Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Many more people in one state voted for Hillary, but it seems that the majority of the voters in other states voted for Trump.

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Trump won because of approximately 60,000 votes in three battleground states, giving him an EC victory. But that ignors those votes were offset by 3,060,000 votes in other states for the popular vote totals.

The electoral vote always trumps the popular vote. Had Trump wanted the popular vote as bragging rights like you assign to that failed candidate of a wife of bill clinton, Trump would have spent more time in states like California. This is the knowing how to win mentality and attitude that is what this country needs to become great again, not this continuous bickering and whining about the past that you can't change.
Trump is unhinged and must be stopped

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets - CNNPolitics.com

FBI Director James Comey was "incredulous" over the weekend after President Donald Trump's allegation via Twitter that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.
The source said Comey was concerned that the allegation would make the FBI look bad, and that concern was part of what prompted the FBI director to have his staff reach out to staff at the Department of Justice asking them to knock down the allegation.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.
Trump won't make it past the 2018 mid-terms! The drum beat for impeachment has already started. The hope for Trump will be to get the country into another useless ground war somewhere; thinking being a war-time President will get him re-elected.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.

Must be. He had the audacity to tell the Emperor the truth didn't he? Mr. Trump...you have no clothes.

Trump told the truth. Comey ordered the FBI to wire tap Trump's home.

Funny....since there's an astounding lack of evidence.

This must be one of Trump's "alternative facts" right?

When was lack of evidence ever a cause for concern for snowflakes? It's the seriousness of the charge that matters. Lack of evidence just means we need a bigger investigation.
Just what the country needs, more and bigger investigations.
A snowflake whining about investigations? You guys love investigations.
Trump is unhinged and must be stopped

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets - CNNPolitics.com

FBI Director James Comey was "incredulous" over the weekend after President Donald Trump's allegation via Twitter that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign, a person familiar with the matter told CNN.
The source said Comey was concerned that the allegation would make the FBI look bad, and that concern was part of what prompted the FBI director to have his staff reach out to staff at the Department of Justice asking them to knock down the allegation.
Comey's days are numbered. There's no way Trump won't be asking for his resignation in short order. He's an establishment stooge.
Trump won't make it past the 2018 mid-terms! The drum beat for impeachment has already started. The hope for Trump will be to get the country into another useless ground war somewhere; thinking being a war-time President will get him re-elected.
No one cares about snowflake whining.
What hacking
Trump has a Russian collusion problem. He must deliver for Putin or be exposed for treason!!!
Where's the evidence, douche bag?
There's no need for name calling. However, tRUMP's Russian problem isn't going anywhere for the next 4 years. The evidence will be dripped out to where its ruins trumps "Stolen-Rigged Election.

It's odd that you want to beat the "Stolen-Rigged Election" drum when there's not a shred of evidence that Russia changed ONE vote or hacked ONE voting machine.
TRUMP hopes that red state voters looks at his Russia-Putin scandal the same way you and your ilk continue to look at it. However, The slow drip of russia-putin interferring in the 2016 election do damage the DNC, the worst it will get for Trump and the GOP.
Only dumbasses don't know that this so-called "scandal" is nothing more than a Democrat con. There is no there there.
Those were taps on the Russian Ambassador and any other Russian foreign national scoundrel that Trump's goons were talking to. If Trump called them he was being listened to. Sorry about his luck. He maintains he didn't talk to any Russians.

If you don't want to be recorded by the NSA, don't talk to terrorists, or agents of foreign powers. It's that simple.

That was Flynn's job, you dumbshit douche bag.
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.

The more Trump calls for investigations, example of the wiretapping of Trump tower, the more the NSA has to go through their archives of intercepted recordings.
Trump tower had a FISA and wire tapped because that's were the crooks and bad hombre's visited. This isn't going away any time soon. Trump and boys will need commit our military to a ground war somewhere in the world to get all the stink off him.
So you're admitting the Obama administration wire tapped Trump's home?

You read it wrong. You're probably reciting the Mark Levin version of what the Times said.

I know you fascists seek to dominate the dialogue, but things are unraveling fast.

I suspect you are in far deeper trouble than you Fuhrer or his hate sites have led you to believe.
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.
You're mistaken, It's going to get worse for Obama and the Dims, not Trump.
tinydancer, post: 16737003
I'm having a blast watching the left wing media trying to spin this. The evidence comes from their very own articles.

I see you listened to Mark Levin last night. The articles in no way report a conspiracy theory that Obama was wiretapping trumps phone or spying on him.

Surveillance on Trump campaign officials certainly could have come from legal wire taps on watched foreign officials.
The articles did indeed report several instances of wiretapping, and FISA warrants on Trump Tower. So either they lied and it was leftie fake news, or Hussein Obama and James Crapper are hiding something.
Roudy, you miseed that those "articles in now way report a conspiracy theory" about Obama and wiretapping. Got to read it all.
The articles were hit pieces on Trump, and reported wiretaps and FISA warrants on Trump as a failed attempt to place his character into question. Obama had access to the info and shared it with the Hillary campaign, and two weeks before he left office, he passed a law to make sure his people on the inside would leak this info.
You are engaged in Alt Right fabrication (outright lying). You have no proof of any of that, and you don't understand Presidents don't pass laws.
You're just an ignorant alt lefter, not even aware of the corruption, betrayal and deceptiveness of the Democratic party. Why don't you look it up on your own. There's a reason Obama changed the rules in the last days of his presidency. This thing stinks of a conspiracy by Obama and his cronies, I sure hope they get to the bottom of it and put a few of them behind bars. :


N.S.A. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications

WASHINGTON — In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.

The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.

The change means that far more officials will be searching through raw data. Essentially, the government is reducing the risk that the N.S.A. will fail to recognize that a piece of information would be valuable to another agency, but increasing the risk that officials will see private information about innocent people.

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch signed the new rules, permitting the N.S.A. to disseminate “raw signals intelligence information,” on Jan. 3, after the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., signed them on Dec. 15, according to a 23-page, largely declassified copy of the procedures.
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The law is coming for Trump and the Alt Righties involved with RussiaGate.

The lawyers are looking at charges for those knowingly pushing alt facts in the media, government and private posters.
Must be. He had the audacity to tell the Emperor the truth didn't he? Mr. Trump...you have no clothes.

Trump told the truth. Comey ordered the FBI to wire tap Trump's home.

Funny....since there's an astounding lack of evidence.

This must be one of Trump's "alternative facts" right?

When was lack of evidence ever a cause for concern for snowflakes? It's the seriousness of the charge that matters. Lack of evidence just means we need a bigger investigation.
Just what the country needs, more and bigger investigations.

Dejas vous...and how much money did they end up spending on White Water?
Most Congressional investigations are political witch hunts. In fact, calling them investigations is bit of a misnomer. Inquisition would probably be a better term.
Trump told the truth. Comey ordered the FBI to wire tap Trump's home.

Funny....since there's an astounding lack of evidence.

This must be one of Trump's "alternative facts" right?

When was lack of evidence ever a cause for concern for snowflakes? It's the seriousness of the charge that matters. Lack of evidence just means we need a bigger investigation.
Just what the country needs, more and bigger investigations.

Dejas vous...and how much money did they end up spending on White Water?
Most Congressional investigations are political witch hunts. In fact, calling them investigations is bit of a misnomer. Inquisition would probably be a better term.

And we pay for it.
The GOP needs to just come to term with the reality that Trump's Russia problem will get worse.

The more Trump calls for investigations, example of the wiretapping of Trump tower, the more the NSA has to go through their archives of intercepted recordings.
Trump is not afraid of anything, there is nothing to hide, as even Clapper the traitor clearly said, "there has been no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians" So witch-hunt your heart's desire all that you want. On the other hand, finding out the sources of the leaks, including those who planned and directed them, and placing them in front of a firing squad, would be a good start to draining the swamp.
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Many more people in one state voted for Hillary, but it seems that the majority of the voters in other states voted for Trump.

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Trump won because of approximately 60,000 votes in three battleground states, giving him an EC victory. But that ignors those votes were offset by 3,060,000 votes in other states for the popular vote totals.

The electoral vote always trumps the popular vote. Had Trump wanted the popular vote as bragging rights like you assign to that failed candidate of a wife of bill clinton, Trump would have spent more time in states like California. This is the knowing how to win mentality and attitude that is what this country needs to become great again, not this continuous bickering and whining about the past that you can't change.
You must be laid-off ACORN worker. What happened, didn't find enough people to commit voter fraud for Hussien Obama?
No one tapped Flynn's phone
Not true, the call between General Flynn and the Russian ambassador was intercepted. Who did it and why? Why was it done without telling Clapper? Was it done without permission? Obama's administration has some questions to answer.
Yes, true. The Russian Ambassador was being wiretapped, not Flynn.
No one tapped Flynn's phone
Not true, the call between General Flynn and the Russian ambassador was intercepted. Who did it and why? Why was it done without telling Clapper? Was it done without permission? Obama's administration has some questions to answer.

What is so unbelieveable that we have taps on the russians? And anybody stupid enough to call the Russian embassy is going to be recorded by the NSA. So they should be careful what they say.
What is unbelievable and in fact treasonous is that Democrats and their cronies in govt. agencies have allowed the world to know that Americans are actively spying and wiretapping diplomats, leaders , and representatives of other countries, friend or foe. Of course, this is all because crooked Hillary lost. Had she won last November none of these discussions or preplanned leaks would have occured.
Yeah, the Russians had no clue we spy on them until now. <smh>
Gee I wonder why Trump would beleive that he would be wiretapped as well?

Too bad for you the article doesn't say they wiretapped Trump aides. Everyone already knows Trump aides were caught communicating with Russian officials who were the ones being wiretapped.
Gee I wonder why Trump would beleive that he would be wiretapped as well?

Those were taps on the Russian Ambassador and any other Russian foreign national scoundrel that Trump's goons were talking to. If Trump called them he was being listened to. Sorry about his luck. He maintains he didn't talk to any Russians.

Nope, the NY Times claimed they were taps on FLYNN, not the Russians.

I think you fascists are in big trouble, even if you don't grasp it.
You're so fucking demented. Quote the NY Times saying Flynn was the target of the wiretaps....
Yes, true. The Russian Ambassador was being wiretapped, not Flynn
That is illegal, it's not whose phone it is it's who is on the phone and for a sitting senator or General or any American to be secretly recorded on a personal call without cause is a crime.
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