the Senate, presidency (had states voting red that hadn't in over 40 years), majority state legislators, majority governorships, they control 34 states and if the win one more they convene a constitutional convention...which party is in trouble again? :cuckoo:
And they lost seats in the House and Senate, the President is a demolite, the Court still is hard centrist, and the Pubs just like the Dems will swing around again on the Wheel of Fortune. The difference will be that Roudy will be on the ground fuming.
Who in the FBI tapped Flynns phone call and why did Clapper not know about that?
Crickets so I'll ask again........Who in the FBI tapped Flynns phone call and why did Clapper not know about that?
Crickets so I'll ask again........Who in the FBI tapped Flynns phone call and why did Clapper not know about that?
Clapper knows all about it...he's a lying sack of shit.....and democrats celebrate him.....
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
The failure of Republican policies as far as the majority of Americans go will be the downfall of the GOP as a ruling party.

And if I'm wrong then I'll be the first to admit you fascists were right.
Roudy, post: 1673380
Your party is now rudderless, leaderless, and clueless, which is why it is about to implode.

Why is Trump behaving like a loser, then?

His Saturday 3:00 AM Tweetstorm accusing Obama of crimes with absolutely nothing factual behind it, is an act of desperation like a cornered rat.

Maybe Obama hacked into Trump's I-Phone and sent the messages and drugged Trump so he can't remember that he is the President of the United States of America.
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Rambunctious, post: 16735414
.Who in the FBI tapped Flynns phone call and why did Clapper not know about that?

It's easy. Clapper knows that the Russian Ambassador's line was being monitored and then they heard Flynn lie publically that he did not discuss sanctions. So they told Trump that Flynn was a national security risk because he lied about.

Clapper denied Obama was involved in a FISA Court request. You are very confused.
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?

YOU approved of the Russian hacking.

btw, why did you start a duplicate thread on this topic while at the same time you're posting in the original thread?
What hacking
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.
You whine about name calling and then promptly engage in name calling. When you douche bags call Trump names what you are really doing is attacking everyone who voted for him.

That's one reason I call you "douche bag."
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?


Ask yourself, who will report the truth? No one other than news sites that the left has demonized, so only right wingers will believe them.

Also, what will they do with the truth, will they present their evidence to the 9th court District?

Trust me, they have all their bases covered. The truth no longer matters.
Trump is unhinged and must be stopped

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets - CNNPolitics.com

FBI Director James Comey was "incredulous" over the weekend after President Donald Trump's allegation via Twitter that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.
The source said Comey was concerned that the allegation would make the FBI look bad, and that concern was part of what prompted the FBI director to have his staff reach out to staff at the Department of Justice asking them to knock down the allegation.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.
Trump is unhinged and must be stopped

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets - CNNPolitics.com

FBI Director James Comey was "incredulous" over the weekend after President Donald Trump's allegation via Twitter that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.
The source said Comey was concerned that the allegation would make the FBI look bad, and that concern was part of what prompted the FBI director to have his staff reach out to staff at the Department of Justice asking them to knock down the allegation.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.

Must be. He had the audacity to tell the Emperor the truth didn't he? Mr. Trump...you have no clothes.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?


Ask yourself, who will report the truth? No one other than news sites that the left has demonized, so only right wingers will believe them.

Also, what will they do with the truth, will they present their evidence to the 9th court District?

Trust me, they have all their bases covered. The truth no longer matters.

Well there's always the news sites that the right has demonized...
Clapper is a proven liar.


ome lawmakers reacted to the long-expected resignation announcement from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Thursday by wishing him an eventful retirement, featuring prosecution and possible prison time.

The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.
owebo, post: 16735504,
Clapper knows all about it...he's a lying sack of shit

There is a paper trail on FISA requests. Trump could access it but he rides with right wing maniac Mark Levin.

I heard an hour and a half of his rant tonight - the man has gone conspiracy theory insane.

Now there were according to Levin no FISA Court warrants issued to tap Trump's phone or anything else at Trump Tower.

So Clapper is backed by Comey that Obama did no tapping or anything wrong.

Levin was improvising to raise questions about Obama's last few days in office. Obama's crime now: protecting gathered evidence so the incoming disaster can't hide it or destroy it.

Let's see if Trump echoes Levin in more 3:00 AM tweets.

Trump could simply have a conversation with Comey as to why Trump thinks the FBI did something illegal. The paper trail of FISA Court requests is available to Trump.

Trump can diss the FBI and the FISA Court but that surely puts him at political risk and our nation at a severe national security risk.
Trump is unhinged and must be stopped

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets - CNNPolitics.com

FBI Director James Comey was "incredulous" over the weekend after President Donald Trump's allegation via Twitter that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.
The source said Comey was concerned that the allegation would make the FBI look bad, and that concern was part of what prompted the FBI director to have his staff reach out to staff at the Department of Justice asking them to knock down the allegation.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.

Must be. He had the audacity to tell the Emperor the truth didn't he? Mr. Trump...you have no clothes.

Trump told the truth. Comey ordered the FBI to wire tap Trump's home.
Trump is unhinged and must be stopped

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets - CNNPolitics.com

FBI Director James Comey was "incredulous" over the weekend after President Donald Trump's allegation via Twitter that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.
The source said Comey was concerned that the allegation would make the FBI look bad, and that concern was part of what prompted the FBI director to have his staff reach out to staff at the Department of Justice asking them to knock down the allegation.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.

Must be. He had the audacity to tell the Emperor the truth didn't he? Mr. Trump...you have no clothes.

Trump told the truth. Comey ordered the FBI to wire tap Trump's home.

Funny....since there's an astounding lack of evidence.

This must be one of Trump's "alternative facts" right?
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