Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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tinydancer, post: 16737003
I'm having a blast watching the left wing media trying to spin this. The evidence comes from their very own articles.

I see you listened to Mark Levin last night. The articles in no way report a conspiracy theory that Obama was wiretapping trumps phone or spying on him.

Surveillance on Trump campaign officials certainly could have come from legal wire taps on watched foreign officials.
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tinydancer, post: 16737003
I'm having a blast watching the left wing media trying to spin this. The evidence comes from their very own articles.

I see you listened to Mark Levin last night. The articles in no way report a conspiracy theory that Obama was wiretapping trumps phone or spying on him.

Ah, but they do. Furthermore, the situation with Flynn does as well.
tinydancer, post: 16737003
I'm having a blast watching the left wing media trying to spin this. The evidence comes from their very own articles.

I see you listened to Mark Levin last night. The articles in no way report a conspiracy theory that Obama was wiretapping trumps phone or spying on him.

Surveillance on Trump campaign officials certainly could have come from legal wire taps on watched foreign officials.
Did you?
It is no secret that Trump does not tell the truth.
He was actually elected as president because voters trusted Trump far more than crooked Hillary, Obama, and the other corrupt politicians that have been lying and screwing this country over. For decades.
If that was in fact, the reason electors voted for Trump, it seems the people voted for Hillary.

Many more people in one state voted for Hillary, but it seems that the majority of the voters in other states voted for Trump.

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?

YOU approved of the Russian hacking.

btw, why did you start a duplicate thread on this topic while at the same time you're posting in the original thread?
What hacking
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.

It's odd that you want to beat the "Stolen-Rigged Election" drum when there's not a shred of evidence that Russia changed ONE vote or hacked ONE voting machine.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?


Ask yourself, who will report the truth? No one other than news sites that the left has demonized, so only right wingers will believe them.

Also, what will they do with the truth, will they present their evidence to the 9th court District?

Trust me, they have all their bases covered. The truth no longer matters.

Well there's always the news sites that the right has demonized...
You mean fake news? Or very fake news?

Which category does Breitbart fall under...? You'd call it "very fake" ... I'd call it "untethered from reality".
I call it readable news.....it gives you the option to use what brainpower you have to decide on your own......
So let me get this straight. You claim to be raking in the dough yet you read Breitbart? What profession are you in? I'd like to steer my career in that direction to I can support myself in case I become senile.
Grad Jury?
Yep....a Grand Jury.....

Strange how your obamamwent uncharacteristically quite in the face of Trumps attract.....

Stay tuned,mthe fun is just beginning...:lol:

Obama hasn't commented on anything Trump has said or done. He's too busy catching up on all the things he couldn't do as president.

Another hypocrisy because you would be yelling a storm if Obama commented on everything Trump did. So when he doesn't comment on anything Trump does, you call it uncharastically quiet.
Many more people in one state voted for Hillary, but it seems that the majority of the voters in other states voted for Trump.

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Trump won because of approximately 60,000 votes in three battleground states, giving him an EC victory. But that ignors those votes were offset by 3,060,000 votes in other states for the popular vote totals.

Trump won. Indisputable. Most of the 3,060,000 were from California. A fact. You're upset because Hillary lost. I'm glad.
It's odd that you want to beat the "Stolen-Rigged Election" drum when there's not a shred of evidence that Russia changed ONE vote or hacked ONE voting machine.

There are many ways to hack an election that don't involve directly tampering with the voting machines. Like the release of "fake news"
There are many ways to hack an election that don't involve directly tampering with the voting machines. Like the release of "fake news"

LMAO! Then the media is guilty of that as well.

Is your position that the MSM did NOT try to meddle in the presidential election? Because you would have take the same position on Russia as you do the MSM. And you say the Russians didn't influence the election.
Many more people in one state voted for Hillary, but it seems that the majority of the voters in other states voted for Trump.

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

You do realize that came from the COMMENTARY section, and not from the NEWS.

Everybody has an opinion.

Yes I did. I liked that opinion based on the facts they presented. Did you not notice the factual information included in the opinion piece?
No one tapped Flynn's phone
Not true, the call between General Flynn and the Russian ambassador was intercepted. Who did it and why? Why was it done without telling Clapper? Was it done without permission? Obama's administration has some questions to answer.
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